997 resultados para excitation spectra


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The excitation functions of two very similar reaction channels, Fe-58+Pb-208 ->(265)Hs+1n and Fe-58+Bi-209 ->(266)Mt+1n are studied in the framework of the dinuclear system conception. The fusion probabilities are found to be strongly subject to the structure of the driving potential. Usually the fusion probability is hindered by a barrier from the injection channel towards the compound nuclear configuration. The barrier towards the mass symmetrical direction, however, also plays an important role for the fusion probability, because the barrier hinders the quasi-fission, and therefore helps fusion.


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The axial emitted bremsstrahlung spectra were measured on SECRAL (Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou) using an HPGe detector. The spectral temperature T-spe was obtained from the linear fit of the spectra in the semi-log present. The evolution of T-spe with microwave power and magnetic field configuration is investigated in this paper.


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With the frame of the time-dependent local density approximation, an efficient description of the optical response of clusters has been used to study the photo-absorption cross section of Na-2 and Na-4 clusters. It is shown that our calculated results are in good agreement with the experiment. In addition, our calculated spectrum for the Na-4 cluster is in better agreement with experiment than the GW absorption spectrum.


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In the frame of time-dependent density functional theory, the: dynamical polarizabilities of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are calculated using a time-dependent local density approximation. By using Fourier transformation, the optical absorption spectra of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are obtained from their dynamical polarizabilities. It is shown that experimentally measured optical absorption spectra of Na-5, Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are reproduced in our calculations. Furthermore, the calculations of Na-6 and Na-7 clusters are in good agreement with the results of configuration interaction method. Compared with the three-dimensional structure of Na-6, the calculated optical absorption spectra of Na-6 with the two-dimensional structure are more close to the experimental data.


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The proton-rich isotope Sm-133 was produced via the fusion evaporation reaction Ca-40 + Ru-96. Its beta-delayed proton decay was studied by p-gamma coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, and half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emission, as well as beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nucleus were determined. Comparing the observed beta-delayed proton branching ratios with statistical model calculations, the best agreement is found assuming that only one level with the spin of 3/2 in Sm-133 decays or two levels with the spins of 1/2 and 5/2 decay with similar half-lives. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces of Sm-133 were calculated using the Woods-Saxon-Strutinsky method, which suggests a 1/2-ground state and a 5/2(+) isomer with an excitation energy of 120 keV. Therefore, the simple(EC+beta(+)) decay scheme of Sm-133 in Eur. Phys. J.A 11,277(2001) has been revised. In addition, our previous experimental data on the beta-delayed proton decay of Yb-149 reported in Eur. Phys. J. A 12,1 ( 2 0 0 1) was also analyzed using the same method. The spin-parity of Yb-149 is suggested to be 1/2(-).


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Spectra of the ionized oxygen atom were researched with the Pro-500i monochromator equipped with CCD. The beam foil method was used at energy of 2 MeV in a 2 x 1.7 Tandem accelerator. In this work, we report 201 spectral lines determined in the region 250-350 nm, and most spectral lines were attributed to n, l energy level transitions from O II to O IV atoms. Our experimental results are in good agreement with existing theoretical calculations. Many lines reported in this paper have not been measured in past experiments, and a majority of them are week transitional lines.


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Tb-140 and Dy-141 were produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Cd-106. Their beta-delayed proton decays were studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were extracted as 7(+/-) and 9/2(+/-), respectively, by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces (NPES) of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method, which indicate the ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-147 to be 7(+) and 9/2(-), respectively. In addition, the configuration-constrained NPES of Dy-143 was also calculated by using the same method. From the NPES a 1/2(+) ground state and a 11/2(-) isomer with the excitation energy of 198keV were found. The calculated results are consistent with our experimental data on the decay of Dy-143 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2003, A16: 347-351.


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The proton-rich isotopes Tb-140 and Dy-141 were produced via the fusion evaporation reaction Ca-40+ Cd-106. Their beta-delayed proton decays were studied by p-gamma coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, and half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emission, as well as beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei were determined. Comparing the experimental data with statistical model calculations, the ground-state spins of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were found to be consistent with 7 and 9/2, respectively. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces (NPES) of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were calculated using the Woods-Saxon-Strutinsky method, which suggest the ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-141 to be 7(+) and 9/2(-), respectively. In addition, the configuration-constrained NPES of Dy-143 were calculated, which predict a 1/2(+) ground state and a 11/2(-) isomer with excitation energy of 198 keV. These findings are consistent with our previous experimental data on Dy-143 reported in Eur. Phys. J. A 16, 347 (2003).


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The spectrum of highly ionized titanium was studied by means of the beam-foil technique. Titanium ions were provided by the HI-13 tandem accelerator at China Institute of Atomic Energy. The experimental results are compared with those of laser-produced plasmas. Numerous lines attributed to Ti XVI to XVIII ransitions have been identified, and three of them were newly measured, which were attributed to 2s2p(24)P(3/2)-2p(32)D(3/2), 2s2p(21)S(0)-2sp(31)P(1) and 4p(1)P(0)-5d(1)P(1) transitions.


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This paper studies the X-ray spectra produced by the interaction of highly charged ions of Arq+ (q = 16, 17, 18) with metallic surface of Be, Al, Ni, Mo and Au respectively. The experimental results show that the K alpha X-ray emerges from under the surface of solid in the interaction of ions with targets. The multi-electron excitation occurred in the process neutralization of the Ar16+ in electronic configuration of 1s(2) in metallic surfaces, which produces vacancy in the K shell. Electron from high n state transition to K vacancy gives off X-ray. We find that there is no obvious relation between the shape of X-ray spectra and the different targets. The X-ray yield of incident ions are associated with initial electronic configuration. The X-ray yield of target is related to the kinetic energy of the incident ions.


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The beta(+)/EC decay of doubly odd Ir-176 has been investigated using Nd-146(Cl-35, 5n gamma)Ir-176 heavy ion fusion evaporation reaction at 210MeV bombarding energy. With the aid of a helium-jet recoil fast tape transport system, the reaction products were transported to a low-background location for measurements. Based on the data analysis, the previously published gamma rays in Ir-176 decay were proved, moreover, 3 new levels and 10 new gamma rays were assigned to Ir-176 decay. The new level scheme of Os-176 with low excitation energy has been established. The time spectra of typical gamma rays clearly indicate a long-lived low-spin isomer in Ir-176 nuclide.


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利用反应显微成像谱仪对70和100keV He2+与He原子碰撞转移电离(TI)过程中不同出射角度的电子能谱进行了测量,观测到出射电子能谱具有如下分布特征:出射电子速度分布介于0和入射离子速度vp之间;在不同出射角度电子能谱分布均有一极大值存在,随着出射角度的增大,能谱分布极大值逐渐减小;当电子出射角度等于45°时,多数电子集中在0eV附近。上述特征可由低能离子-原子碰撞"准分子"模型进行定性解释。在100keV He2+-He转移电离出射电子能谱中有靶电子被俘获至散射离子连续态(electron capture to continuum,简称ECC)电子的贡献,这可看做是动力学两步过程的作用。


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The analysis of the mass spectrum and the calculation of the strong decay of P-wave charmonium states strongly purport to explain the newly observed X(3915) and X(4350) as new members in the P-wave charmonium family, i.e., chi'(c0) for X(3915) and chi ''(c2) for X(4350). Under the P-wave charmonium assignment to X(3915) and X(4350), the J(PC) quantum numbers of X(3915) and X(4350) must be 0(++) and 2(++) respectively, which provide important criteria to test the P-wave charmonium explanation for X(3915) and X(4350) proposed by this Letter. The decay behavior of the remaining two P-wave charmonium states with the second radial excitation is predicted, and an experimental search for them is suggested.


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We report new results on identified (anti) proton and charged pion spectra at large transverse momenta (3 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c) from Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). This study explores the system size dependence of two novel features observed at RHIC with heavy ions: the hadron suppression at high-p(T) and the anomalous baryon to meson enhancement at intermediate transverse momenta. Both phenomena could be attributed to the creation of a new form of QCD matter. The results presented here bridge the system size gap between the available pp and Au + Au data, and allow for a detailed exploration of the onset of the novel features. Comparative analysis of all available 200 GeV data indicates that the system size is a major factor determining both the magnitude of the hadron spectra suppression at large transverse momenta and the relative baryon to meson enhancement.


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This paper reports laboratory measurements of the spectrum of the most abundant transition Fe ions in the universe. Spectrum of iron of low-lying excited states has been observed in the wavelength range 250-400 angstrom at Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy on the HI-13 tandem accelerator with beams of 130 MeV. A number of spectral lines have been mainly classified as transitions of magnesium-, sodium-, neon-, fluorine-like ions. A total of 54 lines have been measured. Most of them have been mainly ascribed to 3s3p(k)-3p(k+1), 3s(2)3p(k)-3s3p(k+1), 2p(5)3s-2p(5)3p, 3s3d-3p3d and 2p(5)3p-2p(5)3d resonance transitions. These spectral lines have been identified, among which 21 are new and accurately measured. The analysis of the spectra was based on a comparison with other experimental results and calculated values. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.