950 resultados para hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
Aims: The effects of fire ensure that large areas of the seasonal tropics are maintained as savannas. The advance of forests into these areas depends on shifts in species composition and the presence of sufficient nutrients. Predicting such transitions, however, is difficult due to a poor understanding of the nutrient stocks required for different combinations of species to resist and suppress fires. Methods: We compare the amounts of nutrients required by congeneric savanna and forest trees to reach two thresholds of establishment and maintenance: that of fire resistance, after which individual trees are large enough to survive fires, and that of fire suppression, after which the collective tree canopy is dense enough to minimize understory growth, thereby arresting the spread of fire. We further calculate the arboreal and soil nutrient stocks of savannas, to determine if these are sufficient to support the expansion of forests following initial establishment. Results: Forest species require a larger nutrient supply to resist fires than savanna species, which are better able to reach a fire-resistant size under nutrient limitation. However, forest species require a lower nutrient supply to attain closed canopies and suppress fires; therefore, the ingression of forest trees into savannas facilitates the transition to forest. Savannas have sufficient N, K, and Mg, but require additional P and Ca to build high-biomass forests and allow full forest expansion following establishment. Conclusions: Tradeoffs between nutrient requirements and adaptations to fire reinforce savanna and forest as alternate stable states, explaining the long-term persistence of vegetation mosaics in the seasonal tropics. Low-fertility limits the advance of forests into savannas, but the ingression of forest species favors the formation of non-flammable states, increasing fertility and promoting forest expansion. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
The aim of this study was to isolate, quantify, identify, and compare opportunistic microorganisms (Candida and Staphylococcus genera and Enterobacteriaceae/Pseudomonadaceae families) from prosthesis-fitting surfaces, the hard palate, and mouth rinses of individuals wearing removable maxillary prosthesis with (50) and without (50) lesions of denture stomatitis (DS). The strains were collected and identified using phenotypic, biochemical and molecular tests. The counts of microorganisms were significantly higher in the group of individuals with DS (P < 0.05). C. albicans was the most frequently isolated yeast species in both groups, following by C. tropicalis and C. glabrata. Six isolates were identified as C. dubliniensis. S. aureus and S. epidermidis were the most frequent Staphylococcus species in both groups. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the predominant species in both groups. The association between Candida spp. and bacteria isolated in this study with DS suggests that these microorganisms may play important roles in the establishment and persistence of this disease. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Fetal fluids have different vital functions that sustain both pregnancy and normal parturition. The biochemical composition of amniotic fluid during gestation is not well established; thus the purpose of the present study was to determine the biochemical profile of both amniotic and allantoic fluids from mares during initial, mid, and latter third phases of pregnancy. Samples were collected after slaughter, using allantocentesis and amniocentesis. Sixty samples of fetal fluids were analyzed. Alkaline phosphatase (AP), glucose, total protein (TP), urea, creatinine, Ca, chloride (Cl), Na, and K concentrations were measured using commercially available kits. The AP concentration in amniotic fluid was higher than that in allantoic fluid during the three gestational phases (P < .05). There were no differences between glucose mean values of allantoic and those of amniotic fluids (P < .05). However, glucose values were higher in the allantoic fluid in the last trimester of pregnancy. TP was higher in the amniotic fluid than in allantoic fluid (P < .05). Urea values varied among the phases; however, there were no differences between the amniotic and allantoic fluid values (P > .05). Creatinine values were higher in allantoic fluid (P < .05). Na and Cl concentrations were higher in amniotic fluid (P < .05). However, Ca and K concentrations were higher in the allantoic fluid. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Listeria monocytogenes, considered as one of the most important foodborne pathogens, is easily found on surfaces, particularly in the form of a biofilm. Biofilms are aggregates of cells that facilitate the persistence of these pathogens in food processing environments conferring resistance to the processes of cleaning and may cause contamination of food during processing, thus, representing a danger to public health. Little is known about the dynamics of the formation and regulation of biofilm production in L.monocytogenes, but several authors reported that the luxS gene may be a precursor in this process. In addition, the product of the inlA gene is responsible for facilitating the entry of the microorganism into epithelial cells that express the receptor E-cadherin, also participates in surface attachment. Thus, 32 strains of L.monocytogenes isolated from different foods (milk and vegetables) and from food processing environments were analyzed for the presence of these genes and their ability to form biofilms on three different surfaces often used in the food industry and retail (polystyrene, glass and stainless steel) at different temperatures (4, 20 and 30°C). All strains had the ilnA gene and 25 out of 32 strains (78.1%) were positive for the presence of the luxS gene, but all strains produced biofilm in at least one of the temperatures and materials tested. This suggests that genes in addition to luxS may participate in this process, but were not the decisive factors for biofilm formation. The bacteria adhered better to hydrophilic surfaces (stainless steel and glass) than to hydrophobic ones (polystyrene), since at 20°C for 24h, 30 (93.8%) and 26 (81.3%) produced biofilm in stainless steel and glass, respectively, and just 2 (6.2%) in polystyrene. The incubation time seemed to be an important factor in the process of biofilm formation, mainly at 35°C for 48h, because the results showed a decrease from 30 (93.8%) to 20 (62.5%) and from 27 (84.4%) to 12 (37.5%), on stainless steel and glass, respectively, although this was not significant (. p=0.3847). We conclude that L.monocytogenes is capable of forming biofilm on different surfaces independent of temperature, but the surface composition may be important factor for a faster development of biofilm. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Infant mortality has unquestionably declined throughout Latin America over the last decade, even under conditions of low and unstable economic growth and a meagre overall reduction of poverty in the region. The declines in infant mortality vary from one country to another. The persistence of high infant mortality rates is related to low income, teenage pregnancy and lack of access to basic services, as well as to the lack of appropriate health care infrastructure. At the same time, both the rural population as a whole, and the indigenous and Afro-descendent population in particular, has fallen markedly behind, with overall infant mortality rates much higher than among the rest of the population. Moreover, the cause and incidence of death in this age group have been changing according with the changes in neonatal and post-neonatal deaths. Our editorial line-up has created space for opinions from adolescents and youth, as well as from policy experts on the problem, its causes, and approaches to dealing with infant mortality. We also offer succinct information on a broad range of programmes—utilizing various interventions—in different countries of the region regarding maternal and infant care, in an attempt to bring about a reduction in mortality.
Includes bibliography.
Incluye Bibliografía
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The giant river prawn, Macrobrachium cf. rosenbergii, is one of the most cultivated freshwater prawns in the world and has been introduced into more than 40 countries. In some countries, this prawn is considered an invasive species that requires close monitoring. Recent changes in the taxonomy of this species (separation of M. rosenbergii and M. dacqueti) require a re-evaluation of introduced taxa. In this work, molecular analyses were used to determine which of these two species was introduced into Brazil and to establish the geographic origin of the introduced populations that have invaded Amazonian coastal waters. The species introduced into Brazil was M. dacqueti through two introduction events involving prawns originating from Vietnam and either Bangladesh or Thailand. These origins differ from historical reports of the introductions and underline the need to confirm the origin of other exotic populations around the world. The invading populations in Amazonia require monitoring not only because the biodiversity of this region may be affected by the introduction, but also because admixture of different native haplotypes can increase the genetic variability and the likelihood of persistence of the invading species in new habitats.
A malária é considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) como o maior problema de Saúde Pública na atualidade e os estudos produzidos mais recentemente, apontam para algumas mudanças em termos clínicos e padrões laboratoriais. Com o objetivo de detectar essas mudanças, foram estudadas as manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais da infecção malárica causada pelo Plasmodium vivax. O estudo caracterizou-se por ser longitudinal e prospectivo, tendo sido realizado no Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC), na cidade de Belém, no período de novembro de 2001 a junho de 2002. A metodologia utilizada constou de diagnóstico pelo exame da gota espessa e por acompanhamento clínico e laboratorial de pacientes portadores de malária por P. vivax, durante todo o tratamento. Foram avaliados 127 pacientes nos aspectos epidemiológico, clínico e laboratorial, incluindo sexo, cor, profissão, procedência da infecção, período de incubação e persistência de cefaléia, calafrios e febre, além de outros sintomas ao final do tratamento. A avaliação laboratorial inclui densidade parasitária e exames relacionados à coagulação sangüínea, além de hemograma completo, aminotransferases, bilirrubinas, fosfatase alcalina, uréia e creatinina séricas. Dados do presente estudo demonstram uma ocorrência maior de casos entre estudantes e donas de casa como o perfil epidemiológico relacionado ao tipo de ocupação dos doentes portadores de malária atendidos em área urbana. O presente ensaio corrobora estudos anteriores relativos à ação esquizonticida da cloroquina em um tempo médio de 48 à 72 horas e revela significativa plaquetopenia até hoje não muito estudada em malária por P. vivax, e apesar deste achado, as provas de coagulação sangüíneas não mostraram alterações significantes. A palidez cutâneo-mucosa em D7 foi observada em 124 dos 127 pacientes estudados, embora este dado não tenha obrigatoriamente correlação com o achado de anemia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os objetos do trabalho foram: 1) realizar a ecobiometria do concepto para acompanhar o crescimento fetal e determinar a idade gestacional em Cebus apella; 2) descrever o momento em que os órgãos do feto são observados; 3) realizar a sexagem fetal; 4) avaliar o fluxo sanguíneo das artérias uterinas (AU) e umbilical (Aum), mensurando os índices de resistividade (IR) e pulsatilidade (IP); 5) observar a presença ou ausência da incisura protodiastólica (IPD) e do componente diastólico nas ondas de fluxo sanguíneo das AU e Aum, respectivamente, durante a gestação em C. apella. Seis fêmeas adultas da espécie C. apella foram selecionadas e, posteriormente, condicionadas para os procedimentos de colpocitologia ou contenção química. Para o monitoramento do ciclo reprodutivo das fêmeas e crescimento folicular, foram realizados exames colpocitológicos e ultrassonografia (US), respectivamente, para a escolha do melhor dia da monta natural ou inseminação artificial. Vinte dias após a cópula ou inseminação, era realizado o diagnóstico da gestação por meio da US. O dia de cada exame em relação ao parto foi contado em retrospecto (nascimento = dia 0). Os exames ultrassonográficos foram feitos nos dias -133, -113, -83, -53, -21 e -1 antes do parto. A US bidimensional em modo B foi utilizada para mensurar o saco gestacional do dia - 133 até -113; os diâmetros biparietal, fronto-occiptal, circunferência da cabeça e circunferência abdominal do dia -113 a -1; e comprimento do fêmur do dia -53 até -23, mostrando o aumento desses parâmetros com o avanço da gestação. O coração e o estômago começaram a ser visualizados no dia -113 e, os demais órgãos e a sexagem no dia -83. O Triplex Doppler foi empregado para avaliar o fluxo sanguíneo durante o período gestacional, mostrando uma diminuição nos IR e IP das AU e Aum, do dia -133 a -1, bem como observar o desaparecimento da IPD (dia -1) e aparecimento do componente diastólico (dia -53) na onda de fluxo sanguíneo das AU e Aum, respectivamente. Entre os dias -113 a -1, a média da freqüência cardíaca fetal, obtida pelo Triplex Doppler, foi de 189 ± 2,43 bpm. O presente trabalho permitiu determinar a idade gestacional, avaliar o crescimento anatômico do feto, descrever o momento em que os órgãos são visualizados e realizar a sexagem em C. apella. Constatou-se, também, que o fluxo sanguíneo das AU e Aum são importantes parâmetros para avaliar a vitalidade fetal em C. apella.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, por meio da ultrassonografia convencional modo B, as características sonográficas e a biometria dos rins de fetos caninos, bem como determinar os índices vasculares da artéria renal dos conceptos ao Doppler Triplex. Foram utilizadas 24 fêmeas Shi-tzu e Pugs pesando de quatro a 10 kg e com idade entre quatro e seis anos. Ao modo B, a ecobiometria renal fetal, a regularidade da superfície renal, a ecotextura e a relação córtico-medular foram avaliadas durante a quinta, sexta, sétima e oitava semanas gestacionais. Ao Doppler Triplex, durante o mesmo período em que se realizou o exame convencional, foram determinados o pico de velocidade sistólica (PVS), a velocidade diastólica final (EDV) e o índice de resistência vascular (RI) e de pulsatividade (PI). Ao modo B, não foram detectadas alterações em rins fetais, e à ecobiometria renal dos fetos, foi possível determinar medidas renais importantes, verificando-se aumento das biometrias no decorrer do desenvolvimento fetal (P<0,0001). Ao Doppler Triplex, determinaram-se os índices vasculares da artéria renal fetal, sendo que os valores para PSV e EDV aumentaram no decorrer das semanas gestacionais (P<0,05) e permaneceram constantes para PI e RI (P>0,05). Concluiu-se que o modo B e o Doppler Triplex são ferramentas importantes para a avaliação do desenvolvimento renal fetal, com a utilização da ecobiometria renal e avaliação dos indices vasculares da artéria renal de fetos caninos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)