1000 resultados para ion flux


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As a variation of the thermally actuated flux pump and the linear type magnetic flux pump (LTMFP), the circular type magnetic flux pump (CTMFP) device is proposed to magnetize a circular shape type-II superconducting thin film and bulk. The basic concept is the same as the thermally actuated flux pump: a circularly symmetric traveling magnetic field is generated below a circular shape superconductor to increase its trapping field. However, this traveling field is created by the three phase windings instead of heating gadolinium block. Apart from the LTMFP, the three phase windings are wound concentrically instead of linearly. The speed of the traveling field is controlled by the AC frequency and the magnitude of the field is controlled by the magnitudes of AC currents. In addition, a coil with DC current is wound around the three phase windings to provide a background field. The concept design is presented in this paper. The magnetic waveforms are analysed numerically by the COMSOL 3.5a software. The impedances of the three phase windings are calculated and a corresponding circuit design is presented. This rig can be used as an advanced tool to study the flux pump behavior of a circular shape superconductor. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Superconductors have a bright future; they are able to carry very high current densities, switch rapidly in electronic circuits, detect extremely small perturbations in magnetic fields, and sustain very high magnetic fields. Of most interest to large-scale electrical engineering applications are the ability to carry large currents and to provide large magnetic fields. There are many projects that use the first property, and these have concentrated on power generation, transmission, and utilization; however, there are relatively few, which are currently exploiting the ability to sustain high magnetic fields. The main reason for this is that high field wound magnets can and have been made from both BSCCO and YBCO, but currently, their cost is much higher than the alternative provided by low-Tc materials such as Nb3Sn and NbTi. An alternative form of the material is the bulk form, which can be magnetized to high fields. This paper explains the mechanism, which allows superconductors to be magnetized without the need for high field magnets to perform magnetization. A finite-element model is presented, which is based on the E-J current law. Results from this model show how magnetization of the superconductor builds up cycle upon cycle when a traveling magnetic wave is induced above the superconductor. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents numerical analysis of the thermally actuated superconducting flux pump. Visualization of the behavior of the magnetic flux helps our understanding of flux injection mechanism. In addition, in order to confirm validity of the result, we conducted a preliminary flux pump experiment. This result qualitatively agrees well with the experimental one. The flux pump system utilizes a particular behavior that permeability of some materials such as Gadolinium is sensitive to the temperature. In this paper a simple heater is used to control the flux pump system. © 2010 IEEE.


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The concept of a superconducting flux pump is relatively straightforward. A small magnetic field repeatedly applied will lead to a much larger field being trapped within the superconductor. This field is limited by the volume of the superconductor and by its critical current but not by the excitation field. Here we will describe a new technique which facilitates the creation of high magnetic fields and where the magnitude of the trapped field is limited by the superconductor not the magnetising field. The technique is demonstrated using measurements taken using samples of bulk YBCO as YBCO has a very high irreversibility field and has the potential to trap high magnetic fields. The technique could be applied to other superconductors such as BSCCO or MgB2 and in other forms such as thin or thick films. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent progress in material science has proved that high-temperature superconductors, such as bulk melt-processed yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) single domains, have a great potential to trap significant magnetic fields. In this paper, we will describe a novel method of YBCO magnetization that only requires the applied field to be at the level of a permanent magnet. Instead of applying a pulsed high magnetic field on the YBCO, a thermally actuated material (TAM), such as Mg0.15}hbox{Cu}0.15} hbox{Zn0.7 Ti0.04}Fe1.96boxO4, has been used as an intermedium to create a travelling magnetic field by changing the local temperature so that the local permeability is changed to build up the magnetization of the YBCO gradually after multiple pumping cycles. It is well known that the relative permeability of ferrite is a function of temperature and its electromagnetic properties can be greatly changed by adding dopants such as Mg or Ti; therefore, it is considered to be the most promising TAM for future flux pumping technology. Ferrite samples were fabricated by means of the conventional ceramic method with different dopants. Zinc and iron oxides were used as raw materials. The samples were sintered at 1100 C, 1200 C} , and 1300 C. The relative permeability of the samples was measured at temperatures ranging from 77 to 300 K. This work investigates the variation of the magnetic properties of ferrites with different heat treatments and doping elements and gives a smart insight into finding better ferrites suitable for flux pumping technology. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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A circular-type magnetic flux pump (CTMFP) device was built to study the flux dynamics on a 2-inch-diameter YBCO thin film. This CTMFP is composed of two CTMFP coils, with each CTMFP coil containing concentric three-phase windings and a dc winding. We connected the three-phase windings to the output of a commercial inverter. By changing the output frequency of the inverter, the sweeping speed of the circular-shaped travelling magnetic wave can be changed. The connection of the phase coils follows the forward consequence, so that the circular-shaped travelling magnetic wave travels inward to the center. The output frequency f was changed from f = 0.01 to 1000.0 Hz. The YBCO sample was sandwiched between the two CTMFP coils to experience the circular-shaped travelling magnetic wave. It was found that the increase of the flux density in the center of the film is independent of the sweeping frequency. In high frequency f = 1000.0Hz, even if the waveform had changed a lot, the increment is still the same as in low frequencies. © 2012 IEEE.


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We investigate the electrical properties of Silicon-on-Insulator photonic crystals as a function of doping level and air filling factor. A very interesting trade-off between conductivity and optical losses in L3 cavities is also found. © 2011 IEEE.


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We present a method for characterizing the propagation of the magnetic flux in an artificially drilled bulk high-temperature superconductor (HTS) during a pulsed-field magnetization. As the magnetic pulse penetrates the cylindrical sample, the magnetic flux density is measured simultaneously in 16 holes by means of microcoils that are placed across the median plane, i.e. at an equal distance from the top and bottom surfaces, and close to the surface of the sample. We discuss the time evolution of the magnetic flux density in the holes during a pulse and measure the time taken by the external magnetic flux to reach each hole. Our data show that the flux front moves faster in the median plane than on the surface when penetrating the sample edge; it then proceeds faster along the surface than in the bulk as it penetrates the sample further. Once the pulse is over, the trapped flux density inside the central hole is found to be about twice as large in the median plane than on the surface. This ratio is confirmed by modelling.


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A thermally actuated flux pump is an efficient method to magnetize the high-temperature superconductor (HTS) bulk without applying a strong magnetic field. A thermal material is employed as a magnetic switch, which decides the efficiency of the system. To measure the Curie temperatures of those samples without destroying them, the nondestructive Curie temperature (NDT) measurement was developed. The Curie temperature of gadolinium (Gd) was measured by the NDT method and compared to the results from superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). Because the SQUID tests require the sample to be cut into small piece, a constant shape of the testing sample could not be guaranteed. The demagnetizing effect was considered to remove the shape effect. The intrinsic permeability was modified from the apparent susceptibility by considering demagnetization. A thermal material with low Curie temperature, Mg 0.15Cu0.15Zn0.7Ti0.04Fe 1.96O4, was synthesized and its performance was tested and compared with previous thermal materials. Comparisons of three thermal materials, including the Curie temperature and the permeability, will be detailed in the paper. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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The aim of this report is to compare the trapped field distribution under a local heating created at the sample edge for different sample morphologies. Hall probe mappings of the magnetic induction trapped in YBCO bulk samples maintained out of thermal equilibrium were performed on YBCO bulk single domains, YBCO single domains with regularly spaced hole arrays, and YBCO superconducting foams. The capability of heat draining was quantified by two criteria: the average induction decay and the size of the thermally affected zone caused by a local heating of the sample. Among the three investigated sample shapes, the drilled single domain displays a trapped induction which is weakly affected by the local heating while displaying a high trapped field. Finally, a simple numerical modelling of the heat flux spreading into a drilled sample is used to suggest some design rules about the hole configuration and their size. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Hafnium oxide (HfOx) is a high dielectric constant (k) oxide which has been identified as being suitable for use as the gate dielectric in thin film transistors (TFTs). Amorphous materials are preferred for a gate dielectric, but it has been an ongoing challenge to produce amorphous HfOx while maintaining a high dielectric constant. A technique called high target utilization sputtering (HiTUS) is demonstrated to be capable of depositing high-k amorphous HfOx thin films at room temperature. The plasma is generated in a remote chamber, allowing higher rate deposition of films with minimal ion damage. Compared to a conventional sputtering system, the HiTUS technique allows finer control of the thin film microstructure. Using a conventional reactive rf magnetron sputtering technique, monoclinic nanocrystalline HfOx thin films have been deposited at a rate of ∼1.6nmmin-1 at room temperature, with a resistivity of 1013Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3.5MVcm-1 and a dielectric constant of ∼18.2. By comparison, using the HiTUS process, amorphous HfOx (x=2.1) thin films which appear to have a cubic-like short-range order have been deposited at a high deposition rate of ∼25nmmin-1 with a high resistivity of 1014Ωcm, a breakdown strength of 3MVcm-1 and a high dielectric constant of ∼30. Two key conditions must be satisfied in the HiTUS system for high-k HfOx to be produced. Firstly, the correct oxygen flow rate is required for a given sputtering rate from the metallic target. Secondly, there must be an absence of energetic oxygen ion bombardment to maintain an amorphous microstructure and a high flux of medium energy species emitted from the metallic sputtering target to induce a cubic-like short range order. This HfOx is very attractive as a dielectric material for large-area electronic applications on flexible substrates. A remote plasma sputtering process (high target utilization sputtering, HiTUS) has been used to deposit amorphous hafnium oxide with a very high dielectric constant (∼30). X-ray diffraction shows that this material has a microstructure in which the atoms have a cubic-like short-range order, whereas radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering produced a monoclinic polycrystalline microstructure. This is correlated to the difference in the energetics of remote plasma and rf magnetron sputtering processes. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.