956 resultados para literature survey
Calciphylaxis is a rare and devastating obliterative vasculopathy, leading to ischemia and subcutaneous necrosis. In most cases it affects patients with renal disease and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. We present two case reports followed recently in our department, and a literature review on this topic. Case one refers to an 80 -year -old Caucasian woman with chronic kidney disease stage 5 and primary hyperparathyroidism with secondary brown tumour and calciphylaxis. Case two refers to a 59 -year -old Caucasian woman admitted with severe nephrotic syndrome associated with amyloidosis, that developed a catastrophic picture of calciphylaxis, ending in the patient’s death. There is a critical need to understand the pathogenesis of calciphylaxis. Its comprehension is the only way to improve the survival of these patients, and may help to elucidate the pathophysiology of vascular calcification in general. Educating physicians in the prevention and early detection of calciphylaxis is crucial. Only by increasing the knowledge about risk factors, pathophysiology, response to treatment and outcome, will we be able to improve prophylaxis and therapy of patients with calciphylaxis, decreasing the high mortality of this entity.
Neurological complications of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) are infrequent and include various clinical pictures. The reactivation of VZV in patients with AIDS is generally associated with an acute and severe meningoencephalitis. We report the epidemiological, clinical and virological data from 11 consecutive patients with diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and central nervous system (CNS) involvement due to VZV. All patients were male and seropositive for HIV. The primary risk factor for HIV infection was unprotected sexual contact. The median of CD4 T cell count was 142 cells/µL. All of them presented signs and symptoms of meningoencephalitis. Six patients (54.5%) presented pleocytosis; they all showed high CSF protein concentrations with a median of 2.1 g/dL. Polymerase chain reaction of cerebrospinal fluid specimen was positive for VZV in all of them and they were treated with intravenous acyclovir at doses of 30/mg/kg/day for 21 days. Overall survival was 63% (7 of 11 patients). The four dead patients had low cellular counts in CSF, below the median of this parameter. VZV should be included among the opportunistic pathogens that can involve CNS with a diffuse and severe meningoencephalitis in patients with advanced HIV/AIDS disease.
Background and Objective: Drug-induced anaphylaxis is an unpredictable and potentially fatal adverse drug reaction. The aim of this study was to identify the causes of drug-induced anaphylaxis in Portugal. Methods: During a 4-year period a nationwide notification system for anaphylaxis was implemented, with voluntary reporting by allergists. Data on 313 patients with drug anaphylaxis were received and reviewed. Statistical analysis included distribution tests and multiple logistic regression analysis to investigate significance, regression coefficients, and marginal effects. Results: The mean (SD) age of the patients was 43.8 (17.4) years, and 8.3% were younger than 18 years. The female to male ratio was 2:1. The main culprits were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (47.9% of cases), antibiotics (35.5%), and anesthetic agents (6.1%). There was a predominance of mucocutaneous symptoms (92.2%), followed by respiratory symptoms (80.4%) and cardiovascular symptoms (49.0%). Patients with NSAID-induced anaphylaxis showed a tendency towards respiratory and mucocutaneous manifestations. We found no significant associations between age, sex, or atopy and type of drug. Anaphylaxis recurrence was observed in 25.6% of cases, and the risk was higher when NSAIDs were involved. Conclusions: NSAIDs were the most common cause of anaphylaxis in this study and were also associated with a higher rate of recurrence. We stress the need for better therapeutic management and prevention of recurring episodes of drug-induced anaphylaxis.
RESUMO: Atualmente a prática de regular de atividade física é mencionada na literatura como uma estratégia fundamental no tratamento da diabetes tipo 2, com influencia positiva na redução das comorbilidades associadas a esta doença. (Sigal et al., 2006; Praet & van Loon, 2009). No entanto, e apesar deste reconhecimento, a maioria da população com diabetes tipo 2, apresenta baixos níveis de atividade física que na literatura têm sido relacionados com conhecimento deficitário ou inadequado acerca dos benefícios e das recomendações para a mesma (Madden, et. al., 2009). Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar o nível de atividade física e de avaliar a sua associação com o conhecimento acerca dos benefícios da atividade física e recomendações específicas para a sua prática. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, de natureza descritiva e do tipo Survey (estudo de levantamento) realizado com uma amostra de 50 indivíduos recrutados a partir da consulta de diabetes de uma Unidade de Saúde Familiar da região de Setúbal. A recolha de dados foi feita através da aplicação conjunta, e de uma só vez, de três questionários (Questionário de caracterização sócio-demográfica; versão portuguesa do International Physical Activity Questionnaire - IPAQ; Questionário de Avaliação de Conhecimentos acerca dos benefícios e recomendações específicas da prática regular de atividade física), adaptados ao método de entrevista telefónica. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos participantes tinham baixos níveis de atividade física (60%), apesar de demonstrarem bons conhecimentos acerca dos benefícios da sua prática regular (67%). Nas analises exploratórias verificou-se uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre as variáveis, “género” (p= 0,045) e “existência de recomendação para a prática do exercício por parte de um profissional de saúde” (p=0,017), com os conhecimentos acerca dos benefícios da prática regular de atividade física. São os indivíduos do género feminino e com a existência de recomendação para o exercício por parte dos profissionais de saúde, que tendem a demonstrar um nível mais elevado de conhecimento acerca dos benefícios da atividade física. Os resultados mostram igualmente que apesar de não existir uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre o conhecimento acerca das recomendações específicas para a prática da atividade física (recomendações para o modo, frequência duração e intensidade da atividade física), e o nível de atividade física autorreportada, a maioria dos participantes desconhece estas recomendações (70,3%). Estes resultados sugerem a necessidade de realizar programas educativos dirigidos a este aspeto ou de incluir este tipo de informação nas recomendações dos profissionais de saúde para a prática regular de atividade física em indivíduos com diabetes do tipo 2. -----------ABSTRACT:The practice of physical activity has been referred in the research literature as a key strategy in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), with positive influence in reducing its associated complications (Sigal et al., 2006; Praet & van Loon, 2009). However, the majority of people with T2DM, presents low levels of physical activity, which has been associated, with poor knowledge about its benefits and/or about the current guidelines’ recommendations for that practice (Madden, et. al., 2009). The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical activity, in a sample of T2DM patients, and to assess its relationship with knowledge of physical activity benefits and knowledge about specific recommendations for the practice of physical activity. An observational descriptive study was carried out with a sample of 50 T2DM participants, recruited from the medical consultation of one of the Familiar Health Units in the Setúbal Region. Three aggregated questionnaires (sociodemographic questionnaire, Portuguese version of the International Physical Questionnaire- IPAQ; Knowledge evaluation about physical activity benefits and specific recommendations for regular physical activity practice Questionnaire) were administrated by telephone interview, all at the same time. The study’s findings showed that the majority of the participants had low levels of physical activity (60%), regardless their appropriate knowledge concerning the benefits of regular physical activity (67%). The results of this study have also shown that participants have a poor and/ or inappropriate knowledge concerning the specific physical activity recommendations that have a positive impact in this specific condition. The exploratory analyses revealed a statistically significant association between an appropriate knowledge about the benefits of physical activity and both “gender” (p=0,045) and “recommendation for physical activity practice by an health professional” (p=0,017). Female participants, who received recommendations for regular physical activity, showed higher levels of knowledge concerning the benefits of being physically ative. The study’s findings suggest that T2DM patients need appropriate information and knowledge about how they should practice physical activity. Practising physical activity following current specific recommendations about the mode, frequency, intensity and duration has a positive effect on the management of T2DM.
During July and August of 1968, a Health survey was conducted on the Ilha da Conceição, an area of Niterói containing approximately one thousand households. The survey was conducted by students from the Universidade Federal Fluminense and the University of Maryland, and was under the supervision of faculty of the Department of Tropical Medicine at U.F.F. and from the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. The survey was focused on a 25 percent random sample of the households on the island. Information was obtained from a responsible adult at each Household for completion of a Health questionnaire. Physical measurements, as well as laboratory study information were obtained from, all children in these households. A number of environmental sanitation problems were identified on the Ilha da Conceição. In addition, the survey indicated that approximately half the children had not been adequately immunized against diphteria, pertussis and typhoid. Preventable communicable diseases were the major cause of reported deaths which had occurred in infants ou Household members. The Health of the population on the Ilha da Conceição could well be enhanced by the development of an intelligence system indicating the immunization status of all children in the area. In addition a Health education program for the residents could well be beneficial for improvement of sanitary conditions on the island, as well as maternity and well baby care.
As part of the health survey on the Ilha da Conceição, a 25 percent random sample of households was identified and a health guestionnaire completed at 236 households. These households contained 536 children, of whom 239 were under age six. Prenatal care had been obtained by 70 percent of the mothers during the pregnancies of the youngest children and 83 percent of these children had been born in hospital. The use of available health facilities was reported more frequently for the younger children in comparison to the older children. Over 90 percent of the children had been vaccinated against one or more diseases but only 50 to 60 percent of the children had complete vaccination against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. Almost two-thirds of the stool specimens from the children revealed evidence of parasites and were most commonly found in children two to three years of age. Low hemoglobin values were found commonly under age three and hemoglobin leveis ábove 12 grams were not commonly found until age six. Compared with a North American standard for height and weight, proportionately more children on the Ilha da Conceição were found below the 25th and 3rd percentiles. These findings suggest that an improved health status for the children on the Ilha da Conceição would result from a household health record maintained at the island clinic including current information on vaccination status of all children, and a health education program focused on expectant mothers and the well baby clinic program.
RESUMO: Objectivo: O presente estudo tem como objectivo caracterizar os níveis de actividade física das pessoas com mais de 75 anos e analisar a sua relação com as diferentes componentes da aptidão física. Enquadramento: A actividade física é indispensável para todos mas, os idosos é quem mais beneficia (Fischer, 2005). Actua na prevenção e na reabilitação, fortalecendo a aptidão física, e a autonomia do idoso, permitindo manter, por mais tempo, a capacidade de execução das actividades de vida diárias (Shephard, 2003). A prática de actividade física contribui por exemplo, para a prevenção de quedas, reforçando a aptidão física e o equilíbrio postural. Por outro lado, o baixo nível de aptidão física repercute-se no aumento da actividade sedentária. Os homens têm uma adesão à actividade física de 45% e as mulheres de 28% (Melo et. al., 2007). Métodos: Este é um estudo observacional, correlacional e transversal. Foram avaliados 66 participantes (média de idade de 80,11 ± 3,83 anos), não institucionalizados. O processo de amostragem foi não probabilístico acidental por conveniência. Todos os idosos deram o seu consentimento informado. A actividade física foi avaliada através do questionário do Yale Physical Activity Survey, e foi desenvolvido um diário, para uma semana-tipo, para averiguar os hábitos de actividades diárias, nas últimas quatro semanas. A aptidão física foi avaliada pela bateria de testes de Rikli e Jones (1999),nomeadamente a força, a flexibilidade, a resistência aeróbia e a agilidade e equilíbrio. Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva e para averiguar as possíveis associações entre a actividade física e a aptidão física, recorreu-se á estatística inferencial. Não tendo sido verificada a normalidade da amostra com o teste kolmogorov-smirnov, foram utilizados testes não paramétricos, nomeadamente o teste U Mann – Whitney e o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (p≤0,05). Resultados: Constatou-se que os idosos em média praticavam 480, 23 minutos por semana de actividade moderada, cerca 11,04% do seu tempo, superior ao recomendado pela literatura (>150 minutos por semana). A actividade física moderada apresentou relações positivas com a aptidão física, na força dos membros inferiores, na resistência aeróbia e na agilidade e equilíbrio. Os homens têm maior agilidade e equilíbrio (p=0,002) e força dos membros inferiores (p=0,025) que as mulheres. Os homens passam mais tempo em actividade moderada do que as mulheres. Ainda superam no gasto energético em cada actividade que praticam durante a semana. As mulheres passam mais tempo em actividade sedentária e actividade ligeira. Conclusão: Quanto mais tempo de prática de actividade física moderada melhor a força dos membros inferiores, a resistência aeróbia, a agilidade e o equilíbrio dinâmico. Recomenda-se uma reflexão sobre a possível intervenção na estruturação das actividades diárias do idoso e uma intervenção mais direccionada às idosas, na força do membro inferior, na agilidade e na resistência aeróbia.----------------------- ABSTRACT:Purpose: The present study aims to characterize the physical activity levels of people over 75 years and analyze their relationship with the different components of physical fitness. Background: Physical activity is essential for all but the elderly who are more benefit (Fischer, 2005). It works on prevention and rehabilitation, strengthening physical fitness,and independence of older people, maintaining, for longer, the ability to implement the activities of daily living (Shephard, 2003). The physical activity contributes for example, for the prevention of falls by strengthening physical fitness and postural balance. Moreover, the low level of physical fitness level is reflected in the increase of sedentary activity. Men have an adherence to physical activity of 45% and women 28% (Melo et. al, 2007) Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional and correlational. We evaluated 66 participants (mean age 80.11 ± 3.83 years), not institutionalized. The sampling procedure was non accidental probabilistic convenience. All seniors gave their informed consent. Physical activity was assessed by questionnaire at the Yale Physical Activity Survey was developed and a diary-type for a week, to ascertain the habits of daily activities in the last four weeks. Physical fitness was assessed by the battery of tests Rikli and Jones (1999), including strength, flexibility, endurance and agility and balance. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and to investigate possible associations between physical activity and physical fitness, we used will inferential statistics. Not having been verified the sample normality with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, we used non-parametric tests, including the test U Mann - Whitney and Spearman correlation coefficient (p ≤ 0.05). Results: It was found that older people on average practiced 480, 23 minutes per week of moderate activity, about 11,04% of the time, higher than recommended in the literature (> 150 minutes per week). A moderate physical activity had positive correlations with physical fitness, lower limb strength, endurance and aerobic agility and balance. Men have greater agility and balance (p = 0.002) and lower-limb strength (p = 0.025) than women. Men spend more time in moderate activity than women. Still outweigh the energy expenditure for each activity they practice during the week. Women spend more time in sedentary activity and light activity. Conclusion: The more practice time in moderate physical activity best lower-limb strength,aerobic resistance, agility and dynamic balance. It is recommended that a reflection on the possible intervention in structuring the daily activities of the elderly and a more targeted to the woman elderly, especially lower limb strength, agility and endurance.
Introduction: Brachial plexus (BP) tumors are very rare tumors, with less than 800 cases been described in the literature worldwide since 1970. These tumors often present as local or radicular pain, with scant or no neurological deficits. These symptoms are shared by many other more common rheumatologic diseases, thus making their diagnosis difficult in most cases. Additionally, these tumors often present as lumps and are therefore biopsied, which carries a significant risk of iatrogenic nerve injury. Material and Methods: In this paper the authors describe their experience with the management of 5 patients with BP tumors followed up for at least 2 years. There were 4 males and 1 female. Median follow-up time was 41 ± 21 months. Average age at diagnosis was 40,0 ± 19,9 years. The most common complaints at presentation were pain and sensibility changes. All patients had a positive Tinel sign when the lesion was percussed. In all patients surgery was undertaken and the tumors removed. In 4 patients nerve integrity was maintained. In one patient with excruciating pain a segment of the nerve had to be excised and the nerve defect was bridged with sural nerve grafts. Results: Pathology examination of the resected specimens revealed a Schwannoma in 4 cases and a neurofibroma in the patient submitted to segmental nerve resection. Two years postoperatively, no recurrences were observed. All patients revealed clinical improvement. The patient submitted to nerve resection had improvement in pain, but presented diminished strength and sensibility in the involved nerve territory. Conclusion: Surgical excision of BP tumors is not a risk free procedure. Most authors suggest surgery if the lesion is symptomatic or progressing in size. If the tumor is stationary and not associated with neurological dysfunction a conservative approach should be taken.
Thick blood films and malaria indirect fluorescent antibody test (P. falciparum and P. vivax) were done in four different regions in Amazonas. There was a very low prevalence of parasites anã the antibody rates suggest a small amount of transmission and that P. vivax was the predominant parasite. The calculation of probability of being infected per year was about 8% in Tefé. Coari, Colonia Fernanão Costa and Labrea and 0.8% in Anori.
A preliminary survey was conducted for the presence of helminths in the city of Montes Claros, M. G., Brazil. Three groups of persons were examined by the direct smear, Kato thick film and MIFC techniques; one group by direct smear and Kato only. General findings were: a high prevalence of hookworm, followed by ascariasis, S. mansoni, S. stercoralis and very light infections with T. trichiurá. E. vermicularis and H. nana were ranking parasites at an orphanage, with some hookworm and S. mansoni infections as well. At a pig slaughter house, the dominant parasites were hookworm and S. mansoni. Pig cysticercosis was an incidental finding worth mentioning for the health hazard it represents for humans as well as an economic loss. From the comparative results between the Kato and the MIF the former proved itself again as a more sensitive and reliable concentration method for helminth eggs, of low cost and easy performance.
A serological survey for Chagas' disease was carried out in school children in the Rio de Janeiro State, a zone considered as non-endemic for the infection. A total of 168 schools in 20 municipalities have been visited and 13,254 blood samples were obtained. The blood eluates were screened by the indirect fluorescence test (IFT), and all positive samples were checked and confirmed in sera by the complement fixation test (CFT). AH serologically positive children were subject to a clinical scrutiny, and the houses where the children lived have been searched for triatomine bugs. Only in two municipalities, Magé and Araruama, there was a significant number of children found positive. The total number of reactive samples by IFT and CFT from 13,004 blood samples screened was 143 (1.00 per cent). No serious clinicai symptoms suggestive of Chagas' disease have been found in any of the positive children, and no triatomine bugs were discovered in the dwellings where the children lived. The overall small percentage of children with positive serology postulates that the infection is not a serious health problem in the area investigated. It is recommended, however, to carry out a more detailed study in Magé and Araruama to find the reason for the relatively high percentage of serologically positive children encountered in these two municipalities.
Introduction: Congenital complete atrioventricular block (AVB) without cardiac malformation is a rare and potentially fatal condition. In most cases it is associated with maternal systemic lupus erythematosus through transplacental passage of antibodies anti-SSA/Ro and/or anti-SSB/La. Antenatal fluorinated-steroids have been successful in reversing first and second degree congenital AVB but inconsistent in third degree block. Case Report:The authors report a case of fetal bradycardia diagnosed at 24 weeks of gestation. The fetal echocardiogram revealed a second/third degree AVB without structural heart disease. Maternal anti-SSA/Ro antibodies were detected. There was no blockage improvement with maternal oral fluorinated-steroids. An elective cesarean section was performed at term with the delivery of a healthy girl that required an epicardical pacemaker on the 8th day of life. Conclusion: In this case, treatment with maternal fluorinated corticosteroids was not effective in preventing progression of the heart block.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is the earliest and most severe form of all inherited retinal dystrophies, responsible for congenital blindness. Disease-associated mutations have been hitherto reported in seven genes. These genes are all expressed preferentially in the photoreceptor cells or the retinal pigment epithelium but they are involved in strikingly different physiologic pathways resulting in an unforeseeable physiopathologic variety. This wide genetic and physiologic heterogeneity that could largely increase in the coming years, hinders the molecular diagnosis in LCA patients. The genotyping is, however, required to establish genetically defined subgroups of patients ready for therapy. Here, we report a comprehensive mutational analysis of the all known genes in 179 unrelated LCA patients, including 52 familial and 127 sporadic (27/127 consanguineous) cases. Mutations were identified in 47.5% patients. GUCY2D appeared to account for most LCA cases of our series (21.2%), followed by CRB1 (10%), RPE65 (6.1%), RPGRIP1 (4.5%), AIPL1 (3.4%), TULP1 (1.7%), and CRX (0.6%). The clinical history of all patients with mutations was carefully revisited to search for phenotype variations. Sound genotype-phenotype correlations were found that allowed us to divide patients into two main groups. The first one includes patients whose symptoms fit the traditional definition of LCA, i.e., congenital or very early cone-rod dystrophy, while the second group gathers patients affected with severe yet progressive rod-cone dystrophy. Besides, objective ophthalmologic data allowed us to subdivide each group into two subtypes. Based on these findings, we have drawn decisional flowcharts directing the molecular analysis of LCA genes in a given case. These flowcharts will hopefully lighten the heavy task of genotyping new patients but only if one has access to the most precise clinical history since birth.