998 resultados para diabete,glicemia,biosensori,bioinchiostri,tatuaggi


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A perda de massa muscular observada no diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 1 é consequência da combinação entre redução na velocidade de síntese proteica e aumento na velocidade de proteólise. A curcumina, pigmento amarelo extraído dos rizomas de Curcuma longa L., promove diversos benefícios no metabolismo de carboidratos e lipídeos no DM. Deste modo, buscamos avaliar o efeito do tratamento de ratos diabéticos com curcumina incorporada em iogurte sobre o metabolismo proteico muscular. Ratos Wistar machos (150±10 g) receberam estreptozotocina (40 mg/kg, i.v.) para indução do DM e foram divididos nos grupos (n=8): diabético tratado com iogurte (DIOG), 90 mg/kg de curcumina (DC90), 4U de insulina (DINS) e ratos normais, não diabéticos, tratados com iogurte (NIOG). Após 35 dias de tratamento, os animais foram eutanasiados e os músculos esqueléticos soleus e extensor digitorium longus (EDL) foram retirados e utilizados para a determinação das atividades proteolíticas de caspase-3, calpaína e proteassoma (atividade quimiotripsina-like). O tratamento de animais diabéticos com curcumina incorporada em iogurte reduziu a glicemia, os níveis de ureia urinária e promoveu um maior ganho de peso corporal em relação aos animais diabéticos tratados somente com iogurte (DIOG). Animais DIOG apresentaram um aumento nas atividades de calpaína e proteassoma em músculos soleus e EDL em relação aos valores encontrados em músculos de animais NIOG; já o tratamento com curcumina reduziu as atividades de calpaína e proteassoma em EDL de ratos diabéticos, o que explica, pelo menos em parte, a menor perda de massa deste músculo em ratos DC90. Houve uma redução na atividade de caspase-3 em músculos de animais DIOG em comparação aos grupos...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to assess the cardiovascular risk factors among health professionals, particularly hypertension, and stratify them according to the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). The participants were 154 professionals working in pre-hospital care in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and on the Br-116 highway. Values were considered significant for p<0.05. The prevalence of hypertension was 33%, 20.1% were smokers, 47% consumed alcoholic beverages, 64% were sedentary, 66% were obese/overweight and 70% had an altered abdominal circumference. In terms of laboratory values: glucose >= 110mg/dL11%, total cholesterol >= 200mg/dL-36%, LDL-c >= 130mg/dL-33%, HDL-c<60mg/dL89%, triglycerides >= 150mg/dL-30% and C reactive protein >= 0.5mg/dL-16%. The FRS was average in 10.3% and high in 1.3%. In logistic regression analysis, it was verified that hypertension was associated with: HDL-c (odds ratio: 0.257,) and FRS (odds ratio: 23.159). There was strong correlation between hypertension and FRS. Data are noteworthy, as this is a relatively young sample of health professionals.


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Polymorphisms in the VDR gene were reported to be associated with variations in intrauterine and postnatal growth and with adult height, but also with other traits that are strongly correlated such as the BMI, insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion and hyperglycemia. Here, we assessed the impact of VDR polymorphisms on body height and its interactions with obesity- and glucose tolerance-related traits in obese children and adolescents. We studied 173 prepubertal (Tanner's stage 1) and 146 pubertal (Tanner's stages 2-5) obese children who were referred for a weight-loss program. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped: rs1544410 (BsmI), rs7975232 (ApaI) and rs731236 (TaqI). BsmI and TaqI genotypes were significantly associated with height in pubertal children, but the associations did not reach statistical significance in prepubertal children. In stepwise regression analyses, the lean body mass, insulin secretion, BsmI or TaqI genotypes and the father's and the mother's height were independently and positively associated with height in pubertal children. These covariables accounted for 46% of the trait variance. The height of homozygous carriers of the minor allele of BsmI was 0.65 z-scores (4 cm) higher than the height of homozygous carriers of the major allele (P=.0006). Haplotype analyses confirmed the associations of the minor alleles of BsmI and TaqI with increased height. In conclusion, VDR genotypes were significantly associated with height in pubertal obese children. The associations were independent from the effects of confounding traits, such as the body fat mass, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is characterized by an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, early onset of hyperglycemia, and defects of insulin secretion. MODY subtypes described present genetic, metabolic, and clinical differences. MODY 2 is characterized by mild asymptomatic fasting hyperglycemia, and rarely requires pharmacological treatment. Hence, precise diagnosis of MODY is important for determining management and prognosis. We report two heterozygous GCK mutations identified during the investigation of short stature. Case 1: a prepubertal 14-year-old boy was evaluated for constitutional delay of growth and puberty. During follow-up, he showed abnormal fasting glucose (113 mg/dL), increased level of HbA1c (6.6%), and negative beta-cell antibodies. His father and two siblings also had slightly elevated blood glucose levels. The mother had normal glycemia. A GCK heterozygous missense mutation, p.Arg191Trp, was identified in the proband. Eighteen family members were screened for this mutation, and 11 had the mutation in heterozygous state. Case 2: a 4-year-old boy investigated for short stature revealed no other laboratorial alterations than elevated glycemia (118 mg/dL); beta-cell antibodies were negative. His father, a paternal aunt, and the paternal grandmother also had slightly elevated glycemia, whereas his mother had normal glycemia. A GCK heterozygous missense mutation, p.Glu221Lys, was identified in the index patient and in four family members. All affected patients had mild elevated glycemia. Individuals with normal glycemia did not harbor mutations. GCK mutation screening should be considered in patients with chronic mild early-onset hyperglycemia, family history of impaired glycemia, and negative beta-cell antibodies. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):519-24


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Objective The ketogenic diet is used as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of epilepsy in patients with refractory epilepsy. It simulates biochemical changes typical of fasting. The present study verified the nutritional impact of the ketogenic diet on children with refractory epilepsy. Methods Nutritional status data (dietary, biochemical and anthropometric measurements), seizure frequency, and adverse events were collected from the medical records and during outpatient clinic visits of children over a period of 36 months. Results Of the 29 children who initiated the ketogenic diet, 75.8% presented fewer seizures after one month of treatment. After six months, 48.3% of the patients had at least a 90.0% decrease in seizure frequency, and 50.0% of these patients presented total seizure remission. At 12 months, eight patients continued to show positive results, and seven of these children remained on the ketogenic diet for 24 months. There was an improvement of the nutritional status at 24 months, especially in terms of weight, which culminated with the recovery of proper weight-for-height. There were no significant changes in biochemical indices (total cholesterol and components, triglycerides, albumin, total protein, creatinine, glycemia, serum aspartate transaminase and serum alanine transaminase). Serum cholesterol levels increased significantly in the first month, fell in the following six months, and remained within the normal limits thereafter. Conclusion In conclusion, patients on the classic ketogenic diet for at least 24 months gained weight. Moreover, approximately one third of the patients achieved significant reduction in seizure frequency, and some patients achieved total remission.


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Periodontal disease (PD) is one of the most commonly known human chronic disorders. The relationship between PD and several systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM) has been increasingly recognized over the past decades. Objective The purpose of this review is to provide the reader with knowledge concerning the relationship between PD and DM. Many articles have been published in the English and Portuguese literature over the last 50 years examining the relationship between these two chronic diseases. Data interpretation is often confounded by varying definitions of DM, PD and different clinical criteria were applied to determine the prevalence, extent and severity of PD, levels of glycemic control and diabetes-related complications. Methods This paper provides a broad overview of the predominant findings from research conducted using the BBO (Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia), MEDLINE, LILACS and PubMed for Controlled Trials databases, in English and Portuguese languages published from 1960 to October 2012. Primary research reports on investigations of relationships between DM/DM control, PD/periodontal treatment and PD/DM/diabetes-related complications identified relevant papers and meta-analyses published in this period. Results 7This paper describes the relationship between PD and DM and answers the following questions: 1- The effect of DM on PD, 2- The effects of glycemic control on PD and 3- The effects of PD on glycemic control and on diabetes-related complications. Conclusions The scientific evidence reviewed supports diabetes having an adverse effect on periodontal health and PD having an adverse effect on glycemic control and on diabetes-related complications. Further research is needed to clarify these relationships and larger, prospective, controlled trials with ethnically diverse populations are warranted to establish that treating PD can positively influence glycemic control and possibly reduce the burden of diabetes-related complications.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a health promotion program on cardiometabolic risk profile in Japanese-Brazilians. METHODS: A total of 466 subjects from a study on diabetes prevalence conducted in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, in 2000 completed a 1-year intervention program (2005-2006) based on healthy diet counseling and physical activity. Changes in blood pressure and metabolic parameters in the 2005-2006 period were compared with annual changes in these same variables in the 2000-2005 period. RESULTS: During the intervention, there were greater annual reductions in mean (SD) waist circumference [-0.5(3.8) vs. 1.2(1.2) cm per year, p<0.001], systolic blood pressure [-4.6(17.9) vs. 1.8(4.3) mmHg per year, p<0.001], 2-hour plasma glucose [-1.2(2.1) vs. -0.2(0.6) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], LDL-cholesterol [-0.3(0.9) vs. -0.1(0.2) mmol/L per year, p<0.001] and Framingham coronary heart disease risk score [-0.25(3.03) vs. 0.11(0.66) per year, p=0.02] but not in triglycerides [0.2(1.6) vs. 0.1(0.42) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], and fasting insulin level [1.2(5.8) vs. -0.7(2.2) IU/mL per year, p<0.001] compared with the pre-intervention period. Significant reductions in the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were seen during the intervention (from 58.4% to 35.4%, p<0.001; and from 30.1% to 21.7%, p= 0.004, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A one-year community-based health promotion program brings cardiometabolic benefits in a high-risk population of Japanese-Brazilians.


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Avaliar os fatores de risco cardiovascular, com ênfase na hipertensão, e estratificá-los de acordo com o Escore de Risco de Framingham (ERF). Estudo com 154 profissionais que atuavam em aten-dimento pré-hospitalar na cidade de São Paulo e rodovia Br-116. Foi considerado significante o valor de p<0,05. A prevalência de hipertensão foi de 33%, sendo que 20,1% eram tabagistas, 47% ingeriam bebidas alcoólicas, 64% eram sedentários, 66% apresentaram obesidade/sobrepeso e 70% cintura abdominal alterada, glicemia>110mg/dL- 11%, colesterol total>200mg/dL- 36%, LDL-c>130mg/dL- 33%, HDL-c<60mg/dL- 89%, triglicérides>150mg/dL- 30% e proteína C reativa>0,5mg/dL- 16%. O ERF foi médio em 10,3% e alto em 1,3%. Na análise de regressão logística verificou-se que a hipertensão associou-se com as variáveis: HDL-c (odds ratio: 0,257) e ERF (odds ratio: 23,159). Houve forte associação entre ERF e hipertensão. Os dados chamam a atenção, por se tratar principalmente de profissionais da área da saúde relativamente jovens.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e comparar a prevalência da síndrome metabólica entre hipertensos e normotensos. Os aspectos adotados para a definição de síndrome metabólica foram os definidos pelo National Cholesterol Education Program/Adults Treatment Painel (NCEP-ATP III). Os dados referentes aos perfis clínicos e bioquímicos foram processados no programa SPSS para cálculo de frequências absolutas e porcentagens. Utilizou-se o teste t de Student para comparações das médias, sendo as diferenças consideradas estatisticamente significantes para p<0,05. A amostra foi composta por 93 participantes normotensos e 168 hipertensos. Identificou-se a presença de síndrome metabólica em 60,7% dos hipertensos e 18,3% dos normotensos. Os portadores de hipertensão arterial apresentam diferença significante nos valores de pressão arterial (p<0,001), circunferência abdominal (p<0,001), glicemia (p<0,05) e triglicérides plasmáticos (p<0,05). A frequência dos riscos cardiometabólicos associados à síndrome metabólica é maior na presença de doença hipertensiva.


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A sepse associada à falência de múltiplos órgãos como a lesão renal aguda (LRA) demonstra alta taxa de mortalidade no paciente crítico. Este estudo investigou a LRA induzida pela sepse em modelo experimental. Foram utilizados ratos da raça Wistar, adultos e machos divididos nos seguintes grupos: Controle - controle cirúrgico e Sepse - indução da sepse pela ligadura e punção do cécon (LPC). Foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos (temperatura retal, pressão arterial média - PAM, glicemia sérica e fluxo urinário); a função renal (clearance de creatinina); o estresse oxidativo (peróxidos urinários e substâncias reativas com ácido tiobarbitúrico - TBARS) e realizada a análise histológica renal. O estudo conclui que a LRA induzida pela sepse caracteriza-se por lesão endotelial com disfunção hemodinâmica, liberação de mediadores inflamatórios e geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) por células tubulares, caracterizando-se como uma associação de vasoconstrição renal de origem hemodinâmica e inflamatória.


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OBJETIVO: investigar se a abreviação do jejum pré-operatório com uma bebida contendo glutamina e dextrinomaltose melhora a resposta orgânica ao trauma cirúrgico. MÉTODOS: trinta e seis pacientes adultas, (18-62 anos) candidatas à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica eletiva foram aleatoriamente divididas em três grupos: grupo jejum convencional (grupo Jejum), ou em dois grupos para receber duas dietas diferentes, oito horas (400ml) e duas horas antes da indução anestésica (200ml): grupo carboidrato (12,5% de dextrinomaltose) e glutamina (12,5% de dextrinomaltose e, respectivamente, 40 e 10g de glutamina). As amostras de sangue foram coletadas no período pré e pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: vinte e oito pacientes completaram o estudo. Nenhuma complicação pulmonar ocorreu durante o estudo. O volume residual gástrico foi similar entre os grupos (p=0,95). No pós-operatório, todas as pacientes do grupo jejum apresentaram glicemia anormal (>110mg/dl), sendo essa anormalidade 50% para o grupo CHO (p=0,14) e, apenas, 22,2% para o grupo GLN (p=0,01). No pós-operatório, todas as pacientes que abreviaram o jejum (grupo CHO + GLN) apresentaram insulinemia normal, contrastando com 66,7% no grupo jejum (p=0,02). A sensibilidade anormal à insulina subiu no pós-operatório de 32,1% para 46,4% dos casos (p=0,24). A sensibilidade anormal à insulina, no pós-operatório, ocorreu em apenas 11,1% das pacientes do grupo GLN comparado com 55,5% do grupo jejum (p=0,02). CONCLUSÃO: a abreviação do jejum pré-operatório para duas horas com glutamina e dextrinomaltose melhora a sensibilidade à insulina de pacientes submetidas à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica eletiva.