977 resultados para concepções alternativas


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This paper presents the application and use of a methodology based on fuzzy theory and simulates its use in intelligent control of a hybrid system for generating electricity, using solar energy, photovoltaic and wind. When using a fuzzy control system, it reached the point of maximum generation of energy, thus shifting all energy generated from the alternative sources-solar photovoltaic and wind, cargo and / or batteries when its use not immediately. The model uses three variables used for entry, which are: wind speed, solar radiation and loading the bank of batteries. For output variable has to choose which of the batteries of the battery bank is charged. For the simulations of this work is used MATLAB software. In this environment mathematical computational are analyzed and simulated all mathematical modeling, rules and other variables in the system described fuzzy. This model can be used in a system of control of hybrid systems for generating energy, providing the best use of energy sources, sun and wind, so we can extract the maximum energy possible these alternative sources without any prejudice to the environment.


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Increasing out-of-season corn productivity is possible by the application of nitrogen fertilizers even when in succession to soybean. On the other hand, information concerning the best sources of nitrogen and ways of splitting the doses to be applied is still scarce. Having that in mind, an experiment was carried out viewing to evaluate the effects of sources of nitrogen and ways of splitting doses of those N fertilizers on out-of-season corn sown in succession to soybean cultivated in a no-tillage system. The experiment took place in Chapadão do Céu, state of Goiás, Brasil (latitude of 18°35’42’’ South, longitude of 52°47’59’’ West and mean altitude above sea level of 802 m) in an Acrutox. The experimental units were distributed in the field in accordance with a randomized complete block design, in a factorial scheme 3 X 5 + 1, with four replications. Three were the sources of N: urea, urea extruded with starch (Amireia®) and ammonium sulfonitrate with a nitrification inhibitor (Entec®) and five the ways of splitting the nitrogen dose : 90-0, 60-30, 45-45, 30-60, and 0-90 in which the first fraction was applied at sowing and the second in side dressing. In addition to those, there was a check treatment, without N. All plots received, at sowing, 12 kg ha-1 of N by the mixture NPK. The ways of splitting the N dose and the sources of N had no significant effect on the levels of N and S in the leaves, first ear height, the final plant population, the number of ears per plant, and the number of grains per ear. N in the Entec® form at the highest doses applied in side dressing resulted in the highest grain yield, independently of the way the N dose was split. Only in the form Entec® the dose of 90 kg ha-1 of N increased grain productivity by 9.6% in comparison with the check treatment.


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Sexual Orientation is present in the curriculum of many schools for elementary and high school. This subject generates controversy in the school community. This a fact that leads many teachers postpone the start of this topic. Fifty students participated in this study, 24 boys and 26 girls with average age of eleven years. The study aimed to investigate conceptions on sex in adolescents using the cartoon. The analyzed results suggest that students understand sex as intercourse only. However, there are a multitude of features mentioned by students. These are issues that require further reflection about issues not always discussed in class: pregnancy and abortion, condom use, sexual desire, anal sex, becoming a single mom, group sex, AIDS, prostitution, size of genitals, masturbation, among others.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Até a Revolução Industrial, no século XIX, não havia preocupação com a questão ambiental, mas após esse período e com a crescente urbanização, além de outros fatores, o meio ambiente passou a sofrer com problemas como desmatamentos, queimadas e extração de recursos naturais para além da capacidade de restauração. Assim, entramos nas décadas finais do século XX com os problemas ambientais constituindo em seu conjunto uma das mais importantes questões a serem enfrentadas pela sociedade. Dentre os vários temas e focos de estudo englobados pela questão ambiental, o tema da arborização urbana tornou-se uma discussão atual importante, pois ao mesmo tempo em que continua o crescimento urbano, é preciso manter e aumentar o contingente de árvores nas cidades. No entanto, sabe-se que nem sempre a população compreende essa necessidade e considera as árvores elementos importantes. Tendo em conta a contribuição que a educação deve fornecer para enfrentamento dos problemas ambientais, é importante que toda a população seja educada quanto a esse assunto. Diante disso, este trabalho tem a finalidade de investigar as concepções de munícipes da cidade de Rio Claro, ou seja, seus conhecimentos, ideias e opiniões sobre a arborização urbana, buscando identificar e analisar as opiniões, conhecimentos, crenças e atitudes que possuem frente a esse tema, tentando descobrir seus significados para assim, identificarmos possíveis causas que levam a aceitação ou não da presença de árvores na cidade, assim como detectar aspectos que podem favorecer ou desfavorecer a realização e a manutenção da arborização urbana na cidade. Esse trabalho poderá servir de subsídio para práticas educativas voltadas a esse tema, seja em escolas ou outros espaços educativos


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This research aims to understand the assessment practices used by teachers at a public state school in the city of Cunha, Sao Paulo. To this end, we interviewed five mathematics teachers, who answered a questionnaire with five questions. The responses were analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research. To understand the investigation region, that is to say, the meaning of evaluation, we proceeded to a review of studies on the subject in authors like Buriasco (2002), Pavanello (2006), Hoffmann (1994), expressive in Mathematics Education that allows us to explain the concept of prevailing interpretation in the area. The phenomenological analysis enabled the development of three categories open revealing the concept of evaluation of teachers investigated. The first shows the review As a way to measure the knowledge acquired by the student. His interpretation leads us to understand that for some teachers, the research subjects, the assessment becomes a method to ' measure ' the knowledge acquired by the student. The second category, expressed by As a way of understanding the student's behavior in class, shows that some of the interviewees understand the evaluation as a medium that reveals and appreciates the ways of the student behave in class. Finally, the third category refers to the evaluation by means of said instruments. On this subject the claim that the assessment is through instruments such that: evidence, exercise lists, among others. In summary, interviews and categories analyzed explain the ways in which the assessment reveals the concept of implicit learning the instruments used in the evaluation practices of teachers interviewed. However, the authors read, evaluation is a necessary and permanent teaching job in teaching, which must follow step by step the process of teaching and learning. It follows, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The theme of the reading in the first year of the literacy cycle has become recurrent in academic papers, research groups, discussion forums, conferences etc. and raised different positions depending on the theoretical framework with which it is studied. While it is granted that reading instruction this school year is to ensure the ability to encode and decode and learn and understand the meanings and the meanings of what we read. In this work, it formed a general objective to investigate how reading skills are being developed in the classroom and the strategies used to develop decoding and understanding of meanings. The question that formed the north to the survey was as follows: The strategies and procedures being used in the teaching of reading in the early literacy process develop the coding and decoding skills beyond the grasp and understanding of the meanings of ideas? The specific objectives were established: a) investigate how is the teaching of reading in the first grade of elementary school; b) identify the teaching strategies and the design of reading and reader that the teacher of the class has observed and relate it to the way he teaches; c) verify that the teaching of reading in the first year of the literacy process, develop the early reading skills, decoding, and favors the development of the apprehension and understanding of the meanings of what we read. The methodology included field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and had as direct data source the natural environment in which the teaching of reading has been developed. The work then displays data results analyzed in the light of literacy concepts distinguished by Soares (2011), and reading by Silva (1983), Foucambert (1994), Solé (1998), among others. The results were extracted inferences and interpretations. It is hoped that this work raises in literacy teachers, reflections on the teaching of reading in the literacy cicle, in order to establish the...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Até a Revolução Industrial, no século XIX, não havia preocupação com a questão ambiental, mas após esse período e com a crescente urbanização, além de outros fatores, o meio ambiente passou a sofrer com problemas como desmatamentos, queimadas e extração de recursos naturais para além da capacidade de restauração. Assim, entramos nas décadas finais do século XX com os problemas ambientais constituindo em seu conjunto uma das mais importantes questões a serem enfrentadas pela sociedade. Dentre os vários temas e focos de estudo englobados pela questão ambiental, o tema da arborização urbana tornou-se uma discussão atual importante, pois ao mesmo tempo em que continua o crescimento urbano, é preciso manter e aumentar o contingente de árvores nas cidades. No entanto, sabe-se que nem sempre a população compreende essa necessidade e considera as árvores elementos importantes. Tendo em conta a contribuição que a educação deve fornecer para enfrentamento dos problemas ambientais, é importante que toda a população seja educada quanto a esse assunto. Diante disso, este trabalho tem a finalidade de investigar as concepções de munícipes da cidade de Rio Claro, ou seja, seus conhecimentos, ideias e opiniões sobre a arborização urbana, buscando identificar e analisar as opiniões, conhecimentos, crenças e atitudes que possuem frente a esse tema, tentando descobrir seus significados para assim, identificarmos possíveis causas que levam a aceitação ou não da presença de árvores na cidade, assim como detectar aspectos que podem favorecer ou desfavorecer a realização e a manutenção da arborização urbana na cidade. Esse trabalho poderá servir de subsídio para práticas educativas voltadas a esse tema, seja em escolas ou outros espaços educativos