937 resultados para kalevalametric runes - sexual behaviour
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An increase in new HIV cases among men who have sex with men (MSM) has been reported in Switzerland since 2001. A rapid result HIV testing for MSM through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) facility ("Checkpoint") was opened in Geneva in 2005. This gay-friendly facility, the first to open in Switzerland, provides testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and rapid result HIV testing and counselling. Our objective was to analyze Checkpoint's activity over its first five years of activity and its ability to attract at-risk MSM. METHODS: We used routine data collected anonymously about the facility activity (number of clients, number of tests, and test results) and about the characteristics of the clientele (sociodemographic data, sexual risk behaviour, and reasons for testing) from 2005 to 2009. RESULTS: The yearly number of HIV tests performed increased from 249 in 2005 to 561 in 2009. The annual proportion of positive tests among tests performed varied between 2% and 3%. Among MSM clients, the median annual number of anal intercourse (AI) partners was three. Roughly 30% of all MSM clients had at least one unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) experience in the previous 12 months with a partner of different/unknown HIV status.The main reason for testing in 2007, 2008, and 2009 was "sexual risk exposure" (~40%), followed by "routine" testing (~30%) and "condom stopping in the beginning of a new steady relationship" (~10%). Clients who came to the facility after a sexual risk exposure, compared to clients who came for "routine testing" or "condom stopping" reasons, had the highest number of AI partners in the previous 12 months, were more likely to have had UAI with a partner of different/unknown HIV status in the previous 12 months (respectively 57.3%, 12.5%, 23.5%), more likely to have had an STI diagnosed in the past (41.6%, 32.2%, 22.9%), and more likely to report recent feelings of sadness or depression (42.6%; 32.8%, 18.5%). CONCLUSION: Many of Checkpoint's clients reported elevated sexual risk exposure and risk factors, and the annual proportion of new HIV cases in the facility is stable. This VCT facility attracts the intended population and appears to be a useful tool contributing to the fight against the HIV epidemic among MSM in Switzerland.
Gender identity disorder is defined as a permanent desire to relieve one's own sexual features to acquire the sexual features and line to life of the opposite sex. The diagnosis is based on the psychiatric evaluation and treatment on an interdisciplinary approach by endocrinologists, surgeons and psychiatrists, and can be conceptualized into distinct phases: diagnostic evaluation, real life experience, hormonal treatment and surgery. Multiples challenges have to be faced, especially by the psychiatrist who follows the patient during the whole process.
Tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat ravintoon liittyvän suositusmerkin käyttöön kuluttajan ostopäätöksen apuna. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen pohjaksi valittiin suunnitellun toiminnan teoria, joka on osoittautunut selittämään hyvin useaa ravintoon- ja terveyteen liittyvää käyttäytymistä. Tutkimustoteutettiin kyselytutkimuksella, jonka aineisto kerättiin Internetissä julkaistulla kyselylomakkeella. Tulokset osoittivat, että kuluttajan aikomus käyttää suositusmerkkiä oli mallin vahvin selittäjä. Lisäksi merkin käyttöä selitti kuluttajan kokema sisäinen kontrolli, johon ulkoinen kontrolli vahvasti vaikuttaa. Ostopäätössitoutumisen havaittiin vaikuttavan aikomuksen ja todellisen merkin käytön väliseen yhteyteen. Yleisesti tulokset osoittivat, että kuluttajilla on aikomusta käyttää merkkiä, mutta todellinen käyttö on huomattavasti vähäisempää.
Background and Aims Male-biased sex allocation commonly occurs in wind-pollinated hermaphroditic plants, and is often positively associated with size, notably in terms of height. Currently, it is not well established whether a corresponding pattern holds for dioecious plants: do males of wind-pollinated species exhibit greater reproductive allocation than females? Here, sexual dimorphism is investigated in terms of life history trade-offs in a dioecious population of the wind-pollinated ruderal herb Mercurialis annua.Methods The allocation strategies of males and females grown under different soil nutrient availability and competitive (i.e. no, male or female competitor) regimes were compared.Key Results Male reproductive allocation increased disproportionately with biomass, and was greater than that of females when grown in rich soils. Sexual morphs differentially adjusted their reproductive allocation in response to local environmental conditions. In particular, males reduced their reproductive allocation in poor soils, whereas females increased theirs, especially when competing with another female rather than growing alone. Finally, males displayed smaller above-ground vegetative sizes than females, but neither nutrient availability nor competition had a strong independent effect on relative size disparities between the sexes.Conclusions Selection appears to favour plasticity in reproductive allocation in dioecious M. annua, thereby maintaining a relatively constant size hierarchy between sexual morphs. In common with other dioecious species, there seems to be little divergence in the niches occupied by males and females of M. annua.
BACKGROUND: Used in conjunction with biological surveillance, behavioural surveillance provides data allowing for a more precise definition of HIV/STI prevention strategies. In 2008, mapping of behavioural surveillance in EU/EFTA countries was performed on behalf of the European Centre for Disease prevention and Control. METHOD: Nine questionnaires were sent to all 31 member States and EEE/EFTA countries requesting data on the overall behavioural and second generation surveillance system and on surveillance in the general population, youth, men having sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDU), sex workers (SW), migrants, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), and sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinics patients. Requested data included information on system organisation (e.g. sustainability, funding, institutionalisation), topics covered in surveys and main indicators. RESULTS: Twenty-eight of the 31 countries contacted supplied data. Sixteen countries reported an established behavioural surveillance system, and 13 a second generation surveillance system (combination of biological surveillance of HIV/AIDS and STI with behavioural surveillance). There were wide differences as regards the year of survey initiation, number of populations surveyed, data collection methods used, organisation of surveillance and coordination with biological surveillance. The populations most regularly surveyed are the general population, youth, MSM and IDU. SW, patients of STI clinics and PLWHA are surveyed less regularly and in only a small number of countries, and few countries have undertaken behavioural surveys among migrant or ethnic minorities populations. In many cases, the identification of populations with risk behaviour and the selection of populations to be included in a BS system have not been formally conducted, or are incomplete. Topics most frequently covered are similar across countries, although many different indicators are used. In most countries, sustainability of surveillance systems is not assured. CONCLUSION: Although many European countries have established behavioural surveillance systems, there is little harmonisation as regards the methods and indicators adopted. The main challenge now faced is to build and maintain organised and functional behavioural and second generation surveillance systems across Europe, to increase collaboration, to promote robust, sustainable and cost-effective data collection methods, and to harmonise indicators.
With regard to semi-aquatic mammals, Schröpfer & Stubbe (1992) distinguished three riparian guilds: the herbivores with the water vole and the beaver; the megacarnivores with the mink and the otter; and the macrocarnivores with water shrews and desmans. Among water shrews, the evolution of aquatic foraging behaviour occurred several times: Nectogale and Chimarrogale in Asia, several species of the genus Sorex in America, and Neomys in Eurasia (Churchfield, 1990). The fairly common European water shrew N. fodiens is the best known. However, the reports on the degree of adaptation to the water habitat are conflicting. Therefore some important findings from the literature are reviewed in this introduction, whereas new data are presented in the following sections. The swimming locomotion of water shrews was analysed by Ruthardt & Schröpfer (1985) and Köhler (1991), and the related morphological adaptation were reviewed by Hutterer (1985) and Churchfield (this volume pp. 49-51). They obviously present a compromise between the requirements for activity on land and in the water. Thermoregulation is a major problem for semi-aquatic mammals, because heat conductance in water is 25-fold greater than in air (Calder, 1969). According to this author, the body temperature of immersed American Sorex palustris dropped by a rate of 2.8 °C per min. However, this may be an experimental artefact, because Neomys fodiens can maintain its body temperature at 37 °C during an immersion of 6 min (Vogel, 1990).
O aparecimento de flores imperfeitas nas plantas hermafroditas do mamoeiro está relacionado a fatores genéticos, os quais são afetados pelo ambiente. Condições de alta umidade, altos teores de nitrogênio e de água no solo tendem a mudar o sexo das flores hermafroditas, produzindo frutos deformados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento do mamoeiro 'Improved Sunrise Solo 72/12', na produção dos diferentes tipos de flores hermafroditas, em relação à aplicação de diferentes lâminas de água, na região Norte Fluminense. O experimento foi conduzido sob delineamento em blocos casualizados com sete tratamentos (lâminas de irrigação), três repetições e cinco plantas úteis em cada parcela experimental. Foi utilizado um sistema de irrigação por microaspersão para aplicação de água. Os níveis de irrigação aplicados foram sete percentagens da evapotranspiração de referência (T1 = 0; T2 = 40; T3 = 80; T4 = 120; T5 = 160; T6 = 200 e T7 = 240 % da ET0). Após o início do florescimento foram avaliados, mensalmente, os números de flores estéreis, de frutos carpelóides e pentândricos. A ocorrência de flores estéreis foi responsável pelas maiores perdas na produção e foi maior no verão e agravada pelo déficit hídrico. A adoção de uma lâmina em torno de 120% da ETo minimizou as perdas pela produção de flores imperfeitas.
En este artículo se revisa el tema de la evaluación de los trastornos psicosexuales haciendo hincapié en los instrumentos de auto-evaluación. En la bibliografía anglosajona existen muchas referencias a estos inventarios. En los últimos 5 años sólo en la revista Journal of Sex Marital Therapy se citan 23 de los más usuales. En nuestro ámbito existen pocos, y estos son a menudo traducciones y adaptaciones no validadas de los referidos en las revistas anglosajonas. Hemos querido tratar en profundidad dos de los inventarios más conocidos: el Sexual Arousability Inventori (SAI) y el Sexual Interaction Inventory. El primero ha sido validado en muestras españolas. Se proporciona suficiente información para que el lector pueda utilizar estos instrumentos en su práctica clínica, y se le incita a que se ofrezcan datos obtenidos en muestras españolas para corroborar sus características psicométricas y de utilidad clínica.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación española del Sexual Arousability Inventory-Expanded (SAI-E), en una muestra de 350 mujeres de edades comprendidas entre los 19 y 45 años, con un nivel educativo medio o superior, y de considerable experiencia sexual. Los resultados obtenidos muestran niveles de consistencia interna y validez aceptables. Asimismo permiten disponer en nuestro ámbito de un instrumento de gran utilidad para el diagnóstico de los trastornos psicosexuales y para la investigación en epidemiología sexual.
Se realiza un análisis de componentes principales de las escalas de Excitación y Ansiedad del SAI-E a fin de derivar subescalas que proporcionen mejor y más información sobre el contenido del cuestionario. Los factores obtenidos mantienen una gran afinidad con los resultados de Chambless. Las subescalas de Excitación se encuentran muy correlacionadas con las variables de frecuencia de coito, frecuencia de masturbación y con un listado de variedad de conductas sexuales (Bentler). Las subescalas de Ansiedad muestran correlaciones negativas con las variables sexuales anteriores. La fiabilidad alfa de las subescalas derivadas factorialmente es aceptable.
Theory states that genes on the sex chromosomes have stronger effects on sexual dimorphism than genes on the autosomes. Although empirical data are not necessarily consistent with this theory, this situation may prevail because the relative role of sex-linked and autosomally inherited genes on sexual dimorphism has rarely been evaluated. We estimated the quantitative genetics of three sexually dimorphic melanin-based traits in the barn owl (Tyto alba), in which females are on average darker reddish pheomelanic and display more and larger black eumelanic feather spots than males. The plumage traits with higher sex-linked inheritance showed lower heritability and genetic correlations, but contrary to prediction, these traits showed less pronounced sexual dimorphism. Strong offspring sexual dimorphism primarily resulted from daughters not expressing malelike melanin-based traits and from sons expressing femalelike traits to similar degrees as their sisters. We conclude that in the barn owl, polymorphism at autosomal genes rather than at sex-linked genes generate variation in sexual dimorphism in melanin-based traits.
A lagarta-das-fruteiras, Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick, 1909) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), é uma espécie freqüentemente encontrada danificando a cultura da videira e outras frutíferas de clima temperado na região Sul do Brasil e no Uruguai. Estudou-se a flutuação populacional de A. sphaleropa na cultura da videira com emprego do feromônio sexual sintético. Com base na avaliação semanal de machos de A. sphaleropa capturados em armadilha Delta contendo o feromônio sexual sintético (Z11,13-14Ac + Z11,13-14Al + Z11-14Al na proporção 4:4:1, impregnada em liberadores de borracha na dose de 1.000µg/septo), durante a safra 2003-2004, foram observados quatro picos populacionais na cultura da videira cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon. O primeiro pico populacional ocorreu no início do mês de outubro, o segundo no início de fevereiro, o terceiro teve o acme em meados do mês de março e o quarto no mês de junho. A temperatura média diária e a precipitação pluviométrica não exerceram influência sobre a captura dos insetos nas armadilhas. As informações deste trabalho permitem direcionar as táticas de controle para os períodos em que a população do inseto é mais elevada nos parreirais.