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This report provides an evaluation of the behaviours and purchasing drivers of key sweetpotato consumers defined by Nielsen consumer research as Established Couples (two or more adults with no children 17 and under, and head of house 35-59), Senior Couples (two or more adults with no children 17 or under, and head of house 60 or over), and Independent Singles (one person household 35 or over, no children 17 or under). Research was qualitative in nature. Methods used included focus groups, depth interviews and shop-a-longs. The report found that preferences for sweetpotato amongst these groups were varied. In general a smaller torpedo shaped vegetable was valued for ease of preparation and the convenience of being of sufficient size for a meal for two. Satisfaction with sweetpotato was high with negative comments on quality exceedingly rare within discussions. However, shop-a-longs revealed that some quality issues were apparent at retail such as withered product, pitting and occasionally damage. A display with stock resting in any amount of water was a barrier to purchase for consumers and this was apparent on two out 15 occasions. A high quality sweetpotato was of a deep orange/red colour, had a smooth skin and was extremely dense and hard. An inferior sweetpotato was wrinkly, spongy, pitted and damaged. Awareness of sweetpotato was a relatively recent phenomenon amongst the respondents of this study with most recalling eating the vegetable in the last five to 10 years. Life-time eating patterns emerged as a consequence of childhood food experiences such as growing up with a ‘meat and three’ veg philosophy and traditional Australian meals. However, this was dependent on cultural background and those with ties to diverse cultures were more likely to have always known of the vegetable. Sweetpotato trial and consumption coincided with a breaking away from these traditional patterns, or was integrated into conventional meals such as a baked vegetable to accompany roasts. Increased health consciousness also led to awareness of the vegetable. A primary catalyst for consumption within the Established and Senior Couples groups was the health benefits associated with sweetpotato. Consumers had very little knowledge of the specific health properties of the vegetable and were surprised at the number of benefits consumption provided. Sweetpotato was important for diabetics for its low Glycemic Index status. Top-of-the-mind awareness of the vegetable resulted from the onset of the disease. Increasing fibre was a key motive for this demographic and this provided a significant link between consumption and preventing bowel cancer. For those on a weight loss regime, sweetpotato was perceived as a tasty, satisfying food that was low in carbohydrates. Swapping behaviours where white potato was replaced by sweetpotato was often a response to these health concerns. Other health properties mentioned by participants through the course of the research included the precursor β-carotene and Vitamins A & C. The sweetpotato was appreciated for its hedonic and timesaving qualities. For consumers with a high involvement in food, the vegetable was valued for its versatility in meals. These consumers took pride in cooking and the flavour and texture of sweetpotato lent itself to a variety of meals such as soups, salads, roasts, curries, tagines and so on. Participants who had little time or desire to prepare and cook meals valued sweetpotato because it was an easy way to add colour and variety to the plate and because including an orange vegetable to meals is a shortcut to ensuring vitamin intake. Several recommendations are made to the sweetpotato industry. • Vigorously promote the distinct nutritional and health properties of sweetpotatoes, particularly if they can be favourably compared to other vegetables or foods • Promote the salient properties to specific targets such as diabetics, those that are at risk to bowel cancer, and those embarking on a weight-loss regime. Utilise specialist channels of communication such as diabetic magazines and websites • Promote styles of cooking of sweetpotato that would appeal to traditionalists such as roasts and BBQs • Promote the vegetable as a low maintenance vegetable, easy to store, easy to cook and particularly focusing on it as a simple way to boost the appearance and nutritional value of meals. • Promote the vegetable to high food involvement consumers through exotic recipes and linking it to feelings of accomplishment with cooking • Promote the versatility of the vegetable • Devise promotions that link images and tone of communications with enjoying life to the fullest, having time to enjoy family and grandchildren, and of partaking in social activities • Educate retailers on consumer perceptions of quality and ensuring moisture and mould is not present at displays Qualitative information while providing a wealth of detail cannot be extrapolated to the overall target population and this may be considered a limitation to the research. However, within research theory, effective quantitative design is believed to stem from the insights developed from qualitative studies. • Develop and implement a quantitative study on sweetpotato attitudes and behaviours based on the results of this study.


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Development of new agricultural industries in northern Australia is often perceived as a solution to changes in water availability that have occurred within southern Australia as a result of changes to government policy in response to and exacerbated by climate change. This report examines the likely private, social and community costs and benefits associated with the establishment of a cotton industry in the Burdekin. The research undertaken covers three spatial scales by modelling the response of cotton and to climate change at the crop and farm scale and linking this to regional scale modelling of the economy. Modelling crop growth as either a standalone crop or as part of a farm enterprise provides the clearest picture of how yields and water use will be affected under climate change. The alternative to this is to undertake very costly trials in environmental chambers. For this reason it is critical that funding for model development especially for crops being crop in novel environments be seen as a high priority for climate change and adaptation studies. Crop level simulations not only provide information on how the crop responds to climate change, they also illustrate that that these responses are the result of complex interactions and cannot necessarily be derived from the climate information alone. These simulations showed that climate change would lead to decreased cotton yields in 2030 and 2050 without the affect of CO2 fertilisation. Without CO2 fertilisation, yields would be decreased by 3.2% and 17.8%. Including CO2 fertilisation increased yields initially by 5.9%, but these were reduced by 3.6% in 2050. This still represents a major offset and at least ameliorates the impact of climate change on yield. To cope with the decreased in-crop rainfall (4.5% by 2030 and 15.8% in 2050) and an initial increase in evapotranspiration of 2% in 2030 and


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Thermal polymerization of acrylamide has been followed by the DSC technique, and the activation energy (E) values at different stages of the fraction polymerized (a) have been determined from the exotherm of the thermograms obtained. The trend of variation of E with agr shows that E remains constant up to agr = 0.5 and decreases with a further increase in agr. A close look at the composite nature of the exotherms, agr-t, and agr-T curves shows that the polymerization of acrylamide involves two processes. The first process is the formation of linear polyacrylamide and the second is the simultaneous cross-linking of the linear chains together with the formation of linear polyacrylamide. Experiments such as NH3 detection by differential thermal analysis techniques and annealing studies have been made to shed further light on the polymerization process.


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Although only recently described, Colletotrichum boninense is well established in literature as an anthracnose pathogen or endophyte of a diverse range of host plants worldwide. It is especially prominent on members of Amaryllidaceae, Orchidaceae, Proteaceae and Solanaceae. Reports from literature and preliminary studies using ITS sequence data indicated that C. boninense represents a species complex. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH, HIS3, CAL) of 86 strains previously identified as C. boninense and other related strains revealed 18 clades. These clades are recognised here as separate species, including C. boninense s. str., C. hippeastri, C. karstii and 12 previously undescribed species, C. annellatum, C. beeveri, C. brassicicola, C. brasiliense, C. colombiense, C. constrictum, C. cymbidiicola, C. dacrycarpi, C. novae-zelandiae, C. oncidii, C. parsonsiae and C. torulosum. Seven of the new species are only known from New Zealand, perhaps reflecting a sampling bias. The new combination C. phyllanthi was made, and C. dracaenae Petch was epitypified and the name replaced with C. petchii. Typical for species of the C. boninense species complex are the conidiogenous cells with rather prominent periclinal thickening that also sometimes extend to form a new conidiogenous locus or annellations as well as conidia that have a prominent basal scar. Many species in the C. boninense complex form teleomorphs in culture. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New combination - Colletotrichum phyllanthi (H. Surendranath Pai) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. Name replacement - C. petchii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. New species - C. annellatum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. beeveri Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. brassicicola Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. brasiliense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous & Massola, C. colombiense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, C. constrictum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. cymbidiicola Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. dacrycarpi Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. novae-zelandiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. oncidii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. parsonsiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. torulosum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir. Typifications: Epitypifications - C. dracaenae Petch.


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Phosphine is a small redox-active gas that is used to protect global grain reserves, which are threatened by the emergence of phosphine resistance in pest insects. We find that polymorphisms responsible for genetic resistance cluster around the redox-active catalytic disulfide or the dimerization interface of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) in insects (Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum) and nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans). DLD is a core metabolic enzyme representing a new class of resistance factor for a redox-active metabolic toxin. It participates in four key steps of core metabolism, and metabolite profiles indicate that phosphine exposure in mutant and wild-type animals affects these steps differently. Mutation of DLD in C. elegans increases arsenite sensitivity. This specific vulnerability may be exploited to control phosphine-resistant insects and safeguard food security.


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Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis are among the major enteropathogenic bacteria causing infections in humans in many industrialized countries. In Finland, Y. pseudotuberculosis has caused 10 outbreaks among humans during 1997-2008. Some of these outbreaks have been very extensive involving over 400 cases; mainly children attending schools and day-care. Y. enterocolitica, on the contrary, has caused mainly a large number of sporadic human infections in Finland. Y. pseudotuberculosis is widespread in nature, causing infections in a variety of domestic and wild animals. Foodborne transmission of human infections has long been suspected, however, attempts to trace the pathogen have been unsuccessful before this study that epidemiologically linked Y. pseudotuberculosis to a specific food item. Furthermore, due to modern food distribution systems, foodborne outbreaks usually involve many geographically separate infection clusters difficult to identify as part of the same outbreak. Among pathogenic Y. enterocolitica, the global predominance of one genetically homogeneous type (bioserotype 4/O:3) is a challenge to the development of genetic typing methods discriminatory enough for epidemiological purposes, for example, for tracing back to the sources of infections. Furthermore, the diagnostics of Y. enterocolitica infections is hampered because clinical laboratories easily misidentify some other members of the Yersinia species (Y. enterocolitica–like species) as Y. enterocolitica. This results in misleading information on the prevalence and clinical significance of various Yersinia isolates. The aim of this study was to develop and optimize molecular typing methods to be used in epidemiological investigations of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis, particularly in active surveillance and outbreak investigations of Y. pseudotuberculosis isolates. The aim was also to develop a simplified set of phenotypic tests that could be used in routine diagnostic laboratories for the correct identification of Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica –like species. A PFGE method designed here for typing of Y. pseudotuberculosis was efficient in linking the geographically dispersed and apparently unrelated Y. pseudotuberculosis infections as parts of the same outbreak. It proved to be useful in active laboratory-based surveillance of Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreaks. Throughout the study period, information about the diversity of genotypes among outbreak and non-outbreak related strains of human origin was obtained. Also, to our knowledge, this was the first study to epidemiologically link a Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreak of human illnesses to a specific food item, iceberg lettuce. A novel epidemiological typing method based on the use of a repeated genomic region (YeO:3RS) as a probe was developed for the detection and differentiation between strains of Y. enterocolitica subspecies palearctica. This method was able to increase the discrimination in a set of 106 previously PFGE typed Finnish Y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/O:3 strains among which two main PFGE genotypes had prevailed. The developed simplified method was a more reliable tool than the commercially available biochemical test kits for differentiation between Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica –like species. In Finland, the methods developed for Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis have been used to improve the identification protocols and in subsequent outbreak investigations.


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Background: Smoking and physical inactivity are major risk factors for heart disease. Linking strategies that promote improvements in fitness and assist quitting smoking has potential to address both these risk factors simultaneously. The objective of this study is to compare the effects of two exercise interventions (high intensity interval training (HIIT) and lifestyle physical activity) on smoking cessation in female smokers. Method/design: This study will use a randomised controlled trial design. Participants: Women aged 18–55 years who smoke ≥ 5 cigarettes/day, and want to quit smoking. Intervention: all participants will receive usual care for quitting smoking. Group 1 - will complete two gym-based supervised HIIT sessions/week and one home-based HIIT session/week. At each training session participants will be asked to complete four 4-min (4 × 4 min) intervals at approximately 90 % of maximum heart rate interspersed with 3- min recovery periods. Group 2 - participants will receive a resource pack and pedometer, and will be asked to use the 10,000 steps log book to record steps and other physical activities. The aim will be to increase daily steps to 10,000 steps/day. Analysis will be intention to treat and measures will include smoking cessation, withdrawal and cravings, fitness, physical activity, and well-being. Discussion: The study builds on previous research suggesting that exercise intensity may influence the efficacy of exercise as a smoking cessation intervention. The hypothesis is that HIIT will improve fitness and assist women to quit smoking.


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Pathogens and pests of stored grains move through complex dynamic networks linking fields, farms, and bulk storage facilities. Human transport and other forms of dispersal link the components of this network. A network model for pathogen and pest movement through stored grain systems is a first step toward new sampling and mitigation strategies that utilize information about the network structure. An understanding of network structure can be applied to identifying the key network components for pathogen or pest movement through the system. For example, it may be useful to identify a network node, such as a local grain storage facility, through which grain from a large number of fields will be accumulated and move through the network. This node may be particularly important for sampling and mitigation. In some cases more detailed information about network structure can identify key nodes that link two large sections of the network, such that management at the key nodes will greatly reduce the risk of spread between the two sections. In addition to the spread of particular species of pathogens and pests, we also evaluate the spread of problematic subpopulations, such as subpopulations with pesticide resistance. We present an analysis of stored grain pathogen and pest networks for Australia and the United States.


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The effect of aqueous pyridine on a hapten—antihapten system was investigated by the quantitative precipitin reaction and by the membrane filtration method. It was found that dilute solutions of pyridine inhibited the reaction between isopentenyladenosine and its antiserum. Other solvents examined were less effective. The effect of pyridine was reversible at concentrations where complete inhibition occurred, thus indicating its use for the dissociation of antigen—antibody complexes. The inhibitory effect of pyridine was exploited in a single-step purification method for anti—isopentenyladenosine and antideoxy-adenylate antibodies. In addition, generally applicable methods for linking nucleosides and nucleotides to aminoethyl-Sepharose are described.


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Grain protein composition determines quality traits, such as value for food, feedstock, and biomaterials uses. The major storage proteins in sorghum are the prolamins, known as kafirins. Located primarily on the periphery of the protein bodies surrounding starch, cysteine-rich beta- and gamma-kafirins may limit enzymatic access to internally positioned alpha-kafirins and starch. An integrated approach was used to characterize sorghum with allelic variation at the kafirin loci to determine the effects of this genetic diversity on protein expression. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and lab-on-a-chip analysis showed reductions in alcohol-soluble protein in beta-kafirin null lines. Gel-based separation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry identified a range of redox active proteins affecting storage protein biochemistry. Thioredoxin, involved in the processing of proteins at germination, has reported impacts on grain digestibility and was differentially expressed across genotypes. Thus, redox states of endosperm proteins, of which kafirins are a subset, could affect quality traits in addition to the expression of proteins.


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We trace the evolution of the representation of management in cropping and grazing systems models, from fixed annual schedules of identical actions in single paddocks toward flexible scripts of rules. Attempts to define higher-level organizing concepts in management policies, and to analyse them to identify optimal plans, have focussed on questions relating to grazing management owing to its inherent complexity. “Rule templates” assist the re-use of complex management scripts by bundling commonly-used collections of rules with an interface through which key parameters can be input by a simulation builder. Standard issues relating to parameter estimation and uncertainty apply to management sub-models and need to be addressed. Techniques for embodying farmers' expectations and plans for the future within modelling analyses need to be further developed, especially better linking planning- and rule-based approaches to farm management and analysing the ways that managers can learn.


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Methane is a potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential ∼28 times that of carbon dioxide. Consequently, sources and sinks that influence the concentration of methane in the atmosphere are of great interest. In Australia, agriculture is the primary source of anthropogenic methane emissions (60.4% of national emissions, or 3260kt-1methaneyear-1, between 1990 and 2011), and cropping and grazing soils represent Australia's largest potential terrestrial methane sink. As of 2011, the expansion of agricultural soils, which are ∼70% less efficient at consuming methane than undisturbed soils, to 59% of Australia's land mass (456Mha) and increasing livestock densities in northern Australia suggest negative implications for national methane flux. Plant biomass burning does not appear to have long-term negative effects on methane flux unless soils are converted for agricultural purposes. Rice cultivation contributes marginally to national methane emissions and this fluctuates depending on water availability. Significant available research into biological, geochemical and agronomic factors has been pertinent for developing effective methane mitigation strategies. We discuss methane-flux feedback mechanisms in relation to climate change drivers such as temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations, precipitation and extreme weather events. Future research should focus on quantifying the role of Australian cropping and grazing soils as methane sinks in the national methane budget, linking biodiversity and activity of methane-cycling microbes to environmental factors, and quantifying how a combination of climate change drivers will affect total methane flux in these systems.


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The fabrication of hydrogen bonded polymer self-assembly for drug delivery has been accomplished via layer-by-layer sequential assembly from aqueous solution. In this study, the self-assembly was constructed based on hydrogen bonding between DNA base (adenine and thymine) pairs substituted on the backbone of chitosan and hyaluronic acid. Chitosan was modified with adenine, whereas hyaluronic acid was modified with thymine. Subsequently, these two polymers were sequentially absorbed on flat substrate by taking advantage of interactions of DNA base pairs via hydrogen bonding. Interlayer hydrogen bonding of these two polymers produces stable multilayer film without using any cross-linking agent. Thin film formation on quartz substrate has been monitored with UV-vis spectra and an AFM study. Formation of multilayer hydrogen-bonded thin film has been further confirmed with SEM. Encapsulation and release behavior of the therapeutic drug from the multilayer thin film at different conditions has been illustrated using UV-vis spectra. Cell viability of modified polymers using MTT assay confirmed no cytotoxic effect.


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The effect of aqueous pyridine on a hapten—antihapten system was investigated by the quantitative precipitin reaction and by the membrane filtration method. It was found that dilute solutions of pyridine inhibited the reaction between isopentenyladenosine and its antiserum. Other solvents examined were less effective. The effect of pyridine was reversible at concentrations where complete inhibition occurred, thus indicating its use for the dissociation of antigen—antibody complexes. The inhibitory effect of pyridine was exploited in a single-step purification method for anti—isopentenyladenosine and antideoxy-adenylate antibodies. In addition, generally applicable methods for linking nucleosides and nucleotides to aminoethyl-Sepharose are described.


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Farming systems frameworks such as the Agricultural Production Systems simulator (APSIM) represent fluxes through the soil, plant and atmosphere of the system well, but do not generally consider the biotic constraints that function within the system. We designed a method that allowed population models built in DYMEX to interact with APSIM. The simulator engine component of the DYMEX population-modelling platform was wrapped within an APSIM module allowing it to get and set variable values in other APSIM models running in the simulation. A rust model developed in DYMEX is used to demonstrate how the developing rust population reduces the crop's green leaf area. The success of the linking process is seen in the interaction of the two models and how changes in rust population on the crop's leaves feedback to the APSIM crop modifying the growth and development of the crop's leaf area. This linking of population models to simulate pest populations and biophysical models to simulate crop growth and development increases the complexity of the simulation, but provides a tool to investigate biotic constraints within farming systems and further moves APSIM towards being an agro-ecological framework.