894 resultados para diurnal
Many diurnal planktivorous fish in coral reefs efficiently consume zooplankton drifting in the overlying water column. Our survey, carried out at two coral reefs in the Red Sea, showed that most of the diurnal planktivorous fish foraged near the bottom, close to the shelters from piscivores. The planktivorous fish were order of magnitude more abundant near (
In this experiment, creatinine (C) excretion by sheep was measured when they were fed different diets at different levels of intake. Creatinine excretion was not affected by the level of feed intake or the addition of salt to lucerne-based diets. However, differences between individual animals were significant. Creatinine excretion was significantly affected by diets, which were formulated by combining different amounts of lucerne chaff, oaten chaff and sorghum. It was also found that there were significant diurnal changes in the ratios of purine derivatives to creatinine (PD:C) in 3 hourly urine samples when the animals were fed either once or twice daily, but the average value for the PD:C ratio of any two urine samples taken 12 h apart was close to the daily mean. The results of this experiment suggest that if separate determination of the creatinine excretion by individual animals is made and the average value of the ratio of PD:C in two spot urine samples taken 12 h apart is used to predict PD excretion by spot urine sampling, microbial nitrogen flow can be estimated more accurately than when a fixed value of creatinine excretion is used for all animals and only a single urine sample is taken. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Marked phenotypic variation has been reported in pyramidal cells in the primate cerebral cortex. These extent and systematic nature of these specializations suggest that they are important for specialized aspects of cortical processing. However, it remains unknown as to whether regional variations in the pyramidal cell phenotype are unique to primates or if they are widespread amongst mammalian species. In the present study we determined the receptive fields of neurons in striate and extrastriate visual cortex, and quantified pyramidal cell structure in these cortical regions, in the diurnal, large-brained, South American rodent Dasyprocta primnolopha. We found evidence for a first, second and third visual area (V1, V2 and V3, respectively) forming a lateral progression from the occipital pole to the temporal pole. Pyramidal cell structure became increasingly more complex through these areas, suggesting that regional specialization in pyramidal cell phenotype is not restricted to primates. However, cells in V1, V2 and V3 of the agouti were considerably more spinous than their counterparts in primates, suggesting different evolutionary and developmental influences may act on cortical microcircuitry in rodents and primates. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Utilisation by fish of different estuarine habitats is known to vary at many different temporal scales, however no study to date has examined how utilisation varies at all the relevant times scales simultaneously. Here, we compare the utilisation by fish of sandy, intertidal foreshore habitats in a subtropical estuary at four temporal scales: between major spawning periods (spring/ summer and winter), among months within spawning periods, between the full and new moon each month, and between night and day within those lunar phases. Comparisons of assemblage composition, abundance of individuals and of fish in seven different,ecological guilds' were used to identify the temporal scales at which fish varied their use of unvegetated sandy habitats in the lower Noosa Estuary, Queensland, Australia. Fish assemblages were sampled with a seine net at three different regions. The most numerically dominant species caught were southern herring (Herklotsichthys castelnaui: Clupeidae), sand whiting (Sillago ciliata: Sillaginidae), weeping toadfish (Torquigener pleurogramma: Tetraodomidae), and silver biddy (Gerres subfasciatus: Gerreidae). Considerable variation at a range of temporal scales from short term (day versus night) to longer term (spawning periods) was detected for all but one of the variables examined. The clearest patterns were observed for diurnal effects, where generally abundance was greater at night than during the day. There were also strong lunar effects, although there were no consistent patterns between full moon and new moon periods. Significant differences among months within spawning periods were more common than differences between the actual spawning periods. The results clearly indicate that utilisation of sandy, unvegetated estuarine habitats is very dynamic and highly variable in space and time. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We aimed to characterise the patterns of circadian blood pressure (BP) variation after acute stroke and determine whether any relationship exists between these patterns and stroke outcome. BP was recorded manually every 4 h for 48 h following acute stroke. Patients were classified according to the percentage fall in mean systolic BP (SBP) at night compared to during the day as: dippers (fall >= 10-= 20%); non-dippers (>= 0-
Testosterone secretion in mammals typically occurs in random pulses such that a single blood sample provides limited information on reproductive endocrine status. However, it has been shown in several species that an index of the prevailing testosterone biosynthetic capacity of the testes can be obtained by measuring the increase in circulating testosterone after injection of a GnRH agonist or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Hence, the aims of the present study were to examine fluctuations in testosterone secretion in the koala (n = 6) over a 24-hour period and then characterise testosterone secretion after injection of the GnRH agonist buserelin (4 mu g) or hCG (1000 IU). The latter was used to establish an index of the prevailing testosterone biosynthetic capacity of the koala testis. Individual koalas showed major changes in blood testosterone concentrations over 24 hours, but there was no apparent diurnal pattern of testosterone secretion (P >.05). Injection of buserelin and hCG resulted in an increase (P
This thesis begins by providing a review of techniques for interpreting the thermal response at the earth's surface acquired using remote sensing technology. Historic limitations in the precision with which imagery acquired from airborne platforms can be geometrically corrected and co-registered has meant that relatively little work has been carried out examining the diurnal variation of surface temperature over wide regions. Although emerging remote sensing systems provide the potential to register temporal image data within satisfactory levels of accuracy, this technology is still not widely available and does not address the issue of historic data sets which cannot be rectified using conventional parametric approaches. In overcoming these problems, the second part of this thesis describes the development of an alternative approach for rectifying airborne line-scanned imagery. The underlying assumption that scan lines within the imagery are straight greatly reduces the number of ground control points required to describe the image geometry. Furthermore, the use of pattern matching procedures to identify geometric disparities between raw line-scanned imagery and corresponding aerial photography enables the correction procedure to be almost fully automated. By reconstructing the raw image data on a truly line-by-line basis, it is possible to register the airborne line-scanned imagery to the aerial photography with an average accuracy of better than one pixel. Providing corresponding aerial photography is available, this approach can be applied in the absence of platform altitude information allowing multi-temporal data sets to be corrected and registered.
This study is concerned with gravity field recovery from low-low satellite to satellite range rate data. An improvement over a coplanar mission is predicted in the errors associated with certain parts of the geopotential by the separation of the orbital planes of the two satellites. Using Hill's equations an analytical scheme to model the range rate residuals is developed. It is flexible enough to model equally well the residuals between pairs of satellites in the same orbital plane or whose planes are separated in right ascension. The possible benefits of such an orientation to gravity field recovery from range rate data can therefore be analysed, and this is done by means of an extensive error analysis. The results of this analysis show that for an optimal planar mission improvements can be made by separating the satellites in right ascension. Gravity field recoveries are performed in order to verify and gauge the limitations of the analytical model, and to support the results of the error analysis. Finally the possible problem of the differential decay rates of two satellites due to the diurnal bulge are evaluated.
This thesis set out to develop an objective analysis programme that correlates with subjective grades but has improved sensitivity and reliability in its measures so that the possibility of early detection and reliable monitoring of changes in anterior ocular surfaces (bulbar hyperaemia, palpebral redness, palpebral roughness and corneal straining) could be increased. The sensitivity of the program was 20x greater than subjective grading by optometrists. The reliability was found to be optimal (r=1.0) with subjective grading up to 144x more variable (r=0.08). Objective measures were used to create formulae for an overall ‘objective-grade’ (per surface) equivalent to those displayed by the CCLRU or Efron scales. The correlation between the formulated objective verses subjective grades was high, with adjusted r2 up to 0.96. Determination of baseline levels of objective grade were investigated over four age groups (5-85years n= 120) so that in practice a comparison against the ‘normal limits’ could be made. Differences for bulbar hyperaemia were found between the age groups (p<0.001), and also for palpebral redness and roughness (p<0.001). The objective formulae were then applied to the investigation of diurnal variation in order to account for any change that may affect the baseline. Increases in bulbar hyperaemia and palpebral redness were found between examinations in the morning and evening. Correlation factors were recommended. The program was then applied to clinical situations in the form of a contact lens trial and an investigation into iritis and keratoconus where it successfully recognised various surface changes. This programme could become a valuable tool, greatly improving the chances of early detection of anterior ocular abnormalities, and facilitating reliable monitoring of disease progression in clinical as well as research environments.
The purpose of this study was to investigate cortisol levels as a function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) in relation to alexithymia in patients with somatoform disorders (SFD). Diurnal salivary cortisol was sampled in 32 patients with SFD who also underwent a psychiatric examination and filled in questionnaires (Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS scale; Screening for Somatoform Symptoms, SOMS scale; Hamilton Depression Scale, HAMD). The mean TAS total score in the sample was 55.69.6, 32% of patients being classified as alexithymic on the basis of their TAS scores. Depression scores were moderate (HAMD=13.2, Beck Depression Inventory, BDI=16.5). The patients' alexithymia scores (TAS scale Difficulty identifying feelings) correlated significantly positively with their somatization scale scores (Symptom Checklist-90 Revised, SCL-90-R); r=0.3438 (P0.05) and their scores on the Global Severity Index (GSI) on the SCL-90-R; r=0.781 (P0.01). Regression analysis was performed with cortisol variables as the dependent variables. Cortisol levels [measured by the area under the curve-ground (AUC-G), area under the curve-increase (AUC-I) and morning cortisol (MCS)] were best predicted in a multiple linear regression model by lower depressive scores (HAMD) and more psychopathological symptoms (SCL-90-R). No significant correlations were found between the patients' alexithymia scores (TAS) and cortisol levels. The healthy control group (n=25) demonstrated significantly higher cortisol levels than did the patients with SFD; in both tests P0.001 for AUC-G and AUC-I. However, the two groups did not differ in terms of their mean morning cortisol levels (P0.05). The results suggest that pre-existing hypocortisolism might possibly be associated with SFD.
Albumin in tears is used as a diagnostic marker of ocular insult and inflammation, but whether its presence in tears is responsive or part of an adaptive reaction remains unresolved. A review of the literature on tear albumin concentration emphasizes that variables such as collection method, stimulus, assay technique, and disease state influence the quoted values to different extents. Influence of assay technique is negligible in comparison to variation in sampling conditions. Ocular disease increases albumin concentrations but not in a specific manner. The literature review also highlighted that little systematic research has been carried out on the daily cycle of tear albumin levels. In order to remedy this shortcoming, we investigated variations in tear albumin concentration during the waking day. The concentration of albumin in 400 tear samples collected from 13 subjects was assessed at 2-hourly intervals throughout the waking day. Highest daytime albumin concentrations were obtained within 10 minutes of waking, with a mean concentration of >50 ± 22 µg/ml. Albumin levels were at their lowest, but most consistent, 2-6 hours post-waking. This pattern was followed by a progressive increase in albumin concentration during the latter part of the day. Although individual subject-to-subject concentration differences were observed, this distinctive pattern of diurnal variation was found in all subjects. The results presented suggest a regulated, not random, pattern of variation within the period of study. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Die vorliegende Studie prüft Zusammenhänge zwischen Arbeitsintensität, Tätigkeitsspielraum, sozialer Arbeitsumgebung (Kooperation/Kommunikation, soziale Unterstützung, soziale Stressoren) und Stresserleben am Arbeitsplatz mit der basalen Cortisolsekretion im Speichel (Tagesprofil, Aufwachreaktion und Variation über den Tag). Insgesamt 46 Erwerbstätige aus dem Bankwesen sammelten an zwei aufeinander folgenden Arbeitstagen je vier Speichelproben (beim Aufwachen, 30 min nach dem Aufwachen, 14 Uhr und unmittelbar vor dem Zubettgehen), aus denen die individuelle Cortisolkonzentration (Mittelwert aus den jeweils zugehörigen Proben) bestimmt wurde. Die Tätigkeitsmerkmale wurden sowohl mittels Fragebögen als auch objektiv, d.?h. unabhängig vom Arbeitsplatzinhaber, erhoben. Alter, Geschlecht, Rauchen, Body-Mass-Index, gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen sowie eventuelle Abweichungen bei der Probensammlung wurden als mögliche Drittvariablen berücksichtigt. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass subjektiv erlebte, geringe soziale Unterstützung und hohe soziale Stressoren mit einer erhöhten Aufwachreaktion bzw. mit einer erhöhten Variation über den Tag assoziiert waren. Für die Arbeitsintensität, den Tätigkeitsspielraum sowie für die objektiv erhobene Kooperation/Kommunikation waren keine Effekte nachweisbar. Die Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass sowohl die Belastungs- als auch deren Erhebungsart für den Nachweis von Effekten im Hinblick auf die Cortisolsekretion bei Erwerbstätigen von Bedeutung sind. The present study examines associations between job demands, job control, social work environment (cooperation/communication, social support, social stressors), and strain at work with basal salivary cortisol (day profiles, cortisol awakening reaction, diurnal variation). Forty-six employees collected four saliva samples (immediately after waking up, 30 min after waking up, at 2 p.m. and immediately before going to bed) each on two consecutive working days. We computed the mean across the two days for each of the four saliva samples per employee. Job characteristics were assessed by self-reports as well as by objective job analysis. Analyses were controlled for possible confounding effects of age, gender, smoking, body-mass index, health impairments, and non compliance with the cortisol protocol. Results show that subjectively experienced low social support and high social stressors at work were associated with elevated cortisol awakening reaction and elevated diurnal variation. We found no effects for job demands, job control or objectively assessed cooperation/communication. Our results suggest that both the type of job characteristic as well as the type of measurement of job characteristics have to be taken into account when relating them to employees’ cortisol secretion.
The spectral distribution of solar radiation was studied under different sky conditions during a 15- month period in Miami, Florida (USA), and over a latitudinal gradient at solar maximum. Spectroradiometric scans were characterized for total irradiance (300- 3000 nm) and the relative energetic and photon contributions of the following wavelength regions: UV-B (300-320nm); UV-A (320-400nm); B (400-500rim); PAR (400-700 nm); R (600-700 nm); and FR (728- 732 rim). Notable results include: (i) significantly higher UV-A energy fluxes than currently in use for laboratory experiments involving the biological effects of this bandwidth (values ranged from 33.6 to 55.4 W/m 2 in Miami over the year); (ii) marked diurnal shifts in B:R and R:FR, with elevated R:FR values in early morning: (iii) a strong correlation between R: FR and atmospheric water content; and (iv) unusually high PAR values under direct sunlight with cloudy skies (2484 ~tmot/2 per s).
Small potted trees of Spondias purpurea were monitored to determine the costs and controls of flowering and fruiting. The effect of photoperiod, extremes in moisture and temperature, and defoliation were examined. The carbon exchange rates of the leaves, shoots and fruits were determined. Light response curves and diurnal levels were also investigated. $\sp{13}$Carbon labeling was used to determine which plant parts are carbon sinks. Photoperiod induces dormancy and bud activity. Extremes in soil moisture and temperature induce leaf fall. Flowers, fruits, and roots are carbon sinks. The results were used to develop a phenological model with latitude, soil moisture, and air temperature as variables. ^
The detailed organic composition of atmospheric fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) is an integral part of the knowledge needed in order to fully characterize its sources and transformation in the environment. For the study presented here, samples were collected at 3-hour intervals. This high time resolution allows gaining unique insights on the influence of short- and long-range transport phenomena, and dynamic atmospheric processes. A specially designed sequential sampler was deployed at the 2002-2003 Baltimore PM-Supersite to collect PM2.5 samples at a 3-hourly resolution for extended periods of consecutive days, during both summer and winter seasons. Established solvent-extraction and GC-MS techniques were used to extract and analyze the organic compounds in 119 samples from each season. Over 100 individual compounds were quantified in each sample. For primary organics, averaging the diurnal ambient concentrations over the sampled periods revealed ambient patterns that relate to diurnal emission patterns of major source classes. Several short-term releases of pollutants from local sources were detected, and local meteorological data was used to pinpoint possible source regions. Biogenic secondary organic compounds were detected as well, and possible mechanisms of formation were evaluated. The relationships between the observed continuous variations of the concentrations of selected organic markers and both the on-site meteorological measurements conducted parallel to the PM2.5 sampling, and the synoptic patterns of weather and wind conditions were also examined. Several one-to-two days episodes were identified from the sequential variation of the concentration observed for specific marker compounds and markers ratios. The influence of the meteorological events on the concentrations of the organic compounds during selected episodes was discussed. It was observed that during the summer, under conditions of pervasive influence of air masses originated from the west/northwest, some organic species displayed characteristics consistent with the measured PM2.5 being strongly influenced by the aged nature of these long-traveling background parcels. During the winter, intrusions from more regional air masses originating from the south and the southwest were more important.