924 resultados para high-strength and high-modulus fibres


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Under the environment of seawater, durability of concrete materials is one of the chief factors considered in the design of structures. The decrease of durability of structures is induced by the evolution of micro-damage due to the erosion of chlorine and sulfate ions, which is characterized by the reduction of modulus, strength, and toughness of the material. In this paper, the variation of the flexural strength of cement mortar under sulfate erosion is investigated. The results obtained in present work indicate that the erosion time, concentration of sulfate solution, and water-to-cement ratio will significantly affect the flexural strength. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we introduce a weighted complex networks model to investigate and recognize structures of patterns. The regular treating in pattern recognition models is to describe each pattern as a high-dimensional vector which however is insufficient to express the structural information. Thus, a number of methods are developed to extract the structural information, such as different feature extraction algorithms used in pre-processing steps, or the local receptive fields in convolutional networks. In our model, each pattern is attributed to a weighted complex network, whose topology represents the structure of that pattern. Based upon the training samples, we get several prototypal complex networks which could stand for the general structural characteristics of patterns in different categories. We use these prototypal networks to recognize the unknown patterns. It is an attempt to use complex networks in pattern recognition, and our result shows the potential for real-world pattern recognition. A spatial parameter is introduced to get the optimal recognition accuracy, and it remains constant insensitive to the amount of training samples. We have discussed the interesting properties of the prototypal networks. An approximate linear relation is found between the strength and color of vertexes, in which we could compare the structural difference between each category. We have visualized these prototypal networks to show that their topology indeed represents the common characteristics of patterns. We have also shown that the asymmetric strength distribution in these prototypal networks brings high robustness for recognition. Our study may cast a light on understanding the mechanism of the biologic neuronal systems in object recognition as well.


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In the present research, microstructure of a kind of limnetic shell (Hyriopsis cumingii) is observed and measured by using the scanning electron microscopy, and mechanical behavior experiments of the shell nacre are carried out by using bending and tensile tests. The dependence of mechanical properties of the shell nacre on its microstructure is analyzed by using a modified shear-lag model, and the overall stress-strain relation is obtained. The experimental results reveal that the mechanical properties of shell nacre strongly depend on the water contents of the limnetic shell. Dry nacre shows a brittle behavior, whereas wetting nacre displays a strong ductility. Compared to the tensile test, the bending test overestimates the strength and underestimates the Young's modulus. The modified shear-lag model can characterize the deformation features of nacre effectively.


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Under the environment of seawater, durability of concrete materials is one of the chief factors considered in the design of structures. The decrease of durability of structures is induced by the evolution of micro-damage due to the erosion of chlorine and sulfate ions, which is characterized by the reduction of modulus, strength, and toughness of the material. In this paper, the variation of the flexural strength of cement mortar under sulfate erosion is investigated. The results obtained in present work indicate that the erosion time, concentration of sulfate solution, and water-to-cement ratio will significantly affect the flexural strength. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of static and cyclic-static tri-axial compression tests under consolidated-undrained conditions are carried out to study the characteristics of post-cyclic strength of the undisturbed and the remolded samples of marine silty clay. It is found that the post-cyclic monotonic strength decreases if the cyclic strain or pore pressure is over a certain value. The maximum degradation is 10% for undisturbed samples while 70% for remolded ones. The relationship between normalized undrained shear strength and apparent overconsolidation ratio, which is determined by the excess pore pressure induced by cyclic loading, is also established. Static consolidated-undrained tests on overconsolidated remolded samples are also performed. It is proposed that the static consolidated-undrained tests may be substituted for the cyclic-static consolidated-undrained tests if the post-cyclic strength degradation of remolded silty clay is needed to be evaluated simply.


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Some 25 to 30 yr ago, when we as students were beginning our respective careers and were developing for the first time our awareness of marine mammals in the waters separating western North America from eastern Asia, we had visions of eventually bridging the communication gap which existed between our two countries at that time. Each of us was anxious to obtain information on the distribution, biology, and ecological relations of "our" seals and walruses on "the other side," beyond our respective political boundari~s where we were not permitted to go to study them. We were concerned that the resource management practices on the other side of the Bering and Chukchi Seas, implemented in isolation, on a purely unilateral basis, might endanger the species which we had come to know and were striving to conserve. At once apparent to both of us was the need for free exchange of biological information between our two countries and, ultimately, joint management of our shared resources. In a small way, we and others made some initial efforts to generate that exchange by personal correspondence and through vocal interchange at the annual meetings of the North Pacific Fur Seal Commission. By the enabling Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, reached between our two countries in 1972, our earlier visions at last came true. Since that time, within the framework of the Marine Mammal Project under Area V of that Agreement, we and our colleagues have forged a strong bond of professional accord and respect, in an atmosphere of free intercommunication and mutual understanding. The strength and utility of this arrangement from the beginning of our joint research are reflected in the reports contained in this, the first compendium of our work. The need for a series of such a compendia became apparent to us in 1976, and its implementation was agreed on by the regular meeting of the Project in La Jolla, Calif., in January 1977. Obviously, the preparation and publication of this first volume has been excessively delayed, in part by continuing political distrust between our governments but mainly by increasing demands placed on the time of the contributors. In this period of growing environmental concern in both countries, we and our colleagues have been totally immersed in other tasks and have experienced great difficulty in drawing together the works presented here. Much of the support for doing so was provided by the State of Alaska, through funding for Organized Research at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. For its ultimate completion in publishable form we wish to thank Helen Stockholm, Director of Publications, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, and her staff, especially Ruth Hand, and the numerous referees narned herein who gave willingly oftheir time to review each ofthe manuscripts critically and to provide a high measure of professionalism to the final product. (PDF file contains 110 pages.)


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Recently, the size dependence of mechanical behaviors, particularly the yield strength and plastic deformation mode, of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) has created a great deal of interest. Contradicting conclusions have been drawn by different research groups, based on various experiments on different BMG systems. Based on in situ compression transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments on Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (Vit 1) nanopillars, this paper provides strong evidence that shear banding still prevails at specimen length scales as small as 150 nm in diameter. This is supported by in situ and ex situ images of shear bands, and by the carefully recorded displacement bursts under load control its well as load drops under displacement control. Finite element modeling of the stress state within the pillar shows that the unavoidable geometry constraints accompanying such experiments impart a strong effect on the experimental results, including non-uniform stress distributions and high level hydrostatic pressures. The seemingly improved compressive ductility is believed to be due to such geometry constraints. Observations underscore the notion that the mechanical behavior of metallic glasses, including strength and plastic deformation mode, is size independent at least in Vit 1. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Understanding how transcriptional regulatory sequence maps to regulatory function remains a difficult problem in regulatory biology. Given a particular DNA sequence for a bacterial promoter region, we would like to be able to say which transcription factors bind there, how strongly they bind, and whether they interact with each other and/or RNA polymerase, with the ultimate objective of integrating knowledge of these parameters into a prediction of gene expression levels. The theoretical framework of statistical thermodynamics provides a useful framework for doing so, enabling us to predict how gene expression levels depend on transcription factor binding energies and concentrations. We used thermodynamic models, coupled with models of the sequence-dependent binding energies of transcription factors and RNAP, to construct a genotype to phenotype map for the level of repression exhibited by the lac promoter, and tested it experimentally using a set of promoter variants from E. coli strains isolated from different natural environments. For this work, we sought to ``reverse engineer'' naturally occurring promoter sequences to understand how variations in promoter sequence affects gene expression. The natural inverse of this approach is to ``forward engineer'' promoter sequences to obtain targeted levels of gene expression. We used a high precision model of RNAP-DNA sequence dependent binding energy, coupled with a thermodynamic model relating binding energy to gene expression, to predictively design and verify a suite of synthetic E. coli promoters whose expression varied over nearly three orders of magnitude.

However, although thermodynamic models enable predictions of mean levels of gene expression, it has become evident that cell-to-cell variability or ``noise'' in gene expression can also play a biologically important role. In order to address this aspect of gene regulation, we developed models based on the chemical master equation framework and used them to explore the noise properties of a number of common E. coli regulatory motifs; these properties included the dependence of the noise on parameters such as transcription factor binding strength and copy number. We then performed experiments in which these parameters were systematically varied and measured the level of variability using mRNA FISH. The results showed a clear dependence of the noise on these parameters, in accord with model predictions.

Finally, one shortcoming of the preceding modeling frameworks is that their applicability is largely limited to systems that are already well-characterized, such as the lac promoter. Motivated by this fact, we used a high throughput promoter mutagenesis assay called Sort-Seq to explore the completely uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory DNA of the E. coli mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL). We identified several candidate transcription factor binding sites, and work is continuing to identify the associated proteins.


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Enquanto os métodos tradicionais de processamento de restaurações cerâmicas tornaram-se notórios por sua complexidade, as técnicas mais modernas vêm privilegiando a simplicidade de execução e a automação. Dentre estas, destaca-se a injeção em moldes, que recentemente, foi associada a métodos CAD-CAM. Estudos anteriores demonstraram a viabilidade de utilização de um vidro feldspático de baixa expansão térmica, Alpha (Vita Zahnfabrik), para injeção, porém, faltam informações quanto às propriedades mecânicas e a microestrutura deste material quando submetido à injeção. Os objetivos deste estudo são: produzir pastilhas vidrocerâmicas para injeção a quente a partir de Alpha e da mistura deste vidro com partículas de alumina e zircônia; avaliar a resistência à flexão dos materiais processados, e compará-la a um material compatível existente no mercado (PM9 - Vita Zahnfabrik); estudar a estrutura microscópica dos materiais e correlacioná-la com suas propriedades mecânicas; identificar por meio de difração de raios X a formação de fases cristalinas durante as diferentes etapas de processamento. A injeção aumentou a resistência do vidro Alpha devido à redução na quantidade e tamanho dos defeitos internos, principalmente porosidades. Apesar de ter sido observada nucleação de cristais nos dois materiais, durante o processamento, não foi possível determinar de que forma este fenômeno afetou as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais. Não foi detectada alteração no padrão de distribuição das fases cristalinas observadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura antes e depois da injeção. Não foi verificada diferença estatística significante entre a resistência à flexão de Alpha injetado e PM9. A adição de partículas de alumina e zirconia ao vidro Alpha provocou redução da resistência, devido à formação de aglomerados durante a confecção das pastilhas e a incapacidade da injeção em dispersá-los. Tais aglomerados funcionaram como concentradores de tensões, enfraquecendo o material.


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Current technological advances in fabrication methods have provided pathways to creating architected structural meta-materials similar to those found in natural organisms that are structurally robust and lightweight, such as diatoms. Structural meta-materials are materials with mechanical properties that are determined by material properties at various length scales, which range from the material microstructure (nm) to the macro-scale architecture (μm – mm). It is now possible to exploit material size effect, which emerge at the nanometer length scale, as well as structural effects to tune the material properties and failure mechanisms of small-scale cellular solids, such as nanolattices. This work demonstrates the fabrication and mechanical properties of 3-dimensional hollow nanolattices in both tension and compression. Hollow gold nanolattices loaded in uniaxial compression demonstrate that strength and stiffness vary as a function of geometry and tube wall thickness. Structural effects were explored by increasing the unit cell angle from 30° to 60° while keeping all other parameters constant; material size effects were probed by varying the tube wall thickness, t, from 200nm to 635nm, at a constant relative density and grain size. In-situ uniaxial compression experiments reveal an order-of-magnitude increase in yield stress and modulus in nanolattices with greater lattice angles, and a 150% increase in the yield strength without a concomitant change in modulus in thicker-walled nanolattices for fixed lattice angles. These results imply that independent control of structural and material size effects enables tunability of mechanical properties of 3-dimensional architected meta-materials and highlight the importance of material, geometric, and microstructural effects in small-scale mechanics. This work also explores the flaw tolerance of 3D hollow-tube alumina kagome nanolattices with and without pre-fabricated notches, both in experiment and simulation. Experiments demonstrate that the hollow kagome nanolattices in uniaxial tension always fail at the same load when the ratio of notch length (a) to sample width (w) is no greater than 1/3, with no correlation between failure occurring at or away from the notch. For notches with (a/w) > 1/3, the samples fail at lower peak loads and this is attributed to the increased compliance as fewer unit cells span the un-notched region. Finite element simulations of the kagome tension samples show that the failure is governed by tensile loading for (a/w) < 1/3 but as (a/w) increases, bending begins to play a significant role in the failure. This work explores the flaw sensitivity of hollow alumina kagome nanolattices in tension, using experiments and simulations, and demonstrates that the discrete-continuum duality of architected structural meta-materials gives rise to their flaw insensitivity even when made entirely of intrinsically brittle materials.


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Os aços inoxidáveis do tipo duplex possuem grande importância na indústria, principalmente na do petróleo e gás natural, por apresentarem elevada resistência mecânica e excelente resistência à corrosão. Caracterizam-se por apresentar estrutura bifásica, constituída de proporções praticamente iguais de ferrita e austenita. O presente trabalho caracterizou juntas soldadas por TIG autógeno de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S32760. Foram confeccionados quatro grupos de amostras, provenientes da variação da corrente de soldagem e consequentemente do aporte térmico (corrente de pico: 25A e 40A - aporte térmico: 0,12KJ/mm e 0,19KJ/mm) e da composição do gás de proteção (argônio puro ou argônio contendo 2,5% nitrogênio). Foram utilizadas técnicas de caracterização por metalografia colorida, análise e processamento digital de imagens, ensaios de microdureza Vickers. Para avaliar a resistência à corrosão foram realizados ensaios de potencial em circuito aberto com solução de cloreto férrico (FeCl3) e eletrodo de referência de calomelano saturado. A análise quantitativa das fases ferrita e austenita presentes nas juntas soldadas mostrou que a adição de nitrogênio no gás de proteção favoreceu a formação da fase austenita, variando de 11% (sem nitrogênio) para 26% (com nitrogênio) a quantidade desta fase. Em uma análise qualitativa a variação do aporte térmico: 0,12KJ/mm para 0,19KJ/mm resultou no aumento do tamanho de grãos da fase ferrita.


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In this investigation it was found that the instability failure of curved sheet is nearly independent of the type of loading and is primarily a function of the maximum stress, radius-thickness ration and modulus of elasticity. A method of correlating the critical stress of thin sheet under several different types of loading is given. An explanation for the experimental critical stress of thin walled cylinders under bending being greater than that for pure compression is given. The strength of unstiffened thin walled circular nose sections under pure bending was found to be controlled by local instability of the section, rather than a large scale instability. The equation of local instability of curved sheet gives values which are in fair agreement with those found experimentally.

The strength of elliptical cylinders supported at the minor axis under bending plus shear loads is governed primarily by the bending strength, and is little effected by the sheer force unless the amount of shear is quite large with respect to the moment. The effect of increasing the amount of elliptically greatly reduces the bending and shear strength of nose sections. Under torsional loads the stress at buckling falls off as the ration of the major to minor axis increases but the failure stress decreases at a slower rate than the buckling stress. The length effect of semi-circular sections under torsion is similar to that of a circular tube, and can be obtained by Donnell's theoretical equation.


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Constitutive modeling in granular materials has historically been based on macroscopic experimental observations that, while being usually effective at predicting the bulk behavior of these type of materials, suffer important limitations when it comes to understanding the physics behind grain-to-grain interactions that induce the material to macroscopically behave in a given way when subjected to certain boundary conditions.

The advent of the discrete element method (DEM) in the late 1970s helped scientists and engineers to gain a deeper insight into some of the most fundamental mechanisms furnishing the grain scale. However, one of the most critical limitations of classical DEM schemes has been their inability to account for complex grain morphologies. Instead, simplified geometries such as discs, spheres, and polyhedra have typically been used. Fortunately, in the last fifteen years, there has been an increasing development of new computational as well as experimental techniques, such as non-uniform rational basis splines (NURBS) and 3D X-ray Computed Tomography (3DXRCT), which are contributing to create new tools that enable the inclusion of complex grain morphologies into DEM schemes.

Yet, as the scientific community is still developing these new tools, there is still a gap in thoroughly understanding the physical relations connecting grain and continuum scales as well as in the development of discrete techniques that can predict the emergent behavior of granular materials without resorting to phenomenology, but rather can directly unravel the micro-mechanical origin of macroscopic behavior.

In order to contribute towards closing the aforementioned gap, we have developed a micro-mechanical analysis of macroscopic peak strength, critical state, and residual strength in two-dimensional non-cohesive granular media, where typical continuum constitutive quantities such as frictional strength and dilation angle are explicitly related to their corresponding grain-scale counterparts (e.g., inter-particle contact forces, fabric, particle displacements, and velocities), providing an across-the-scale basis for better understanding and modeling granular media.

In the same way, we utilize a new DEM scheme (LS-DEM) that takes advantage of a mathematical technique called level set (LS) to enable the inclusion of real grain shapes into a classical discrete element method. After calibrating LS-DEM with respect to real experimental results, we exploit part of its potential to study the dependency of critical state (CS) parameters such as the critical state line (CSL) slope, CSL intercept, and CS friction angle on the grain's morphology, i.e., sphericity, roundness, and regularity.

Finally, we introduce a first computational algorithm to ``clone'' the grain morphologies of a sample of real digital grains. This cloning algorithm allows us to generate an arbitrary number of cloned grains that satisfy the same morphological features (e.g., roundness and aspect ratio) displayed by their real parents and can be included into a DEM simulation of a given mechanical phenomenon. In turn, this will help with the development of discrete techniques that can directly predict the engineering scale behavior of granular media without resorting to phenomenology.


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abstract {Silica glass is an attractive host matrix for the emission ions of rare earth and transition metal ions because it has small thermal expansion coefficient, strong thermal resistance, large fracture strength and good chemical durability and so on. However, a major obstacle to using it as the host matrix is a phenomenon of concentration quenching. In this paper, we introduces a novel method to restrain the concentration quenching by using a porous glass with SiO2 content > 95% (in mass) and prepare intense fluorescence high-SiO2 glasses and high-SiO2 laser glass. The porous glass with high-SiO2 content was impregnated with rare-earth and transition metal ions, and consequently sintered into a compact non-porous glass in reduction or oxidization atmospheres. Various intense fluorescence glasses with high emission yields, a vacuum ultraviolet-excited intensely luminescent glass, high silica glass containing high concentration of Er3+ ion, ultrabroad infrared luminescent Bi-doped high silica glass and Nd3+-doped silica microchip laser glass were obtained by this method. The porous glass is also favorable for co-impregnating multi-active-ions. It can bring effective energy transferring between various active ions in the glass and increases luminescent intensity and extend range of excitation spectrum. The luminescent active ions-doped high-SiO2 glasses are potential host materials for high power solid-state lasers and new transparent fluorescence materials.}