961 resultados para educational needs
State Agency Audit Report
The explosive growth of Internet during the last years has been reflected in the ever-increasing amount of the diversity and heterogeneity of user preferences, types and features of devices and access networks. Usually the heterogeneity in the context of the users which request Web contents is not taken into account by the servers that deliver them implying that these contents will not always suit their needs. In the particular case of e-learning platforms this issue is especially critical due to the fact that it puts at stake the knowledge acquired by their users. In the following paper we present a system that aims to provide the dotLRN e-learning platform with the capability to adapt to its users context. By integrating dotLRN with a multi-agent hypermedia system, online courses being undertaken by students as well as their learning environment are adapted in real time
A Review of the Educational Excellence Program for Fiscal Years 1999 - 2002 and the Student Achievement and Teacher Quality Program for Fiscal Year 2002 within the Department of Education
L’educació dels immigrants és un tema prioritari a les agendes polítiques de molts països de la OCDE. En molts casos, els governs s’han preocupat especialment de la seva integració al món del treball però creix l’interès en els seus resultats al sistema educatiu i en la revisió de les polítiques adreçades a respondre a les seves necessitats educatives i formatives. La majoria d’aquests estudis es situen a l’esfera de l’educació infantil, primària, secundaria i formació professional, per això resulta pràcticament impossible trobar estudis que analitzin el baix percentatge d’accés d’estudiants immigrants extracomunitaris a la universitat (al voltant de 3,3% en el cas de Catalunya); que contribueixin a entendre els factors que configuren les trajectòries d’èxit escolar i d’integració laboral dels estudiants immigrants que accedeixen i completen els estudis universitaris; que puguin donar pautes per desenvolupar polítiques educatives que millorin els resultats d’aprenentatge dels estudiants immigrants; i que puguin servir com a mirall i incentiu per a altres persones immigrants i, perquè no, també del país. Aquest projecte ha estudiat el conjunt d’elements que condicionen l’accés dels joves immigrants als estudis universitaris, i a l’estatus laboral que els hauria de possibilitar la seva formació universitària. L’estudi ha consistit en una metaanàlisi dels documents existents sobre el tema i en la realització de 8 narratives biogràfiques; quatre de persones cursant diferents estudis a les universitats catalanes i quatre que ja s’han incorporat al món del professional. Aquestes narratives venen acompanyades de 8 vídeos que exploren noves maneres de visibilització d’aquesta població i es transformen en una pràctica d’autoria. Aquest material visual pot servir com a recurs educatiu, en la mida que pugui ser un mirall i un incentiu per a altres persones immigrants i del país. Finalment, presenta un seguit de recomanacions per als responsables de les polítiques i dels centres educatius.
State Agency Audit Report
L’èxit escolar i personal dels nens i nenes escolaritzats en les primeres etapes de l’ensenyament obligatori passa per l’entesa de les seves famílies amb el professorat de les escoles a les que van i pel suport que els ofereixi l’entorn social en que estan immersos. Per entendre’s uns i altres els cal establir vies de comunicació eficients que permetin arribar al coneixement i al treball mutu. El projecte ACOFES (Anàlisi de la Comunicació Família-Escola-Serveis socio-educatius) ha buscat respostes a aquesta qüestió al voltant de cinc eixos: 1.Com es comuniquen els tres agents educatius que intervenen en l’èxit escolar: famílies, professorat i serveis socioeducatius municipals; 2.Quines són les vies de comunicació que fan servir i quina la seva eficàcia; 3.Què pensen les famílies, què necessiten a què es poden o volen comprometre’s respecte a l’escola i a l’educació dels seus fills i filles; 4.Què pensa el professorat de la comunicació amb les famílies, què necessiten com a professionals i a què pot o vol comprometre’s; 5.Quins són aquells factors que poden influir de forma més rellevant en la millora de les possibilitats d’èxit de tot l’alumnat fent, en darrer lloc, noves propostes d’intervenció en particular per ajudar a solventar les necessitats específiques de l’alumnat procedent d’altres cultures que s’escolaritzen a Catalunya.
This study assesses the decline in second birth rates for men and women across different skill levels in transitional Russia. Changes within educational groups and occupational classes are observed over three distinct time periods: the Soviet era, economic crisis, and economic recovery. The most remarkable finding is the similarity in the extent second birth rates declined within educational groups and occupational classes during the economic crisis. Although further decline occurred in the recovery period, more variation emerged across groups.
This paper describes a failure alert system and a methodology for content reuse in a new instructional design system called InterMediActor (IMA). IMA provides an environment for instructional content design, production and reuse, and for students’ evaluation based in content specification through a hierarchical structure of competences. The student assessment process and information extraction process for content reuse are explained.
There is a nationwide need for a safe, efficient and cost effective transportation system. An essential component of this system is the bridges. Local agencies perhaps have an even greater task than federal and state agencies in maintaining the low volume road (LVR) bridge system due to lack of sufficient resources and funding. The primary focus of this study was to review the various aspects of off-system bridge design, rehabilitation, and replacement. Specifically, a reference report was developed to address common problems in LVR bridges. The source of information included both Iowa and national agencies. This report is intended to be a “user manual” or “tool box” of information, procedures and choices for county engineers to employ in the management of their bridge inventory plus identify areas and problems that need to be researched
BACKGROUND: Knowledge about their past medical history is central for childhood cancer survivors to ensure informed decisions in their health management. Knowledge about information provision and information needs in this population is still scarce. We thus aimed to assess: (1) the information survivors reported to have received on disease, treatment, follow-up, and late effects; (2) their information needs in these four domains and the format in which they would like it provided; (3) the association with psychological distress and quality of life (QoL). PROCEDURE: As part of the Follow-up survey of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we sent a questionnaire to all survivors (≥18 years) who previously participated to the baseline survey, were diagnosed with cancer after 1990 at an age of <16 years. RESULTS: Most survivors had received oral information only (on illness: oral: 82%, written: 38%, treatment: oral: 79%, written: 36%; follow-up: oral: 77%, written: 23%; late effects: oral: 68%, written: 14%). Most survivors who had not previously received any information rated it as important, especially information on late effects (71%). A large proportion of survivors reported current information needs and would like to receive personalized information especially on late effects (44%). Survivors with higher information needs reported higher psychological distress and lower QoL. CONCLUSIONS: Survivors want to be more informed especially on possible late effects, and want to receive personalized information. Improving information provision, both qualitatively and quantitatively, will allow survivors to have better control of their health and to become better decision makers.
Computer based training or distance education are facing dramatic changes withthe advent of standardization efforts, some of them concentrating in maximal reuse.This is of paramount importance for a sustainable -cost affordable- production ofeducational materials. Reuse in itself should not be a goal, though, since manymethodological aspects might be lost. In this paper we propose two contentproduction approaches for the InterMediActor platform under a competence-basedmethodology: either a bottom-up approach where content is designed from scratchor a top-down methodology where existing material can be gradually adapted tofulfil requisites to be used with maximal flexibility into InterMediActor.
Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust (Trust) for the year ended June 30, 2005. Independent Auditor's Report, Financial Statements and Supplementary Information.