961 resultados para commutation point
This short video shows how you can save the date at the end of a Turning Point quiz, then view that data as an Excel spreadsheet.
This 4-minute video describes how to use the Turning Point Participant Monitor to review the performance of the whole group and individual students during a lecture.
This guide gives advice on how to plan, deliver and reflect upon an academic presentation.
This short 3 min video shows how Camtasia Studio can be used to record the audio of a lecture alongside the moment-by-moment votes recorded using Turning Point.
This single page PowerPoint can be printed out and provides brief instructions on how to use zappers ina Windows 7 teaching space.
This 11-minute video shows you how to create a participant list that will enable you to record the scores of individual students as they answer a series of questions in a Tuning Point presentation. It shows you how those students can register their handsets in-class, so that you can distribute the handsets quickly at the start of the session.
This video offers advice about problems that might be encountered when running a presentation that was developed in Turning Point 4.0 on a computer with version 4.2 installed. NOTE: With the upgrade to version 4.3, Turning Point now automatically fixes these issues when you load an older presentation. Hurrah!
This 2-minute video shows you how to pair a PresenterCard so you can remotely control your presentation.
A lo largo de la historia los mercados poco a poco se fueron abasteciendo de productos que buscaban brindar beneficios extras a sus compradores, tales que pudieran verse reflejados ya sea en facilitar las tareas habituales de los seres humanos, o simplemente brindar satisfacción por su consumo o percepción; A partir del nuevo milenio y dadas las cualidades dinámicas del mercado, las tendencias de compra del mercado de los bienes para el consumo humano han venido teniendo una desviación un poco más naturista; esta consiste en la búsqueda de alimentos producidos bajo altos estándares de calidad, pero diferentes a los productos convencionales. Actualmente se han venido desarrollando nuevas prácticas agrícolas, para evitar contaminar la tierra y lograr obtener alimentos más sanos, todos estos se llaman productos orgánicos, y su principal cualidad es que son más saludables y de valor agregado, ya que no se cultivan con ningún tipo de producto de síntesis química, lo que permite una mayor fertilidad de los suelos e incremento de la biodiversidad. Por estas razones y agregando la globalización de los mercados mundiales, es que queremos desarrollar un plan de exportación de Café Orgánico mediante la comercializadora POINT LTDA, aprovechando además brindarle a la empresa las herramientas necesarias para una futura internacionalización, teniendo en cuenta las grandes oportunidades que hay en estos momentos de expandir y tener negocios rentables en todo el mundo.
This is a quick guide based on screenshots which shows you how get started with Turning Point 5 and Office 2013 in Common Learning Spaces.
One side of A4 which provides step-by-step instructions to help you use Tunring Point 5 in Common Learning Spaces. Includes advice about dealing with technical glitches.
The brief guide tells you how to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop to vote in a Turning Point quiz. (Updated for October 2014)
This brief guide explains how to get a ResponseWare account so you can enable your students to vote in Turning Point quizzes using their own devices. (Updated for October 2014)
The Colombian Constitution of 1991 as the Starting Point of a new Constitutionalism in Latin America
The objective of this article is to show that the Colombian Constitution of 1991 has certain traits that clearly differentiate it from Western constitutional tradition. Some of these traits would later be included in constitutional processes and constitutions in Venezuela (1999), Ecuador (1998 and 2008) and Bolivia (2009), in a process collectively known as Latin American Neo-Constitutionalism. This paper intends to demonstrate how the text of the Colombian Constitution represents a turning point that marks the beginning and establishes the foundations for the development of a home-grown constitutional form in Latin America over the last two decades.