859 resultados para environmental costs and benefits


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Includes Bibliography


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O diabetes mellitus é uma doença crônica de etiologia múltipla, cujo tratamento inclui mudanças no estilo de vida, onde a adoção de hábitos alimentares saudáveis é de suma importância para o controle da doença. No entanto, a adesão ao plano alimentar é um dos aspectos de maior desafio para o tratamento desta patologia. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar a eficácia do uso de procedimentos de automonitoração sobre o comportamento de adesão a dois tipos de regras nutricionais (Plano Alimentar – PA e Contagem Total de Carboidratos - CTC) em adultos com diabetes Tipo 2. Participaram quatro adultos inscritos no Programa HiperDia de uma Unidade Municipal de Saúde, na cidade de Belém, apresentando dificuldades de adesão à dieta. A coleta de dados aconteceu no laboratório de Patologia da Nutrição e em ambiente domiciliar dos participantes. O procedimento constou de: (1) Composição da amostra e entrevista para confirmação dos critérios de inclusão; (2) Caracterização da linha de base (LB) do comportamento alimentar; (3) Intervenção: Treino de Automonitoração (AM) com PA para dois participantes da Condição A (CTa) e com CTC para dois participantes da Condição B (CTb); (4) Reversão das condições de Treino; (5) Follow-up e (6) Entrevista Final. O Treino em AM incluiu a verificação da correspondência entre o registro do comportamento alimentar e as regras nutricionais; a análise dos custos e benefícios da emissão dos comportamentos de seguimento das regras estabelecidas; análises funcionais da emissão ou não do comportamento de seguir as regras e o planejamento das ações de adesão. O participante foi solicitado a registrar todas as refeições realizadas em intervalos de dois em dois dias a cada visita domiciliar da pesquisadora. Calculou-se o Índice de Adesão à Dieta (IAD) por dia de registro. Nos resultados, observou-se que, na linha de base os IADs de todos os participantes estavam abaixo de 50%. No entanto, após o Treino em AM, a média dos IADs obtidos pelos participantes quando submetidos ao PA foi igual a 62,49%, enquanto a obtida em CTC foi de 75,50%. Os valores absolutos dos IADs encontrados nos participantes da CTa foram maiores do que os IADs dos participantes da CTb. Todos os participantes, independente da condição, apresentaram aumento nos IADs ao serem comparados com a LB, com declínio após a suspensão da AM. Ao término da AM, dois participantes escolheram PA e dois a CTC para seguir o tratamento; entretanto, observou-se que todos mantiveram o seguimento do PA no follow-up. Inferiu-se que a CTC parece ser mais eficaz em instalar comportamentos alimentares adequados e o PA parece obter bons resultados na manutenção dos comportamentos instalados. Todos os participantes se encontravam com excesso de peso na LB, dois participantes reduziram o peso após a intervenção, mas todos mantiveram o diagnóstico nutricional da LB. Quanto à hemoglobina glicada, todos os participantes apresentavam valores acima de 6% durante a LB e, após a intervenção, três participantes reduziram esse valor. Discute-se a importância de nutricionistas auxiliarem o paciente a ficar sob o controle das mudanças observadas em seu repertório por meio da análise de contingências, prescrevendo um tratamento individualizado e para além do foco na doença.


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A obesidade é uma doença epidêmica, crônica, multifatorial e de alto risco, que afeta milhões de pessoas e provoca uma série de prejuízos sociais, emocionais e econômicos. A análise do comportamento busca compreender os comportamentos do indivíduo obeso que propiciam o surgimento e a manutenção desta condição e as relações deste indivíduo com o seu meio ambiente. Tradicionalmente, pesquisas sobre o tratamento da obesidade, embora utilizem estratégias comportamentais como o registro em automonitoração e treino de relato verbal, em geral enfatizam resultados não comportamentais como critério de sucesso no tratamento (ex. perda de peso). Todavia, alguns autores defendem o uso de critérios comportamentais nos tratamentos de saúde que resultem em melhorias na qualidade de vida, enfatizando a construção de repertórios saudáveis ao invés da eliminação de comportamentos ditos desadaptativos. Baseado no modelo construcional de Goldiamond, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos de um treino em automonitoração e em relato verbal no estabelecimento e na manutenção, em curto prazo, de comportamentos de seguir regras nutricionais em adultos com obesidade. Participaram da pesquisa duas mulheres adultas com obesidade, em tratamento em uma clínica nutricional particular, e com dificuldades de adesão à dieta. A coleta de dados foi realizada em ambiente disponibilizado pelas participantes, predominantemente em ambiente domiciliar, em dias alternados, sendo constituída por cinco etapas: (1) Entrevistas de Linha de Base para identificação do repertório alimentar inicial; (2) Intervenção, realizada por meio de duas condições: (I) Treino de Automonitoração e (II) Treino de Relato Verbal; (3) Manutenção em curto prazo; (4) Follow-up; e (5) Encerramento: Entrevista Final, para avaliação dos resultados obtidos. Na condição I utilizou-se registros de automonitoração e de planejamento das refeições, enquanto que na condição II utilizou-se o relato verbal para o planejamento e o acesso à refeição-alvo realizada no dia anterior à entrevista. Em todas as entrevistas de intervenção foram conduzidas análises da consistência entre o registro/relato da refeição-alvo e as regras descritas no plano alimentar; análises dos custos e benefícios dos comportamentos de seguir ou não as regras nutricionais e identificação das variáveis determinantes para a emissão ou não dos comportamentos de seguir as regras nutricionais. Os treinos foram realizados com apenas uma refeição de cada vez até que se atingisse um dos critérios de mudança de refeição-alvo, sendo o principal a ocorrência de 60% de adesão em três entrevistas consecutivas. Para tanto, a cada entrevista era calculado o Índice de Adesão à Dieta (IAD) da refeição-alvo. Nos resultados, verificou-se que ambas as participantes atingiram o critério estabelecido em todas as refeições, com exceção do lanche da tarde. Inferiu-se a efetividade de ambos os treinos na instalação de comportamentos de auto-observação do repertório alimentar, entretanto foram modestos os resultados referentes ao autocontrole, sugerindo a necessidade de outras estratégias comportamentais, como treino de autocontrole, para a manutenção dos resultados do tratamento da obesidade. Discutiu-se sobre a complexidade do tratamento desta condição de saúde e a necessidade de uma visão ampla de tratamento que atue em outros contextos, além do foco na doença.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Not long ago, most software was written by professional programmers, who could be presumed to have an interest in software engineering methodologies and in tools and techniques for improving software dependability. Today, however, a great deal of software is written not by professionals but by end-users, who create applications such as multimedia simulations, dynamic web pages, and spreadsheets. Applications such as these are often used to guide important decisions or aid in important tasks, and it is important that they be sufficiently dependable, but evidence shows that they frequently are not. For example, studies have shown that a large percentage of the spreadsheets created by end-users contain faults. Despite such evidence, until recently, relatively little research had been done to help end-users create more dependable software. We have been working to address this problem by finding ways to provide at least some of the benefits of formal software engineering techniques to end-user programmers. In this talk, focusing on the spreadsheet application paradigm, I present several of our approaches, focusing on methodologies that utilize source-code-analysis techniques to help end-users build more dependable spreadsheets. Behind the scenes, our methodologies use static analyses such as dataflow analysis and slicing, together with dynamic analyses such as execution monitoring, to support user tasks such as validation and fault localization. I show how, to accommodate the user base of spreadsheet languages, an interface to these methodologies can be provided in a manner that does not require an understanding of the theory behind the analyses, yet supports the interactive, incremental process by which spreadsheets are created. Finally, I present empirical results gathered in the use of our methodologies that highlight several costs and benefits trade-offs, and many opportunities for future work.


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mitochondrial genomes are generally thought to be under selection for compactness, due to their small size, consistent gene content, and a lack of introns or intergenic spacers. As more animal mitochondrial genomes are fully sequenced, rearrangements and partial duplications are being identified with increasing frequency, particularly in birds (Class Ayes). In this study, we investigate the evolutionary history of mitochondrial control region states within the avian order Psittaciformes (parrots and cockatoos). To this aim, we reconstructed a comprehensive multi-locus phylogeny of parrots, used PCR of three diagnostic fragments to classify the mitochondrial control region state as single or duplicated, and mapped these states onto the phylogeny. We further sequenced 44 selected species to validate these inferences of control region state. Ancestral state reconstruction using a range of weighting schemes identified six independent origins of mitochondrial control region duplications within Psittaciformes. Analysis of sequence data showed that varying levels of mitochondrial gene and tRNA homology and degradation were present within a given clade exhibiting duplications. Levels of divergence between control regions within an individual varied from 0-10.9% with the differences occurring mainly between 51 and 225 nucleotides 3' of the goose hairpin in domain I. Further investigations into the fates of duplicated mitochondrial genes, the potential costs and benefits of having a second control region, and the complex relationship between evolutionary rates, selection, and time since duplication are needed to fully explain these patterns in the mitochondrial genome. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Traceability is often perceived by food industry executives as an additional cost of doing business, one to be avoided if possible. However, a traceability system can in fact comply the regulatory requirements, increase food safety and recall performance, improving marketing performances and, as well as, improving supply chain management. Thus, traceability affects business performances of firms in terms of costs and benefits determined by traceability practices. Costs and benefits affect factors such as, firms’ characteristics, level of traceability and ,lastly, costs and benefits perceived prior to traceability implementation. This thesis was undertaken to understand how these factors are linked to affect the outcome of costs and benefits. Analysis of the results of a plant level survey of the Italian ichthyic processing industry revealed that processors generally adopt various level of traceability while government support appears to increase the level of traceability and the expectations and actual costs and benefits. None of the firms’ characteristics, with the exception of government support, influences costs and level of traceability. Only size of firms and level of QMS certifications are linked with benefits while precision of traceability increases benefits without affecting costs. Finally, traceability practices appear due to the request from “external“ stakeholders such as government, authority and customers rather than “internal” factors (e.g. improving the firm management) while the traceability system does not provide any added value from the market in terms of price premium or market share increase.


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Die Regulierung und Steuerung von Hochschulen unterliegt spätestens seit der Liberalisierung des Hochschulrahmengesetzes im Jahr 1998 einer erheblichen Reformdynamik. Hochschulautonomie, New Public Management, Profilbildung, Exzellenz und Wettbewerb sind zentrale Stichworte im Rahmen der durchgeführten politischen Reformen und Programme.rnDer politisch intendierte Ausbau einer organisationalen Selbststeuerung von Universitäten stellt die Hochschulen vor beachtliche Herausforderungen und kann als Paradigmenwechsel im Bereich der Hochschul-Governance betrachtet werden. In der Fachdiskussion wird der entsprechende Wandel auch als Stärkung der „managerial governance“ (bspw. de Boer et al. 2007) oder als Wandel von Universitäten hin zu „more complete organizations“ (Brunsson/ Sahlin-Andersson 2000) bzw. „organisational actors“ (Krücken/Meier 2006) beschrieben. rnGleichzeitig liegt bislang eher fragmentarisches Wissen darüber vor, wie der veränderte Re-gulierungskontext von den Steuerungsakteuren in deutschen Hochschulen aufgegriffen wird, d.h. ob auf Organisationsebene tatsächlich ein Ausbau der organisationalen Selbststeuerung stattfindet, welche Steuerungsinitiativen und -instrumente sich bewähren und warum dies der Fall ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht diesen Fragen im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Fallstudie an sechs Universitäten nach. rnIm Zentrum der empirischen Erhebung stehen 60 qualitative sozialwissenschaftliche Interviews mit Leitungsakteuren auf Hochschul- und Fachbereichsebene. Diese Daten werden ergänzt durch umfangreiche Dokumentenanalysen, insbesondere von Jahresberichten, Grundordnungen, Strategie- und Planungsdokumenten sowie durch Daten der amtlichen Hochschul-statistik. Das Untersuchungsdesign erlaubt überdies eine Gegenüberstellung von großen und kleinen Universitäten sowie von Hochschulen mit einer technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung gegenüber solchen mit einem kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkt. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass an fünf der sechs untersuchten Hochschulen ein zum Teil deutlicher Ausbau der organisationalen Selbststeuerung festzustellen ist, wenngleich der spezifische organisationale Charakter von Universitäten, d.h. eine weitgehend lose Kopplung mit autonomen Professionals, im Wesentlichen erhalten bleibt. Die Zusammenschau der Veränderungen ergibt ein idealtypisches Modell des Wandels von Strategie, Struktur und Kultur der Hochschulen. Auf Basis der empirischen Ergebnisse werden weiterhin zentrale externe und interne Einflussfaktoren auf den spezifischen organisationalen Wandel analysiert. Schließlich werden Kosten und Nutzen sowie Risiken und Chancen der Governance-Reformen im Hoch-schulbereich gegenübergestellt.


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Self-control allows an individual to obtain a more preferred outcome by forgoing an immediate interest. Self-control is an advanced cognitive process because it involves the ability to weigh the costs and benefits of impulsive versus restrained behavior, determine the consequences of such behavior, and make decisions based on the most advantageous course of action. Self-control has been thoroughly explored in Old World primates, but less so in New World monkeys. There are many ways to test self-control abilities in non-human primates, including exchange tasks in which an animal must forgo an immediate, less preferred reward to receive a delayed, more preferred reward. I examined the self-control abilities of six capuchin monkeys using a task in which a monkey was given a less preferred food and was required to wait a delay interval to trade the fully intact less preferred food for a qualitatively higher, more preferred food. Partially eaten pieces of the less preferred food were not rewarded, and delay intervals increased on an individual basis based on performance. All six monkeys were successful in inhibiting impulsivity and trading a less preferred food for a more preferred food at the end of a delay interval. The maximum duration each subject postponed gratification instead of responding impulsively was considered their delay tolerance. This study was the first to show that monkeys could inhibit impulsivity in a delay of gratification food exchange task in which the immediate and delayed food options differed qualitatively and a partially eaten less preferred food was not rewarded with the more preferred food at the end of a delay interval. These results show that New World monkeys possess advanced cognitive abilities similar to those of Old World primates.


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The present study was conducted to estimate the direct losses due to Neospora caninum in Swiss dairy cattle and to assess the costs and benefits of different potential control strategies. A Monte Carlo simulation spreadsheet module was developed to estimate the direct costs caused by N. caninum, with and without control strategies, and to estimate the costs of these control strategies in a financial analysis. The control strategies considered were "testing and culling of seropositive female cattle", "discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows", "chemotherapeutical treatment of female offspring" and "vaccination of all female cattle". Each parameter in the module that was considered to be uncertain, was described using probability distributions. The simulations were run with 20,000 iterations over a time period of 25 years. The median annual losses due to N. caninum in the Swiss dairy cow population were estimated to be euro 9.7 million euros. All control strategies that required yearly serological testing of all cattle in the population produced high costs and thus were not financially profitable. Among the other control strategies, two showed benefit-cost ratios (BCR) >1 and positive net present values (NPV): "Discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows" (BCR=1.29, NPV=25 million euros ) and "chemotherapeutical treatment of all female offspring" (BCR=2.95, NPV=59 million euros). In economic terms, the best control strategy currently available would therefore be "discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows".


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The dissertation reviews the recommendations of the Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine (Panel) convened by the US Public Health Service in 1993 in four areas: aggregation of costs and benefits, methods of estimating resources used, definition of population impacted and perspective used in cost benefit analysis. Financial data from a clinical trial was used to test whether different approaches in each of the above four areas would change the net benefit resulting from a cost benefit analysis. Differences in aggregation of cost and benefit resulted in the same net benefit, but not the same cost/benefit ratios. Differences in resource use estimation methods, population subgroups definitions and perspectives all produced different net benefits. Difference in perspective resulted in different and often opposing decisions as to whether the proposed intervention from the clinical trial should be implemented. ^


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Good policy making is an art. It involves a substantial element of personal judgement about risks and consequences of alternative courses of actions and decisions. It is also a science because it requires systematic gathering and analysis of evidence about a policy issue, and rational assessment of costs and benefits of various ways of addressing the issue. However, in a crisis, there is little time to gather evidence or to search for imaginative solutions to a problem. There is a tendency, in such a situation, to act under pressure rather than on the basis of evidence, analysis or informed judgement. Furthermore, a crisis often creates a situation in which policy makers receive all sorts of advice. This note discusses a set of concepts, originating mainly from economics, that can be used to assess soundness of policy and advice, particularly during a crisis. These are concepts of rationality, sustainability, inclusiveness, feasibility, practicality and tipping, which can be used in decision making in normal and crisis times to reduce risks of disastrous advice or policy.