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A new method for modeling-frequency-dependent boundaries in finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and Kirchhoff variable digital waveguide mesh (K-DWM) room acoustics simulations is presented. The proposed approach allows the direct incorporation of a digital impedance filter (DIF) in the Multidimensional (2D or 3D) FDTD boundary model of a locally reacting surface. An explicit boundary update equation is obtained by carefully constructing a Suitable recursive formulation. The method is analyzed in terms of pressure wave reflectance for different wall impedance filters and angles of incidence. Results obtained from numerical experiments confirm the high accuracy of the proposed digital impedance filter boundary model, the reflectance of which matches locally reacting surface (LRS) theory closely. Furthermore a numerical boundary analysis (NBA) formula is provided as a technique for an analytic evaluation of the numerical reflectance of the proposed digital impedance filter boundary formulation.


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In this paper, we present new methods for constructing and analysing formulations of locally reacting surfaces that can be used in finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations of acoustic spaces. Novel FDTD formulations of frequency-independent and simple frequency-dependent impedance boundaries are proposed for 2D and 3D acoustic systems, including a full treatment of corners and boundary edges. The proposed boundary formulations are designed for virtual acoustics applications using the standard leapfrog scheme based on a rectilinear grid, and apply to FDTD as well as Kirchhoff variable digital waveguide mesh (K-DWM) methods. In addition, new analytic evaluation methods that accurately predict the reflectance of numerical boundary formulations are proposed. numerical experiments and numerical boundary analysis (NBA) are analysed in time and frequency domains in terms of the pressure wave reflectance for different angles of incidence and various impedances. The results show that the proposed boundary formulations structurally adhere well to the theoretical reflectance. In particular, both reflectance magnitude and phase are closely approximated even at high angles of incidence and low impedances. Furthermore, excellent agreement was found between the numerical boundary analysis and the experimental results, validating both as tools for researching FDTD boundary formulations.


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From the late 1860s, opera for Dvorák, along with many composers of the Czech national revival, was an abiding preoccupation. This article examines Dvorak’s relationship with his librettists, his approach to their texts, and the extent to which he was prepared to mould their content. While there is no surviving correspondence between Dvorák and the librettist of his last opera, Jaroslav Vrchlický, a copy of the libretto of Armida with annotations in both Vrchlický’s and Dvorák’s hands was found in 2007 among the writer’s papers. Although Dvorák’s stage sense has often been called into question, it is clear that his interventions in the libretto of Armida, in the first and last acts in particular, show a practical, theatrical approach that did much to enhance the dramatic impact of Armida’s first entry and the final chorus of the opera.


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Results are reported on the a-b plane dielectric function (epsilon) of thin-film c-axis NdBa2Cu3O7-delta with close to optimal oxygen doping (T-c similar to 90 K) in the mid-infrared (wavelength 3.392 mum) over the temperature range 85 K to 300 K. An attenuated total reflectance technique based on the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons is used. The results show that \epsilon (r)\ decreases quasi-linearly with increasing temperature, while Ei is invariant with temperature to within experimental uncertainties. Representative values are epsilon = [epsilon (r) + i epsilon (i)] = (-12.9 +/- 0.6) + i(23.0 +/- 1.5) at T similar to 295 K and epsilon = (-15.7 +/- 0.7) + i(23.5 +/- 1.1) at T similar to 90 K. The raw data an interpreted in terms of the generalized Drude model which gives effective scattering rates (1/tau*) that increase with temperature from about 3800 cm(-1) at 90 K to about 4300 cm(-1) at 295 K. There are indications of a superlinear T-dependence in the scattering, 1/tau*: a fit to a function of the form 1/tau* = A + BTalpha gives alpha = 2.8 +/- 0.7. The effective plasma frequency, omega (p)*, with an average value of approximately 21 000 cm(-1) was independent of temperature.


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Following ideas of Quillen we prove that the graded K-theory of a Z-multi-graded ring with support contained in a pointed cone is entirely determined by the K-theory of the sub-ring of elements of degree 0.


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In the past few years, the development of light sources of the 4(th) generation, namely XUV/X-ray Free Electron Lasers provides to the scientific community outstanding tools to investigate matter under extreme conditions never obtained in laboratories so far. As theory is at its infancy, the analysis of matter via the self-emission of the target is of central importance. The characterization of such dense matter is possible if photons can escape the medium. As the absorption of K-shell X-ray transitions is minimal, it plays a key role in this study. We report here the first successful observation of K-shell emission of Nitrogen at 430 eV using an XUV-Free Electron Laser to irradiate solid Boron Nitride targets under exceptional conditions: photon energy of 92 eV, pulse duration of similar to 20 fs, micro focusing leading to intensities larger than 10(16) W/cm(2). Using a Bragg crystal of THM coupled to a CCD, we resolved K-shell line emission from different charge states. We demonstrate that the spectroscopic data allow characterization of electron heating processes when X-ray radiation is interacting with solid matter. As energy transport is non-trivial because the light source is monochromatic, these results have an important impact on the theory. (C) 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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We present a study on the effect of the alkyl chain length of the imidazolium ring in 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids, [C1CnIm][NTf2] (n = 2 to 10), on the mixing properties of (ionic liquid + alcohol) mixtures (enthalpy and volume). We have measured small excess molar volumes with highly asymmetric curves as a function of mole fraction composition (S-shape) with more negative values in the alcohol-rich regions. The excess molar volumes increase with the increase of the alkyl-chain length of the imidazolium cation of the ionic liquid. The values of the partial molar excess enthalpy and the enthalpy of mixing are positive and, for the case of methanol, do not vary monotonously with the length of the alkyl side-chain of the cation on the ionic liquid – increasing from n = 2 to 6 and then decreasing from n = 8. This non-monotonous variation is explained by a more favourable interaction of methanol with the cation head group of the ionic liquid for alkyl chains longer than eight carbon atoms. It is also observed that the mixing is less favourable for the smaller alcohols, the enthalpy of mixing decreasing to less positive values as the alkyl chain of the alcohol increases. Based on the data from this work and on the knowledge of the vapour pressure of {[C1CnIm][NTf2] + alcohol} binary mixtures at T = 298 K reported in the literature, the excess Gibbs free energy, excess enthalpy and excess entropy could be then calculated and it was observed that these mixtures behave like the ones constituted by a non-associating and a non-polar component, with its solution behaviour being determined by the enthalpy.


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When highly charged ions are incident on a surface, part of their potential energy is emitted as characteristic radiation. The energies and yields of these characteristic x rays have been measured for a series of elements at the Tokyo electron-beam ion trap. These data have been used to develop a simple model of the relaxation of the hollow atoms which are formed as the ion approaches the surface, as well as a set of semiempirical scaling laws, which allow for the ready calculation of the K-shell x-ray spectrum which would be produced by an arbitrary slow bare or hydrogenlike ion on a surface. These semiempirical scaling laws can be used to assess the merit of highly charged ion fluorescence x-ray generation in a wide range of applications.


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Suppose X is a projective toric scheme defined over a ring R and equipped with an ample line bundle L . We prove that its K-theory has a direct summand of the form K(R)(k+1) where k = 0 is minimal such that L?(-k-1) is not acyclic. Using a combinatorial description of quasi-coherent sheaves we interpret and prove this result for a ring R which is either commutative, or else left noetherian.


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The bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak in the United Kingdom is regarded as one of the worst public policy crises the British government has experienced during the postwar era. In material terms, it has led to the slaughter of 3.3 million cattle and estimated economic losses of £3.7 billion. In administrative terms, the crisis brought about the dissolution of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. This article examines the istitutional context in which decisions about the scientific evidence on BSE were made. The authors argue that a centralized system in which government agencies control science for government is inherently vulnerable to alliances of experts and interest groups that undermine the credible assessment of public health and safety risks. Specific societal conditions may encourage risk-opportunistic behavior among policy makers that is conducive to delays and inaction until such time as the evidence of a health risk becomes overwhelming.


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Testate amoebae have been used widely as a proxy of hydrological change in ombrotrophic peatlands, although their response to abiotic controls in other types of mire and fenland palaeo-environments is less well understood. This paper examines the response of testate amoebae to hydroseral and other environmental changes at Mer Bleue Bog, Ontario, Canada, a large ombrotrophic peatland, which evolved from a brackish-water embayment in the early Holocene. Sediments, plant macrofossils and diatoms examined from a 5.99 m core collected from the dome of the bog record six stages of development: i) a quiet, brackish-water riverine phase (prior to ca. 8500 cal BP); ii) a shallow lake (ca. 8500–8200 cal BP); iii) fen (8200–7600 cal BP); iv) transitional mire (7600–6900 cal BP); v) pioneer raised mire (6900–4450 cal BP); and vi) ombrotrophic bog (4450 cal BP-present).

Testate amoebae, notably small (<25 µm diameter) specimens of Centropyxis aculeata type, first appear in low abundances in sediments ascribed to the lacustrine phase. Diatoms from the same horizons record a shallowing in water depth, a decline in salinity and the development of emergent macrophytic vegetation, which may have provided favourable conditions for testate amoeba colonization. The testate amoeba communities of the inferred fen phase are more diverse and include centropyxids, cyclopyxids, Arcellidae and Hyalospheniidae, although the assemblages show some differences to those recently reported in modern European fen environments. The Fen–Bog Transition (FBT) is also dominated by C. aculeata type. The change in testate amoeba communities around this key transition is apparent in the results of Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), and appears to reflect a latent nutrient gradient and a secondary moisture gradient. DCA analyses of plant macrofossil remains around the FBT show a similar trend, although the sensitivity of the two proxies to the inferred environmental changes differs. Comparisons with other regional mid-Holocene peatland records confirm the important influence of reduced effective precipitation on the testate amoeba communities during the initiation and development of Sphagnum-dominated, raised bog communities.