887 resultados para labor mobility
Los documentos del Seminario fueron publicados por UNESCO en 1961 con el título: La urbanización en América Latina/Urbanization in Latin America
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Propone un criterio para la formulacion de estrategias para el adelanto de la mujer hasta el ano 2000 en el contexto de las metas y objetivos y subtemas del Decenio de las NU para la mujer. Sugiere un esbozo del informe que se ha de presentar al organo preparatorio de la Conferencia Mundial, en su tercer periodo de sesiones en 1985, incluidas las principales cuestiones que se han de abordar.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines aspects of current urban transport policies in Latin America and proposes a conceptual framework for an integrated and sustainable mobility policy.
On 13 and 14 March 2008 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a seminar on urban mobility policies and urban transport infrastructure services was organized by French Cooperation and ECLAC (through its Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division and its Office in Buenos Aires), with the sponsorship of the Alliance française and the Andean Development Corporation.
This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyses institutional alternatives and international best practices for the development of transportation services that explicitly include and integrate users with some type of disability.
This issue of the FAL bulletin analyses transport and mobility policy in Latin America, where the lack of integrated public policies for urban mobility and the failure to take coordinated action over time make it difficult to prioritize investments and coordinate existing initiatives (both public and private).
This issue of the FAL Bulletin summarizes the main outcomes of a regional workshop held in Costa Rica in November 2012 that brought together ministers and high-level authorities from the member countries of the Mesoamerica Project.