994 resultados para ddc: 01.42
Report no. FHWA-NY-EIS 88-01-D.
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A identidade do Servo de YHWH sempre foi um grande desafio para a pesquisa bíblica. Quem seria esse Servo? Não se pretende saber historicamente quem foi o Servo de YHWH, pois isso é uma tarefa impossível. Pretende-se levantar algumas pistas a partir do contexto histórico e do próprio texto do Dêutero-Isaías que permita pensar na possibilidade de que uma comunidade exilada na Babilônia fosse chamada de Servo e destinada por YHWH para tal missão. Na perícope de Is 42,1-9, YHWH convoca o Servo para uma missão bem específica: fazer sair o direito para as nações. Esse direito que o Servo fará sair às nações é o direito de YHWH que se manifesta na libertação concreta de todos os encarcerados. O Servo com suas posturas silenciosas e proféticas, com sua prática solidária aos sofredores e com sua tenacidade, levará adiante esse projeto de libertação. Por meio dos procedimentos exegéticos e com referencial teórico de diferentes autores que já pesquisaram sobre esse tema, pretende-se investigar a possibilidade de que neste cântico do Servo de YHWH possa nascer uma Teologia do Servo que está em profunda sintonia com o Ser do próprio YHWH. Desta maneira, YHWH - Servo carregam um mesmo projeto concreto de libertação que tem como fundamento o direito e a justiça. Surge, então, no meio do povo sofrido, um novo modelo de liderança política.
Optical packet transmission in 42.6 Gbit/s wavelength-division-multiplexed clockwork-routed networks
The use of amplitude-modulated phase-shift-keyed (AM-PSK) optical data transmission is investigated in a sequence of concatenated links in a wavelength-division-multiplexed clockwork-routed network. The narrower channel spacing made possible by using AM-PSK format allows the network to contain a greater number of network nodes. Full differential precoding at the packet source reduces the amount of high-speed electronics required in the network and also offers simplified header recognition and time-to-live mechanisms.
The receptor for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) has been the target for the development of novel small molecule antagonists for the treatment of migraine. Two such antagonists, BIBN4096BS and MK-0974, have shown great promise in clinical trials and hence a deeper understanding of the mechanism of their interaction with the receptor is now required. The structure of the CGRP receptor is unusual since it is comprised of a hetero-oligomeric complex between the calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRL) and an accessory protein (RAMP1). Both the CLR and RAMP1 components have extracellular domains which interact with each other and together form part of the peptide-binding site. It seems likely that the antagonist binding site will also be located on the extracellular domains and indeed Trp-74 of RAMP1 has been shown to form part of the binding site for BIBN4096BS. However, despite a chimeric study demonstrating the role of the N-terminal domain of CLR in antagonist binding, no specific residues have been identified. Here we carry out a mutagenic screen of the extreme N-terminal domain of CLR (residues 23-63) and identify a mutant, Met-42-Ala, which displays 48-fold lower affinity for BIBN4096BS and almost 900-fold lower affinity for MK-0974. In addition, we confirm that the Trp-74-Lys mutation at human RAMP1 reduces BIBN4096BS affinity by over 300-fold and show for the first time a similar effect for MK-0974 affinity. The data suggest that the non-peptide antagonists occupy a binding site close to the interface of the N-terminal domains of CLR and RAMP1.
A novel approach to optical subcarrier multiplexing with compact spectrum is demonstrated using a 42.6 Gbit/s AM-PSK payload and 2.5 Gbit/s NRZ label. In this implementation, the payload introduces a 4.8 dB penalty on the label receiver sensitivity, and the label causes <1 dB penalty on the payload receiver sensitivity.
We experimentally study the generation and amplification of stable picosecond-short optical pulses by a master oscillator power-amplifier configuration consisting of a monolithic quantum-dot-based gain-guided tapered laser and amplifier emitting at 1.26 μm without pulse compression, external cavity, gain-or Q-switched operation. We report a peak power of 42 W and a figure-of-merit for second-order nonlinear imaging of 38.5 W2 at a repetition rate of 16 GHz and an associated pulse width of 1.37 ps.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, affecting more than 35 million people worldwide. Brain hypometabolism is a major feature of AD, appearing decades before cognitive decline and pathologic lesions. To date, the majority of studies on hypometabolism in AD have used transgenic animal models or imaging studies of the human brain. As it is almost impossible to validate these findings using human tissue, alternative models are required. In this study, we show that human stem cell-derived neuron and astrocyte cultures treated with oligomers of amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ1-42) also display a clear hypometabolism, particularly with regard to utilization of substrates such as glucose, pyruvate, lactate, and glutamate. In addition, a significant increase in the glycogen content of cells was also observed. These changes were accompanied by changes in NAD+ /NADH, ATP, and glutathione levels, suggesting a disruption in the energy-redox axis within these cultures. The high energy demands associated with neuronal functions such as memory formation and protection from oxidative stress put these cells at particular risk from Aβ-induced hypometabolism. Further research using this model may elucidate the mechanisms associated with Aβ-induced hypometabolism.