928 resultados para garnet


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Mineralogical and granulometric properties of glacial-marine surface sediments of the Weddell Sea and adjoining areas were studied in order to decipher spatial variations of provenance and transport paths of terrigenous detritus from Antarctic sources. The silt fraction shows marked spatial differences in quartz contents. In the sand fractions heavy-mineral assemblages display low mineralogical maturity and are dominated by garnet, green hornblende, and various types of clinopyroxene. Cluster analysis yields distinct heavy-mineral assemblages, which can be attributed to specific source rocks of the Antarctic hinterland. The configuration of modern mineralogical provinces in the near-shore regions reflects the geological variety of the adjacent hinterland. In the distal parts of the study area, sand-sized heavy minerals are good tracers of ice-rafting. Granulometric characteristics and the distribution of heavy-mineral provinces reflect maxima of relative and absolute accumulation of ice-rafted detritus in accordance with major iceberg drift tracks in the course of the Weddell Gyre. Fine-grained and coarse-grained sediment fractions may have different origins. In the central Weddell Sea, coarse ice-rafted detritus basically derives from East Antarctic sources, while the fine-fraction is discharged from weak permanent bottom currents and/or episodic turbidity currents and shows affinities to southern Weddell Sea sources. Winnowing of quartz-rich sediments through intense bottom water formation in the southern Weddell Sea provides muddy suspensions enriched in quartz. The influence of quartz-rich suspensions moving within the Weddell Gyre contour current can be traced as far as the continental slope in the northwestern Weddell Sea. In general, the focusing of mud by currents significantly exceeds the relative and absolute contribution of ice-rafted detritus beyond the shelves of the study area.


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Lithological horizons have been distinguished in sediments cores from different parts of the Sea of Okhotsk based on primary descriptions of sediments and smear slides, and analyses of contents of both calcium carbonate and organic carbon, and opal. Sediment lithology has been correlated with oxygen isotope records and the standard isotope scale and radiocarbon data by AMS method for three cores studied in detail. This allowed to determine in detail periods of carbonaceous and diatomaceous ooze accumulation in the Sea of Okhotsk. Changes in magnetic susceptibility and grain size composition of sediments have been also compared with oxygen-isotope curves and radiocarbon datings. Obtained results confirm that variations in magnetic susceptibility are related with oxygen-isotope stages and influenced by climatic changes. Tephra interlayers K0, TR, K2, K3 have been identified by mineralogical analyses in all studied cores. Stratigraphic location of these tephra interlayers in detailed studied cores and their radiocarbon ages (8.1, 8.05, 26.8, and about 60 ka, respectively) provided base correlation between the interlayers and volcanic eruptions on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. This allows to use the former ones as time markers for deep-sea sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk. New lithostratigraphic and tephrochronologic data obtained allowed to correlate Upper Quaternary sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk.


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In ganz Norddeutschland werden bei jeder tieferen Bohrung bis zu mehrere 100 m maechtige Schichten des Diluviums durchbohrt, die aus scheinbar voellig unregelmäßigen Folgen von Sand, Kies und Geschiebemergel bestehen. Diese Absätze lassen sich in den meisten Fällen mit den bisherigen Methoden nicht weiter untergliedern. Aus besonders günstigen Aufschlüssen und Profilen ist bekannt, daß mindestens drei Vereisungen während des Diluviums über das norddeutsche Flachland hinweggegangen sind. Wenn in den Bohrungen nicht zufällig sichere Interglazialschichten auftreten, was äußerst selten der Fall ist, so ist es also im allgemeinen nicht möglich, das erbohrte Diluvium auf die drei bekannten Vereisungen aufzuteilen. Es besteht für Tagesaufschlüsse im Diluvium durch die Geschiebezählmethode nach Milthers, Heesemann u. a. wenigstens eine Möglichkeit, stratigraphische Einordnungen vorzunehmen. Arbeitsmethoden und Ergebnisse der Geschiebezählmethode sollen hier jedoch nicht näher besprochen werden. Dreimanis 1936 gibt eine Methode an, um aus Bohrproben durch Zählungen der Mineralkörner der Grobsand- und Feinkiesfraktionen Anhaltspunkte für vergleichende stratigraphische Untersuchungen zu gewinnen.