997 resultados para massa foliar


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In letteratura è noto che la variabilità cinematica dei bambini durante il cammino è molto maggiore se confrontata con quella di soggetti adulti. Ciò rende difficile definire lo sviluppo del cammino basandosi sull'analisi di angoli articolari. In questo lavoro è stata valutata la traiettoria del centro di massa come possibile fattore caratterizzante la maturazione del cammino durante la crescita: l’ipotesi è che questa risulti, nei bambini, più ripetibile rispetto al pattern degli angoli articolari. È stata analizzata la cinematica del cammino di soggetti appartenenti a tre fasce di età differenti (4 anni, 6 anni, giovani adulti), mediante un sistema di stereofotogrammetria e marker riflettenti (protocollo Plug-in Gait). Lo studio è stato condotto avvalendosi di software per l’acquisizione, l’elaborazione (BTS Smart-DX) e l’analisi statistica (SPM1D) dei parametri d’interesse. La variabilità è stata analizzata secondo tre diverse modalità (Inter-subject, Intra-subject, Inter-test). È stato osservato un trend simile in termini di variabilità del centro di massa tra bambini e adulti. La variabilità cinematica degli angoli articolari è invece risultata più alta nei bambini, in maniera significativa per tutte e tre le modalità citate. L’ipotesi è stata confermata per i soggetti che hanno preso parte allo studio: i bambini, pur avendo raggiunto un relativo sviluppo del cammino, presentano una variabilità segmentale maggiore di quella degli adulti, mentre la variabilità della traiettoria del centro di massa è risultata essere simile a quella dei soggetti maturi.


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Il Modello Standard descrive la fenomenologia delle interazioni fondamentali con estrema precisione; tuttavia è incompleto e deve esistere nuova fisica oltre tale modello. Al momento non si è in grado di prevedere come e a che scala di energia tale fisica si manifesti. Un’eventuale risonanza nello stato finale μ + μ − a masse elevate costituirebbe un segnale di nuova fisica. Un fenomeno di questo tipo viene catalogato come produzione della particella Z' , la quale non rappresenterebbe necessariamente un nuovo bosone vettore sequenziale alla Z_0 . Questa tesi si colloca nell’ambito della ricerca della Z' nei processi di interazione protone-protone a LHC in termini di una generica risonanza che decade in coppie di muoni di carica opposta. I limiti attualmente fissati stabiliscono che non vi siano segnali di nuove risonanze per il Modello Sequenziale (SSM) al di sotto dei 2960 GeV. In questo lavoro di tesi si effettua un’analisi per un’eventuale Z ', fino a 5 TeV di massa. A Maggio 2015, LHC ha raggiunto un’energia nel centro di massa di 13 TeV aumentando di un fattore 10 o più il potere di scoperta per oggetti con massa superiore a 1 TeV. In questo scenario, favorevole all’osservazione di fenomeni rari, si inserisce la mia ricerca.


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L' elaborato è di analizzare la complessa realtà che circonda il mondo della comunicazione e, in particolare, quello dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa, dalle origini fino ai giorni nostri, con uno sguardo anche al futuro. Successivamente ci si sposta ad approfondire il campo del doppiaggio.


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By attacking plants, herbivorous mammals, insects, and belowground pathogens are known to play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in grasslands. Foliar fungal pathogens are ubiquitous in grassland ecosystems, but little is known about their role as drivers of community composition and diversity. Here we excluded foliar fungal pathogens from perennial grassland by using fungicide to determine the effect of natural levels of disease on an otherwise undisturbed plant community. Importantly, we excluded foliar fungal pathogens along with rabbits, insects, and mollusks in a full factorial design, which allowed a comparison of pathogen effects along with those of better studied plant enemies. This revealed that fungal pathogens substantially reduced aboveground plant biomass and promoted plant diversity and that this especially benefited legumes. The scale of pathogen effects on productivity and biodiversity was similar to that of rabbits and insects, but different plant species responded to the exclusion of the three plant enemies. These results suggest that theories of plant coexistence and management of biodiversity in grasslands should consider foliar fungal pathogens as potentially important drivers of community composition.


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Harry Torczyner


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Abraham Geiger


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years, some farmers have included fungicides in their common crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There also have been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases on soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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Fungicide use on hybrid corn has increased considerably in the past four growing seasons primarily due to reports of increased yields, even in the absence of disease and higher corn prices. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to 1) assess the effect of timing of application of fungicides on standability, 2) evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application, and 3) to discern differences, if any, between fungicide products.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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Fungicide use on hybrid corn has increased considerably in the past three growing seasons primarily due to reports of increased yields, even in the absence of disease and higher corn prices. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to 1) evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application, 2) compare the yield response of various products and timing of application, and 3) to assess the effect of fungicide application on stalk rot development.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).


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Fungicides were rarely used on hybrid corn prior to 2007, however, in the past few years some farmers have made fungicides a regular input in their crop production, particularly as the value of grain has increased. Fungicides are recommended for foliar disease management to protect yield potential. There have also been reports of increased yields in the absence of disease. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application at various timings.


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Use of foliar fungicides and insecticides are an effective strategy for managing foliar diseases of soybean. There are many different fungicides and insecticides available for use currently in Iowa. Iowa State University personnel assessed the success of fungicides and insecticides across Iowa. This study was conducted at six locations: Sutherland (NW), Kanawha (NC), Nashua (NE), Ames (central), Crawfordsville (SE), and Lewis (SW) research farms (Figure 1).