989 resultados para delocation trap


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We have analyzed a phenomenon heretofore ignored in the analyses of ion traps, which are used to determine ion temperature, among other plasma parameters, in planetary ionospheres: ions that are rejected by the trap perturb the plasma well ahead of the Debye sheath at the front of the trap.The determination of the perturbed plasma flow is found to depend on the fact that the ionospheric plasma be stable to quasineutral, ion-acoustic perturbations.


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A novel method of P-element mutagenesis is described for the isolation of mutants affecting the development of the Drosophila compound eye. It exploits the interaction between the Bride of Sevenless (Boss) ligand and the Sevenless (Sev) receptor tyrosine kinase that triggers the formation of the UV-sensitive photoreceptor neuron, R7. Transposition of a boss cDNA transgene, in an otherwise boss mutant background, was used as a “phenotypic trap” in live flies to identify enhancers expressed during a narrow time window in eye development. Using a rapid behavioral screen, more than 400,000 flies were tested for restoration of R7. Some 1,800 R7-containing flies were identified. Among these, 21 independent insertions with expression of the boss reporter gene in the R8 cell were identified by a external eye morphology and staining with an antibody against Boss. Among 900 lines with expression of the boss reporter gene in multiple cells assessed for homozygous mutant phenotypes, insertions in the marbles, glass, gap1, and fasciclin II genes were isolated. This phenotypic enhancer-trap facilitates (i) the isolation of enhancer-traps with a specific expression pattern, and (ii) the recovery of mutants disrupting development of specific tissues. Because the temporal and tissue specificity of the phenotypic trap is dependent on the choice of the marker used, this approach can be extended to other tissues and developmental stages.


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A modification of the Paul–Straubel trap previously described by us may profitably be operated in a Paul–Straubel–Kingdon (PSK) mode during the initial loading of an individual ion into the trap. Thereby the coating of the trap ring electrode by the atomic beam directed upon it in earlier experiments is eliminated, as is the ionization of an already trapped ion. Coating created serious problems as it spot-wise changed the work function of the ring electrode, which caused large, uncontrolled dc fields in the trap center that prevented zero-point confinement. Operating the Paul–Straubel trap with a small negative bias on the ring electrode wire is all that is required to realize the PSK mode. In this mode the tiny ring trap in the center of the long, straight wire section is surrounded by a second trapping well shaped like a long, thin-walled cylindrical shell and extending to the end-caps. There, ions may be conveniently created in this well without danger of coating the ring with barium. In addition, the long second well is useful as a multi-ion reservoir.


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Large quantities of DNA sequence information about plant genes are rapidly accumulating in public databases, but to progress from DNA sequence to biological function a mutant allele for each of the genes ideally should be available. Here we describe a gene trap construct that allowed us to disrupt transcribed genes with a high efficiency in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the T-DNA vector used, the expression of a bacterial reporter gene coding for neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) depends on the in vivo generation of a translation fusion upon the T-DNA integration into the Arabidopsis genome. Analysis of 20 selected transgenic lines showed that 12 lines are T-DNA insertion mutants. The disrupted genes analyzed encoded ribosomal proteins (three lines), aspartate tRNA synthase, DNA ligase, basic-domain leucine zipper DNA binding protein, ATP-binding cassette transporter, and five proteins of unknown function. Four tagged genes were new for Arabidopsis. The results presented here suggest that gene trapping, using nptII as a reporter gene, can be as high as 80% and opens novel perspectives for systematic gene tagging in A. thaliana.


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A strategy employing gene-trap mutagenesis and site-specific recombination (Cre/loxP) has been developed to isolate genes that are transcriptionally activated during programmed cell death. Interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent hematopoietic precursor cells (FDCP1) expressing a reporter plasmid that codes for herpes simplex virus–thymidine kinase, neomycin phosphotransferase, and murine IL-3 were transduced with a retroviral gene-trap vector carrying coding sequences for Cre-recombinase (Cre) in the U3 region. Activation of Cre expression from integrations into active genes resulted in a permanent switching between the selectable marker genes that converted the FDCP1 cells to factor independence. Selection for autonomous growth yielded recombinants in which Cre sequences in the U3 region were expressed from upstream cellular promoters. Because the expression of the marker genes is independent of the trapped cellular promoter, genes could be identified that were transiently induced by IL-3 withdrawal.


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In the absence of lasers approaching trapped ion clock transitions in sharpness we propose to replace the 12.49 m laser field exciting the D3/2-D5/2 transition of the single Ba+ ion A in D3/2 with the near-field of a close by identical ion B in the excited D5/2 state. We tune the frequency of the near-field by the differential Stark shift generated when the center of mass of the tuned ions is slightly moved out of the trap center by a small bias voltage. We demonstrate that the resultant resonant energy exchange can be made considerably faster than the natural lifetime of either metastable level and show how it might be detected.


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Kinesin is a molecular motor that transports organelles along microtubules. This enzyme has two identical 7-nm-long motor domains, which it uses to move between consecutive tubulin binding sites spaced 8 nm apart along a microtubular protofilament. The molecular mechanism of this movement, which remains to be elucidated, may be common to all families of motor proteins. In this study, a high-resolution optical-trap microscope was used to measure directly the magnitude of abrupt displacements produced by a single kinesin molecule transporting a microscopic bead. The distribution of magnitudes reveals that kinesin not only undergoes discrete 8-nm movements, in agreement with previous work [Svoboda, K., Schmidt, C. F., Schnapp, B. J. & Block, S.M. (1993) Nature (London) 365, 721-727], but also frequently exhibits smaller movements of about 5 nm. A possible explanation for these unexpected smaller movements is that kinesin's movement from one dimer to the next along a protofilament involves at least two distinct events in the mechanical cycle.


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We have developed a novel induction gene trap approach that preselects in vitro for integrations into genes that lie downstream of receptor/ligand-mediated signaling pathways. Using this approach, we have identified 20 gene trap integrations in embryonic stem cells, 9 of which were induced and 11 of which were repressed after exposure to exogenous retinoic acid (RA). All but one of these integrations showed unique spatially restricted or tissue-specific patterns of expression between 8.5 and 11.5 days of embryogenesis. Interestingly, expression was observed in tissues that are affected by alterations in RA levels during embryogenesis. Sequence analysis of fusion transcripts from six integrations revealed five novel gene sequences and the previously identified protooncogene c-fyn. To date, germ-line transmission and breeding has uncovered one homozygous embryonic lethal and three homozygous viable insertions. These studies demonstrate the potential of this induction gene trap approach for identifying and mutating genes downstream of signal transduction pathways.


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The trp RNA-binding attenuation protein of Bacillus subtilis, TRAP, regulates both transcription and translation by binding to specific transcript sequences. The optimal transcript sequences required for TRAP binding were determined by measuring complex formation between purified TRAP protein and synthetic RNAs. RNAs were tested that contained repeats of different trinucleotide sequences, with differing spacing between the repeats. A transcript containing GAG repeats separated by two-nucleotide spacers was bound most tightly. In addition, transmission electron microscopy was used to examine the structure of TRAP and the TRAP-transcript complex. TRAP was observed to be a toroid-shaped oligomer when free or when bound to either a natural or a synthetic RNA.


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Cold start tests are carried out to evaluate the performance of copper-exchanged zeolites as hydrocarbon traps under simulated gasoline car exhaust gases, paying special attention to the role of copper in the performance of these zeolites. It is concluded that the partial substitution of the protons in the parent H-ZSM-5 zeolite is highly beneficial for hydrocarbon trapping due to the formation of selective adsorption sites with specific affinity for the different exhaust components. However, it is also observed that uncontrolled exchanging process conditions could lead to the presence of CuO nanoparticles in the zeolite surface, which seem to block the pore structure of the zeolite, decreasing the hydrocarbon trap efficiency. Among all the zeolites studied, the results point out that a CuH-ZSM-5 with a partial substitution of extra-framework protons by copper cations and without any detectable surface CuO nanoparticles is the zeolite that showed the best performance under simulated cold start conditions due to both the high stability and the hydrocarbon retaining capacity of this sample during the consecutive cycles.


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Camera traps have become a widely used technique for conducting biological inventories, generating a large number of database records of great interest. The main aim of this paper is to describe a new free and open source software (FOSS), developed to facilitate the management of camera-trapped data which originated from a protected Mediterranean area (SE Spain). In the last decade, some other useful alternatives have been proposed, but ours focuses especially on a collaborative undertaking and on the importance of spatial information underpinning common camera trap studies. This FOSS application, namely, “Camera Trap Manager” (CTM), has been designed to expedite the processing of pictures on the .NET platform. CTM has a very intuitive user interface, automatic extraction of some image metadata (date, time, moon phase, location, temperature, atmospheric pressure, among others), analytical (Geographical Information Systems, statistics, charts, among others), and reporting capabilities (ESRI Shapefiles, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets, PDF reports, among others). Using this application, we have achieved a very simple management, fast analysis, and a significant reduction of costs. While we were able to classify an average of 55 pictures per hour manually, CTM has made it possible to process over 1000 photographs per hour, consequently retrieving a greater amount of data.


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The Asian economy is expected to realise favourable growth during the first half of this century, but there is no guarantee. There is a discussion about a ‘middle-income trap’, which refers to a country that has realised rapid growth to become a middle-income country but is unable to grow further. A middle-income trap could occur not only if there is a delay in shifting the economy toward a productivity-driven structure, but also if there is a worsening of income distribution.We consider this in line with the theories of development economics and through a quantitative analysis. The relationship between income inequality and the trap can be explained by the Kuznets hypothesis and the basic-needs approach. Our quantitative analysis supports the Kuznets hypothesis, and indicates that,although a low-income country can accelerate its economic growth with the worsening of income distribution as an engine, a middle income country would experience a decreasing growth rate if it fails to narrow the income gap between the top and bottom income groups. The results also show that the basic-needs approach is also applicable in practice, and imply that the improvement of access to secondary education is important. A sensitivity analysis for three Asian upper-middle-income countries(China, Malaysia and Thailand) also shows that the situation related to a middle-income trap is worse than average in China and Malaysia. These two countries, according to the result of the sensitivity analysis, should urgently improve access to secondary education and should implement income redistribution measures to develop high-tech industries, before their demographic dividends expire. Income redistribution includes the narrowing of rural urban income disparities, benefits to low-income individuals, direct income transfers, vouchers or free provision of education and health-care, and so on, but none of these are simple to implement.


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The Eurasian Union (or, to give it its full name, the Eurasian Economic Union, EEU) is Russia's flagship project, by use of which it aims to institutionally subordinate the post-Soviet states to itself using political ties and the projected common economic space. The Kremlin has so far managed to persuade Belarus and Kazakhstan, and tentatively also Armenia, to join this integration project, which on the surface looks like a multilateral initiative but in reality conceals a network of bilateral relations centred on Russia. However, in order for Russia to reconstruct its influence in its neighbourhood permanently and without change, it is of key importance that Ukraine is incorporated into the EEU. That still seemed feasible even in 2013, but the Maidan and the Russian-Ukrainian war have undone this possibility. However, they also opened up an alternative scenario for Russia, one in which the Western states recognise the Eurasian Union as a legitimate partner in discussions about a new order in Europe with a view to restoring peace in Ukraine. It is worth taking into account the strategic consequences of that scenario. We need to consider if the idea which Moscow has been lobbying for – and which has found some supporters in Brussels and Berlin – threatens to take us back to the Cold War system of geopolitical blocs and implies recognition of Russia's dominance over Ukraine and the other Eastern Partnership countries?