988 resultados para critical pressure


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Recent work of Jones et al. giving the long-range behaviour of the pair correlation function is used to confirm that the critical ratio Pc/nckBTc = 1/2 in the Born-Green theory. This deviates from experimental results on simple insulating liquids by more than the predictions of the van der Waals equation of state. A brief discussion of conditions for thermodynamic consistency, which the Born-Green theory violates, is then given. Finally, the approach of the Ornstein-Zernike correlation function to its critical point behaviour is discussed within the Born-Green theory.


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1. Eradication is often the preferred strategy in the management of new weed invasions, but recent research has shown that the circumstances under which eradication can be achieved are highly constrained. Containment is a component of an eradication strategy and also a management objective in its own right. Just as for eradication, containment of a weed invasion should be attempted only if it is considered feasible. However, very little guidance exists for the assessment of containment feasibility for weeds. 2. Numerous factors have been proposed as influencing feasibility of containment, but those that relate to the potential for management of dispersal pathways and timely detection of new foci of infestation appear to be critical. Theory suggests that the rate of spread is largely driven by long-distance dispersal (LDD). However, LDD is generally unpredictable and often occurs for species that do not appear to be adapted for it. Furthermore, many (if not most) LDD events fail to give rise to new infestations. 3. As the probability of colonisation is related to the numbers of propagules immigrating ('propagule pressure') at a point in the landscape, dispersal pathways that move relatively large numbers of propagules simultaneously and/or repeatedly should most enhance weed spread. It is these pathways whose potential for management has the greatest bearing upon containment feasibility. A key impediment to containment is undetected spread; this need not occur through LDD and is more likely to occur through dispersal to lesser distances. 4. Synthesis and applications. Feasibility of containment should be viewed in terms of the effort required to reduce weed spread rate, as well as the effectiveness of relevant management actions. Where dispersal vectors are not readily manageable and the probability of detection via structured and/or unstructured surveillance is low, a much greater reliance upon fecundity control will be needed to contain a weed. A combination of empirical and theoretical approaches should be used to develop and refine estimates of containment feasibility. Such estimates will aid decision-making with regard to whether to attempt to reduce weed spread and assist in prioritisation of different weeds for containment.


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Gas discharge plasmas formed at atmospheric pressure and near room temperature have recently been shown as a promising tool for cancer treatment. The mechanism of the plasma action is attributed to generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, electric fields, charges, and photons. The relative importance of different modes of action of atmospheric-pressure plasmas depends on the process parameters and specific treatment objects. Hence, an in-depth understanding of biological mechanisms that underpin plasma-induced death in cancer cells is required to optimise plasma processing conditions. Here, the intracellular factors involved in the observed anti-cancer activity in melanoma Mel007 cells are studied, focusing on the effect of the plasma treatment dose on the expression of tumour suppressor protein TP73. Over-expression of TP73 causes cell growth arrest and/or apoptosis, and hence can potentially be targeted to enhance killing efficacy and selectivity of the plasma treatment. It is shown that the plasma treatment induces dose-dependent up-regulation of TP73 gene expression, resulting in significantly elevated levels of TP73 RNA and protein in plasma-treated melanoma cells. Silencing of TP73 expression by means of RNA interference inhibited the anticancer effects of the plasma, similar to the effect of caspase inhibitor z-VAD or ROS scavenger N-acetyl cysteine. These results confirm the role of TP73 protein in dose-dependent regulation of anticancer activity of atmospheric-pressure plasmas.


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Atmospheric-pressure plasma (APP) has been successfully used to treat several types of cancers in vivo and in vitro, with the effect being primarily attributed to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, the mechanisms by which APP induces apoptosis in cancer cells require further elucidation. In this study, the effects of APP on the expression of 500 genes in melanoma Mel007 cancer cells were examined. Pro-apoptotic phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein (PMAIP1), also known as NOXA, was highly expressed as a result of APP treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Blocking of ROS using scavenger NAC or silencing of NOXA gene by RNA interference inhibited the APP-induced NOXA genes upregulation and impaired caspases 3/7 mediated apoptosis, confirming the important role plasma-generated ROS species and pro-apoptotic NOXA play in APP-induced cancer cell death.


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Top-predators have been reported to have an important role in structuring food webs and maintaining ecological processes for the benefit of biodiversity at lower trophic levels. This is thought to be achieved through their suppressive effects on sympatric mesopredators and prey. Great scientific and public interest surrounds the potential use of top-predators as biodiversity conservation tools, and it can often be difficult to separate what we think we know and what we really know about their ecological utility. Not all the claims made about the ecological roles of top-predators can be substantiated by current evidence. We review the methodology underpinning empirical data on the ecological roles of Australian dingoes (Canis lupus dingo and hybrids) to provide a comprehensive and objective benchmark for knowledge of the ecological roles of Australia's largest terrestrial predator. From a wide variety of methodological flaws, sampling bias, and experimental design constraints inherent to 38 of the 40 field studies we assessed, we demonstrate that there is presently unreliable and inconclusive evidence for dingoes role as a biodiversity regulator. We also discuss the widespread (both taxonomically and geographically) and direct negative effects of dingoes to native fauna, and the few robust studies investigating their positive roles. In light of the highly variable and context-specific impacts of dingoes on faunal biodiversity and the inconclusive state of the literature, we strongly caution against the positive management of dingoes in the absence of a supporting evidence-base for such action.


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Abstract It is widely considered that high pressure processing (HPP) results in better retention of micronutrients and phytochemicals compared to thermal pasteurization (TP), although some studies indicate that this may not be true in all cases. The aims of this study were (1) to objectively compare the effects of HPP under commercial processing conditions with thermal pasteurization (TP) on the stability of phenolic antioxidants in strawberries following processing and during storage and (2) to evaluate the influence of varietal differences and hence differences in biochemical composition of strawberries on the stability of phenolic antioxidants. Strawberry puree samples from cultivars Camarosa, Rubygem, and Festival were subjected to HPP (600 MPa/20 °C/5 min) and TP (88 °C/2 min). The activities of oxidative enzymes were evaluated before and after processing. Furthermore, the antioxidant capacity (total phenolic content (TPC), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)) and individual anthocyanins (by HPLC) were determined prior to and following processing and after three months of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Depending on the cultivar, HPP caused 15–38% and 20–33% inactivation of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase, respectively, compared to almost complete inactivation of these enzymes by TP. Significant decreases (p < 0.05) in ORAC, FRAP, TPC and anthocyanin contents were observed during processing and storage of both HPP and TP samples. Anthocyanins were the most affected with only 19–25% retention after three months of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Slightly higher (p < 0.05) loss of TPC and antioxidant capacity were observed during storage of HPP samples compared to TP. Industrial Relevance: The results of the study demonstrated that both high pressure processing and thermal pasteurization result in high retention of phenolic phytochemicals in strawberry products. Under the conditions investigated, high pressure processing did not result in a better retention of phenolic phytochemicals compared to thermal pasteurization. In fact, a slightly higher loss of total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity were observed during refrigerated storage of HPP processed samples. Our results showed that, high pressure processing may not always be a better alternative to thermal processing for strawberry puree processing if the main objective is better retention of phenolic antioxidants. However, it should be noted that other quality attributes such as sensory properties, where distinct advantages of HPP are expected, were outside the scope of this study.


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The effect of pressure on the electrical resistivity of bulk Si20Te80 glass has been studied up to a pressure of 8 GPa. A discontinuous transition occurs at a pressure of 7 GPa. The X-ray diffraction studies on the pressure quenched sample show that the high pressure phase is crystalline with hexagonal structure (c/a = 1.5). On heating, the high pressure hexagonal phase has on exothermic decomposition atT = 586 K into two crystalline phases, which are the stable phases tellurium and SiTe2 obtained by simple heating of the glass.


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The current voltage characteristics ofo-tolidine-iodine, with stoichiometry 1:1 grown from benzene, have been studied under high pressures upto 6 GPa atT=300 K andT=77 K. The characteristics show a pronounced deviation from ohmicity beyond a certain current for all pressures studied. At room temperature, beyond a threshold field the system switches from a low conductingOFF state to a high conductingON state with σON/σOFF ∼ 103. TheOFF state can be restored by the application of an a.c. pulse of low frequency. The temperature dependence of the two states studied indicates that theOFF state is semiconducting while theON state, beyond a certain applied pressure is metallic. The characteristics atT=77 K do not show any switching.


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The electrical resistivity of layerd crystalline GeSe has been investigated up to a pressure of 100 kbar and down to liquid-nitrogen temperature by use of a Bridgman anvil device. A pressure-induced first-order phase transition has been observed in single-crystal GeSe near 6 GPa. The high-pressure phase is found to be quenchable and an x-ray diffraction study of the quenched material reveals that it has the face-centered-cubic structure. Resistivity measurements as a function of pressure and temperature suggest that the high-pressure phase is metallic.


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An irreversible pressure induced semiconductor-to-metal transition in bulk Ge20Te80 glass is observed at about 5 GPa pressure. The high pressure phase has a face centered cubic structure with a lattice constant 6.42 A° as deduced by X-ray diffraction studies on the pressure quenched samples. The temperature and pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity confirms the observed transition to be a semiconductor-to-metal transition. The temperature dependence of thermo electric power is also reported.


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The large size, high trophic level and wide distribution of Hexanchiformes (cow and frilled sharks) should position this order as important apex predators in coastal and deep-water ecosystems. This review synthesizes available information on Hexanchiformes, including information not yet published, with the purpose of evaluating their conservation status and assessing their ecological roles in the dynamics of marine ecosystems. Comprising six species, this group has a wide global distribution, with members occurring from shallow coastal areas to depths of c. 2500 m. The limited information available on their reproductive biology suggests that they could be vulnerable to overexploitation (e.g. small litter sizes for most species and suspected long gestation periods). Most of the fishing pressure exerted on Hexanchiformes is in the form of commercial by-catch or recreational fishing. Comprehensive stock and impact assessments are unavailable for most species in most regions due to limited information on life history and catch and abundance time series. When hexanchiform species have been commercially harvested, however, they have been unable to sustain targeted fisheries for long periods. The potentially high vulnerability to intense fishing pressure warrants a conservative exploitation of this order until thorough quantitative assessments are conducted. At least some species have been shown to be significant apex predators in the systems they inhabit. Should Hexanchiformes be removed from coastal and deep-water systems, the lack of sympatric shark species that share the same resources suggests no other species would be capable of fulfilling their apex predator role in the short term. This has potential ecosystem consequences such as meso-predator release or trophic cascades. This review proposes some hypotheses on the ecology of Hexanchiformes and their role in ecosystem dynamics, highlighting the areas where critical information is required to stimulate research directions.


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The Mobulidae are zooplanktivorous elasmobranchs comprising two recognized species of manta rays (Manta spp.) and nine recognized species of devil rays (Mobula spp.). They are found circumglobally in tropical, subtropical and temperate coastal waters. Although mobulids have been recorded for over 400 years, critical knowledge gaps still compromise the ability to assess the status of these species. On the basis of a review of 263 publications, a comparative synthesis of the biology and ecology of mobulids was conducted to examine their evolution, taxonomy, distribution, population trends, movements and aggregation, reproduction, growth and longevity, feeding, natural mortality and direct and indirect anthropogenic threats. There has been a marked increase in the number of published studies on mobulids since c. 1990, particularly for the genus Manta, although the genus Mobula remains poorly understood. Mobulid species have many common biological characteristics although their ecologies appear to be species-specific, and sometimes region-specific. Movement studies suggest that mobulids are highly mobile and have the potential to rapidly travel large distances. Fishing pressure is the major threat to many mobulid populations, with current levels of exploitation in target fisheries unlikely to be sustainable. Advances in the fields of population genetics, acoustic and satellite tracking, and stable-isotope and fatty-acid analyses will provide new insights into the biology and ecology of these species. Future research should focus on the uncertain taxonomy of mobulid species, the degree of overlap between their large-scale movement and human activities such as fisheries and pollution, and the need for management of inter-jurisdictional fisheries in developing nations to ensure their long-term sustainability. Closer collaboration among researchers worldwide is necessary to ensure standardized sampling and modelling methodologies to underpin global population estimates and status.


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Rust (caused by Puccinia arachidis) and late leaf spot (LLS, caused by Mycosphaerella berkeleyi) can cause significant yield losses in Australian peanut crops. Until recently, all commercial peanut varieties were highly susceptible to these pathogens, but the new Australian cultivar Sutherland has significantly higher levels of resistance than the older cultivars. Field trials were conducted at two sites in Queensland to (a) confirm the improved resistance of cv. Sutherland over another commercial cultivar, Menzies, (b) study the effects of timing of first spray, spray interval and cultivar on disease severity and yield, and (c) develop a suitable fungicide management program for cv. Sutherland. In the 2006 and 2007 trials, rust and LLS developed slower and had lower final disease ratings and AUDPC values on unsprayed plots of cv. Sutherland than on cv. Menzies. The timing of the first spray is critical in managing both rust and late leaf spot, with the results demonstrating that the first fungicide spray on cv. Sutherland should be applied as soon as rust and LLS are first seen on cv. Menzies. In most trials spray intervals of 14 days or 21 days were suitable to effectively control rust and LLS. In years with low disease pressure, few, if any, fungicide applications will be needed to manage the diseases, but in other years up to four sprays may be necessary. © Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc. 2012.