958 resultados para high school Chemistry


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A monthly newsletter for Iowa Commission on the Status of Women; Early On-Set of Puberty: More Important Than You Think


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Who better to give advice to a future college student, like you, than current college students! Look throughout this guide for high school, college, and career advice from current students at Iowa’s colleges and universities!


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The Iowa Department of Education collects information on joint enrollment in Iowa’s 15 community colleges. Jointly enrolled students are high school students enrolled in community college credit coursework. Most jointly enrolled students enroll through Senior Year Plus programs such as PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options) and concurrent enrollment. Others enroll independently by paying tuition or enrolling in courses delivered through contractual agreements that do not meet the definition of concurrent enrollment. For more information about Senior Year Plus programs, please refer to the department’s website. This report consists of fiscal year and trend data on joint enrollment including headcount enrollment, credit hours, student demographics, and enrollment by program type and offering arrangement. All data included in this report is taken from the Community College Management Information System (MIS) and confirmed by each college, unless otherwise noted.


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Fall enrollment grew 1.2 percent to a record high of 88,104 unduplicated students in fiscal year 2009 (Table 1). College enrollment has grown for 11 consecutive years since enrollment slipped in fiscal year 1997. In the 44‐year history of the modern community college system, enrollment has only fallen four times (Figure 1). Enrollment growth was slightly slower than prior years. In 2006, enrollment grew over three percent, while enrollment grew 2.5 percent last year. Nevertheless, enrollment growth is outpacing the projected nationwide growth in community colleges (Hussar and Bailey, 2008: Table 16). For the second consecutive year, part‐time enrollment exceeded full‐time enrollment. Slightly over half, 50.9 percent, of students are enrolled in less than 12 credit hours. Last year, part‐time enrollment exceeded full‐time enrollment for the first time. The shift represents growing enrollment by working students and joint enrollment— high school students who enroll in community colleges.. Nationally, part‐time enrollment at public two‐year colleges has exceeded full‐time enrollment for more than 15 years. In 2006, part‐time students exceeded full‐time students by 60 percent (Hussar and Bailey, 2008: Table 16). Iowa’s enrollment growth has traditionally been consistent. Enrollment decreased four times—1976, 1983, 1984, and 1997—during the entire 44‐year history. Fulltime enrollment decreased nine times over the same period while part time enrollment only fell twice. The remainder of this report will break down credit enrollment by credit hours, student demographics, the programs in which students are enrolled, how the programs break down demographically, and joint enrollment.


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This report summarizes joint enrollment in Iowa's community colleges. Jointly enrolled students are high school students enrolled in community college credit coursework. This report contains fiscal year data for the state's 15 community colleges reported through the Community College Management Information System (MIS) and confirmed by each college.


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This Guide summarizes some of the many opportunities and experiences available to Iowa youth to enhance their leadership potential and to exercise their leadership abilities. This information was compiled at the request of the Youth Planning Committee for the Governor’s Youth Leadership and Mentoring Conference in 1999 and has continued through the Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development. Although not an exhaustive listing, the Guide provides information on many of the state and national leadership development opportunities for middle and high school youth throughout Iowa. Contact information for each program is provided for those wanting to learn more about the opportunities summarized in the Guide. Recommendations for program additions for future publication of this Guide are welcome.


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The punishment of social misconduct is a powerful mechanism for stabilizing high levels of cooperation among unrelated individuals. It is regularly assumed that humans have a universal disposition to punish social norm violators, which is sometimes labelled "universal structure of human morality" or "pure aversion to social betrayal". Here we present evidence that, contrary to this hypothesis, the propensity to punish a moral norm violator varies among participants with different career trajectories. In anonymous real-life conditions, future teachers punished a talented but immoral young violinist: they voted against her in an important music competition when they had been informed of her previous blatant misconduct toward fellow violin students. In contrast, future police officers and high school students did not punish. This variation among socio-professional categories indicates that the punishment of norm violators is not entirely explained by an aversion to social betrayal. We suggest that context specificity plays an important role in normative behaviour; people seem inclined to enforce social norms only in situations that are familiar, relevant for their social category, and possibly strategically advantageous.


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l’educació física esdevé un excel·lent camp d’actuació per educar en valors a l’alumnat, sent aquesta una necessitat social existent segons els experts. El propòsit d’aquesta investigació és saber com i de quina manera s’educa en valors a les classes d’educació física, si és que es fa, i des d’un punt de vista del professorat. A través d’una recerca teòrica en l’àmbit, complementada amb 4 entrevistes a professorat d’educació física en actiu i amb més de 20 anys d’experiència, s’analitza qualitativament l’estat actual de l’educació en valors als instituts. L’anàlisi del marc teòric ressalta la importància que per desenvolupar aquests valors personals i socials, cal seguir un procés adequat, planificat i conscient per part del professorat. La part aplicada de l’estudi suggereix que en general es tenen en compte valors com el respecte i la cooperació durant el transcurs de les classes d’educació física, però que no es desenvolupen de forma eficient per manca de recursos i per infravalorar la seva importància. La investigació conclou que l’educació en valors als instituts, ha de ser una tasca transversal i coordinada amb d’altres agents fora d’aquest àmbit escolar, com són els entrenadors/es de clubs esportius, els pares i les mares i d’altres institucions implicades en el procés educatiu de l’alumnat. A partir d’aquesta anàlisi es vol promoure l’educació física com a eina per desenvolupar els valors en l’alumnat.


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El jocs populars i tradicionals són un element educatiu i cultural molt important. Des de sempre han estat una font d’activitat física i comporten tota una sèrie de components motors i de valors que haurien de ser tinguts en compte a l’hora d’incloure’ls a les sessions d’educació física. Aquest estudi té com a objectiu conèixer la situació d’aquesta tipologia de jocs a les sessions d’educació física de dos centres educatius del municipi de San Juan la Laguna. Alhora es pretén comparar el paper que tenen els jocs populars i tradicionals en un centre de primària i en un de secundària de la població esmentada. A través de l’anàlisi dels currículums, de l’observació de les sessions d’educació física i de les entrevistes amb diversos docents, s’arriba a la conclusió que les pràctiques lúdiques populars i tradicionals tenen poca presència a l’educació física guatemalenca.


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Students today have a different way of relating to information due to the new media channels that have arisen in the last decades. These have changed the way high-school and undergraduate students learn and they have altered the manner by which they perceive the world. Today’s Education Theory must take this fact into account in order to enhance the student’s learning process. The objective of this project is to give an example of how this enhancement may be achieved. First, it will give a brief overview of the relation between today’s young generations and the different channels of information; secondly, it will analyze the cognitive, psychological and educational theories that explain how the human brain learns and the important value that nonverbal information has for the memory system; afterwards, it will focus on this nonverbal information, looking at the possible effects that it may have on human memory and learning; finally, it will give an example of the practical implementation of this theory through the presentation of three animated instructional videos that have been created with the specific aim of enhancing the young generation’s understanding of some complex subjects of the Liberal Arts.


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Summary: Why so few men apply to study veterinary medicine? : opinions of applicants to the faculty and final-year male high-school students


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This fact sheet attempts to address the following question: where does Iowa rank nationally in terms of the enrollment of high school students in post-secondary coursework? The division gathered national statistics from the Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) on the age of the enrolled student population at two–year and four-year public institutions during the fall of 2013. The division utilized the percent of students under the age of 18 as a proxy for joint enrollment since most high school students would fall into this age bracket.


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Iowa Department of Education surveyed Iowa’s 15 community colleges to gain information about each institution’s basic skill assessment requirements for placement into courses and programs. The survey asked what basic skill assessment(s) each institution uses, whether developmental course placement was mandatory, and what scores students needed to obtain to avoid being required or urged to take developmental courses in math, science, and reading. Additionally, staff members at each college were asked what the testing requirements are for students’ enrolled full time in high school that are taking community college classes.


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This report summarizes joint enrollment in Iowa's community colleges. Jointly enrolled students are high school students enrolled in community college credit coursework. This report contains fiscal year data for the state's 15 community colleges reported through the Community College Management Information System (MIS) and confirmed by each college.


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This report summarizes joint enrollment in Iowa's community colleges. Jointly enrolled students are high school students enrolled in community college credit coursework. This report contains fiscal year data for the state's 15 community colleges reported through the Community College Management Information System (MIS) and confirmed by each college.