983 resultados para fed-batch process
When 4th instar nymphs of Panstrongylus megistus are fed with a saturant blood meal, there is an intense proliferation of the spermatogonia. At the end of the intermoult, the older spermatogonial cysts differentiate into 1st primary spermatocyte cysts. In the nymphs deprived of the blood meal this evolution is not observed, but a small growth of the testicular follicles occurs, due to a few mitotic divisions. This growth is observed at least, until 25 days after ecdysis. Since day 15, an autolytic process starts in the older spermatogonial cysts. The presence of exogenous juvenile hormone III (JH III) does not promote the development of the germ cells in the fasting insects. There is only a small growth of the testicular follicles and the autolytic process is also observed. In the precocious adults obtained by allatectomy or precocene II treatment, germ cells are observed in all development stages, except packed and elongated spermatozoa bundels.
This paper has three objectives. First, it aims at revealing the logic of interest rate setting pursued by monetary authorities of 12 new EU members. Using estimation of an augmented Taylor rule, we find that this setting was not always consistent with the official monetary policy. Second, we seek to shed light on the inflation process of these countries. To this end, we carry out an estimation of an open economy Philips curve (PC). Our main finding is that inflation rates were not only driven by backward persistency but also held a forward-looking component. Finally, we assess the viability of existing monetary arrangements for price stability. The analysis of the conditional inflation variance obtained from GARCH estimation of PC is used for this purpose. We conclude that inflation targeting is preferable to an exchange rate peg because it allowed decreasing the inflation rate and anchored its volatility.
'Modern' theories of the Phillips curve imply that inflation is an integrated, or near integrated process. This paper explains this implication and why these 'modern' theories are logically inconsistent with what is commonly known about the statistical process of inflation.
For several years, all five medical faculties of Switzerland have embarked on a reform of their training curricula for two reasons: first, according to a new federal act issued in 2006 by the administration of the confederation, faculties needed to meet international standards in terms of content and pedagogic approaches; second, all Swiss universities and thus all medical faculties had to adapt the structure of their curriculum to the frame and principles which govern the Bologna process. This process is the result of the Bologna Declaration of June 1999 which proposes and requires a series of reforms to make European Higher Education more compatible and comparable, more competitive and more attractive for Europeans students. The present paper reviews some of the results achieved in the field, focusing on several issues such as the shortage of physicians and primary care practitioners, the importance of public health, community medicine and medical humanities, and the implementation of new training approaches including e-learning and simulation. In the future, faculties should work on several specific challenges such as: students' mobility, the improvement of students' autonomy and critical thinking as well as their generic and specific skills and finally a reflection on how to improve the attractiveness of the academic career, for physicians of both sexes.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In critically ill patients, fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis increases in proportion to carbohydrate administration during isoenergetic nutrition. In this study, we sought to determine whether this increase may be the consequence of continuous enteral nutrition and bed rest. We, therefore, measured fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis in a group of 12 healthy subjects during near-continuous oral feeding (hourly isoenergetic meals with a liquid formula containing 55% carbohydrate). In eight subjects, near-continuous enteral nutrition and bed rest were applied over a 10 h period. In the other four subjects, it was extended to 34 h. Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis was measured by infusing(13) C-labeled acetate and monitoring VLDL-(13)C palmitate enrichment with mass isotopomer distribution analysis. Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis was 3.2% (range 1.5-7.5%) in the eight subjects after 10 h of near continuous nutrition and 1.6% (range 1.3-2.0%) in the four subjects after 34 h of near-continuous nutrition and bed rest. This indicates that continuous nutrition and physical inactivity do not increase hepatic de novo lipogenesis. Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis previously reported in critically ill patients under similar nutritional conditions (9.3%) (range 5.3-15.8%) was markedly higher than in healthy subjects (P<0.001). These data from healthy subjects indicate that fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis is increased in critically ill patients.
Five patients with asexual and sexual parasites of Plasmodium vivax were treated orally with 600 mg chloroquine diphosphate (hour 0) followed with 300 mg at 8, 24 and 48 h later. Primaquine phospate, 15 mg, was administered concurrently at h 0 and 24 h intervals for 14 days. Anopheles darlingi were fed before the first dose (h-0.5) and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h later. Mosquitoes were examined for oocysts on day 8 and for sporozoites on day 15 after infection. Four of the five patients studied were still infective to mosquitoes from 1-5 h after the first dose of chloroquine plus primaquine. One of these and one other patient, who vomited 15 min after the first dose, became inffective again at hours 10 and 12, respectively. Once produced, oocysts in mosquitoes fed on patients before, during and after chloroquine plus primaquine treatment appeared normal and produced sporozoite infected salivary glands. In view of these data , it is concluded that primaquine demonstrated rapid gametocytocidal activity and should be administred concurrently with chloroquine to reduce vivax malaria transmission.
Neutrophils are recruited to the site of parasite inoculation within a few hours of infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. In C57BL/6 mice, which are resistant to infection, neutrophils are cleared from the site of s.c. infection within 3 days, whereas they persist for at least 10 days in susceptible BALB/c mice. In the present study, we investigated the role of macrophages (MPhi) in regulating neutrophil number. Inflammatory cells were recruited by i.p. injection of either 2% starch or L. major promastigotes. Neutrophils were isolated and cultured in the presence of increasing numbers of MPhi. Extent of neutrophil apoptosis positively correlated with the number of MPhi added. This process was strictly dependent on TNF because MPhi from TNF-deficient mice failed to induce neutrophil apoptosis. Assays using MPhi derived from membrane TNF knock-in mice or cultures in Transwell chambers revealed that contact with MPhi was necessary to induce neutrophil apoptosis, a process requiring expression of membrane TNF. L. major was shown to exacerbate MPhi-induced apoptosis of neutrophils, but BALB/c MPhi were not as potent as C57BL/6 MPhi in this induction. Our results emphasize the importance of MPhi-induced neutrophil apoptosis, and membrane TNF in the early control of inflammation.
ISAFRUIT is an integrated European Union Project focussed on increasing fruit consumption as a means to improve human health, through evaluating the fruit chain and addressing bottlenecks therein.The innovations which are being developed throughout the ISAFRUIT Project have been analysed to determine both the success factors and the obstacles in reaching the commercialisation stage. Only 9.58% of the deliverables planned within the Project were focussed on developing technological innovations.There is evidence, however, of successes in the development of new innovations arising from the ISAFRUIT Project, with several other potential innovations in the pipeline. Of the technologies identified, 67% are still at the “invention stage”; that is, the stage prior to bridging the so-called “valley of death”, the stage between an invention and an innovation. Those which are considered to have moved over the “valley of death” either had industry partners included in the Project, or had consulted with industry to ensure that the technology was relevant, or met a recognised industry need. Many of the technologies which made less progress did not have the same interactions with industry. A number of other issues were identified which prevented further progress towards innovation. The need for scientists to publish scientific papers, both for their career pathways and to increase their chances of future funding, was identified as one issue, although the filing of patents is now becoming more accepted and recognised. The patenting system is considered complex by many scientists and is not well-understood. Finally, agreements between partners on the sharing of intellectual property rights can cause a delay in the innovation process.
BACKGROUND: Potassium-enriched diets exert renal and cardiovascular protective effects, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. METHODS: Using the dorsal skinfold chamber model for intravital microscopy, we examined endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation of precapillary resistance arterioles in response to acetylcholine or the NO donor SNAP in awake mice. Experiments were performed in uni-nephrectomized one renin gene (Ren-1c) C57BL/6 mice (control group) and in mice having received a continuous administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate and a dietary supplementation of 1% sodium chloride for 8weeks (DOCA/salt group). An additional group of DOCA/salt treated animals received a dietary supplement of 0.4% KCl for 3weeks prior to the experiments (DOCA/salt + potassium group). RESULTS: DOCA/salt treatment for 8weeks resulted in hypokalemia, but blood pressure remained unchanged. In DOCA/salt mice, relaxation of resistance arterioles was blunted in response to acetylcholine, and to a lesser extent to SNAP, suggesting endothelial dysfunction. Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation was restored by the potassium-enriched diet. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to demonstrate a protective effect of potassium on endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in the absence of confounding anti-hypertensive effects, as observed in most animal models and the clinical situation. We propose that the known cardio- and nephro-protective effects of potassium might - at least in part - be mediated by the salutary effects on endothelium-dependent arteriolar relaxation.
While much of the literature on immigrants' assimilation has focused on countries with a large tradition of receiving immigrants and with flexible labor markets, very little is known on how immigrants adjust to other types of host economies. With its severe dual labor market, and an unprecedented immigration boom, Spain presents a quite unique experience to analyze immigrations' assimilation process. Using data from the 2000 to 2008 Labor Force Survey, we find that immigrants are more occupationally mobile than natives, and that much of this greater flexibility is explained by immigrants' assimilation process soon after arrival. However, we find little evidence of convergence, especially among women and high skilled immigrants. This suggests that instead of integrating, immigrants occupationally segregate, providing evidence consistent with both imperfect substitutability and immigrants' human capital being under-valued. Additional evidence on the assimilation of earnings and the incidence of permanent employment by different skill levels also supports the hypothesis of segmented labor markets.