865 resultados para dialogic reflections
Background: Several studies have been published on the effects of psychotherapy in routine practice. Complementing traditional views summarised as 'dose-effect models', Stiles et al. put forward data consistent with the responsive regulation model underlining the importance of the client's active participant role in defining length of treatment. One may ask what level of change reached by a patient is considered to be the 'good enough level' (GEL) and if it is related to the duration of psychotherapy. Aims: The main objective of the present feasibility trial was to monitor the patient's session-by-session evolution using a self-report questionnaire in order to define the GEL, i.e. the number of sessions necessary for the patient to reach significant change. Method: A total of N=13 patients undergoing psychotherapy in routine practice participated in the study, completing the Outcome Questionnaire - 45.2 (OQ-45), which assesses the symptom level, interpersonal relationships and social role after every psychotherapy session. The data was analysed using multi-level analyses (HLMs). Results: High feasibility of fine-grained assessment of effects of psychotherapy in routine practice in Switzerland was shown; response rates being acceptable; however, detailed analysis of the GEL was not feasible within the short study time-frame. Conclusions: Reflections on the political context of monitoring in the specific case of routine psychiatric practice in Switzerland are discussed.
A responsabilidade social organizacional (RSO) constitui um assunto cada vez mais discutido no seio dos diversos sectores e é considerado importante na gestão das organizações. As acções de responsabilidade social, gradualmente, têm vindo a tornar-se um diferencial em termos de estratégia e competitividade, contribuindo, no seu todo, para a sustentabilidade da sociedade e das pessoas que nela vivem. Assim, torna-se importante compreender a forma como as organizações e seus gestores entendem e assumem o seu compromisso para com todos os stakeholders, bem como despertar-lhes o interesse para os benefícios e vantagens que poderão obter com a prática e implementação de uma gestão da responsabilidade social nas organizações. Apesar de as práticas de RSO constituírem ainda um assunto muito recente em Cabo Verde, já é notável o crescimento das acções desencadeadas pelas organizações em prol de uma sociedade mais justa, responsável e transparente. Com o objectivo de identificar as práticas de responsabilidade social das organizações cabo-verdianas na sua vertente económica, social e ambiental, o presente trabalho inclui uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa, feita a partir da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário, com questões fechadas, complementado por questões abertas. Assim foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória-descritiva nas organizações, escolhidas em função da sua notoriedade e da sua posição estratégica para o desenvolvimento do país. Entre os principais resultados obtidos pode-se destacar a preocupação com questões ambientais, o respeito pela Lei laboral e apoio regular às comunidades. Dos resultados obtidos e da análise efectuada, pode-se concluir que a cultura da RSO nas organizações cabo-verdianas, ainda se apresenta de forma incipiente. Espera-se, com este trabalho, explicitar o carácter estratégico da responsabilidade social organizacional, bem como fomentar reflexões posteriores de forma a efectivar uma mudança de cultura, levando gestores, colaboradores, e demais stakeholders a desenvolverem o interesse sobre esta matéria, uma vez que a RSO não é apenas um assunto das grandes empresas, mas sim, de todos nós. Social organizational responsibility (SOR) is an increasingly discussed subject amongst several sectors and it’s considered as extremely important on organization management. The social responsibility actions have gradually becoming a disparity regarding strategy and competitivety, contribution in its whole for the society’s and its inhabitant’s sustainability. Thus, it’s important to identify the way the organizations and its managers understand and assume their commitment with the stakeholders, as well as to bring up their interest for the benefits and advantages that they may obtain with the social responsibility management practice on the organizations. Although the SOR practices are still considered as a recent subject in Cape Verde, it’s already noticeable the organizations actions growth towards a fairer, responsible and transparent society. Aiming to identify the capeverdian social organizational responsibility practices on its economical, social and environmental string, this written presentation includes a quantitative and qualitative analysis, with closed questions, completed by open ones. It was therefore performed an explanatory-descriptive research for the organizations, each chosen regarding their notoriety and strategic position for the country’s development. Amongst the main results we may enhance the concern on environmental issues, the respect for the Labour law and the regular support for the communities. From the obtained results and the analysis done, we may conclude that the SOR culture on the Capeverdian organizations is still considered as quite insipient. With this written presentation, it’s expected to explain the social organizational responsibility strategic character, as well as to enhance the posterior reflections in order to implement a cultural change, influencing the managers, co-workers and remaining stakeholders to develop their interest on the subject, once the SOR should not only be some big companies issue, but instead, one regarding all of us.
Proyecto Delta es una iniciativa escenográfica de un programa de concierto específico constituido con obras de música contemporánea. La propuesta se lleva a cabo gracias a un fundamento teórico que incluye reflexiones en torno a las figuras comprometidas en el acto musical escénico: intérprete, obra y público. En esta digresión sus funciones son objeto de un desfiguramiento, fomentando la capacidad creativa del intérprete como director artístico. El concierto se convierte, de este modo, en un producto acabado. En particular, el Proyecto Delta se construye sobre el diálogo entre lo sonoro y lo visual, lo audible y lo visible: la música y el espacio.
Objective Analyzing the narratives related to the pedagogical practice experienced during the Supervised Curricular Internship reported in the portfolios of Nursing undergraduate students, regarding the levels of reflection. Method This is a documentary descriptive exploratory study that examined two of the activities proposed for the portfolio preparation. Results Among the 28 analyzed portfolios, all showed the three levels of reflection (technical, critical and metacritical). Conclusion The students had the opportunity to experience the pedagogical practice and presented reflections at metacritical level, reflecting on their performance, the construction of their teaching identity, and about the importance of reflecting on the practice with the objective of transforming it and transforming themselves.
Objective To know the facilities and the difficulties of nurses in caring practice of hospitalized children’s families in the light of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Method It was used the descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection was conducted in three stages: presentation of theoretical content; engagement with families in the light of Watson’s theory; and semi-structured interview with 12 pediatric nurses. The interviews were analysed using inductive thematic analysis, being possible to form three themes: Recognizing a framework for care; Considering the institutional context; and Challenges in family’s relationship. Results The theory favored reflections about self, about the institutions and about nurses’ relationship with the family of the child, normalized by a consciousness toward caring attitudes. Conclusion In this process, it is imperative that nurses recognize the philosophical-theoretical foundations of care to attend the child’s family in hospital.
Comprehensive approach study aimed understanding the reflections and contrasts between personal time and medical therapy protocol time in the life of a young woman with breast cancer. Addressed as a situational study and grounded in Beth’s life story about getting sick and dying of cancer at age 34, the study’s data collection process employed interviews, observation and medical record analysis. The construction of the analytic-synthetic box based on the chronology of Beth’s clinical progression, treatment phases and temporal perception of occurrences enabled us to point out a linear medical therapy protocol time identified by the diagnosis and treatment sequencing process. On the other hand, Beth’s experienced time was marked by simultaneous and non-linear events that generated suffering resulting from the disease. Such comprehension highlights the need for healthcare professionals to take into account the time experienced by the patient, thus providing an indispensable cancer therapeutic protocol with a personal character.
Aquest projecte consisteix en la producció sonora per a un curtmetratge. Des de la preproducció fins al disseny de so, s’analitzen i es realitzen tots els processos intermedis necessaris per arribar a tenir un producte audiovisual de qualitat i innovador. S’han desenvolupat diverses tasques: des del rodatge del curt, la composició de la banda sonora, fins a la mescla en 5.1, entre d’altres. En aquesta memòria es detalla pas a pas el procés que s’ha seguit per aconseguir el resultat que s’esperava, amb les reflexions prèvies i la investigació de les diverses opcions. L’objectiu principal és aprofundir en el camp del disseny sonor, i arribar a crear sons i efectes que impactin en l’espectador i no el deixin indiferent.
The context where the university admissions exams are performed is presented and the main concerns about this exams are outlined and discussed from a statistical point of view. The paper offers an illustration of the use of random coefficient models in the study of educational data. The association between two individual scores (one internal and the other external to the school) and the effect of the school in the external exam is analized by a regression model with random intercept and fixed slope. A variance component model for the analysis of the grading process is also presented. The paper ends with an outline of the main findings and the presentation of some specific proposals to improve and control the equity of the system. Some pedagogic reflections are also included.
A cidade foi sendo perspetivada como um lugar masculino em que as mulheres (e, em particular, as mulheres imigrantes) não eram cidadãs plenas no sentido em que não adquiriram o acesso integral e livre às ruas e sobreviveram nos interstícios da cidade. Apesar de todas as conquistas das mulheres e do aparente cosmopolitismo das cidades europeias, as cidades continuam a ser espaços genderizados, espaços de conflito e de discriminação, contextos plenos de ameaças e interdições. Neste artigo apresentaremos algumas reflexões sobre a forma como as mulheres imigrantes brasileiras, cabo-verdianas e ucranianas se relacionam com o espaço - cidade de Lisboa - com base nos dados do projeto de investigação da autora financiado pelo Observatório da Imigração “Mulheres imigrantes em Portugal. Memórias, dificuldades de integração e projetos de vida”.
The position of the anthropologist in the field is discussed, in this article, as a position of “estranged intimacy”, that is to say, the anthropologist occupies an ambiguous position of becoming intimately involved whilst concurrently standing back. This definition derives from reflections upon fieldwork, conducted in the north of Portugal, with Cape Verdean migrant young women and their experiences as mothers. The article discusses two aspects related to the fieldwork. Firstly, the way in which diverse strategies of establishing relations in the field placed me in a position of “estranged intimacy” which reconfigured the meanings I had initially attributed to the term “Cape Verdean women”. Secondly, how becoming unexpectedly involved in a situation of intense conjugal conflict led me to reconsider my understanding of Cape Verdean gender relations. Both cases demonstrate how the endeavour to produce analytical and ethnographical knowledge was shot through with an unstable mix of detachment and involvement and how coming up against the unexpected may contribute towards the reconfiguration of ethnographic knowledge, in this specific case, with regard to the dynamics of gender relations.
The European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area are currently two key objectives for university learning, teaching and research in all European universities. University libraries must meet the challenges by offering the best library services to the academic community. In drafting the second strategic plan, Rebiun (Network of University Libraries) gathered comments and suggestions from professionals in Spanish university libraries. This article presents the reflections and suggestions contributed by the author regarding the support services that university libraries could offer for university research.
We demonstrate that thickness, optical constants, and details of the multilayer stack, together with the detection setting, strongly influence the photoluminescence spectra of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2. Due to multiple reflections of the visible light against the opaque silicon substrate, an interference pattern is built inside the oxide layer, which is responsible for the modifications in the measured spectra. This interference effect is complicated by the depth dependence of (i) the intensity of the excitation laser and (ii) the concentration of the emitting nanocrystals. These variations can give rise to apparent features in the recorded spectra, such as peak shifts, satellite shoulders, and even splittings, which can be mistaken as intrinsic material features. Thus, they can give rise to an erroneous attribution of optical bands or estimate of the average particle size, while they are only optical-geometrical artifacts. We have analyzed these effects as a function of material composition (Si excess fraction) and thickness, and also evaluated how the geometry of the detection setup affects the measurements. To correct the experimental photoluminescence spectra and extract the true spectral shape of the emission from Si nanocrystals, we have developed an algorithm based on a modulation function, which depends on both the multilayer sequence and the experimental configuration. This procedure can be easily extended to other heterogeneous systems.
High-resolution side scan sonar has been used for mapping the seafloor of the Ría de Pontevedra. Four backscatter patterns have been mapped within the Ría: (1) Pattern with isolated reflections, correlated with granite and metamorphic outcrops and located close to the coastal prominence and Ons and Onza Islands. (2) Pattern of strong reflectivity usually located around the basement outcrops and near the coastline and produced by coarse-grained sediment. (3) Pattern of weak backscatter is correlated with fine sand to mud and comprising large areas in the central and deep part of the Ría, where the bottom currents are weak. It is generally featureless, except where pockmarks and anthropogenic features are present. (4) Patches of strong and weak backscatter are located in the boundary between coarse and fine-grained sediments and they are due to the effect of strong bottom currents. The presence of megaripples associated to both patterns of strong reflectivity and sedimentary patches indicate bedload transport of sediment during high energy conditions (storms). Side scan sonar records and supplementary bathymetry, bottom samples and hydrodynamic data reveal that the distribution of seafloor sediment is strongly related to oceanographic processes and the particular morphology and topography of the Ría.