969 resultados para covariance estimator


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In dieser Arbeit werden mithilfe der Likelihood-Tiefen, eingeführt von Mizera und Müller (2004), (ausreißer-)robuste Schätzfunktionen und Tests für den unbekannten Parameter einer stetigen Dichtefunktion entwickelt. Die entwickelten Verfahren werden dann auf drei verschiedene Verteilungen angewandt. Für eindimensionale Parameter wird die Likelihood-Tiefe eines Parameters im Datensatz als das Minimum aus dem Anteil der Daten, für die die Ableitung der Loglikelihood-Funktion nach dem Parameter nicht negativ ist, und dem Anteil der Daten, für die diese Ableitung nicht positiv ist, berechnet. Damit hat der Parameter die größte Tiefe, für den beide Anzahlen gleich groß sind. Dieser wird zunächst als Schätzer gewählt, da die Likelihood-Tiefe ein Maß dafür sein soll, wie gut ein Parameter zum Datensatz passt. Asymptotisch hat der Parameter die größte Tiefe, für den die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass für eine Beobachtung die Ableitung der Loglikelihood-Funktion nach dem Parameter nicht negativ ist, gleich einhalb ist. Wenn dies für den zu Grunde liegenden Parameter nicht der Fall ist, ist der Schätzer basierend auf der Likelihood-Tiefe verfälscht. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie diese Verfälschung korrigiert werden kann sodass die korrigierten Schätzer konsistente Schätzungen bilden. Zur Entwicklung von Tests für den Parameter, wird die von Müller (2005) entwickelte Simplex Likelihood-Tiefe, die eine U-Statistik ist, benutzt. Es zeigt sich, dass für dieselben Verteilungen, für die die Likelihood-Tiefe verfälschte Schätzer liefert, die Simplex Likelihood-Tiefe eine unverfälschte U-Statistik ist. Damit ist insbesondere die asymptotische Verteilung bekannt und es lassen sich Tests für verschiedene Hypothesen formulieren. Die Verschiebung in der Tiefe führt aber für einige Hypothesen zu einer schlechten Güte des zugehörigen Tests. Es werden daher korrigierte Tests eingeführt und Voraussetzungen angegeben, unter denen diese dann konsistent sind. Die Arbeit besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die allgemeine Theorie über die Schätzfunktionen und Tests dargestellt und zudem deren jeweiligen Konsistenz gezeigt. Im zweiten Teil wird die Theorie auf drei verschiedene Verteilungen angewandt: Die Weibull-Verteilung, die Gauß- und die Gumbel-Copula. Damit wird gezeigt, wie die Verfahren des ersten Teils genutzt werden können, um (robuste) konsistente Schätzfunktionen und Tests für den unbekannten Parameter der Verteilung herzuleiten. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass für die drei Verteilungen mithilfe der Likelihood-Tiefen robuste Schätzfunktionen und Tests gefunden werden können. In unverfälschten Daten sind vorhandene Standardmethoden zum Teil überlegen, jedoch zeigt sich der Vorteil der neuen Methoden in kontaminierten Daten und Daten mit Ausreißern.


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Auf dem Gebiet der Strukturdynamik sind computergestützte Modellvalidierungstechniken inzwischen weit verbreitet. Dabei werden experimentelle Modaldaten, um ein numerisches Modell für weitere Analysen zu korrigieren. Gleichwohl repräsentiert das validierte Modell nur das dynamische Verhalten der getesteten Struktur. In der Realität gibt es wiederum viele Faktoren, die zwangsläufig zu variierenden Ergebnissen von Modaltests führen werden: Sich verändernde Umgebungsbedingungen während eines Tests, leicht unterschiedliche Testaufbauten, ein Test an einer nominell gleichen aber anderen Struktur (z.B. aus der Serienfertigung), etc. Damit eine stochastische Simulation durchgeführt werden kann, muss eine Reihe von Annahmen für die verwendeten Zufallsvariablengetroffen werden. Folglich bedarf es einer inversen Methode, die es ermöglicht ein stochastisches Modell aus experimentellen Modaldaten zu identifizieren. Die Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines parameter-basierten Ansatzes, um stochastische Simulationsmodelle auf dem Gebiet der Strukturdynamik zu identifizieren. Die entwickelte Methode beruht auf Sensitivitäten erster Ordnung, mit denen Parametermittelwerte und Kovarianzen des numerischen Modells aus stochastischen experimentellen Modaldaten bestimmt werden können.


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In vielen Industrieanlagen werden verschiedenste Fluide in der Produktion eingesetzt, die bei einer Freisetzung, z. B. durch ihre toxische oder karzinogene Eigenschaft oder wegen der Brand- und Explosionsgefahr, sowohl die Umwelt als auch Investitionsgüter gefährden können. In Deutschland sind zur Risikominimierung die maximal zulässigen Emissionsmengen von Stoffen und Stoffgruppen in verschiedenen Umweltvorschriften festgelegt, wodurch zu deren Einhaltung eine ausreichende Überwachung aller relevanten Anlagenkomponenten seitens der Betreiber notwendig ist. Eine kontinuierliche und flächendeckende Überwachung der Anlagen ist aber weder personell, noch finanziell mit klassischer In-situ-Sensorik realisierbar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Problemstellung der autonomen mobilen Gasferndetektion und Gasleckortung in industrieller Umgebung mittels optischer Gasfernmesstechnik adressiert, die zum Teil im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts RoboGasInspector entstand. Neben der Beschreibung des verwendeten mobilen Robotersystems und der Sensorik, werden die eingesetzten Techniken zur Messdatenverarbeitung vorgestellt. Für die Leckortung, als Sonderfall im Inspektionsablauf, wurde die TriMax-Methode entwickelt, die zusätzlich durch einen Bayes-Klassifikator basierten Gasleckschätzer (Bayes classification based gas leak estimator (BeaGLE)) erweitert wurde, um die Erstellung von Leckhypothesen zu verbessern. Der BeaGLE basiert auf Techniken, die in der mobilen Robotik bei der Erstellung von digitalen Karten mittels Entfernungsmessungen genutzt werden. Die vorgestellten Strategien wurden in industrieller Umgebung mittels simulierter Lecks entwickelt und getestet. Zur Bestimmung der Strategieparameter wurden diverse Laborund Freifelduntersuchungen mit dem verwendeten Gasfernmessgerät durchgeführt. Die abschließenden Testergebnisse mit dem Gesamtsystem haben gezeigt, dass die automatische Gasdetektion und Gaslecksuche mittels autonomer mobiler Roboter und optischer Gasfernmesstechnik innerhalb praktikabler Zeiten und mit hinreichender Präzision realisierbar sind. Die Gasdetektion und Gasleckortung mittels autonomer mobiler Roboter und optischer Gasfernmesstechnik ist noch ein junger Forschungszweig der industriellen Servicerobotik. In der abschließenden Diskussion der vorliegenden Arbeit wird deutlich, dass noch weitergehende, interessante Forschungs- und Entwicklungspotentiale erkennbar sind.


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The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra- operative two-dimensional images provides an improved way of verifying patient position and medical instrument loca- tion. In applications from orthopedics to neurosurgery, it has a great value in maintaining up-to-date information about changes due to intervention. We propose a mutual information- based registration algorithm to establish the proper align- ment. For optimization purposes, we compare the perfor- mance of the non-gradient Powell method and two slightly di erent versions of a stochastic gradient ascent strategy: one using a sparsely sampled histogramming approach and the other Parzen windowing to carry out probability density approximation. Our main contribution lies in adopting the stochastic ap- proximation scheme successfully applied in 3D-3D registra- tion problems to the 2D-3D scenario, which obviates the need for the generation of full DRRs at each iteration of pose op- timization. This facilitates a considerable savings in compu- tation expense. We also introduce a new probability density estimator for image intensities via sparse histogramming, de- rive gradient estimates for the density measures required by the maximization procedure and introduce the framework for a multiresolution strategy to the problem. Registration results are presented on uoroscopy and CT datasets of a plastic pelvis and a real skull, and on a high-resolution CT- derived simulated dataset of a real skull, a plastic skull, a plastic pelvis and a plastic lumbar spine segment.


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The computation of a piecewise smooth function that approximates a finite set of data points may be decomposed into two decoupled tasks: first, the computation of the locally smooth models, and hence, the segmentation of the data into classes that consist on the sets of points best approximated by each model, and second, the computation of the normalized discriminant functions for each induced class. The approximating function may then be computed as the optimal estimator with respect to this measure field. We give an efficient procedure for effecting both computations, and for the determination of the optimal number of components.


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We present a new method for estimating the expected return of a POMDP from experience. The estimator does not assume any knowle ge of the POMDP and allows the experience to be gathered with an arbitrary set of policies. The return is estimated for any new policy of the POMDP. We motivate the estimator from function-approximation and importance sampling points-of-view and derive its theoretical properties. Although the estimator is biased, it has low variance and the bias is often irrelevant when the estimator is used for pair-wise comparisons.We conclude by extending the estimator to policies with memory and compare its performance in a greedy search algorithm to the REINFORCE algorithm showing an order of magnitude reduction in the number of trials required.


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In order to estimate the motion of an object, the visual system needs to combine multiple local measurements, each of which carries some degree of ambiguity. We present a model of motion perception whereby measurements from different image regions are combined according to a Bayesian estimator --- the estimated motion maximizes the posterior probability assuming a prior favoring slow and smooth velocities. In reviewing a large number of previously published phenomena we find that the Bayesian estimator predicts a wide range of psychophysical results. This suggests that the seemingly complex set of illusions arise from a single computational strategy that is optimal under reasonable assumptions.


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We propose to analyze shapes as “compositions” of distances in Aitchison geometry as an alternate and complementary tool to classical shape analysis, especially when size is non-informative. Shapes are typically described by the location of user-chosen landmarks. However the shape – considered as invariant under scaling, translation, mirroring and rotation – does not uniquely define the location of landmarks. A simple approach is to use distances of landmarks instead of the locations of landmarks them self. Distances are positive numbers defined up to joint scaling, a mathematical structure quite similar to compositions. The shape fixes only ratios of distances. Perturbations correspond to relative changes of the size of subshapes and of aspect ratios. The power transform increases the expression of the shape by increasing distance ratios. In analogy to the subcompositional consistency, results should not depend too much on the choice of distances, because different subsets of the pairwise distances of landmarks uniquely define the shape. Various compositional analysis tools can be applied to sets of distances directly or after minor modifications concerning the singularity of the covariance matrix and yield results with direct interpretations in terms of shape changes. The remaining problem is that not all sets of distances correspond to a valid shape. Nevertheless interpolated or predicted shapes can be backtransformated by multidimensional scaling (when all pairwise distances are used) or free geodetic adjustment (when sufficiently many distances are used)


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As stated in Aitchison (1986), a proper study of relative variation in a compositional data set should be based on logratios, and dealing with logratios excludes dealing with zeros. Nevertheless, it is clear that zero observations might be present in real data sets, either because the corresponding part is completely absent –essential zeros– or because it is below detection limit –rounded zeros. Because the second kind of zeros is usually understood as “a trace too small to measure”, it seems reasonable to replace them by a suitable small value, and this has been the traditional approach. As stated, e.g. by Tauber (1999) and by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000), the principal problem in compositional data analysis is related to rounded zeros. One should be careful to use a replacement strategy that does not seriously distort the general structure of the data. In particular, the covariance structure of the involved parts –and thus the metric properties– should be preserved, as otherwise further analysis on subpopulations could be misleading. Following this point of view, a non-parametric imputation method is introduced in Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000). This method is analyzed in depth by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) where it is shown that the theoretical drawbacks of the additive zero replacement method proposed in Aitchison (1986) can be overcome using a new multiplicative approach on the non-zero parts of a composition. The new approach has reasonable properties from a compositional point of view. In particular, it is “natural” in the sense that it recovers the “true” composition if replacement values are identical to the missing values, and it is coherent with the basic operations on the simplex. This coherence implies that the covariance structure of subcompositions with no zeros is preserved. As a generalization of the multiplicative replacement, in the same paper a substitution method for missing values on compositional data sets is introduced


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The use of perturbation and power transformation operations permits the investigation of linear processes in the simplex as in a vectorial space. When the investigated geochemical processes can be constrained by the use of well-known starting point, the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of a non-centred principal component analysis allow to model compositional changes compared with a reference point. The results obtained for the chemistry of water collected in River Arno (central-northern Italy) have open new perspectives for considering relative changes of the analysed variables and to hypothesise the relative effect of different acting physical-chemical processes, thus posing the basis for a quantitative modelling


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In human Population Genetics, routine applications of principal component techniques are often required. Population biologists make widespread use of certain discrete classifications of human samples into haplotypes, the monophyletic units of phylogenetic trees constructed from several single nucleotide bimorphisms hierarchically ordered. Compositional frequencies of the haplotypes are recorded within the different samples. Principal component techniques are then required as a dimension-reducing strategy to bring the dimension of the problem to a manageable level, say two, to allow for graphical analysis. Population biologists at large are not aware of the special features of compositional data and normally make use of the crude covariance of compositional relative frequencies to construct principal components. In this short note we present our experience with using traditional linear principal components or compositional principal components based on logratios, with reference to a specific dataset


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In a seminal paper, Aitchison and Lauder (1985) introduced classical kernel density estimation techniques in the context of compositional data analysis. Indeed, they gave two options for the choice of the kernel to be used in the kernel estimator. One of these kernels is based on the use the alr transformation on the simplex SD jointly with the normal distribution on RD-1. However, these authors themselves recognized that this method has some deficiencies. A method for overcoming these dificulties based on recent developments for compositional data analysis and multivariate kernel estimation theory, combining the ilr transformation with the use of the normal density with a full bandwidth matrix, was recently proposed in Martín-Fernández, Chacón and Mateu- Figueras (2006). Here we present an extensive simulation study that compares both methods in practice, thus exploring the finite-sample behaviour of both estimators


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The Dirichlet family owes its privileged status within simplex distributions to easyness of interpretation and good mathematical properties. In particular, we recall fundamental properties for the analysis of compositional data such as closure under amalgamation and subcomposition. From a probabilistic point of view, it is characterised (uniquely) by a variety of independence relationships which makes it indisputably the reference model for expressing the non trivial idea of substantial independence for compositions. Indeed, its well known inadequacy as a general model for compositional data stems from such an independence structure together with the poorness of its parametrisation. In this paper a new class of distributions (called Flexible Dirichlet) capable of handling various dependence structures and containing the Dirichlet as a special case is presented. The new model exhibits a considerably richer parametrisation which, for example, allows to model the means and (part of) the variance-covariance matrix separately. Moreover, such a model preserves some good mathematical properties of the Dirichlet, i.e. closure under amalgamation and subcomposition with new parameters simply related to the parent composition parameters. Furthermore, the joint and conditional distributions of subcompositions and relative totals can be expressed as simple mixtures of two Flexible Dirichlet distributions. The basis generating the Flexible Dirichlet, though keeping compositional invariance, shows a dependence structure which allows various forms of partitional dependence to be contemplated by the model (e.g. non-neutrality, subcompositional dependence and subcompositional non-invariance), independence cases being identified by suitable parameter configurations. In particular, within this model substantial independence among subsets of components of the composition naturally occurs when the subsets have a Dirichlet distribution


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Factor analysis as frequent technique for multivariate data inspection is widely used also for compositional data analysis. The usual way is to use a centered logratio (clr) transformation to obtain the random vector y of dimension D. The factor model is then y = Λf + e (1) with the factors f of dimension k < D, the error term e, and the loadings matrix Λ. Using the usual model assumptions (see, e.g., Basilevsky, 1994), the factor analysis model (1) can be written as Cov(y) = ΛΛT + ψ (2) where ψ = Cov(e) has a diagonal form. The diagonal elements of ψ as well as the loadings matrix Λ are estimated from an estimation of Cov(y). Given observed clr transformed data Y as realizations of the random vector y. Outliers or deviations from the idealized model assumptions of factor analysis can severely effect the parameter estimation. As a way out, robust estimation of the covariance matrix of Y will lead to robust estimates of Λ and ψ in (2), see Pison et al. (2003). Well known robust covariance estimators with good statistical properties, like the MCD or the S-estimators (see, e.g. Maronna et al., 2006), rely on a full-rank data matrix Y which is not the case for clr transformed data (see, e.g., Aitchison, 1986). The isometric logratio (ilr) transformation (Egozcue et al., 2003) solves this singularity problem. The data matrix Y is transformed to a matrix Z by using an orthonormal basis of lower dimension. Using the ilr transformed data, a robust covariance matrix C(Z) can be estimated. The result can be back-transformed to the clr space by C(Y ) = V C(Z)V T where the matrix V with orthonormal columns comes from the relation between the clr and the ilr transformation. Now the parameters in the model (2) can be estimated (Basilevsky, 1994) and the results have a direct interpretation since the links to the original variables are still preserved. The above procedure will be applied to data from geochemistry. Our special interest is on comparing the results with those of Reimann et al. (2002) for the Kola project data