923 resultados para latex reclaim


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The interaction between aerosols and sun light plays an important role in the radiative balance of Earth’s atmosphere. This interaction is obtained by measuring the removal (extinction), redistribution (scattering), and transformation into heat (absorption) of light by the aerosols; i.e. their optical properties. Knowledge of these properties is crucial for our understanding of the atmospheric system. rn Light absorption by aerosols is a major contributor to the direct and indirect effects on our climate system, and an accurate and sensitive measurement method is crucial to further our understanding. A homebuilt photoacoustic sensor (PAS), measuring at a 532nm wavelength, was fully characterized and its functionality validated for measurements of absorbing aerosols. The optical absorption cross-sections of absorbing polystyrene latex spheres, to be used as a standard for aerosol absorption measurements, were measured and compared to literature values. Additionally, a calibration method using absorbing aerosol of known complex refractive index was presented.rn A new approach to retrieve the effective broadband refractive indices (mbroad,eff) of aerosol particles by a white light aerosol spectrometer (WELAS) optical particle counter (OPC) was achieved. Using a tandem differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-OPC system, the nbroad,eff are obtained for both laboratory and field applications. This method was tested in the laboratory using substances with a wide range of optical properties and it was used in ambient measurements to retrieve the nbroad,eff of biomass burning aerosols in a nationwide burning event in Israel. The retrieved effective broadband refractive indices for laboratory generated scattering aerosols were: ammonium sulfate (AS), glutaric acid (GA), and sodium chloride, all within 4% of literature values. For absorbing substances, nigrosine and various mixtures of nigrosine with AS and GA were measured, as well as a lightly absorbing substance, Suwannee river fulvic acid (SRFA). For the ambient measurements, the calibration curves generated from this method were to follow the optical evolution of biomass burning (BB) aerosols. A decrease in the overall aerosol absorption and scattering for aged aerosols during the day after the fires compared to the smoldering phase of the fires was found. rn The connection between light extinction of aerosols, their chemical composition and hygroscopicity for particles with different degrees of absorption was studied. The extinction cross-section (σext) at 532nm for different mobility diameters was measured at 80% and 90% relative humidity (RH), and at an RH<10%. The ratio of the humidified aerosols to the dry ones, fRHext(%RH,Dry), is presented. For purely scattering aerosols, fRHext(%RH,Dry) is inversely proportional with size; this dependence was suppressed for lightly absorbing ones. In addition, the validity of the mixing rules for water soluble absorbing aerosols is explored. The difference between the derived and calculated real parts of the complex RIs were less than 5.3% for all substances, wavelengths, and RHs. The obtained imaginary parts for the retrieved and calculated RIs were in good agreement with each other, and well within the measurement errors of retrieval from pulsed CRD spectroscopy measurements. Finally, a core-shell structure model is also used to explore the differences between the models, for substances with low growth factors, under these hydration conditions. It was found that at 80% RH and for size parameters less than 2.5, there is less than a 5 % difference between the extinction efficiencies calculated with both models. This difference is within measurement errors; hence, there is no significant difference between the models in this case. However, for greater size parameters the difference can be up to 10%. For 90% RH the differences below a size parameter of 2.5 were up to 7%.rn Finally, the fully characterized PAS together with a cavity ring down spectrometer (CRD), were used to study the optical properties of soot and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) during the SOOT-11 project in the AIDA chamber in Karlsruhe, Germany. The fresh fractal-like soot particles were allowed to coagulate for 28 hours before stepwise coating them with SOA. The single scattering albedo for fresh fractal-like soot was measured to be 0.2 (±0.03), and after allowing the soot to coagulate for 28 hours and coating it with SOA, it increased to 0.71(±0.01). An absorption enhancement of the coated soot of up to 1.71 (±0.03) times from the non-coated coagulated soot was directly measured with the PAS. Monodisperse measurements of SOA and soot coated with SOA were performed to derive the complex refractive index (m) of both aerosols. A complex refractive index of m = 1.471(±0.008) + i0.0(±0.002) for the SOA-αO3 was retrieved. For the compact coagulated soot a preliminary complex refractive index of m = 2.04(+0.21/-0.14) + i0.34(+0.18/-0.06) with 10nm(+4/-6) coating thickness was retrieved.rn These detail properties can be use by modelers to decrease uncertainties in assessing climatic impacts of the different species and to improve weather forecasting.rn


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In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, wie oberflächenfunktionalisierte Polystyrolnanopartikel zur Herstellung von Metallchalkogenid/Polymer-Hybridnanopartikeln eingesetzt werden können. Dazu wurden zunächst phosphonsäure- und phosphorsäurefunktionalisierte Surfmere synthetisiert, die anschließend bei der Miniemulsionspolymerisation von Styrol verwendet wurden. Die Surfmere dienten dabei zugleich zur Stabilisierung und als Comonomer. Die oberflächenfunktionalisierten Polystyrolnanopartikel wurden anschließend als Trägerpartikel für die Kristallisation von Metalloxiden eingesetzt. Dabei wurden Metalloxid/Polymer-Hybridnanopartikel mit einer „himbeerartigen“ Morphologie erhalten. Um die vielseitige Modifizierbarkeit der phosphonat- und phosphat¬funktionalisierten Polystyrolpartikel zu demonstrieren, wurden Cer-, Eisen- sowie Zinkoxid auf der Partikeloberfläche kristallisiert. Dazu wurden sowohl wässrige als auch alkoholische Metalloxid-Präkursorlösungen eingesetzt. Die synthetisierten Metall¬oxid/Polymer-Hybridpartikel wurden detailliert mit REM, TEM und PXRD analysiert. Die Untersuchung des Kristallisationsmechanismus hatte erwiesen, dass die komplexierten Metallkationen auf der Partikeloberfläche als Nukleationszentren wirkten und die Zutropfrate des Fällungsreagenz entscheidend für die Oberflächenkristallisation ist. Durch Mischungsexperimente von Metalloxidnanopartikeln und den oberflächen¬funktionalisierten Polymerpartikeln konnte die Hybridpartikelbildung über Hetero¬koagulation ausgeschlossen werden. Außerdem wurde festgestellt, dass die Polarität der funktionellen Gruppe über die Stärke der Komplexierung der Metalloxid-Präkursor bestimmt. Darüber hinaus wurde ein Modell zur Erklärung der kolloidalen Stabilisierung der Metalloxid/Polymer-Hybridsysteme aufgestellt und ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem gemessenen Zeta-Potential und der Oberflächenbedeckung der Polymerpartikel durch Metalloxid gefunden. Mit der Methode der Oberflächenkristallisation konnten frühe Stadien der Nukleation auf der Partikeloberfläche fixiert werden. Weiterhin wurden die individuellen physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der hergestellten Metall¬oxid/Polymer-Hybridnano¬partikel untersucht. Dabei zeigten die CeO2/Polymer-Hybridpartikel eine hohe katalytische Aktivität bezüglich der photokatalytischen Oxidation von Rhodamin B, die als Modellreaktion durchgeführt wurde. Des Weiteren wurde die Magnetisierung der Magnetit/Polymer-Hybridpartikel gemessen. Die Fe3O4-Hybrid¬partikelsysteme wiesen eine vergleichbare Sättigungsmagnetisierung auf. Die Zinkoxid/Polymer-Hybridsysteme zeigten eine starke Lumineszenz im sichtbaren Bereich bei Anregung mit UV-Licht. Die Metalloxid/Polymer-Hybridpartikel, die mit den phosphonat- oder phosphatfunktion¬alisierten Polystyrolpartikeln hergestellt wurden, zeigten keine signifikanten Unterschiede in ihren physikochemischen Eigenschaften. Im Allgemeinen lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass sowohl Phosphonat- als auch Phosphatgruppen gleichermaßen für die Oberflächenkristallisation von Metalloxiden geeignet sind. Die Zink¬oxid/Polymer-Hybridsysteme stellen eine Ausnahme dar. Die Verwendung der phosphonat¬funktionalisierten Polystyrolpartikel führte zur Entstehung einer Zinkhydroxidphase, die neben der Zinkoxidphase gebildet wurde. Aufgrund dessen zeigten die ZnO/RPO3H2-Hybridpartikel eine geringere Lumineszenz im sichtbaren Bereich als die ZnO/RPO4H2-Hybridsysteme.rnDie Erkenntnisse, die bei der Oberflächenkristallisation von Metalloxiden gewonnen wurden, konnten erfolgreich auf Cadmiumsulfid übertragen werden. Dabei konnte Cadmiumsulfid auf der Oberfläche von phosphonatfunktionalisierten Polystyrolpartikeln kristallisiert werden. Mit Hilfe des RPO3H2-Surfmers konnten phosphonatfunktion¬alisierte Polystyrolpartikel mit superparamagnetischem Kern synthetisiert werden, die zur Herstellung von multifunktionalen CdS/Polymer-Hybridpartikeln mit Magnetitkern verwendet wurden. Die Kristallphase und die Oberflächenbedeckung der multi¬funktionalen Hybridsysteme wurden mit den CdS/Polymer-Hybridsystemen ohne magnetischen Kern verglichen. Dabei konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in beiden Fällen Cadmiumsulfid in der Greenockit-Modifikation gebildet wurde. Die multifunktionalen CdS/Polymer-Hybridpartikel mit superparamagnetischem Kern konnten sowohl mit einem optischen als auch einem magnetischen Stimulus angeregt werden.rnrn


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La tesi enuncia e spiega i vari metodi e le varie tecnologie utilizzate dalle applicazioni web per inserire i dati e visualizzare i risultati. Per ciò che concerne i metodi vengono considerati l'input dei dati (come tastiera, fotocamera, disegni geometrici e scrittura a mano) e la loro renderizzazione (visuale, testuale, grafico, ecc). Vengono infine evidenziate le principali tecnologie relative all'input dei dati (come tastiere virtuali, OCR e inchiostro digitale) e all'output (LaTeX, MathML, MathJax, ecc).


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Gli aerosol, sospensione colloidale in aria di particelle solide o liquide, sono parte integrante dell’atmosfera. Essi interagiscono con la radiazione solare influenzando il clima (effetto primario e secondario) e la visibilità atmosferica. Gli aerosol hanno effetti sulla salute umana con patologie degli apparati cardiovascolare e circolatorio. La presente tesi affronta alcuni aspetti critici dei contatori ottici di particelle (OPC), utilizzati per caratterizzare l’aerosol ambientale. Gli OPC si basano sullo scattering luminoso per fornire la concentrazione in numero e la distribuzione dimensionale degli aerosol in tempo reale. Gli obiettivi di questa tesi sono: 1)caratterizzare e migliorare le prestazioni di un OPC di nuova concezione (CompactOPC N1, Alphasense; in seguito COPC) rispetto a un OPC standard commerciale (Grimm 1.108; in seguito GRM); 2)realizzare un banco di prova per la calibrazione di un OPC utilizzato in camere bianche e ambienti sanitari (Laser Particle Sensor 3715-00, Kanomax; in seguito LPS). Per questa attività ha mostrato interesse un’azienda locale (Pollution Clean Air Systems S.p.A.; Budrio, BO). Le prove sperimentali sono state effettuate con aerosol indoor e con particelle monodisperse di latex polistirene (PSL) di dimensioni differenti campionando in parallelo con i diversi OPC e su filtro per osservazioni al microscopio elettronico a scansione (SEM). In questo modo si è ottenuto un valore assoluto di riferimento per la concentrazione di aerosol. I risultati ottenuti indicano un buon accordo tra le concentrazioni di particelle fornite dal GRM e quelle ottenute al SEM. Il lavoro ha inoltre permesso di migliorare le prestazioni del COPC modificando la versione di base. Inoltre, è stata effettuata la calibrazione del LPS tramite il banco di prova realizzato nella tesi. Il lavoro sperimentale è stato svolto presso il Laboratorio di Aerosol e Fisica delle Nubi dell’Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima (ISAC) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) a Bologna.


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In this paper, I will argue that Canadian author Margaret Atwood uses fiscal and socially conservative dystopias to show how sex work and prostitution are choices that women would never have to make in a world with true gender equality. In these radically different worlds, women have no agency beyond their sexuality and no ability to express themselves as equals within either society. And while the structures of both societies, the society of The Handmaid’s Tale and that of both Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood, are inherently different, they both stem from modern conservative philosophies: for example, the country of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale holds Christian conservative beliefs on the role of religion in the state and the culturally designated roles of women. I define social conservatism as the idea that government organizations are used to pursue an agenda promoting traditional religious values such as “public morality” and opposing “immoralities” such as abortion, prostitution, and homosexuality. I define fiscal conservatism as an agenda promoting privatization of the market, deregulation and lower taxes. In this paper I argue that because these philosophies are incompatible with gender equality, they drive women to occupations such as sex work. Women find that they have no choices and sex work provides something to “trade.” For Offred, this “trading” is more limited, because she is a sex slave. For Oryx, this trading allows her to travel to the West, yet not before her childhood is marked by prostitution and pornography. Sex work allows for Ren to reclaim some agency over her life, yet she only chooses sex work because she is presented with few other options. All of these issues stem from the philosophies that define these dystopias.


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Microfluidic devices can be used for many applications, including the formation of well-controlled emulsions. In this study, the capability to continuously create monodisperse droplets in a microfluidic device was used to form calcium-alginate capsules.Calcium-alginate capsules have many potential uses, such as immunoisolation of cells and microencapsulation of active drug ingredients or bitter agents in food or beverage products. The gelation of calcium-alginate capsules is achieved by crosslinking sodiumalginate with calcium ions. Calcium ions dissociated from calcium carbonate due to diffusion of acetic acid from a sunflower oil phase into an aqueous droplet containing sodium-alginate and calcium carbonate. After gelation, the capsules were separated from the continuous oil phase into an aqueous solution for use in biological applications. Typically, capsules are separated bycentrifugation, which can damage both the capsules and the encapsulated material. A passive method achieves separation without exposing the encapsulated material or the capsules to large mechanical forces, thereby preventing damage. To achieve passiveseparation, the use of a microfluidic device with opposing channel wa hydrophobicity was used to stabilize co-laminar flow of im of hydrophobicity is accomplished by defining one length of the channel with a hydrogel. The chosen hydrogel was poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate, which adheres to the glass surface through the use of self-assembled monolayer of 3-(trichlorosilyl)-propyl methacrylate. Due to the difference in surface energy within the channel, the aqueous stream is stabilized near a hydrogel and the oil stream is stabilized near the thiolene based optical adhesive defining the opposing length of the channel. Passive separation with co-laminar flow has shown success in continuously separating calcium-alginatecapsules from an oil phase into an aqueous phase. In addition to successful formation and separation of calcium alginate capsules,encapsulation of Latex micro-beads and viable mammalian cells has been achieved. The viability of encapsulated mammalian cells was determined using a live/dead stain. The co-laminar flow device has also been demonstrated as a means of separating liquid-liquidemulsions.


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We present a collection of R packages for conducting and distributing reproducible research using R, Sweave, and LaTeX. The collection consists of the cacheSweave, stashR, and SRPM packages which allow for the caching of computations in Sweave documents and the distribution of those cached computations via remotely accessible key-value databases. We describe the caching mechanism used by the cacheSweave package and tools that we have developed for authors and readers for the purposes of creating and interacting with reproducible documents.


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We present a model of spike-driven synaptic plasticity inspired by experimental observations and motivated by the desire to build an electronic hardware device that can learn to classify complex stimuli in a semisupervised fashion. During training, patterns of activity are sequentially imposed on the input neurons, and an additional instructor signal drives the output neurons toward the desired activity. The network is made of integrate-and-fire neurons with constant leak and a floor. The synapses are bistable, and they are modified by the arrival of presynaptic spikes. The sign of the change is determined by both the depolarization and the state of a variable that integrates the postsynaptic action potentials. Following the training phase, the instructor signal is removed, and the output neurons are driven purely by the activity of the input neurons weighted by the plastic synapses. In the absence of stimulation, the synapses preserve their internal state indefinitely. Memories are also very robust to the disruptive action of spontaneous activity. A network of 2000 input neurons is shown to be able to classify correctly a large number (thousands) of highly overlapping patterns (300 classes of preprocessed Latex characters, 30 patterns per class, and a subset of the NIST characters data set) and to generalize with performances that are better than or comparable to those of artificial neural networks. Finally we show that the synaptic dynamics is compatible with many of the experimental observations on the induction of long-term modifications (spike-timing-dependent plasticity and its dependence on both the postsynaptic depolarization and the frequency of pre- and postsynaptic neurons).


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Data obtained with two CZE assays for determining carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum under routine conditions, the CAPILLARYS CDT and the high-resolution CEofix (HR-CEofix) CDT methods, are in agreement with patient sera that do not exhibit interferences, high trisialo-transferrin (Tf) levels or genetic variants. HR-CEofix CDT levels are somewhat higher compared to those obtained with the CAPILLARYS method and this bias corresponds to the difference of the upper reference values of the two assays. The lower resolution between disialo-Tf and trisialo-Tf observed in the CAPILLARYS system (mean: 1.24) compared to HR-CEofix (mean: 1.74) is believed to be the key for this difference. For critical sera with high trisialo-Tf levels, genetic variants, or certain interferences in the beta-region, the HR-CEofix approach is demonstrated to perform better than CAPILLARYS. However, the determination of CDT with the HR-CEofix method can also be hampered with interferences. Results with disialo-Tf values larger than 3% in the absence of asialo-Tf should be evaluated with immunosubtraction of Tf and possibly also confirmed with another CZE method or by HPLC. Furthermore, data gathered with the N Latex CDT direct immunonephelometric assay suggest that this assay can be used for screening purposes. To reduce the number of false negative results, CDT data above 2.0% should be confirmed using a separation method.


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This paper describes the ideas and problems of the Edukalibre e-learning project, in which the author takes part. The basic objective of the project shares the development and exploitation of software components for web-based information systems applied to education as well as organizing of teaching material for them. The paper concerns a problem of the mathematical-oriented courseware and describes the experience in developing LaTeX-supporting online converting tool.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS In diabetes mellitus type I, good glycaemic control is crucial in preventing long-term diabetic complications. The aim of this study was to determine the current level of metabolic control in children and adolescents in our diabetes outpatient clinic at the University Children's Hospital, Berne. Furthermore, the impact of different factors such as age, pubertal stage, sex, duration of diabetes and insulin regimen on glycaemic control was studied. METHODS In a cross-sectional, prospective study 168 children and adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus (f:m = 87:81; prepubertal 48 [mean age 4.4 years, mean duration of diabetes 2.8 years]; pubertal 120 [mean age 9.4 years; mean duration of diabetes 5.2 years]) were studied for three months. Clinical data and HbA1c levels (latex immunoagglutination test) were recorded, statistically analysed and compared with the international literature. RESULTS In our type I diabetic children and adolescents the overall HbA1c was 8.07 +/- 1.15% (mean +/- SD; test-specific norm for healthy subjects: 4.1-6.1%). Glycaemic control was significantly worse in the pubertal group compared to the prepubertal (HbA1c 8.22 +/- 1.25% vs. 7.81 +/- 0.87%; p < 0.01). In addition, we found better metabolic control in patients with duration of diabetes below 2 years in children and adolescents (HbA1c prepubertal < 2 years: 7.45 +/- 0.67% vs. > 2 years: 8.05 +/- 0.93%, p < 0.05; pubertal < 2 years: 7.62 +/- 0.75% vs. > 2 years: 8.31 +/- 1.29%, p < 0.005). Importantly, sex and insulin regimen did not significantly influence glycaemic control. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION The current level of metabolic control in our children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus type I is comparable to the glycaemic control of the intensively treated adolescent group of the DCCT-study, in whom decreased risk of long-term diabetic complications was found. In contrast, our patients were intensively treated in terms of frequent contacts with the diabetes team, but were not necessarily on an intensified insulin regimen. The impact of biopsychosocial support from multidisciplinary diabetes team on good metabolic control in children and adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus and their families seems to be very important.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the rates of penicillin, clindamycin and erythromycin resistance and the serotype distribution among isolates of group B streptococcus (GBS) obtained from pregnant women at the University Hospital of Bern in Switzerland. METHODS We prospectively collected screening samples for GBS colonisation at the University Women's Hospital Bern, Switzerland, between March 2009 and August 2010. We included 364 GBS isolates collected from vaginal, cervical or vaginal-perianal swabs at any gestation time. The minimal inhibitory concentrations for penicillin, clindamycin and erythromycin were established using Etest with 24 hours of incubation, and inducible clindamycin resistance was tested with double disk diffusion tests. Serotyping was done with a rapid latex agglutination test or, if not conclusive, with polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) testing. We looked for significant associations between resistance patterns, age groups, serotype and ethnicity. RESULTS All isolates were susceptible to penicillin. Resistance rates were 14.5% for erythromycin and 8.2% for clindamycin. Of 364 isolates, 5.8% were susceptible to clindamycin but not to erythromycin, although demonstrating inducible clindamycin resistance. Hence, the final reported clindamycin resistance rate was 14%. Serotype III was the most frequent serotype (29%), followed by V (25%) and Ia (19%). Serotype V was associated with erythromycin resistance (p = 0.0007). In comparison with all other ethnicities, patients from Asia showed a higher proportion of erythromycin and clindamycin resistance (p = 0.018). No significant association between resistance patterns and age groups was found. CONCLUSION In pregnant women with GBS colonisation, penicillin is the antibiotic of choice for intrapartum prophylaxis to prevent neonatal early-onset GBS sepsis. In women with penicillin allergy and at high risk for anaphylactic reaction, clindamycin may be an alternative. The resistance rate for clindamycin at our institution was 14%; therefore, susceptibility must be tested before administration.


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Macrophages are an important line of defence against invading pathogens. Human macrophages derived by different methods were tested for their suitability as models to investigate Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) infection and compared to macrophage-like THP-1 cells. Human primary monocytes were isolated by either positive or negative immunomagnetic selection and differentiated in the presence of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) into pro- or anti-inflammatory macrophages, respectively. Regardless of the isolation method, GM-CSF-derived macrophages (GM-Mφ) stained positive for CD206 and M-CSF-derived macrophages (M-Mφ) for CD163. THP-1 cells did not express CD206 or CD163 following incubation with PMA, M- or GM-CSF alone or in combination. Upon infection with Lm, all primary macrophages showed good survival at high multiplicities of infection whereas viability of THP-1 was severely reduced even at lower bacterial numbers. M-Mφ generally showed high phagocytosis of Lm. Strikingly, phagocytosis of Lm by GM-Mφ was markedly influenced by the method used for isolation of monocytes. GM-Mφ derived from negatively isolated monocytes showed low phagocytosis of Lm whereas GM-Mφ generated from positively selected monocytes displayed high phagocytosis of Lm. Moreover, incubation with CD14 antibody was sufficient to enhance phagocytosis of Lm by GM-Mφ generated from negatively isolated monocytes. By contrast, non-specific phagocytosis of latex beads by GM-Mφ was not influenced by treatment with CD14 antibody. Furthermore, phagocytosis of Lactococcus lactis, Escherichia coli, human cytomegalovirus and the protozoan parasite Leishmania major by GM-Mφ was not enhanced upon treatment with CD14 antibody indicating that this effect is specific for Lm. Based on these observations, we propose macrophages derived by ex vivo differentiation of negatively selected human primary monocytes as the most suitable model to study Lm infection of macrophages.


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From a biological point of view, casting refers to filling of anatomical and/or pathological spaces with extraneous material that reproduces a three-dimensional replica of the space. Casting may be accompanied by additional procedures such as corrosion, in which the soft tissue is digested out, leaving a clean cast, or the material may be mixed with radiopaque substances to allow x-ray photography or micro computed topography (µCT) scanning. Alternatively, clearing of the surrounding soft tissue increases transparency and allows visualization of the casted cavities. Combination of casting with tissue fixation allows anatomical dissection and didactic surgical procedures on the tissue. Casting materials fall into three categories namely, aqueous substances (India ink, Prussian blue ink), pliable materials (gelatins, latex, and silicone rubber), or hard materials (methyl methacrylates, polyurethanes, polyesters, and epoxy resins). Casting has proved invaluable in both teaching and research and many phenomenal biological processes have been discovered through casting. The choice of a particular material depends inter alia on the targeted use and the intended subsequent investigative procedures, such as dissection, microscopy, or µCT. The casting material needs to be pliable where anatomical and surgical manipulations are intended, and capillary-passable for ultrastructural investigations.


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Saliva can reach mineralized surfaces in the oral cavity; however, the relationship between saliva and bone resorption is unclear. Herein, we examined whether saliva affects the process of osteoclastogenesis in vitro. We used murine bone marrow cultures to study osteoclast formation. The addition of fresh sterile saliva eliminated the formation of multinucleated cells that stained positive for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). In line with the histochemical staining, saliva substantially reduced gene expression of cathepsin K, calcitonin receptor, and TRAP. Addition of saliva led to considerably decreased gene expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANK) and, to a lesser extent, that of c-fms. The respective master regulators of osteoclastogenesis (c-fos and NFATc1) and the downstream cell fusion genes (DC-STAMP and Atp6v0d2) showed decreased expression after the addition of saliva. Among the costimulatory molecules for osteoclastogenesis, only OSCAR showed decreased expression. In contrast, CD40, CD80, and CD86-all costimulatory molecules of phagocytic cells-were increasingly expressed with saliva. The phagocytic capacity of the cells was confirmed by latex bead ingestion. Based on these in vitro results, it can be concluded that saliva suppresses osteoclastogenesis and leads to the development of a phagocytic cell phenotype.