933 resultados para electric vehicle charging
The effect of AC and DC electric stimulations on the heart-rate and the entire body of Heteropneustis fossillis, Tilapia mossambica and Macrobrachium rosenbergii were studied and presented in kymograph tracings. The reaction of spinal cord in Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapia mossambica to D. C. field was observed to find out its role in electric shocks. A test-check of the electrical resistance of a few species was also conducted. The effect of D. C. and A.C. on the body muscle was found to be the same as that in the case of frog. Different degrees of cardiac slowing were observed in AC and DC. Unbalanced galvanotropic movements were also noticed in spinal fishes.
Preliminary attempts were made to assess the effect of direct current on shrimps and to see whether the shrimp could be guided in large numbers into the fishing net by using a current of appropriate voltage without scattering them away as it happens at present. This communication is the first in the series of studies and primarily deals with laboratory equipment and experimental procedures followed.
下载PDF阅读器研究证实:蜜蜂和果蝇具有良好的学习记忆能力.利用自主改良的研究装置对另一种具有强大生存本能的双翅目昆虫--巨尾阿丽蝇(Aldrichina grahami)在自由状态下电击同避学习能力进行研究.结果表明,巨尾阿丽蝇具有良好的学习记忆能力,因为当刺激电压范围为5V到45V时,观察到巨尾阿丽蝇有显著的回避电刺激行为,而当电压达到60V时会受到明显伤害.由此推测,巨尾阿丽蝇适合作为神经系统研究的动物模型.该实验所采用的实验范例较以往有所改进,适合作为自由状态下研究昆虫的工具.
Reducing Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Non-California State: A Case Study of Minnesota
Previous research has shown that hydraulic systems offer potentially the lightest and smallest regenerative braking technology for heavy goods vehicles. This paper takes the most practical embodiment of a hydraulic system for an articulated urban delivery vehicle and investigates the best specification for the various components, based on a simulated stop-start cycle. The potential energy saving is quantified. © 2011 IEEE.
An existing driver-vehicle model with neuromuscular dynamics is improved in the areas of cognitive delay, intrinsic muscle dynamics and alpha-gamma co-activation. The model is used to investigate the influence of steering torque feedback and neuromuscular dynamics on the vehicle response to lateral force disturbances. When steering torque feedback is present, it is found that the longitudinal position of the lateral disturbance has a significant influence on whether the drivers reflex response reinforces or attenuates the effect of the disturbance. The response to angle and torque overlay inputs to the steering system is also investigated. The presence of the steering torque feedback reduced the disturbing effect of torque overlay and angle overlay inputs. Reflex action reduced the disturbing effect of a torque overlay input, but increased the disturbing effect of an angle overlay input. Experiments on a driving simulator showed that measured handwheel angle response to an angle overlay input was consistent with the response predicted by the model with reflex action. However, there was significant intra-and inter-subject variability. The results highlight the significance of a drivers neuromuscular dynamics in determining the vehicle response to disturbances. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
A driver model is presented capable of optimising the trajectory of a simple dynamic nonlinear vehicle, at constant forward speed, so that progression along a predefined track is maximised as a function of time. In doing so, the model is able to continually operate a vehicle at its lateral-handling limit, maximising vehicle performance. The technique used forms a part of the solution to the motor racing objective of minimising lap time. A new approach of formulating the minimum lap time problem is motivated by the need for a more computationally efficient and robust tool-set for understanding on-the-limit driving behaviour. This has been achieved through set point-dependent linearisation of the vehicle model and coupling the vehicle-track system using an intrinsic coordinate description. Through this, the geometric vehicle trajectory had been linearised relative to the track reference, leading to new path optimisation algorithm which can be formed as a computationally efficient convex quadratic programming problem. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
This article introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for modular specification of embedded control systems. In a PCHA, control actions that change the control input to the plant occur roughly periodically, while other actions that update the state of the controller may occur in the interim. Such actions could model, for example, sensor updates and information received from higher-level planning modules that change the set point of the controller. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariant properties of PCHAs is presented. For PCHAs with polynomial continuous vector fields, it is possible to check these conditions automatically using, for example, quantifier elimination or sum of squares decomposition. We examine the feasibility of this automatic approach on a small example. The proposed technique is also used to manually verify safety and progress properties of a fairly complex planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle. Geometric properties of planner-generated paths are derived which guarantee that such paths can be safely followed by the controller. © 2012 ACM.
This paper introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for describing a class of hybrid control systems. In a PCHA, control actions occur roughly periodically while internal and input actions may occur in the interim changing the discrete-state or the setpoint. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariance of PCHAs is presented. This technique is used in verifying safety of the planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle, and in deriving geometric properties of planner generated paths that can be followed safely by the controller under environmental uncertainties.
Recent work established the spread of interglomerular excitation in the Drosophila antennal lobe. Two papers in this issue of Neuron, by Huang et al. and Yaksi and Wilson, show that cholinergic krasavietz local interneurons are a major substrate for this spread of excitation, predominantly via electrical coupling.
Work presented in this paper studies the potential of employing inerters -a novel mechanical device used successfully in racing cars- in active suspension configurations with the aim to enhance railway vehicle system performance. The particular element of research in this paper concerns railway wheelset lateral stability control. Controlled torques are applied to the wheelsets using the concept of absolute stiffness. The effects of a reduced set of arbitrary passive structures using springs, dampers and inerters integrated to the active solution are discussed. A multi-objective optimisation problem is defined for tuning the parameters of the proposed configurations. Finally, time domain simulations are assessed for the railway vehicle while negotiating a curved track. A simplification of the design problem for stability is attained with the integration of inerters to the active solutions. © 2012 IEEE.
This paper presents the design of an AC loss experiment using nitrogen boil-off method. This experiment is aimed at exploring the AC loss of HTS double race-track coils which will be installed on the rotor of a wind turbine generator. The operating environment is simulated by designing a cryostat with rotating magnetic field windings. Apart from the fact that the alternating magnetic field causes most of AC loss on the HTS coils, we also believe that the DC background field would be another important factor causing AC loss if the HTS coil is experiencing by both alternating magnetic field in the perpendicular direction and DC background field in the parallel direction. In order to perform the boil-off measurement, we present the method to estimate the heat leakage in the cryostat which might cause errors to the measurement. © 2011 IEEE.