952 resultados para distribution structure
The discovery of superconductivity at 39 K in MgB(2) has been catching the attention of scientists due to the possibility of applying the material in magnets and electronic devices operating with cryocoolers (temperatures around 20 K). In the present work, a methodology to optimize the critical current densities of this material is described. MgB(2) bulk samples were prepared and analyzed with the addition of other diborides with the same C32 hexagonal structure as MgB(2) (TaB(2), ZrB(2), VB(2), and AlB(2)) and with simultaneous addition of SiC. Microstructural characterization, performed using SEM+EDS and XRD, was extremely important to determine the distribution and compositional characterization of the superconducting phase. Magnetic superconducting characterization using SQUID was performed to determine the best material addition. As a result we could analyze the behavior of each addition on the current transport capacity, including an analysis of the magnetic flux pinning mechanisms.
A multicenter descriptive study was carried out in two steps: an interview with providers involved in the medication processes, and then non-participating observation of their environment and practices. Only one hospital was found to have a bar-coding, dispensing system connected to a computerized prescription system. fit all participating hospitals at least 90% of the drugs were dispensed and distributed as unit doses, but in none of them did pharmacists assess prescriptions. The study findings showed that the processes of drug dispensing and distribution in Brazilian hospitals encounter several problems, mostly associated to work environment conditions and inadequacy in drug ordering and requests.
Recent advances in energy technology generation and new directions in electricity regulation have made distributed generation (DG) more widespread, with consequent significant impacts on the operational characteristics of distribution networks. For this reason, new methods for identifying such impacts are needed, together with research and development of new tools and resources to maintain and facilitate continued expansion towards DG. This paper presents a study aimed at determining appropriate DG sites for distribution systems. The main considerations which determine DG sites are also presented, together with an account of the advantages gained from correct DG placement. The paper intends to define some quantitative and qualitative parameters evaluated by Digsilent (R), GARP3 (R) and DSA-GD software. A multi-objective approach based on the Bellman-Zadeh algorithm and fuzzy logic is used to determine appropriate DG sites. The study also aims to find acceptable DG locations both for distribution system feeders, as well as for nodes inside a given feeder. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two different fuzzy approaches to voltage control in electric power distribution systems are introduced in this paper. The real-time controller in each case would act on power transformers equipped with under-load tap changers. Learning systems are employed to turn the voltage-control relays into adaptive devices. The scope of this study has been limited to the power distribution substation, and the voltage measurements and control actions are carried out on the secondary bus. The capacity of fuzzy systems to handle approximate data, together with their unique ability to interpret qualitative information, make it possible to design voltage-control strategies that satisfy the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory bodies and the real concerns of the electric power distribution companies. Fuzzy control systems based on these two strategies have been implemented and the test results were highly satisfactory.
The main purpose of this paper is to present architecture of automated system that allows monitoring and tracking in real time (online) the possible occurrence of faults and electromagnetic transients observed in primary power distribution networks. Through the interconnection of this automated system to the utility operation center, it will be possible to provide an efficient tool that will assist in decisionmaking by the Operation Center. In short, the desired purpose aims to have all tools necessary to identify, almost instantaneously, the occurrence of faults and transient disturbances in the primary power distribution system, as well as to determine its respective origin and probable location. The compilations of results from the application of this automated system show that the developed techniques provide accurate results, identifying and locating several occurrences of faults observed in the distribution system.
In this paper, a novel wire-mesh sensor based on permittivity (capacitance) measurements is applied to generate images of the phase fraction distribution and investigate the flow of viscous oil and water in a horizontal pipe. Phase fraction values were calculated from the raw data delivered by the wire-mesh sensor using different mixture permittivity models. Furthermore, these data were validated against quick-closing valve measurements. Investigated flow patterns were dispersion of oil in water (Do/w) and dispersion of oil in water and water in oil (Do/w&w/o). The Maxwell-Garnett mixing model is better suited for Dw/o and the logarithmic model for Do/w&w/o flow pattern. Images of the time-averaged cross-sectional oil fraction distribution along with axial slice images were used to visualize and disclose some details of the flow.
This paper addresses the time-variant reliability analysis of structures with random resistance or random system parameters. It deals with the problem of a random load process crossing a random barrier level. The implications of approximating the arrival rate of the first overload by an ensemble-crossing rate are studied. The error involved in this so-called ""ensemble-crossing rate"" approximation is described in terms of load process and barrier distribution parameters, and in terms of the number of load cycles. Existing results are reviewed, and significant improvements involving load process bandwidth, mean-crossing frequency and time are presented. The paper shows that the ensemble-crossing rate approximation can be accurate enough for problems where load process variance is large in comparison to barrier variance, but especially when the number of load cycles is small. This includes important practical applications like random vibration due to impact loadings and earthquake loading. Two application examples are presented, one involving earthquake loading and one involving a frame structure subject to wind and snow loadings. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper aims to investigate the influence of some dissolved air flotation (DAF) process variables (specifically: the hydraulic detention time in the contact zone and the supplied dissolved air concentration) and the pH values, as pretreatment chemical variables, on the micro-bubble size distribution (BSD) in a DAF contact zone. This work was carried out in a pilot plant where bubbles were measured by an appropriate non-intrusive image acquisition system. The results show that the obtained diameter ranges were in agreement with values reported in the literature (10-100mm), quite independently of the investigated conditions. The linear average diameter varied from 20 to 30mm, or equivalently, the Sauter (d(3,2)) diameter varied from 40 to 50mm. In all investigated conditions, D(50) was between 75% and 95%. The BSD might present different profile (with a bimodal curve trend), however, when analyzing the volumetric frequency distribution (in some cases with the appearance of peaks in diameters ranging from 90-100mm). Regarding volumetric frequency analysis, all the investigated parameters can modify the BSD in DAF contact zone after the release point, thus potentially causing changes in DAF kinetics. This finding prompts further research in order to verify the effect of these BSD changes on solid particle removal efficiency by DAF.
This paper presents the lifecycle assessment (LCA) of fuel ethanol, as 100% of the vehicle fuel, from sugarcane in Brazil. The functional unit is 10,000 km run in an urban area by a car with a 1,600-cm(3) engine running on fuel hydrated ethanol, and the resulting reference flow is 1,000 kg of ethanol. The product system includes agricultural and industrial activities, distribution, cogeneration of electricity and steam, ethanol use during car driving, and industrial by-products recycling to irrigate sugarcane fields. The use of sugarcane by the ethanol agribusiness is one of the foremost financial resources for the economy of the Brazilian rural area, which occupies extensive areas and provides far-reaching potentials for renewable fuel production. But, there are environmental impacts during the fuel ethanol lifecycle, which this paper intents to analyze, including addressing the main activities responsible for such impacts and indicating some suggestions to minimize the impacts. This study is classified as an applied quantitative research, and the technical procedure to achieve the exploratory goal is based on bibliographic revision, documental research, primary data collection, and study cases at sugarcane farms and fuel ethanol industries in the northeast of SA o pound Paulo State, Brazil. The methodological structure for this LCA study is in agreement with the International Standardization Organization, and the method used is the Environmental Design of Industrial Products. The lifecycle impact assessment (LCIA) covers the following emission-related impact categories: global warming, ozone formation, acidification, nutrient enrichment, ecotoxicity, and human toxicity. The results of the fuel ethanol LCI demonstrate that even though alcohol is considered a renewable fuel because it comes from biomass (sugarcane), it uses a high quantity and diversity of nonrenewable resources over its lifecycle. The input of renewable resources is also high mainly because of the water consumption in the industrial phases, due to the sugarcane washing process. During the lifecycle of alcohol, there is a surplus of electric energy due to the cogeneration activity. Another focus point is the quantity of emissions to the atmosphere and the diversity of the substances emitted. Harvesting is the unit process that contributes most to global warming. For photochemical ozone formation, harvesting is also the activity with the strongest contributions due to the burning in harvesting and the emissions from using diesel fuel. The acidification impact potential is mostly due to the NOx emitted by the combustion of ethanol during use, on account of the sulfuric acid use in the industrial process and because of the NOx emitted by the burning in harvesting. The main consequence of the intensive use of fertilizers to the field is the high nutrient enrichment impact potential associated with this activity. The main contributions to the ecotoxicity impact potential come from chemical applications during crop growth. The activity that presents the highest impact potential for human toxicity (HT) via air and via soil is harvesting. Via water, HT potential is high in harvesting due to lubricant use on the machines. The normalization results indicate that nutrient enrichment, acidification, and human toxicity via air and via water are the most significant impact potentials for the lifecycle of fuel ethanol. The fuel ethanol lifecycle contributes negatively to all the impact potentials analyzed: global warming, ozone formation, acidification, nutrient enrichment, ecotoxicity, and human toxicity. Concerning energy consumption, it consumes less energy than its own production largely because of the electricity cogeneration system, but this process is highly dependent on water. The main causes for the biggest impact potential indicated by the normalization is the nutrient application, the burning in harvesting and the use of diesel fuel. The recommendations for the ethanol lifecycle are: harvesting the sugarcane without burning; more environmentally benign agricultural practices; renewable fuel rather than diesel; not washing sugarcane and implementing water recycling systems during the industrial processing; and improving the system of gases emissions control during the use of ethanol in cars, mainly for NOx. Other studies on the fuel ethanol from sugarcane may analyze in more details the social aspects, the biodiversity, and the land use impact.
The impact of ozone oxidation on removing high molecular weight (HMW) organics in order to improve the biodegradability of alkaline bleach plant effluent was investigated using a semi-batch reactor under different initial pH (12 and 7). After the ozonation process, the ratio of BOD5/COD increased from 0.07 to 0.16 and 0.22 for initial pH 12 and 7, respectively. Also, the effluent color decreased by 48% and 61% at initial pH 12 and pH 7, respectively. These changes were primarily driven by reductions of the HMW fractions of the effluent during ozonation.
Five vegetable oils: canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed and sunflower oils were characterized with respect to their composition by gas chromatography and viscosity. The compositions of the vegetable oils suggest that they exhibit substantially different propensity for oxidation following the order of: canola < corn < cottonseed < sunflower approximate to soybean. Viscosities at 40 degrees C and 100 degrees C and the viscosity index (VI) values were determined for the vegetable oils and two petroleum oil quenchants: Microtemp 157 (a conventional slow oil) and Microtemp 153B (an accelerated or fast oil). The kinematic viscosities of the different vegetable and petroleum oils at 40 degrees C were similar. The VI values for the different vegetable oils were very close and varied between 209-220 and were all much higher than the VI values obtained for Microtemp 157 (96) and Microtemp 153B (121). These data indicate that the viscosity variations of these vegetable oils are substantially less sensitive to temperature variation than are the parafinic oil based Microtemp 157 and Microtemp 153B. Although these data suggest that any of the vegetable oils evaluated could be blended with minimal impact on viscosity, the oxidative stability would surely be substantially impacted. Cooling curve analysis was performed on these vegetable oils at 60 degrees C under non-agitated conditions. These results were compared with cooling curves obtained for Microtemp 157, a conventional, unaccelerated petroleum oil, and Microtemp 153B, an accelerated petroleum oil under the same conditions. The results showed that cooling profiles of the different vegetable oils were similar as expected from the VI values. However, no boiling was observed wit any of the vegetable oils and heat transfer occurs only by convection since there is no full-film boiling and nucleate boiling process as typically observed for petroleum oil quenchants, including those of this study. Therefore, high-temperature cooling is considerable faster for vegetable oils as a class. The cooling properties obtained suggest that vegetable oils would be especially suitable fur quenching low-hardenability steels such as carbon steels.
Thixocasting of an A356 alloy: Fluidity, porosity distribution and thermomechanical fatigue behavior
An extensive set of experiments was performed on a semi-solid A356 alloy in order to assess its flow behavior, mechanical properties, microstructural evolution and porosity level. Three different microstructural conditioning techniques (raw material preparation) were employed: deformation recrystallization, magnetohydrodynamic stirring and low temperature pouring. Measurement of microstructural parameters such as Al-alpha particle size, shape factor, contiguity and entrapped liquid showed a relative equivalency among the various conditioning techniques. It was found that the strongest influence on semi-solid slurry fluidity is exerted by the mould temperature. Tensile properties and porosity levels were measured on a demonstration part produced with different slurry ingate velocities. Results showed similar strength levels among all thixocast samples, a strong correlation between elongation and pore volume fraction and porosity levels much lower than the typical figure for permanent mould or die cast Al-Si alloys. Finally, thermomechanical fatigue tests results were much more favorable to the semi-solid material when compared with the conventionally cast alloy, a result attributed to lower porosity, spheroidal shape of the Al-alpha phase, and refined Si eutectic particles. alpha 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This research employs solid-state actuators for delay of flow separation seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. The flow control technique investigated here is aimed for a variable camber airfoil that employs two active surfaces and a single four-bar (box) mechanism as the internal structure. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by a total of nine piezocomposite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders distributed in the spanwise direction. An electromechanical model is employed to design an actuator capable of high deformations at the desired frequency for lift improvement at post-stall angles. The optimum spanwise distribution of excitation for increasing lift coefficient is identified experimentally in the wind tunnel. A 3D (non-uniform) excitation distribution achieved higher lift enhancement in the post-stall region with lower power consumption when compared to the 2D (uniform) excitation distribution. A lift coefficient increase of 18.4% is achieved with the identified non-uniform excitation mode at the bender resonance frequency of 125 Hz, the flow velocity of 5 m/s and at the reduced frequency of 3.78. The maximum lift (Clmax) is increased 5.2% from the baseline. The total power consumption of the flow control technique is 639 mW(RMS).
Fault resistance is a critical component of electric power systems operation due to its stochastic nature. If not considered, this parameter may interfere in fault analysis studies. This paper presents an iterative fault analysis algorithm for unbalanced three-phase distribution systems that considers a fault resistance estimate. The proposed algorithm is composed by two sub-routines, namely the fault resistance and the bus impedance. The fault resistance sub-routine, based on local fault records, estimates the fault resistance. The bus impedance sub-routine, based on the previously estimated fault resistance, estimates the system voltages and currents. Numeric simulations on the IEEE 37-bus distribution system demonstrate the algorithm`s robustness and potential for offline applications, providing additional fault information to Distribution Operation Centers and enhancing the system restoration process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, an extended impedance-based fault-location formulation for generalized distribution systems is presented. The majority of distribution feeders are characterized by having several laterals, nonsymmetrical lines, highly unbalanced operation, and time-varying loads. These characteristics compromise traditional fault-location methods performance. The proposed method uses only local voltages and currents as input data. The current load profile is obtained through these measurements. The formulation considers load variation effects and different fault types. Results are obtained from numerical simulations by using a real distribution system from the Electrical Energy Distribution State Company of Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE-D), Southern Brazil. Comparative results show the technique robustness with respect to fault type and traditional fault-location problems, such as fault distance, resistance, inception angle, and load variation. The formulation was implemented as embedded software and is currently used at CEEE-D`s distribution operation center.