959 resultados para fungal NP 3-chloro-4-hydrocyphenylacetic acid


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Artemia cysts (of GSL, Utah, USA origin) were produced from the modified traditional solar salt works of Bangladesh during winter months through different feeding/fertilization treatments (T1, T2, T3, T4 ) were analyzed to understand the effects of treatments on their fatty acid profile. Palmitic, Linolenic, Eicosapantaenonic and Docohexaenoic acids (mg/g. DW) were found highest for the cysts in T1 (16.0% ±1 .36), T2 (14.7% ±0.47), T3 (4.7% ±0.40) and T4 (0.7% ±0.06) treatments, respectively. High amount of 18:3(n-3) acids in the cysts of all sources proves to be freshwater type of the cysts. The presence of marine type essential fatty acids in the cysts of all sources were found low for 20:5n-3 (3.7-4.7%) and very low for 22:6n-3 (0.09-0.7%). No significant variation was observed for 16:0 acids within the treatments, but for 18:3(n-3) acid, the variation was found highly significant (P= 0.0052) between T2 and T4 treatments. For 20:5(n-3), only variation between T2 and T4 was found insignificant (P=0.1161), but between other treatments, significant variation was observed between T2 and T4 (P=0.0241), T2 and T4 (P=0.0022) and T1 andT4 (P=0.0161). No significant variation was found in other treatments.


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以盆栽草莓(Fragaria×ananassa)为材料研究了水分胁迫下克隆植物草莓母株和子株间的水分调控机制及其与碳同化、光系统II激发能分配的关系。实验材料分为匍匐茎连接和剪断两个大组,进行两步实验。第一步实验,对连接组和剪断组的所有母株控水,子株充分供水;4天后进入第二步实验,把连接组分为两小组,对其中一组充分供水子株开始控水,另一组保持不变。结果表明,土壤干旱引起母株叶片失水,并使其净光合速率和气孔导度显著降低。但是连接组中供水良好的子株能有效缓解缺水母株的水分胁迫。当供水良好的子株也开始受到干旱处理的时候,则会加剧与之相连母株的水分胁迫。受胁迫母株可以通过加强渗透调节能力和降低水势从相连子株获取水分。虽然土壤干旱会造成受胁迫母株叶片脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量的大幅度增加,但是与之相连子株的叶片ABA含量并没有增加;并且气孔导度与ABA变化趋势一致。因此,我们认为:(1)草莓母株和子株间的水分运输是由二者的水势差驱动的;(2)ABA不会通过匍匐茎在母株和子株间传递并影响相邻子株气孔导度;(3)在水分异质性较大情况下,生理整合可明显提高克隆系统的碳同化能力和光系统II激发能利用效率。 同时研究了水分胁迫对草莓叶片叶绿素荧光诱导动力学参数Fm的影响。结果表明,在水分胁迫初期, 活体草莓叶片失水萎缩、叶面积和叶片厚度减小,单位叶面积的叶绿素含量升高,此时叶绿素荧光动力学参数Fm上升;当水分胁迫进一步加剧,单位叶面积的叶绿素含量开始下降,但Fm没有随之下降。离体叶片测定则没有出现Fm上升这一过程,Fm随着单位叶面积叶绿素含量的下降而下降。叶片叠加实验证明,增加叶片厚度也可以使Fm上升。综上我们认为在干旱胁迫进程中,活体草莓叶片的荧光动力学参数Fm出现上升是由单位面积叶绿素含量和叶片结构的变化共同决定的。


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An experiment was undertaken in which silver bellies (Leiognathus splendens) of different quality were used to produce silages using different concentrations of hydrochloric acid and formic acid. The quality and storage life of the various preparations are reported. Silages which keep for at least 30 days can be produced from silver belly held for 3 or 12 hours at 28°C by: 1) reducing the pH by addition of hydrochloric acid; 2) adding 0.5% formic acid and reducing the pH to 3.5 with hydrochloric acid; or 3) adding 2.5% formic acid.


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采用水平式淀粉胶电泳技术 ,对云南龙陵黄山羊、宁蒗黑头山羊、马关无角山羊和路南圭山羊等 4个保种山羊的 1 2 0个个体共 3 9个基因座位的基因多态性进行了研究。结果显示 ,云南 4个保种山羊品种在AKP、CES - 1、ESD、GOI、LAP、MDH、ME和NP基因座位出现多态。多态座位基因在不同保种山羊中分布不同。多态基因座位百分比 (P)在 4个保种山羊中分别为 0 .2 0 51 ,0 .1 53 8,0 .1 2 82和 0 .1 53 8。平均杂合度 (H)分别为 0 .0 95,0 .0 61 4 ,0 .0 4 67和 0 .0 662。用UPGMA法对由基因频率计算得到的Nei氏标准遗传距离进行聚类分析 ,结果表明云南保种山羊具地理分布及品种特点 ,龙陵黄山羊和其它 3个品种的遗传距离最远。


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Surimi was prepared from silver carp with an aim to put this underutilized fish for profitable use. The mince prepared was washed twice with chilled water (5°C) using mince to water ratio (w/v) of 1:2 for 5-6 minutes each. After final dewatering to moisture content to about 80%; half the quantity of washed minced meat was mixed with cryoprotectants (4% sorbitol, 4% sucrose and 0.3% sodium tripolyphosphate) to produce surimi. The prepared surimi and the dewatered minced meat were packed in LDPE bags, frozen using a plate freezer and stored at -20°C. Surimi and dewatered minced meat from frozen storage were used as base material for production of fish cakes. These were fried at 160°C for 3 to 4 minutes before serving for organoleptic test. Changes in salt soluble nitrogen, total volatile base nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, peroxide value and free fatty acid of surimi and dewatered mince were estimated at every ten days interval during the storage period of 3 months. The study has indicated that frozen storage of surimi could be a potential method for effective utilization of silver carp. This surimi when incorporated in fish cakes yielded products which retained the shelf life even up to 90 days of storage.


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Adaptive changes in brain areas following drug withdrawal are believed to contribute to drug seeking and relapse. Cocaine withdrawal alters the expression of GluR1 and GluR2/3 subunits of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) rec


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Aspects of the behaviour of three groups of Yunnan snub-nosed langurs, Rhinopithecus bieti, were observed over the course of three field seasons from 1986 to 1988. The major findings of the study were: (1) The habitats of R. bieti were mainly at heights of 3,600-4,150 m above sea level. (2) Groups were very large, with group sizes ranging from more than 100 to 269 individuals. (3) Spatial dispersion densities ranged from about 27 to 106 m2/individual during sleeping and resting, to feeding dispersions as large as 5,000-15,000 m2. (4) The locomotor repertoire of R. bieti consisted largely of walking, jumping and climbing. On very rare occasions, semibrachiation was observed, but true brachiation was never observed. The locomotor repertoires of juveniles were more diverse than those of subadults or adults. (5) Communication consisted mainly of eye-to-eye contact accompanied by murmurs; while loud calls were heard only rarely. (6) Groups moved between sleeping and feeding sites in single file. It is concluded that R. bieti is a mainly terrestrial species.


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The specific recognition between monoclonal antibody (anti-human prostate-specific antigen, anti-hPSA) and its antigen (human prostate-specific antigen, hPSA) has promising applications in prostate cancer diagnostics and other biosensor applications. However, because of steric constraints associated with interfacial packing and molecular orientations, the binding efficiency is often very low. In this study, spectroscopic ellipsometry and neutron reflection have been used to investigate how solution pH, salt concentration and surface chemistry affect antibody adsorption and subsequent antigen binding. The adsorbed amount of antibody was found to vary with pH and the maximum adsorption occurred between pH 5 and 6, close to the isoelectric point of the antibody. By contrast, the highest antigen binding efficiency occurred close to the neutral pH. Increasing the ionic strength reduced antibody adsorbed amount at the silica-water interface but had little effect on antigen binding. Further studies of antibody adsorption on hydrophobic C8 (octyltrimethoxysilane) surface and chemical attachment of antibody on (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane/4-maleimidobutyric acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester-modified surface have also been undertaken. It was found that on all surfaces studied, the antibody predominantly adopted the 'flat on' orientation, and antigen-binding capabilities were comparable. The results indicate that antibody immobilization via appropriate physical adsorption can replace elaborate interfacial molecular engineering involving complex covalent attachments.


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<正> 1980年,我们从不同地区分离到5株具有明显溶藻能力的细菌。其中4株的生物学特性观察结果表明它们属于同种类群,但与已报道的某些溶藻菌株有不同程度的差别,在分类上还有待进一步研究。本文报道了代表株


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Iron is an essential trace element for biological requirements of phytoplankton. Effects of iron on physiological and biochemical characteristics of Microcystis wesenbergii were conducted in this study. Results showed that 0.01 mu M [Fe3+] seriously inhibited growth and chlorophyll synthesis of M. wesenbergii, and induced temporary increase of ATPase activities, however, NR. ACP and ALP activities were restrained by iron limitation. Interestingly, iron addition on day 8 resulted in the gradual restoration of structures and functions of above enzymes and resisted a variety of stresses from iron limitation. M. wesenbergii in 10 mu M [Fe3+] treatment group grew normally. enzymes maintained normal levels, and residual phosphate contents in cultures first sharply decreased, then smoothly as M. wesenbergii has a characteristic of luxury consumption of phosphorus. Above parameters in 100 mu M [Fe3+] treatment group were almost same with those in 10 mu M [Fe3+] treatment group except for NR, ACP and ALP activities. In 100 mu M [Fe3+] treatment group, activities of ACP and ALP had temporary increase because phosphate and ferric iron could form insoluble compound - ferric phosphate (Fe3PO4) through adsorption effect. resulting in lack of bioavailable phosphate in culture media. The experiment suggested that too low or too high iron can affect obviously physiological and biochemical characteristics of M. wesenbergii.


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The optical, structural and electrical properties of poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid) (PEDOT:PSS) thin films printed by roll-to-roll gravure have been investigated. Corona treatment has been applied to enhance the adhesion of PEDOT:PSS on PolyEthylene Terephthalate (PET) web. It has been found that there was a stronger in-depth surface modification of PET with the increase of corona efficiency; however, the adhesion of PEDOT:PSS was not actually affected. Also, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy have been used to extract information on the mechanisms that define PEDOT:PSS properties. The increase of the drying temperature of the PEDOT:PSS films has been found to reduce the remaining water inside the films and lead to the decrease of the PEDOT:PSS particles size. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Kaolinite is a dominant clay mineral in the soils in tropical and Subtropical regions, and its dissolution has an influence on a variety of soil properties. In this work, kaolinite dissolution induced by three kinds of low-molecular-weight organic acid, i.e., citric, oxalic, and malic acids, was evaluated under far-from-equilibrium conditions. The rates of kaolinite dissolution depended on the kind and concentration of organic acids, with the sequence R-oxalate > R-citrate > R-malate. Chemical calculation showed the change in concentration of organic ligand relative to change in concentration of organic acid in suspensions of kaolinite and organic acid. The effect of organic acid on kaolinite dissolution was modeled by species of organic anionic ligand. For oxalic acid, L-oxalic(2-) and HLoxalic- jointly enhanced the dissolution of kaolinite, but for malic and citric acids, HLmalic- and H2Lcitric- made a higher contribution to the total dissolution rate of kaolinite than L-malic(2-) and L-citric(3-), respectively. For oxalic acid, the proposed model was R-Si = 1.89 x 10(-12) x [(25x)/(1+25x)] + 1.93 x 10(-12) x [(1990x(1))/(1+1990x(1))] (R-2 = 0.9763), where x and x(1) denote the concentrations of HLoxalic and L-oxalic, respectively, and x(1) = 10(-3.81) x x/[H+]. For malic acid, the model was R-Si =4.79 x 10(-12) x [(328-v)/(1+328x)] + 1.67 x 10(-13) x [(1149x(1))/(1+1149x(1))] (R-2 =0.9452), where x and x(1) denote the concentrations of HLmalic and L-malic, respectively, and x(1) = 10(-5.11) x x/[H+], and for citric acid, the model was R-Si = 4.73 x 10(-12) x [(845x)/(1+845x)] +4.68 x 10(-12) x [(2855x(1))/(1+2855x(1))] (R-2 =0.9682), where x and x(1) denote the concentrations of H2Lcitric and L-citric, respectively, and x(1) = 10(-11.16) x x/[H+](2). (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Embryogenic calli of Kentucky bluegrass, named Md, were induced from mature seeds and embryos, and proliferated on medium K3 containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 10.0 mumol/L), 6-benzylaminopurine (BAR, 0.5 mumol/L) and K5 which was the K3 medium supplemented with cupric sulfa (0.5 mumol/L) under dim-light condition (20-30 mumol.m(-2).s-1, 16 h light) at 24 degreesC. Embryogenic calli were transformed with plasmids pDM805 Carring bar and gus genes, Which was mediated by an Agrobacterium strain AGL1, four transgenic lines were obtained. The important factors that affect the transformation efficiency and obtain desirable number of transgenic plants included: (1) the quality of embryogenic calli; (2) light condition and time of co-cultivation; (3) concentration of antibiotics used for suppressing the overgrowth of Agrobacterium in the course of transformed plant regeneration; (4) selection pressure, etc. The micro nutrient of cupric had significant influence on the quality of embryogenic calli. This presentation is the first successful protocol of Kentucky bluegrass transformation mediated by Agrobacterium.