893 resultados para endangered


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The proposed Endangered Species Act listing of the gopher tortoise has the potential to impact the military mission at installations in the southeastern United States. Candidate Conservation Agreements with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could be a tool to promote conservation and potentially preclude listing. This project identified military activities that could be affected and determined that military natural resources managers are unsure if such an agreement would prevent impacts to the military mission or impose the same restrictions as federal listing. This project found that if a gopher tortoise Candidate Conservation Agreement can be developed such that it benefits the species as well as the military, it should be used as a model for other species.


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The following document identifies the impact to the current management plan of the Rio Salado Riparian Habitat Restoration Area in the event the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher is found nesting at the project site. Rio Salado is managed by the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, and consists of a low-flow channel with native vegetation and wildlife along the Salt River. This paper analyzes the regulatory responsibilities of project site management and discusses the necessary adjustments to the management plan. Despite the current absence of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher from Rio Salado, management should enter into a Safe Harbor Agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to legally protect themselves from the regulations stipulated in the Endangered Species Act.


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This study evaluated whether development of the Colorado River system has exceeded sustainability by comparing the trends in water use in the Colorado River. Two sustainable areas were identified in the upper basin and one in the lower-- the mainstream Colorado River, Green and Yampa rivers, and the Little Colorado River. These areas are also high priority recovery areas for four endangered fishes and protected by critical habitat provisions of the ESA. Unfortunately, the endangered fishes are declining because of habitat destruction and non-native species. If increasing water demand causes the fishes to go extinct the few sustainable areas will be lost. It will take careful management of the endangered fishes and water users to ensure these areas are maintained.


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As threatened and endangered species, wild Pacific salmon are in peril. This paper discusses the differences of the five species of wild Pacific salmon. As salmon go through several stages of their lifecycles, they face a myriad of threats to their existence. Threats from humans in the form of hydropower dams, habitat destruction, harvesting issues, and hatcheries are explained. A draft recovery plan for salmon in the Puget Sound area of Washington State is used as a case study. Strengths and weaknesses of this plan are discussed. The paper then discusses the need for growth management laws supporting salmon habitat and a change in individual behaviors if wild Pacific salmon sustainability is to become a reality.


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El gasterpodo marino Patella ferruginea se encuentra incluido en los Catlogos Espaol y Andaluz de Especies Amenazadas en la categora En peligro de extincin. En 2008 fue aprobada la Estrategia de Conservacin Nacional de la especie que establece la realizacin de un seguimiento de la poblacin cada cuatro aos. En Andaluca se ha realizado en 2010 el seguimiento de la especie empleando dos tipos de metodologa: los Controles de crecimiento, mediante marcaje de ejemplares, y los Censos exhaustivos en Tramos de costa, para intentar detectar todos los individuos presentes. En el censo de 2010 se han muestreado unos 21 km de costa en 34 localidades, un 5% del litoral andaluz con presencia de la especie, lo que constituye un esfuerzo considerable, pero asumible para el control peridico de la misma. La densidad media detectada es muy baja, de 0,048 ind./m. El mayor nmero de individuos se encuentra en Cdiz y la poblacin mejor estructurada en la isla de Alborn. Se estima que el tamao actual de la poblacin en Andaluca ronda los 1.800 ejemplares, lo que constituye un aumento con respecto a inventarios anteriores. Sin embargo, el contingente es muy reducido para garantizar la supervivencia de la especie. La categora de proteccin propuesta por el Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de Andaluca, En peligro crtico (MORENO y ARROYO, 2008), debe considerarse, por lo tanto, la ms adecuada para la lapa ferruginosa siguiendo los criterios de valoracin de la UICN (2001).


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La intoxicacin por ingestin de municin de plomo en aves silvestres es conocida en Espaa desde finales del siglo pasado. Elevadas densidades de perdigones de plomo en diversos humedales de importancia internacional producen tasas de ingestin de perdigones cercanas al 70% en especies como el nade rabudo (Anas acuta) y el plumbismo llega a ser una de las principales causas de mortalidad de la amenazada malvasa cabeciblanca (Oxyura leucocephala). El plumbismo tambin ha sido descrito en diversas especies de aves rapaces y se ha comprobado que la exposicin al plomo es elevada en las especies ms carroeras y oportunistas. La contaminacin de la carne de caza tambin ha sido objeto de estudio, debido a que en Espaa se da la particularidad de cocinarla en escabeche, lo que incrementa la transferencia de plomo de la municin a la carne. Por el momento, la nica accin llevada a cabo para reducir el riesgo de exposicin al plomo de la municin en aves y humanos ha sido la prohibicin desde 2001 del uso de perdigones de plomo en humedales protegidos. En esta revisin se hace un repaso a los estudios llevados a cabo en Espaa sobre la contaminacin por el plomo de la municin y el efecto que estn teniendo las medidas hasta el momento adoptadas para reducir este riesgo.


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The choice of sampling methods to survey saproxylic beetles is a key aspect to assessing conservation strategies for one of the most endangered assemblages in Europe. We evaluated the efficiency of three sampling methods: baited tube traps (TT), window traps in front of a hollow opening (WT), and emergence traps covering tree hollows (ET) to study richness and diversity of saproxylic beetle assemblages at species and family levels in Mediterranean woodlands. We also examined trap efficiency to report ecological diversity, and changes in the relative richness and abundance of species forming trophic guilds: xylophagous, saprophagous/saproxylophagous, xylomycetophagous, predators and commensals. WT and ET were similarly effective in reporting species richness and diversity at species and family levels, and provided an accurate profile of both the flying active and hollow-linked saproxylic beetle assemblages. WT and ET were the most complementary methods, together reporting more than 90 % of richness and diversity at both species and family levels. Diversity, richness and abundance of guilds were better characterized by ET, which indicates higher efficiency in outlining the ecological community of saproxylics that inhabit tree hollows. TT were the least effective method at both taxonomic levels, sampling a biased portion of the beetle assemblage attracted to trapping principles, however they could be used as a specific method for families such as Bostrichiidae, Biphyllidae, Melyridae, Mycetophagidae or Curculionidae Scolytinae species. Finally, ET and WT combination allows a better characterization of saproxylic assemblages in Mediterranean woodland, by recording species with different biology and linked to different microhabitat types.


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Tree hollows are keystone structures for saproxylic fauna and host numerous endangered species. However, not all tree hollows are equal. Many variables including physical, biotic and chemical ones, can characterise a tree hollow, however, the information that these could provide about the saproxylic diversity they harbour has been poorly explored. We studied the beetle assemblages of 111 Quercus species tree hollows in four protected areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Three physical variables related to tree hollow structure, and two biotic ones (presence of Cetoniidae and Cerambyx species recognised as ecosystem engineers) were measured in each hollow to explore their relative effect on beetle assemblages. Moreover, we analysed the chemical composition of the wood mould in 34 of the hollows, in order to relate beetle diversity with hollow quality. All the environmental variables analysed (physical and biological) showed a significant influence on saproxylic beetle assemblages that varied depending on the species. Furthermore, the presence of ecosystem engineers affected both physical and chemical features. Although wood mould volume, and both biotic variables could act as beetle diversity surrogate, we enhance the presence of Cetoniidae and Cerambyx activity (both easily observable in the field) as indicator variables, even more if both co-occur as each affect to different assemblages. Finally, assimilable carbon and phosphorous contents could act as indicator for past and present beetle activity inside the cavity that could become a useful tool in functional diversity studies. However, an extension of this work to other taxonomic groups would be desirable.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Cincias, 2016


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Tese de doutoramento, Cincias do Mar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Cincias, 2016


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In his penetrating look at who lost Ukraine, Ivan Krastev finds that ultimately, everybody got Ukraine wrong. In his view, outsiders need to understand how high the stakes have recently become in the post-Soviet space, where two opposing integration projects are doomed to clash. He concludes that there are only three options left for Ukraine: sign the agreement with the EU, as the majority of Ukrainians want; join Putins EurAsEC, as the endangered political elite prefers; or go bankrupt.


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BACKGROUND: Hydrops foetalis is defined as excessive fluid accumulation within the foetal extravascular compartments and body cavities. It has been described in human and veterinary medicine, but despite several descriptive studies its aetiology is still not fully clarified. Pulmonary hypoplasia and anasarca (PHA) syndrome is a rare congenital abnormality in cattle that is characterised by hydrops foetalis including extreme subcutaneous oedema (anasarca) and undeveloped or poorly formed lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia). Until now, sporadic cases of PHA were reported in cattle breeds like Australian Dexter, Belted Galloway, Maine-Anjou, and Shorthorn. This report describes the first known cases of PHA syndrome in Slovenian Cika cattle. CASE PRESENTATION: A 13-year-old cow aborted a male calf in the seventh month of pregnancy, while a male calf was delivered by caesarean section on the due date from a 14-year-old cow. The pedigree analysis showed that the calves were sired by the same bull, the dams were paternal half-sisters and the second calf was the product of a dam-son mating. Gross lesions were similar in both cases and characterized by severe anasarca, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, hypoplastic lungs, absence of lymph nodes, and an enlarged heart. The first calf was also athymic. Histopathology of the second affected calf confirmed severe oedema of the subcutis and interstitium of the organs, and pulmonary hypoplasia. The lymph vessels in the subcutis and other organs were severely dilated. Histopathology of the second calf revealed also lack of bronchus associated lymphoid tissue and adrenal gland hypoplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The findings were consistent with known forms of the bovine PHA syndrome. This is the first report of the PHA syndrome occurring in the local endangered breed of Cika cattle. Observed inbreeding practice supports that this lethal defect most likely follows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. In the light of the disease phenotype it is assumed that a mutation causing an impaired development of lymph vessels is responsible for the hydrops foetalis associated malformations in bovine PHA.