998 resultados para matrices setting


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Esse estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de contribuir com a avaliação dos efeitos de uma intervenção comportamental direcionada a pais/responsáveis de crianças com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade-TDAH, investigando os efeitos desse modelo de treino parental em duas condições, setting terapêutico (Condição 1) e ambiente domiciliar (Condição 2), sobre a ocorrência de comportamentos de hiperatividade versus autocontrole. Os participantes foram pais de quatro crianças, na faixa etária entre cinco e nove anos. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos: Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido-TCLE, Inventário de Estilos Parentais-IEP, Lista de Verificação Comportamental para Crianças e Adolescentes-CBCL/TRF, Escala do TDAH versão para professor, Roteiro de Entrevista Inicial, Roteiro de Entrevista de Avaliação, Roteiro de Entrevista Final, Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil-CCEB. O procedimento de pesquisa consistiu em: (a) contato com neuropediatra; (b) triagem e convite aos participantes; (c) distribuição de dois participantes para cada condição de intervenção; (d) avaliação inicial, incluindo entrevista com os responsáveis, aplicações do TCLE, IEP e CBCL; (e) visita à escola e aplicações do TCLE, da Escala do TDAH e do TRF, versões para professor; (f) realização de cinco sessões de intervenção, gravadas em áudio e vídeo, duas de linha de base, uma de habituação às regras e duas de manutenção das regras e instalação de comportamento de auto-observação, que envolveram situações de interação em jogos de regras, com participação da terapeuta-pesquisadora, da mãe e da criança; (g) realização de entrevista de avaliação da primeira fase; (h) reversão de contextos para os participantes e (i) avaliação final, realizada por meio de entrevista com os responsáveis e re-aplicação dos instrumentais padronizados com pais e professores, utilizados anteriormente, mais o CCEB. Os dados obtidos por meio dos instrumentos padronizados receberam o tratamento indicado nos manuais. Dois sistemas de categorias de análise do comportamento foram utilizados, um para descrever os comportamentos das mães e outro para comportamentos observados nas crianças. Os principais resultados sugerem que as crianças em ambiente de consultório tiveram maior ocorrência de emissão de comportamentos de autocontrole do que as em ambiente de domicílio, as quais, por sua vez, tiveram prevalência de comportamentos de hiperatividade/impulsividade. Do mesmo modo, as mães em ambiente de consultório obtiveram maiores escores em práticas educativas positivas e menos em negativas, comparadas às mães do grupo de domicílio. Houve aumento de práticas educativas positivas para a maioria das mães. Discute-se o contexto de consultório enquanto um ambiente eficaz de intervenção, embora se reconheça que as dificuldades de controle de comportamentos inadequados são maiores para os pais em ambiente domiciliar, por isso, intervenções em ambiente natural devem ser consideradas no processo terapêutico. Por outro lado, o treino parental demonstrou ser efetivo na aquisição, fortalecimento e manutenção de práticas educativas positivas em todas as mães, o que pode influenciar beneficamente os comportamentos das crianças com TDAH.


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Características ambientais e distâncias espaciais entre os locais foram utilizadas para explicar a distribuição das espécies no ambiente, através das predições da teoria Neutra (espaço) e teoria do Nicho (ambiente). Foram avaliados os efeitos de fatores geográficos e ambientais sobre a distribuição de larvas de Odonata ao longo da Bacia do Rio Suiá-Missu, no estado de Mato Grosso. Nós testamos a hipótese de que (1) o ambiente é o principal fator de estruturação da comunidade devido às suas exigências ecofisiológicas; e (2) o padrão, se presente, é mais expressivo para Zygoptera. As amostras foram feitas em 12 locais na Bacia do Rio Suiá-Missu, em três campanhas (2007/2008), com um total de 1.382 larvas de Odonata, composta por 10 famílias, 51 gêneros e 100 morfoespécies. Os Anisoptera foram mais abundantes que Zygoptera, que compreende 81% de todas as amostras. O ambiente afetou Zygoptera (R = 0,291; p = 0,007) e foi o principal fator de estruturação da assembléia. Assim, a teoria do nicho foi confirmada. A ausência deste efeito sobre Anisoptera pode ser devido às adaptações ecofisiológicos que lhes permitem ocupar diferentes habitats. Larvas de Zygoptera são indicadores de mudanças na estrutura do habitat. Os efeitos das variáveis ambientais sobre a ecologia das larvas enfatizam a forte relação entre esses organismos e integridade ambiental.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), which has been used for long time as a spice, food preservative and coloring agent, is a rich source of beneficial phenolic compounds identified as curcuminoids. These phenolic compounds are known for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimutagenic properties, among others. On the other hand, they are very susceptible to oxidation, requiring protection against oxygen, light and heat. This protection can be achieved by microencapsulation. In this work, the characteristics and the stability of turmeric oleoresin encapsulated by freeze-drying using mixtures of maltodextrin and gelatin as wall materials were studied. Encapsulated turmeric oleoresin was stored at –20, 25 and 60 °C, in the absence of light, and analyzed over a period of 35 days for curcumin and total phenolic contents and color. Results showed that the samples produced with 26% maltodextrin/0.6% gelatin and 22% maltodextrin/3% gelatin presented good encapsulation efficiencies and solubility. In general, the method of encapsulation employed originated products with satisfactory thermal stability, although the encapsulated materials with a higher proportion of maltodextrin in relation to gelatin had better stabilities, especially at –20 and 25 °C temperatures.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the compressive strength and setting time of MTA and Portland cement (PC) associated with bismuth oxide (BO), zirconium oxide (ZO), calcium tungstate (CT), and strontium carbonate (SC). Methods. For the compressive strength test, specimens were evaluated in an EMIC DL 2000 apparatus at 0.5 mm/min speed. For evaluation of setting time, each material was analyzed using Gilmore-type needles. The statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA and the Tukey tests, at 5% significance. Results. After 24 hours, the highest values were found for PC and PC + ZO. At 21 days, PC + BO showed the lowest compressive strength among all the groups. The initial setting time was greater for PC. The final setting time was greater for PC and PC + CT, and MTA had the lowest among the evaluated materials (< 0.05). Conclusion. The results showed that all radiopacifying agents tested may potentially be used in association with PC to replace BO.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We tried to analyze in this paper the meaning of silence into the analytical setting, based in Winnicott’s proposal of psychoanalysis and from clinical experience fragments of one the authors. Therefore, we surveyed the meaning of silence in the setting for some psychoanalysts and, afterwards, we made reference mainly to the concepts related to Winnicott’s Theory of the Emotional Maturity, such as holding, handling, the presentation of objects, and those concerning hesitation and transitionality. We further availed ourselves of the concepts of transference and count transference to ponder on the therapeutic dyad into the analytical setting. Our final considerations point to the need to consider silence as an important communication in certain circumstances of the therapeutic work, as well as suggesting that the setting, in this case study, requested hopeful non-invasive approach of the therapist, to allow the appearance of transitional space through which the emotional maturity can be resumed in this patient.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the macroscopy and microstructure of a double setting alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement sphere provided with interconnection channels (alpha-TCP-i), as well as the integration of the implant with the rabbits' orbital tissue, through macroscopic analysis and histopathology. The external and internal surfaces of the alpha-TCP-i were evaluated macroscopically and by electron microscopy. Twelve New Zealand rabbits received 12mm implants of alpha-TCP-i following enucleation of the left eye. The clinical assessment was undertaken daily during the first 15 days, followed by fortnightly assessment until the end of the study period. For the morphological analysis, exenteration was performed in 3 animals per experimental period (15, 45, 90 and 180 days). The external and internal surfaces of the implant appeared solid, smooth and compact, with six channels which interconnected centrally. The micro-architecture was characterized by the formation of columns of hexagonal crystals. No signs of infection, exposure, dehiscence of sutures or extrusion of the implant were noted in any of the animals during the entire period of the study. The morphological evaluation demonstrated the presence of a thin capsule around the implant, from whence appeared fibro-vascular projections, which penetrated it through the interconnecting channels. In the first days after the insertion of the implant, an intense inflammatory reaction was noted. At 180 days, however, there were no signs of inflammation. The alpha-tricalcium phosphate cement implant was well tolerated in this rabbit model and appeared to be relatively inert with some fibrovascular ingrowth through the large channels.


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Objective. This work measured the amount of bound versus unbound water in completely-demineralized dentin.Methods. Dentin beams prepared from extracted human teeth were completely demineralized, rinsed and dried to constant mass. They were rehydrated in 41% relative humidity (RH), while gravimetrically measuring their mass increase until the first plateau was reached at 0.064 (vacuum) or 0.116 g H2O/g dry mass (Drierite). The specimens were then exposed to 60% RH until attaining the second plateau at 0.220 (vacuum) or 0.191 g H2O/g dry mass (Drierite), and subsequently exposed to 99% RH until attaining the third plateau at 0.493 (vacuum) or 0.401 g H2O/g dry mass (Drierite).Results. Exposure of the first layer of bound water to 0% RH for 5 min produced a -0.3% loss of bound water; in the second layer of bound water it caused a -3.3% loss of bound water; in the third layer it caused a -6% loss of bound water. Immersion in 100% ethanol or acetone for 5 min produced a 2.8 and 1.9% loss of bound water from the first layer, respectively; it caused a -4 and -7% loss of bound water in the second layer, respectively; and a -17 and -23% loss of bound water in the third layer. Bound water represented 21-25% of total dentin water. Chemical dehydration of water-saturated dentin with ethanol/acetone for 1 min only removed between 25 and 35% of unbound water, respectively.Signcance. Attempts to remove bound water by evaporation were not very successful. Chemical dehydration with 100% acetone was more successful than 100% ethanol especially the third layer of bound water. Since unbound water represents between 75 and 79% of total matrix water, the more such water can be removed, the more resin can be infiltrated. (C) 2014 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a methodology for solving a linear system of equations on vector computer. The methodology combines direct and inverse factors. The decomposition and implementation of the direct solution in a CRAY Y-MPZE/232, and the performance results are discussed.


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Biomodification of existing hard tissue structures, specifically tooth dentin, is an innovative approach proposed to improve the biomechanical and biochemical properties of tissue for potential preventive or reparative therapies. The objectives of the study were to systematically characterize dentin matrices biomodified by proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract (GSE) and glutaraldehyde (GD). Changes to the biochemistry and biomechanical properties were assessed by several assays to investigate the degree of interaction, biodegradation rates, proteoglycan interaction, and effect of collagen fibril orientation and environmental conditions on the tensile properties. The highest degree of agent–dentin interaction was observed with GSE, which exhibited the highest denaturation temperature, regardless of the agent concentration. Biodegradation rates decreased remarkably following biomodification of dentin matrices after 24 h collagenase digestion. A significant decrease in the proteoglycan content of GSE-treated samples was observed using a micro-assay for glycosaminoglycans and histological electron microscopy, while no changes were observed for GD and the control. The tensile strength properties of GD-biomodified dentin matrices were affected by dentin tubule orientation, most likely due to the orientation of the collagen fibrils. Higher and/or increased stability of the tensile properties of GD- and GSE-treated samples were observed following exposure to collagenase and 8 months water storage. Biomodification of dentin matrices using chemical agents not only affects the collagen biochemistry, but also involves interaction with proteoglycans. Tissue biomodifiers interact differently with dentin matrices and may provide the tissue with enhanced preventive and restorative/reparative abilities.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)