935 resultados para groin pain treatment,sports hernia,athletic pubalgia,groin disruption injury,hip arthroscopy
Is the use of torture ever justified? This article argues that torture cannot be justified, even in so called ticking bomb cases, but that in such extreme situations it may be necessary. In those situations, judgements about whether the use of torture is legitimate must balance the imminence and gravity of the threat with the need to prevent future occurrences of torture and maintain a normative environment that is hostile to its use. The article begins by observing that the use of torture and/or cruel and degrading treatment has become a core component of the global war on terror. It tests the claim that the use of coercive interrogation techniques does not constitute torture, showing that similar arguments were levelled by both the British and French governments in relation to Northern Ireland and Algeria respectively and found wanting. It then evaluates and rejects Dershowitz's claim for the legalization of torture and the more limited claim that torture may be permissible in ticking bomb scenarios. In the final section, the article questions how we might maintain the prohibition on torture while acknowledging that it may be necessary in some hypothetical cases.
The purpose of this study was to identify, through in-depth interview, factors that influenced 27 Hong Kong Chinese patients' decision-making in seeking early treatment for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The median delay time from the onset of symptoms to arrival at the hospital was 15.6 hours for men and 53.7 hours for women. Three major categories emerged from the data: (a) becoming aware of the threat, (b) maintaining a sense of normality, and (c) struggling to mobilize resources. A variety of decisions were made by patients from the onset of chest Pain to seeking help. These decisions were heavily influenced by healthcare factors (access to emergency medical service (EMS) and treatment), personal factors (cognitive interpretations of symptoms), sociocultural factors (family situation, cultural beliefs, and practices), and coping strategies. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Patellofemoral pain (PFP) may be related to unfavorable knee joint loading. Delayed and/or reduced activity of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and different movement patterns have been identified in individuals with PFP in some studies, whereas other studies have failed to show a difference compared to non-affected controls. The discrepancy between study results may depend on the different tasks that have been investigated. No previous study has investigated these variables in postural responses to unpredictable perturbations in PFP. Whole body three dimensional kinematics and surface EMG of quadriceps muscles activation was studied in postural responses to unpredictable support surface translations in 17 women with PFP who were pain free at the time of testing, and 17 matched healthy controls. The results of the present study showed earlier onset of VMO activity and associated changes in kinematics to anterior platform translation in the PFP subjects. We suggest that the relative timing between the portions quadriceps muscles may be task specific and part of an adapted response in attempt to reduce knee joint loading. This learned response appears to remain even when the pain is no longer present.
In the clinical setting, chronic administration of high doses of systemic morphine may result in neuro-excitatory behaviours such as myoclonus and allodynia in some patients. Additionally, high doses of m-opioid agonists such as morphine administered chronically by the intrathecal route in both rats and humans, as well as DAMGO in rats, have been reported to produce neuro-excitatory behaviours. However, more recently, it has begun to be appreciated that even at normal analgesic doses, opioids such as morphine are capable not only of activating pain inhibitory systems (analgesia/antinociception), but they also activate pain facilitatory systems such that post-opioid allodynia/hyperalgesia may be evident after cessation of opioid treatment. Whilst it is well documented that opioid receptors mediate the inhibitory effects of opioid analgesics, the excitatory and pro-nociceptive effects of opioids appear to involve indirect activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, such that the extent of pain relief produced may be the net effect of these two opposing actions. Apart from the NMDA-nitric oxide (NO) pro-nociceptive signaling cascade, considerable evidence also implicates dynorphin A as well as the endogenous anti-opioid peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), neuropeptide FF (NPFF) and orphanin FQ/nociceptin, in mediating opioid-induced neuro-excitation and abnormal pain behaviours. Apart from the neuro-excitatory effects that may be produced by the parent opioid, systemic administration of some opioid analgesics such as morphine and hydromorphone in rats and humans results in their rapid conversion to 3-glucuronide metabolites that also contribute significantly to the neuro-excitatory and abnormal pain behaviours produced
Deep brain stimulation has shown remarkable potential in alleviating otherwise treatment-resistant chronic pain, but little is currently known about the underlying neural mechanisms. Here for the first time, we used noninvasive neuroimaging by magnetoencephalography to map changes in neural activity induced by deep brain stimulation in a patient with severe phantom limb pain. When the stimulator was turned off, the patient reported significant increases in subjective pain. Corresponding significant changes in neural activity were found in a network including the mid-anterior orbitofrontal and subgenual cingulate cortices; these areas are known to be involved in pain relief. Hence, they could potentially serve as future surgical targets to relieve chronic pain. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP), a common cause of disability in women, is a condition best viewed in the biopsychosocial framework. Psychological interventions are frequently considered alongside medical and surgical treatments. Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological therapies for the treatment of CPP. Electronic literature searches were conducted in Medline, Embase, PsycInfo and DARE databases from database inception to April 2010. Reference lists of selected articles were searched for further articles. The studies selected were randomized controlled trials of psychological therapies in patients with CPP compared with no treatment, standard gynecological treatment or another form of psychological therapy. Two reviewers independently selected articles without language restrictions and extracted data covering study characteristics, study quality and results. Reduction in pain, measured using visual analog scales or other measurements, was the main outcome measure. Of the 107 citations identified, four studies satisfied the inclusion criteria. Compared with no psychological intervention, therapy produced a standardized mean pain score of -3.27 [95% confidence interval (CI) -4.52 to -2.02] and 1.11 (95% CI -0.05 to 2.27) at 3 months and -3.95 (95% CI -5.35 to -2.55) and 0.54 (95% CI -0.78 to 1.86) at 6 months and greater, based on a visual analog scale score of 0-10. The current evidence does not allow us to conclude whether psychological interventions have an effect on self-reported pain scores in women with CPP.
Purpose - We performed a study of laser panretinal photocoagulation in 20 patients with proliferative retinopathy. We compared short exposure, high-energy laser settings with conventional settings, using a 532?nm, frequency doubled, Neodymium–Yag laser and assessed the patients in terms of pain experienced and effectiveness of treatment. Methods - Twenty patients having panretinal photocoagulation for the first time underwent random allocation to treatment of the superior and inferior hemi-retina. Treatment A used ‘conventional’ parameters: exposure time 0.1?s, power sufficient to produce a visible grey-white burns, spot size 300?µm. The other hemi- retina was treated with treatment B using exposure 0.02?s, 300?µm and sufficient power to have similar endpoint. All patients were asked to evaluate severity of pain on a visual analogue scale. (0=no pain, 10=most severe pain). All patients were masked as to the type of treatment and the order of carrying out the treatment on each patient was randomised. Patients underwent fundus photography and were followed up for 6–45 months. Results - Seventeen patients had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, two had ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion and one had ocular ischaemic syndrome. The mean response to treatment A was 5.11, compared to 1.40 treatment B, on the visual analogue scale, which was statistically significant (P=0.001). All patients preferred treatment B. Further treatments, if required, were performed with treatment B parameters and long-term follow-up has shown no evidence of undertreatment. Conclusions - Shortening exposure time of retinal laser is significantly less painful but equally effective as conventional parameters.
Provision of information and behavioural instruction has been demonstrated to improve recovery after surgery. However, patients draw on a range of information sources and it is important to establish which sources patients use and how this influences perceptions and behaviour as they progress along the surgical pathway. In this qualitative, exploratory and longitudinal study, the use of information and instruction were explored from the perspective of people undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery. Seven participants undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery were interviewed using semi-structured interviews 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks and 4 months post-surgery. Nineteen interviews were conducted in total. Topic guides included sources of knowledge, reasons for help-seeking and opting for surgery and factors influencing return to activity. Data were analysed thematically according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Participants sought information from a range of sources, focusing on informal information sources before surgery and using information and instruction from health-care professionals post-surgery. This information influenced behaviours including deciding to undergo surgery, use of pain medication and returning to usual activity. Anxiety and help-seeking resulted when unexpected post-surgical events occurred such as extensive bruising. Findings were consistent with psychological and sociological theories. Overall, participants were positive about the information and instruction they received but expressed a desire for more timely information on post-operative adverse events.
Background: Despite chronic pain being a feature of functional chest pain (FCP) its experience is variable. The factors responsible for this variability remain unresolved. We aimed to address these knowledge gaps, hypothesizing that the psychophysiological profiles of FCP patients will be distinct from healthy subjects. Methods: 20 Rome III defined FCP patients (nine males, mean age 38.7 years, range 28-59 years) and 20 healthy age-, sex-, and ethnicity-matched controls (nine males, mean 38.2 years, range 24-49) had anxiety, depression, and personality traits measured. Subjects had sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system parameters measured at baseline and continuously thereafter. Subjects received standardized somatic (nail bed pressure) and visceral (esophageal balloon distension) stimuli to pain tolerance. Venous blood was sampled for cortisol at baseline, post somatic pain and post visceral pain. Key Results: Patients had higher neuroticism, state and trait anxiety, and depression scores but lower extroversion scores vs controls (all p < 0.005). Patients tolerated less somatic (p < 0.0001) and visceral stimulus (p = 0.009) and had a higher cortisol at baseline, and following pain (all p < 0.001). At baseline, patients had a higher sympathetic tone (p = 0.04), whereas in response to pain they increased their parasympathetic tone (p ≤ 0.008). The amalgamating the data, we identified two psychophysiologically distinct 'pain clusters'. Patients were overrepresented in the cluster characterized by high neuroticism, trait anxiety, baseline cortisol, pain hypersensitivity, and parasympathetic response to pain (all p < 0.03). Conclusions & Inferences: In future, such delineations in FCP populations may facilitate individualization of treatment based on psychophysiological profiling. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Purpose: Current panretinal laser photocoagulative parameters are based on the Diabetic Retinopathy Study, which used exposures of 0.1 - 0.5 second to achieve moderate intensity retinal burns. Unfortunately, many patients find these settings painful. We wanted to investigate whether reducing exposure time and increasing power to give the same endpoint, is more comfortable and effective. Methods: 20 patients having panretinal photocoagulation for the first time underwent random allocation to two forms of laser treatment: half of the retinal area scheduled for treatment was treated with Green Yag laser with conventional parameters {exposure time 0.1 second (treatment A), power density sufficient to produce a visible grey - white burns}. The other half treated with shorter exposure 0.02 second (treatment B). All patient were asked to evaluate severity of pain on a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 - 10 (0 = no pain, 10 = most severe pain). All patients were masked as to the type of treatment. The order of carrying out the treatment on each patient was randomised. Fundus photographs were taken of each hemifundus to confirm treatment. Results: Of the 20 patients, 17 had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, 2 had ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion and one had ocular ischaemic syndrome. The average pain response to treatment A was 5.11 on a visual analogue scale with a mean power of 0.178 Watt; the average pain response to treatment B was 1.40 with a mean power of 0.489 Watt. Short exposure laser burns were significantly less painful (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Shortening exposure time with increased power is more comfortable for patients undergoing panretinal photocoagulation than conventional parameters.
Ageing populations with greater wellness and athletic expectations require quality sports and active living experiences in order to increase and sustain participation levels. Responding to the diverse needs and circumstances of Masterslveterans players is a complex and multi-faceted process. While sports science contributions have been very effective at enhancing active living in a variety of youth and adult sports events, very little has been documented regarding their efficacy in events for Masterslveteran players. This paper draws upon action research to examine the growth and development of a unique Masters World Cup 6-0-side Soccer Tournament, involving representative teams from twelve nations. lntegrated sports science concepts and strategies were employed to develop quality soccer experiences. Longitudinal data suggest that fostering a community of practice is critical to the success of Masters soccer programs. In addition to critical leadership contributions, an eclectic range of age-appropriate and responsive soccer experiences are essential to ensure that Masters events meet the diverse needs and circumstances of the players.