996 resultados para literacy pedagogy


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The purpose of this research project was to use a qualitative approach to explore Critical Media Literacy (CML) with young girls by collaboratively analyzing Disney animated films. My goal was to provide a safe and encouraging space for children to share their perspectives and opinions of Disney animated female characters featured in The Little Mermaid (Ashman, Musker, & Clements, 1989), Cinderella (Disney, Geronimi, Jackson, & Luske, 1950), and The Princess and the Frog (Del Vecho, Clements, & Musker, 2009). I used CML as my theoretical framework as it provided an inquisitive approach to watching films, which, in turn, encouraged the participants to use critical thinking pertaining to the images of female characters in Disney. I also incorporated feminist theory as the majority of discussion revolved around the physical appearance of female characters as well as the participants’ understandings of femininity. I conducted two focus groups with 4 young girls, aged 7 to 11, to gain insight into their understanding of Disney female characters. An inquisitive and collaborative approach to watching films revealed three themes: (a) powerful women in Disney are mean and ugly; (b) heterosexual relationships are paramount; and (c) Disney Princesses are always pretty and nice. I concluded by recommending the importance of CML and collaborative film-watching with young children as the simplicity of asking questions encourages young people to become aware of, challenge, and think critically about the media they are consuming.


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This project presents a handbook for Ontario Junior/Intermediate (J/I) pre-service teachers, Ontario J/I teacher education instructors, and J/I associate teachers that facilitates the identification, analysis, and reorganization of J/I pre-service teachers’ thoughts and feelings about diversity characteristics to develop inclusive teaching pedagogy. The handbook outlines collaborative and independent learning activities designed for integration into compulsory J/I Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program courses, practicum placements, and independent reflective situations. The handbook is composed of 5 sections: (a) Rationale for Importance; (b) Cross-Curricular Activities for J/I B.Ed. Courses; (c) Course-Specific Activities; (d) Practicum Placement Activities; and (e) Resources for Inclusive Educators. A critical content analysis of a 2011-2012 J/I B.Ed. program in Ontario enabled the creation of the handbook to address specific teacher education programming focused on helping pre-service teachers understand their thoughts and feelings about diversity for the development of inclusive teaching pedagogy. This research contributes to the advancement of theory and practice regarding development of teacher education programming that promotes J/I pre-service teachers’ inclusive pedagogy.


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The purpose of this major research project was to develop a practical tool in the form of a handbook that could facilitate educators’ effective use of technology in primary and junior classrooms. The main goal was to explore the use of iPad devices and applications in the literacy classroom. The study audited available free applications against set criteria and selected only those that promoted 21st-century learning. The researcher used such applications to develop literacy lessons that aligned with curriculum expectations and promoted 21st-century skills and traditional skills alike. The study also created assessment models to evaluate the use of iPads in student work and explored the benefits and limitations of technology usage in student learning.


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While the influence of computer technology has been widely studied in a variety of contexts, the drawing teaching studio is a particularly interesting context because of the juxtaposition of traditional medium and computer technology. For this study, 5 Canadian postsecondary teachers engaged in a 2-round Delphi interview process to discuss their responses to computer technology on their drawing pedagogy. Data sources included transcribed interviews. Findings indicated that artist teachers are both cautious to embrace and curious to explore appropriate use of computer technology on their drawing pedagogy. Artist teachers are both critical and optimistic about the influence of computer technology.


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The skill to identify and use best practices in literacy to promote achievement for students of all abilities cannot be underestimated by elementary educators. This qualitative case study investigates 1 year of a literacy initiative for primary and junior educators organized by a southern Ontario school board. The goals of the initiative were to design a literacy guide for teachers while building teacher capacity with literacy practices. Data were culled and analyzed from an examination of the guide, the meetings’ field notes and artifacts, as well as interviews with the educators at the end of the year. Several themes from the results emerged. The educators perceived the design process as unclear but the collaborative components were deemed valuable. The guide’s incompletion led to mixed reactions from the educators about the guide and its structure. Overall, the first year of the 3-year initiative acted as a catalyst for professional learning on literacy. The findings of this study accentuated the value of training educators to use empirical research to support their practices and professional knowledge. Also, the significance of promoting strong leadership with a comprehensive layout consisting of coherent tangible goals for professional development is highlighted.


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Adult struggling readers are understudied and most evidence-based remedial approaches target youth. This thesis examined relationships among motivation constructs across typical and struggling adult readers. Age was also investigated as a moderator in these relationships. Participants included 198 adults in adult basic education and 138 undergraduate students. Examining the influence of self-efficacy on reading achievement, moderation analyses indicated there were stronger relationships for typical readers. Furthermore, stronger relationships were found for younger participants when moderated by age. Additional regression analyses identified positive relationships between two measures of intrinsic motivation and reading value. This relationship was replicated for avoidance and value. Though age was not uniformly sampled across ability grouping, age did not account for these effects. Despite difficulties with reading, adults still exhibited motivation to engage with texts with equal to greater levels of reading value. Value and intrinsic motivation may have unique developmental courses associated with longstanding reading challenges.


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In studying affect within the realm of student-teacher relationships my thesis project use the concept of “affect” as composed by Baruch Spinoza (1992, 2007). I focus specifically on how Deleuze (1988) interprets and implements the term within his own philosophy, as well as on Antonio Negri’s (2011, 1991) work on Spinoza including his and Michael Hardt’s (2000, 2004, 2009) more recent works. This thesis will explore Spinoza’s affect within the discourse of Affective Pedagogy and Critical Pedagogy while remaining committed to a Spinoizist ontology as outlined by Deleuze (1988). I used artefacts from my past experiences as a student and teacher to produce evocative writing pieces which act as affective continuances of my past experiences as a student, student-teacher, and teacher, and the relationships of affect that composed them. This project used these artefacts and the writings they produced as sites of intensity that are carried through from traces, to evocative thresholds, to concepts, and finally into analysis.


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The purpose of this project was to develop an instructors’ handbook that provides the declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge associated with the interactive instructional approach, differentiated instruction, and the gradual release of responsibility framework for teaching reading to English as a second language adult literacy learners. The need for this handbook was determined by conducting a critical analysis of existing handbooks and concluding that no handbook completely addressed the 3 types of knowledge for the 3 instructional processes. A literature review was conducted to examine the nature, use, and effectiveness of the 3 instructional processes when teaching reading to ESL adult literacy learners. The literature review also examined teachers’ preferences for reading research and found that texts that were relevant, practical, and accessible were favoured. Hence, these 3 elements were incorporated as part of the handbook design. Three peer reviewers completed a 35-item 5-point Likert scale evaluation form that also included 5 open-ended questions. Their feedback about the handbook’s relevancy, practicality, accessibility, and face validity were incorporated into the final version of the handbook presented here. Reference to the handbook by ESL adult literacy instructors has the potential to support evidence-informed lesson planning which can support the ESL adult literacy learners in achieving their goals and contributing to their societies in multiple and meaningful ways.


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This study sought to explore ways to work with a group of young people through an arts-based approach to the teaching of literacy. Through the research, the author integrated her own reflexivity applying arts methods over the past decade. The author’s past experiences were strongly informed by theories such as caring theory and maternal pedagogy, which also informed the research design. The study incorporated qualitative data collection instruments comprising interviews, journals, sketches, artifacts, and teacher field notes. Data were collected by 3 student participants for the duration of the research. Study results provide educators with data on the impact of creating informal and alternative ways to teach literacy and maintain student engagement with resistant learners.


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Cette recherche a eu pour objectif d’explorer les postures d’animateurs et d’animatrices scientifiques quant au dialogue « sciences en/et société » et les moyens qu’ils utilisent pour assurer ce dialogue à travers leurs interventions pédagogiques dans le cadre d’ateliers scientifiques hors scolaires. Six animateurs scientifiques ont été interviewés. Ces entretiens ont permis de recueillir des données riches sur leur compréhension de la nature des sciences, leurs postures pédagogiques en tant que transmetteur, guide ou médiateur du développement de l’alphabétisation scientifique chez les jeunes dans les espaces hors scolaires, ainsi que sur la manière dont ils perçoivent le rôle de leurs interventions pédagogiques dans le cadre du développement de l’alphabétisation scientifique chez les jeunes et de la compréhension qu’ils ont des sciences comme outil d’action sociopolitique, tel qu’entendu dans le dialogue « sciences en/et société ». Les postures épistémologiques, pédagogiques et sociales identifiées sont d’une grande diversité et révèlent des tendances qui s’inscrivent dans des spectres allant de l’empirisme au constructivisme, du divertissement à l’empowerment et de la valorisation de la place des sciences en société à la critique de sa primauté. Plusieurs animateurs scientifiques de notre échantillon ont ainsi eu des postures hybrides et parfois conflictuelles, ce qui met en évidence la valeur potentielle d’interventions éducatives qui donnent aux animateurs scientifiques l’occasion de questionner et de réexaminer de manière critique leurs pratiques.


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Objectives: An email information literacy program has been effective for over a decade at Université de Montréal’s Health Library. Students periodically receive messages highlighting the content of guides on the library’s website. We wish to evaluate, using Google Analytics, the effects of the program on specific webpage statistics. Using the data collected, we may pinpoint popular guides as well as others that need improvement. Methods: In the program, first and second-year medical (MD) or dental (DMD) students receive eight bi-monthly email messages. The DMD mailing list also includes graduate students and professors. Enrollment to the program is optional for MDs, but mandatory for DMDs. Google Analytics (GA) profiles have been configured for the libraries websites to collect visitor statistics since June 2009. The GA Links Builder was used to design unique links specifically associated with the originating emails. This approach allowed us to gather information on guide usage, such as the visitor’s program of study, duration of page viewing, number of pages viewed per visit, as well as browsing data. We also followed the evolution of clicks on GA unique links over time, as we believed that users may keep the library's emails and refer to them to access specific information. Results: The proportion of students who actually clicked the email links was, on average, less than 5%. MD and DMD students behaved differently regarding guide views, number of pages visited and length of time on the site. The CINAHL guide was the most visited for DMD students whereas MD students consulted the Pharmaceutical information guide most often. We noted that some students visited referred guides several weeks after receiving messages, thus keeping them for future reference; browsing to additional pages on the library website was also frequent. Conclusion: The mitigated success of the program prompted us to directly survey students on the format, frequency and usefulness of messages. The information gathered from GA links as well as from the survey will allow us to redesign our web content and modify our email information literacy program so that messages are more attractive, timely and useful for students.


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Objective: To portray an information literacy programme demonstrating a high level of integration in health sciences curricula and a teaching orientation aiming towards the development of lifelong learning skills. The setting is a French-speaking North American university. Methods: The offering includes standard workshops such as MEDLINE searching and specialised sessions such as pharmaceutical patents searching. A contribution to an international teaching collaboration in Haiti where workshops had to be thoroughly adapted to the clientele is also presented. Online guides addressing information literacy topics complement the programme. Results and evaluation: A small team of librarians and technicians taught 276 hours of library instruction during the 2011-2012 academic year. Methods used for evaluating information skills include scoring features of literature searches and user satisfaction surveys. Discussion: Privileged contacts between librarians and faculty resulting from embedded library instruction as well as from active participation in library committees result in a growing reputation of library services across academic departments and bring forth collaboration opportunities. Sustainability and evolution of the library instruction programme is warranted by frequent communication with partners in the clinical field, active involvement in academic networks and health library associations, and reflective professional strategies.


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Ce mémoire cherche à créer un dialogue entre les domaines de recherche du livre d’images et celui de recherches sur la paix afin d’exposer les différentes formes et fonctions des livres d’images pour la paix. Questionnant le pourquoi et le comment de ces œuvres, ce travail expose la façon et la manière avec lesquelles ces dernières contribuent à « l’alphabétisation de la paix » auprès des enfants et comment elles les motivent à agir en fonction de la paix. Les livres d’images constituent un média idéal pour éduquer les enfants à la paix. Très tôt dans le processus de socialisation, ces livres sauront transmettre et inculquer des concepts et aptitudes clefs et éventuellement ancrer dans l’esprit de l’enfant les valeurs d’une culture de la paix. Au centre de cette recherche est exposé le thème de la paix tel que traité à travers les œuvres de l’écrivaine autrichienne Mira Lobe (1913–1995). Par l’analyse de sept livres d’images pour la paix, ce travail explique quelles stratégies et méthodes littéraires, pédagogiques, sémiotiques, narratives et esthétiques sont employées par l’auteure pour réussir à bien présenter et à traiter de sujets politiques complexes et d’enjeux sociaux et humains parfois délicats et tabous à un jeune auditoire. Il montre également par quels moyens ces œuvres font naître l’empathie, une aversion pour la violence et comment elles pourront finalement amener les enfants à opter pour l’acte de la paix. En joignant et en mettant en relation les résultats et conclusions des deux champs de recherche observés dans ce travail, soit l’éducation à la paix et la recherche sur des livres d’images, il devient possible de démontrer comment Mira Lobe apporte, avec ses livres d’images pour la paix, une contribution universelle et intemporelle à l’éducation à la paix.


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This is a Guardian article abut the JISC commissioned report: Information behaviour of the researcher of the future. UCL 2008 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/reppres/gg_final_keynote_11012008.pdf


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El Instituto Internacional Central para la Televisión Juvenil y Educativa (IZI) es un centro de investigación y documentación dedicado a promover la calidad en la televisión y medios de comunicación para niños y jóvenes y educación. El departamento de documentación del IZI cuenta con una base de datos de referencia internacional para educadores, investigadores, padres, estudiantes y especialistas de la información. Además el IZI participa en redes nacionales e internacionales educativas documentales. El objetivo esencial de estos proyectos cooperativos es la promoción de la alfabetización de medios de comunicación, que constituye una habilidad imprescindible en la sociedad del conocimiento.