926 resultados para istone deacetilasi 1 cromatina sistemi di espressione


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Ser. 1 has title: Documenti; ser. 2: Statuti; ser. 3: Cronache e diarii, 1884-


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The causal relationship between Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer has motivated the development, and further improvement, of prophylactic vaccines against this virus. 70% of cervical cancers, 80% of which in low-resources countries, are associated to HPV16 and HPV18 infection, with 13 additional HPV types, classified as high-risk, responsible for the remaining 30% of tumors. Current vaccines, Cervarix® (GlaxoSmithKline) and Gardasil®(Merk), are based on virus-like particles (VLP) obtained by self-assembly of the major capsid protein L1. Despite their undisputable immunogenicity and safety, the fact that protection afforded by these vaccines is largely limited to the cognate serotypes included in the vaccine (HPV 16 and 18, plus five additional viral types incorporated into a newly licensed nonavalent vaccine) along with high production costs and reduced thermal stability, are pushing the development of 2nd generation HPV vaccines based on minor capsid protein L2. The increase in protection broadness afforded by the use of L2 cross-neutralizing epitopes, plus a marked reduction of production costs due to bacterial expression of the antigens and a considerable increase in thermal stability could strongly enhance vaccine distribution and usage in low-resource countries. Previous studies from our group identified three tandem repeats of the L2 aa. 20-38 peptide as a strongly immunogenic epitope if exposed on the scaffold protein thioredoxin (Trx). The aim of this thesis work is the improvement of the Trx-L2 vaccine formulation with regard to cross-protection and thermostability, in order to identify an antigen suitable for a phase I clinical trial. By testing Trx from different microorganisms, we selected P. furiosus thioredoxin (PfTrx) as the optimal scaffold because of its sustained peptide epitope constraining capacity and striking thermal stability (24 hours at 100°C). Alternative production systems, such as secretory Trx-L2 expression in the yeast P. pastoris, have also been set-up and evaluated as possible means to further increase production yields, with a concomitant reduction of production costs. Limitations in immune-responsiveness caused by MHC class II polymorphisms –as observed, for example, in different mouse strains- have been overcome by introducing promiscuous T-helper (Th) epitopes, e.g., PADRE (Pan DR Epitope), at both ends of PfTrx. This allowed us to obtain fairly strong immune responses even in mice (C57BL/6) normally unresponsive to the basic Trx-L2 vaccine. Cross-protection was not increased, however. I thus designed, produced and tested a novel multi-epitope formulation consisting of 8 and 11 L2(20-38) epitopes derived from different HPV types, tandemly joined into a single thioredoxin molecule (“concatemers”). To try to further increase immunogenicity, I also fused our 8X and 11X PfTrx-L2 concatemers to the N-terminus of an engineered complement-binding protein (C4bp), capable to spontaneously assemble into ordered hepatmeric structures, previously validated as a molecular adjuvant. Fusion to C4bp indeed improved antigen presentation, with a fairly significant increase in both immunogenicity and cross-protection. Another important issue I addressed, is the reduction of vaccine doses/treatment, which can be achieved by increasing immunogenicity, while also allowing for a delayed release of the antigen. I obtained preliminary, yet quite encouraging results in this direction with the use of a novel, solid-phase vaccine formulation, consisting of the basic PfTrx-L2 vaccine and its C4bp fusion derivative adsorbed to mesoporus silica-rods (MSR).


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Despite the increasing body of evidence supporting the hypothesis of schizophrenia as a disconnection syndrome, studies of resting-state EEG Source Functional Connectivity (EEG-SFC) in people affected by schizophrenia are sparse. The aim of the present study was to investigate resting-state EEG-SFC in 77 stable, medicated patients with schizophrenia (SCZ) compared to 78 healthy volunteers (HV). In order to study the effect of illness duration, SCZ were divided in those with a short duration of disease (SDD; n = 25) and those with a long duration of disease (LDD; n = 52). Resting-state EEG recordings in eyes closed condition were analyzed and lagged phase synchronization (LPS) indices were calculated for each ROI pair in the source-space EEG data. In delta and theta bands, SCZ had greater EEG-SFC than HV; a higher theta band connectivity in frontal regions was observed in LDD compared with SDD. In the alpha band, SCZ showed lower frontal EEG-SFC compared with HV whereas no differences were found between LDD and SDD. In the beta1 band, SCZ had greater EEG-SFC compared with HVs and in the beta2 band, LDD presented lower frontal and parieto-temporal EEG-SFC compared with HV. In the gamma band, SDD had greater connectivity values compared with LDD and HV. This study suggests that resting state brain network connectivity is abnormally organized in schizophrenia, with different patterns for the different EEG frequency components and that EEG can be a powerful tool to further elucidate the complexity of such disordered connectivity.


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We report the case of FP affected by personal and extrapersonal neglect and a body representation deficit characterized by delusional ideas. When FP performed the human figure, he placed body parts to the left, despite his extrapersonal neglect. Differently, when he performed the car figure, he placed all parts to the right, in line with his deficit. Comparing FP with a small patient group with the same clinical features without delusional ideas about body emerged that he was the only one to suffer from a specific body representation deficit characterized by a lack of body ownership sense.


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Experiences that compel people to challenge social stereotypes can promote enhanced cognitive flexibility on a range of judgmental domains. Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields are chronically exposed to such experiences and may therefore also demonstrate these benefits. Two studies examined the differential effects of counterstereotypical experiences on women from STEM and non-STEM fields. Results showed that imagining or recollecting these experiences led women from STEM fields to exhibit a lesser reliance on heuristic thinking compared to women from non-STEM fields, and this difference was mediated by self-perceived resilience to the negative impact of gender stereotyping. Implications for psychologists’ and educators’ understanding of the relationship between counterstereotypical experiences and heuristic thinking are discussed.


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Previous results in our laboratory suggest that the (CG) 4 segments whether present in a right-handed or a left-handed conformation form distinctive junctions with adjacent random sequences. These junctions and their associated sequences have unique structural and thermodynamic properties that may be recognized by DNA-binding molecules. This study probes these sequences by using the following small ligands: actinomycin D, 1,4-bis(((di(aminoethyl)amino)ethyl)amino)anthracene-9,10-dione, ametantrone, and tris(phenanthroline)ruthenium (II). These ligands may recognize the distinctive features associated to the (CG)4 segment and its junctions and thus interact preferentially near these sequences. Restriction enzyme inhibition assays were used to determine whether or not binding interactions took place, and to approximate locations of these interactions. These binding studies are first carried out using two small synthetic oligomers BZ-III and BZ-IV. The (5meCG)4 segment present in BZ-III adopts the Z-conformation in the presence of 50 m M Co(NH3)63+. In BZ-IV, the unmethylated (CG)4 segment changes to a non-B conformation in the presence of 50 m M Co(NH3)63+. BZ-IV, containing the (CG)4 segment, was inserted into a clone plasmid then digested with the restriction enzyme Hinf I to produce a larger fragment that contains the (CG)4 segment. The results obtained on the small oligomers and on the larger fragment for restriction enzyme Mbo I indicate that 1,4-bis(((di(aminoethyl)amino)ethyl)amino)anthracene-9,10-dione binds more efficiently at or near the (CG)4 segment. Restriction enzymes EcoRV, Sac I and Not I with cleavage sites upstream and downstream of the (CG)4 insert were used to further localize binding interactions in the vicinity of the (CG)4 insert. RNA polymerase activity was studied in a plasmid which contained the (CG)4 insert downstream from the promoter sites of SP6 and T7 RNA polymerases. Activities of these two polymerases were studied in the presence of each one of the ligands used throughout the study. Only actinomycin D and spider, which bind at or near the (CG)4 segment, alter the activities of SP6 and T7 RNA polymerases. Surprisingly, enhancement of polymerase activity was observed in the presence of very low concentrations of actinomycin D. These results suggest that the conformational features of (CG) segments may serve in regulatory functions of DNA. ^


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Il segnale elettrico si propaga nel tessuto cardiaco attraverso gap-junctions che si trovano tra i miociti cardiaci e in ciascuno di essi si avvia un processo chiamato potenziale d'azione (PA). In questa tesi prenderò in considerazione il modello Luo-Rudy 1991 e il difetto oggetto di studio sono le Early Afterdepolarizations (EADs). Si analizzerà la propagazione del potenziale d’azione in un cavo di 300 cellule. Dopo alcune simulazioni preliminari è emersa l’utilità di trovare una soluzione che permettesse di ridurre i tempi di calcolo, il modello è stato quindi implementato in CUDA. Il lavoro è stato sviluppato nei seguenti step: 1) l’impiego dell’ambiente di calcolo MATLAB per implementare il modello, descrivendo ogni cellula attraverso il modello Luo-Rudy 1991 e l’interazione elettrica inter-cellulare, considerando un cavo di 300 cellule; 2) individuazione dei parametri che, adeguatamente modificati, sono in grado di indurre EADs a livello single cell; 3) implementazione del modello in CUDA, creando uno strumento che potrà essere utilizzato per aumentare notevolmente il numero delle simulazioni nell’unità di tempo; 4) messa a punto di un criterio per valutare in modo conciso la bontà (safety factor) della relazione source-sink. L’utilità di un simile criterio è quella di valutare, sia nel caso di propagazione di AP che in quello di eventuale propagazione di EADs, la propensione alla propagazione in un tessuto. Il primo capitolo descriverà il potenziale d’azione, il modello usato e la teoria del cavo. Il secondo capitolo discuterà l’implementazione del modello usato, descriverà CUDA e come il modello sia stato implementato. Il terzo capitolo riguarderà i primi risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni e come la variazione dei parametri influisce sulla forma delle EADs. L’ultimo capitolo approfondirà i requisiti necessari per far avvenire una propagazione in un cavo.


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Il presente elaborato di tesi tratta la valutazione di differenti sistemi di controventatura, sia dal punto di vista di risposta ad un evento sismico che in termini di perdite economiche legate al danneggiamento delle varie componenti. Tra di esse è presentata anche una nuova tipologia strutturale, ideata per ridurre il comportamento “soft-story” e “weak-story”, tipico delle strutture controventate convenzionali. In questo caso, è integrata alla struttura una trave reticolare metallica, che funge da supporto verticale ed è progettata per rimanere in campo elastico. Tale sostegno garantisce una distribuzione più uniforme degli sforzi lungo l’intera altezza della struttura, anziché concentrarli in un unico piano. La ricerca tratta lo studio della fattibilità economica di questa nuova tecnologia, rispetto alle precedenti soluzioni di controventatura adottate, confrontando le perdite economiche delle diverse soluzioni, applicate ad un unico prototipo di edificio collocato a Berkeley, CA. L’analisi sismica tiene in considerazione di tre diversi livelli di intensità, riferiti a un periodo di ritorno di 50 anni, corrispondente alla vita dell’edificio: questi sono caratterizzati dalla probabilità di ricorrenza, rispettivamente del 2%, 10% e 50% ogni 50 anni. L’ambito di ricerca presentato è estremamente innovativo e di primario interesse per lo sviluppo di uno studio sulla resilienza, che può essere adattato anche in un modello di urbanizzazione futura.


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Lo studio, oggetto della presente tesi, si propone di affrontare e approfondire le tecniche di rilevamento impiegate nell'ambito di contesti idraulici per la valutazione del dislivello fra punti, allo scopo di consentire il regolare deflusso delle acque. Il primo capitolo si apre introducendo la geodesia, per poi definire le varie tipologie di superfici e sistemi di riferimento, a cui le quote ottenute nella misurazione dei dislivelli si riferiscono. Il secondo capitolo descrive le tecniche impiegate nella misurazione dei dislivelli, soffermandosi sulla livellazione geometrica “dal mezzo”di alta precisione e su quella trigonometrica, impiegata principalmente per rilievi di precisione, come quello idraulico preso in esame, soprattutto per l’attraversamento di aree impraticabili quali corsi fluviali o piccoli bracci di mare. Il terzo capitolo descrive la strumentazione impiegata per eseguire le tecniche definite nel capitolo precedente, soffermandoci su quella impiegata nel caso-studio. Il quarto capitolo analizza il caso-studio da me effettuato, il cui obiettivo riguarda il collegamento altimetrico tra le due sommità delle aste idrometriche, installate rispettivamente presso Molo Vecchio e il torrente Acquanegra per il controllo del livello del lago di Monate (Provincia di Varese).


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Nella presente tesi si studia lo stato di deformazione di una strada non pavimentata, rinforzata con geotessile, indotto dal passaggio di carrelli semoventi SMPT. L’obiettivo è verificare che le deformazioni siano compatibili con i risultati provenienti dai metodi di calcolo analitici. Durante lo sviluppo ci si avvale di modelli 3-dimensionali del terreno creati ex-novo e di simulazioni alle differenze finite per quanto riguarda l’interazione tra carichi e sovrastruttura. Tale simulazione è stata condotta con il software FLAC3D. Si è simulato dapprima il comportamento della sovrastruttura non rinforzata sollecitata da: singolo asse e carrello a 4 assi. In secondo luogo, si è analizzato il modello del terreno rinforzato, nel quale si introduce una geogriglia a diverse profondità per valutare quella ottimale. Sono stati creati così tre modelli distinti nei quali il rinforzo è posizionato ad 1/3 dell’altezza di aggregato, a 2/3 ed all’interfaccia tra aggregato e primo strato del terreno naturale. Il risultato mostra che il posizionamento ottimale della geogriglia non è all’interfaccia come espresso dalle teorie in merito, ma a 2/3 dell’altezza dello strato di aggregato, dove viene permessa una maggiore deformazione ma un minor stato di sollecitazione del materiale di rinforzo. Infine si valuta in maniera marginale il caso del terreno rinforzato, dove l’altezza dello strato di aggregato viene calcolato con i metodi analitici di Giroud e Noiray (1980) e Giroud e Han (2004), dei quali viene in principio fornita una rigorosa esposizione teorica. In questi ultimi casi, i risultati non sono soddisfacenti. Infatti si è trovato che il raggiungimento del carico di rottura della geogriglia limita fortemente le deformazioni, rendendole così insufficienti per mobilitare le pressioni di contatto richieste. Concludendo si gettano le basi per futuri elaborati, consigliando alcune modifiche da apportare per perfezionare la modellistica dei casi rinforzati.


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1. VIOLENZA FRA EGUALI: DAL BULLYNG TRADIZIONALE AL CIBERBULLYNG. 1.1 Concezione e caratteristiche del ciberbullying. 1.2.- Concorrenza di fenomeni di bullying tradizionali e cyberbullying. 1.3 Cifre allarmanti del cyberbullyng. 2. CYBERBULLISMO E RESPONSABILITÀ PENALE DEL DELINQUENTE GIOVANILE. 2.1.- Cyberbullismo: Regolazione prevista dal Codice penale spagnolo. 2.2. Responsabilità penale dei minori secondo l'età e le misure adottate (LORPM). 3. REGIMI LEGALI CHE REGOLANO LA RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE PER DANNI DERIVANTI DAL CYBERBULLISMO. 3.1. Il terzo sistema di responsabilità civile che introduce la LORPM. 3.2 Il ciberbullyng e la responsabilità civile nella giurisdizione penale dei minori sotto l`articolo 61,3 LORPM. 1.


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The under-reporting of cases of infectious diseases is a substantial impediment to the control and management of infectious diseases in both epidemic and endemic contexts. Information about infectious disease dynamics can be recovered from sequence data using time-varying coalescent approaches, and phylodynamic models have been developed in order to reconstruct demographic changes of the numbers of infected hosts through time. In this study I have demonstrated the general concordance between empirically observed epidemiological incidence data and viral demography inferred through analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus VP1 coding sequences belonging to the CATHAY topotype over large temporal and spatial scales. However a more precise and robust relationship between the effective population size (


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Mercury is not an essential element for plant or animal life and it is a potential environmental toxic because of its tendency to form covalent bonds with organic molecules and the high stability of the Hg-C bond. Reports estimate a total mercury concentration in natural waters ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng L-1. Due to this fact, highly sensitive methods are required for direct determination of such extremely low levels. In this work, a rapid and simple method was developed for separation and preconcentration of mercury by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating retention of the analyte onto the mini column filled with a mesoporous silica functionalized with 1,5 bis (di-2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohydrazide. The main aim of this work was to develop a precise and accurate method for the determination of the Hg. Under the optima conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the detection limit obtained was 0.009 μg L-1, with RSDs 3.7 % for 0.2 μg L-1, 4.8 % for 1 μg L-1 and enrichment factor 4, Furthermore, the method proposed has permitted the determination of Hg with a reduction in the analysis time, the sample throughput was about 18 h-1, low consumption of reagents and sample volume. The method was applied to the determination of Hg in sea water and river water. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake, and LGC6187 River sediment was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.