937 resultados para checkpoint kinase 2


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The p70 S6 kinase is activated by insulin and mitogens through multisite phosphorylation of the enzyme. One set of activating phosphorylations occurs in a putative autoinhibitory domain in the noncatalytic carboxyl-terminal tail. Deletion of this tail yields a variant (p70 delta CT104) that nevertheless continues to be mitogen regulated. Coexpression with a recombinant constitutively active phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (EC gives substantial activation of both full-length p70 and p70 delta CT104 but not Rsk. Activation of p70 delta CT104 by PI 3-kinase and inhibition by wortmannin are each accompanied by parallel and selective changes in the phosphorylation of p70 Thr-252. A Thr or Ser at this site, in subdomain VIII of the catalytic domain just amino-terminal to the APE motif, is necessary for p70 40S kinase activity. The inactive ATP-binding site mutant K123M p70 delta CT104 undergoes phosphorylation of Thr-252 in situ but does not undergo direct phosphorylation by the active PI 3-kinase in vitro. PI 3-kinase provides a signal necessary for the mitogen activation of the p70 S6 kinase, which directs the site-specific phosphorylation of Thr-252 in the p70 catalytic domain, through a distinctive signal transduction pathway.


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Calcium, a universal second messenger, regulates diverse cellular processes in eukaryotes. Ca2+ and Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated protein phosphorylation play a pivotal role in amplifying and diversifying the action of Ca(2+)-binding domain was cloned and characterized from lily. The cDNA clone contains an open reading frame coding for a protein of 520 amino acids. The predicted structure of CCaMK contains a catalytic domain followed by two regulatory domains, a calmodulin-binding domain and a visinin-like Ca(2+)-binding domain. The amino-terminal region of CCaMK contains all 11 conserved subdomains characteristic of serine/threonine protein kinases. The calmodulin-binding region of CCaMK has high homology (79%) to alpha subunit of mammalian Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. The calmodulin-binding region is fused to a neural visinin-like domain that contains three Ca(2+)-binding EF-hand motifs and a biotin-binding site. The Escherichia coli-expressed protein (approximately 56 kDa) binds calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Furthermore, 45Ca-binding assays revealed that CCaMK directly binds Ca2+. The CCaMK gene is preferentially expressed in developing anthers. Southern blot analysis revealed that CCaMK is encoded by a single gene. The structural features of the gene suggest that it has multiple regulatory controls and could play a unique role in Ca2+ signaling in plants.


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Human, Drosophila melanogaster, and Caenorhabditis elegans cDNA clones encoding homologues of a serine(threonine) protein kinase (EC (designated Ndr protein kinase) have been isolated and sequenced. The human and Drosophila cDNAs predict polypeptides of 54 kDa and 52 kDa, respectively, which share approximately 80% amino acid similarity. Northern analysis of human tissues revealed a ubiquitously expressed 3.9-kb transcript. Recombinant GST-Ndr underwent intramolecular autophosphorylation on serine and threonine residues in vitro but failed to transphosphorylate several standard protein kinase substrates. Transfection of the human cDNA into COS-1 cells resulted in the appearance of an intense nuclear staining in cells analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence; deletion mutagenesis identified a short basic peptide, KRKAETWKRNRR, responsible for the nuclear accumulation of Ndr. Thus, Ndr is a conserved and widely expressed nuclear protein kinase. The closest known relative of this previously uncharacterized kinase is Dbf2, a budding yeast protein kinase required for the completion of nuclear division.


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src and erbB are two tyrosine kinase-encoding oncogenes carried by retroviruses, which have distinct disease specificities. The former induces predominantly sarcomas, and the latter, leukemias. Src and ErbB have similar catalytic domains but have very different regulatory domains. A wealth of information exists concerning how different regulatory domains [Src homology 2 (SH2) and SH3 domains and autophosphorylation sites] control substrate and disease specificities. Whether the catalytic domain helps determine these specificities remains to be explored. Here we show that the Src catalytic domain is enzymatically active when substituted into the ErbB backbone and interacts with the ErbB regulatory domain. This ErbB/Src chimera displays autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation patterns different from those of both Src and ErbB. Neither SH2 and SH3 nor autophosphorylation sites are required for the Src catalytic domain to exert its fibroblast transforming ability. Most significantly, the catalytic domain can convert erbB from a leukemogenic oncogene into a sarcomagenic oncogene, suggesting that the leukemogenic determinants in part reside within the ErbB catalytic domain.


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The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2α) is part of the initiation complex that drives the initiator amino acid methionine to the ribosome, a crucial step in protein translation. In stress conditions such as virus infection, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, amino acid or heme deficiency eIF2α can be phosphorylated and thereby inhibit global protein synthesis. This adaptive mechanism prevents protein accumulation and consequent cytotoxic effects. Heme-regulated eIF2α kinase (HRI) is a member of the eIF2α kinase family that regulates protein translation in heme deficiency conditions. Although present in all tissues, HRI is predominantly expressed in erythroid cells where it remains inactive in the presence of normal heme concentrations. In response to heme deficiency, HRI is activated and phosphorylates eIF2α decreasing globin synthesis. This mechanism is important to prevent accumulation of heme-free globin chains which cause ER stress and apoptosis. RNA sequencing data from our group showed that in human islets and in primary rat beta cells HRI is the most expressed eIF2α kinase compared to the other family members. Despite its high expression levels, little is known about HRI function in beta cells. The aim of this project is to identify the role of HRI in pancreatic beta cells. This was investigated taking a loss-of-function approach. HRI knock down (KD) by RNA interference induced beta cell apoptosis in basal condition. HRI KD potentiated the apoptotic effects of palmitate or proinflammatory cytokines, two in vitro models for type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respectively. Increased cytokine-induced apoptosis was also observed in HRI-deficient primary rat beta cells. Unexpectedly, we observed a mild increase in eIF2α phosphorylation in HRI-deficient cells. The levels of mRNA or protein expression of C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) and activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) were not modified. HRI KD cells have decreased spliced X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1s), an important branch of the ER stress response. However, overexpression of XBP1s by adenovirus in HRI KD cells did not protect from HRI siRNA-induced apoptosis. HRI deficiency decreased phosphorylation of Akt and its downstream targets glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), forkhead box protein O1 (FOXO1) and Bcl-2-associated death promoter (BAD). Overexpression of a constitutively active form of Akt by adenovirus in HRI-deficient beta cells partially decreased HRI KD-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, BAD silencing protected from apoptosis caused by HRI deficiency. HRI silencing in beta cells also induced JNK activation. These results suggest an important role of HRI in beta cell survival through modulation of the Akt/BAD pathway. Thus, HRI may be an interesting target to modulate beta cell fate in diabetic conditions.


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ADP-ribosylation factor-1 (ARF1) est une petite GTPase principalement connue pour son rôle dans la formation de vésicules au niveau de l’appareil de Golgi. Récemment, dans des cellules de cancer du sein, nous avons démontré qu’ARF1 est aussi un médiateur important de la signalisation du récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique (EGFR) contrôlant la prolifération, la migration et l'invasion cellulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme par lequel l’EGFR active la GTPase ainsi que le rôle de cette dernière dans la régulation de la fonction du récepteur demeure inconnue. Dans cette thèse, nous avions comme objectifs de définir le mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif et démontrer que l’activation de cette isoforme de ARF joue un rôle essentiel dans la résistance de ces cellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nos études démontrent que les protéines d’adaptatrices Grb2 et p66Shc jouent un rôle important dans l'activation de ARF1. Alors que Grb2 favorise le recrutement d’ARF1 à l'EGFR ainsi que l'activation de cette petite GTPase, p66Shc inhibe le recrutement du complexe Grb2-ARF1 au récepteur et donc contribue à limiter l’activation d’ARF1. De plus, nous démontrons que ARF1 favorise la résistance aux inhibiteurs des tyrosines kinases dans les cellules de cancer du sein hautement invasif. En effet, une diminution de l’expression de ARF1 a augmenté la sensibilité descellules aux inhibiteurs de l'EGFR. Nous montrons également que de hauts niveaux de ARF1 contribuent à la résistance des cellules à ces médicaments en améliorant la survie et les signaux prolifératifs à travers ERK1/2, Src et AKT, tout en bloquant les voies apoptotiques (p38MAPK et JNK). Enfin, nous mettons en évidence le rôle de la protéine ARF1 dans l’apoptose en réponse aux traitements des inhibiteurs de l’EGFR. Nos résultats indiquent que la dépletion d’ARF1 promeut la mort cellulaire induite par gefitinib, en augmentant l'expression de facteurs pro-apoptotiques (p66shc, Bax), en altérant le potentiel de la membrane mitochondriale et la libération du cytochrome C. Ensemble, nos résultats délimitent un nouveau mécanisme d'activation de ARF1 dans les cellules du cancer du sein hautement invasif et impliquent l’activité d’ARF1 comme un médiateur important de la résistance aux inhibiteurs EGFR.


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Sister chromatid cohesion, mediated by the cohesin complex, is essential for faithful mitosis. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that the surveillance mechanism that governs mitotic fidelity, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), is not robust enough to halt cell division when cohesion loss occurs prematurely. The mechanism behind this poor response is not properly understood. Using developing Drosophila brains, we show that full sister chromatid separation elicits a weak checkpoint response resulting in abnormal mitotic exit after a short delay. Quantitative live-cell imaging approaches combined with mathematical modeling indicate that weak SAC activation upon cohesion loss is caused by weak signal generation. This is further attenuated by several feedback loops in the mitotic signaling network. We propose that multiple feedback loops involving cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) gradually impair error-correction efficiency and accelerate mitotic exit upon premature loss of cohesion. Our findings explain how cohesion defects may escape SAC surveillance.


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The PDF1.2 gene of Arabidopsis encoding a plant defensin is commonly used as a marker for characterization of the jasmonate-dependent defense responses. Here, using PDF1.2 promoter-deletion lines linked to the beta-glucoronidase-reporter gene, we examined putative promoter elements associated with jasmonate-responsive expression of this gene. Using stably transformed plants, we first characterized the extended promoter region that positively regulates basal expression from the PDF1.2 promoter. Second, using promoter deletion constructs including one from which the GCC-box region was deleted, we observed a substantially lower response to jasmonate than lines carrying this motif. In addition, point mutations introduced into the core GCC-box sequence substantially reduced jasmonate responsiveness, whereas addition of a 20-nucleotide-long promoter element carrying the core GCC-box and flanking nucleotides provided jasmonate responsiveness to a 35S minimal promoter. Taken together, these results indicated that the GCC-box plays a key role in conferring jasmonate responsiveness to the PDF1.2 promoter. However, deletion or specific mutations introduced into the core GCC-box did not completely abolish the jasmonate responsiveness of the promoter, suggesting that the other promoter elements lying downstream from the GCC-box region may also contribute to jasmonate responsiveness. In other experiments, we identified a jasmonate- and pathogen-responsive ethylene response factor transcription factor, AtERF2, which when overexpressed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants activated transcription from the PDF1.2, Thi2.1, and PR4 (basic chitinase) genes, all of which contain a GCC-box sequence in their promoters. Our results suggest that in addition to their roles in regulating ethylene-mediated gene expression, ethylene response factors also appear to play important roles in regulating jasmonate-responsive gene expression, possibly via interaction with the GCC-box.


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The Epstein - Barr nuclear antigens (EBNA), EBNA-3, -4 and - 6, have previously been shown to act as transcriptional regulators, however, this study identifies another function for these proteins, disruption of the G2/M checkpoint. Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) treated with a G2/M initiating drug azelaic bishydroxamine ( ABHA) did not show a G2/M checkpoint response, but rather they display an increase in cell death, a characteristic of sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of the drug. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that the individual expression of EBNA-3, - 4 or - 6 are capable of disrupting the G2/M checkpoint response induced by ABHA resulting in increased toxicity, whereas EBNA-2, and - 5 were not. EBNA-3 gene family protein expression also disrupted the G2/M checkpoint initiated in response to the genotoxin etoposide and the S phase inhibitor hydroxyurea. The G2 arrest in response to these drugs were sensitive to caffeine, suggesting that ATM/ATR signalling in these checkpoint responses may be blocked by the EBNA-3 family proteins. The function of EBNA-3, - 4 and - 6 proteins appears to be more complex than anticipated and these data suggest a role for these proteins in disrupting the host cell cycle machinery.


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Aim. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the levels of muscle soreness, serum total cholesterol (TC) and creatine kinase (CK) in the first 48 hours following fatiguing eccentric exercise performed with the triceps brachii. Methods. Eleven untrained male college students performed a total of 50 eccentric elbow extensions in 8 sets (6x7 and 2x4) with a load equal to 85% of their maximal concentric elbow extension strength. Isometric elbow extension strength, muscle soreness and circumference, and serum CK and TC concentrations were measured before, immediately after, and 2, 24 and 48 hours after the exercise. Results. Statistically reliable changes in isometric strength, serum CK and TC, muscle soreness and upper arm circumference occurred within the first 48 hours following eccentric exercise. Serum TC concentrations exhibited a very rapid (within 2 hours) reduction from pre-exercise values after eccentric exercise to a relatively stable concentration of approximately 85% of baseline. Conclusion. These results suggest that serum TC concentration may follow the time-course of reductions in force generating capacity more closely than other biochemical markers of muscle damage.


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The addition of insulin during in vitro culture has beneficial effects on rabbit preimplantation embryos leading to increased cell proliferation and reduced apoptosis. We have previously described the expression of the insulin receptor (IR) and the insulin-responsive glucose transporters (GLUT) 4 and 8 in rabbit preimplantation embryos. However, the effects of insulin on IR signaling and glucose metabolism have not been investigated in rabbit embryos. In the present study, the effects of 170 nM insulin on IR, GLUT4 and GLUT8 mRNA levels, Akt and Erk phosphorylation, GLUT4 translocation and methyl glucose transport were studied in cultured day 3 to day 6 rabbit embryos. Insulin stimulated phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Erk1/2 and levels of IR and GLUT4 mRNA, but not phosphorylation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent protein kinase, Akt, GLUT8 mRNA levels, glucose uptake or GLUT4 translocation. Activation of the MAPK signaling pathway in the absence of GLUT4 translocation and of a glucose transport response suggest that in the rabbit preimplantation embryo insulin is acting as a growth factor rather than a component of glucose homeostatic control.


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Cells respond to genotoxic insults such as ionizing radiation by halting in the G(2) phase of the cell cycle. Delayed cell death (mitotic death) can occur when the cell is released from G(2), and specific spindle defects form endopolyploid cells (endoreduplication/tetraploidy). Enhanced G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity has been observed in many cancers and genomic instability syndromes, and it is manifested by radiation-induced chromatid aberrations observed in lymphocytes of patients. Here we compare the G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity in prostate patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancer with disease-free controls. We also investigated whether there is a correlation between G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity and aneuploidy (tetraploidy and endoreduplication), which are indicative of mitotic cell death. The G(2) assay was carried out on all human blood samples. Metaphase analysis was conducted on the harvested chromosomes by counting the number of aberrations and the mitotic errors (endoreduplication/tetraploidy) separately per 100 metaphases. A total of 1/14 of the controls were radiosensitive in G(2) compared to 6/15 of the BPH patients and 15/17 of the prostate cancer patients. Radiation-induced mitotic inhibition was assessed to determine the efficacy of G(2) checkpoint control in the prostate patients. There was no significant correlation of G(2) radiosensitivity scores and mitotic inhibition in BPH patients (P = 0.057), in contrast to prostate cancer patients, who showed a small but significant positive correlation (P = 0.029). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between G(2) radiosensitivity scores of BPH patients and endoreduplication/ tetraploidy (P = 0.136), which contrasted with an extremely significant correlation observed in prostate cancer patients (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, cells from prostate cancer patients show increased sensitivity to the induction of G(2) aberrations from ionizing radiation exposure but paradoxically show reduced mitotic indices and aneuploidy as a function of aberration frequency.


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Background. Serum glucocorticoid regulated kinase (SGK-1) is induced in the kidney in diabetes mellitus. However, its role in the proximal tubule is unclear. This study determined the expression and functional role of SGK-1 in PTCs in high glucose conditions. As the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is activated by both EGF and other factors implicated in diabetic nephropathy, the relationship of SGK-1 with EGFR activity was assessed. Methods. mRNA and protein expression of SGK-1 and mRNA expression of the sodium hydrogen exchanger NHE3 were measured in human PTCs exposed to 5 mmol/L (control) and 25 mmol/L (high) glucose. The effects of SGK-1 on cell growth, apoptosis, and progression through the cell cycle and NHE3 mRNA were examined following overexpression of SGK-1 in PTCs. The role of EGFR activation in observed changes was assessed by phospho-EGFR expression, and response to the EGFR blocker PKI166. SGK-1 expression was then assessed in vivo in a model of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus type 2. Results. A total of 25 mmol/L glucose and EGF (10 ng/mL) increased SGK-1 mRNA (P < 0.005 and P < 0.002, respectively) and protein (both P < 0.02) expression. High glucose and overexpression of SGK-1 increased NHE3 mRNA (P < 0.05) and EGFR phosphorylation (P < 0.01), which were reversed by PKI166. SGK-1 overexpression increased PTC growth (P < 0.0001), progression through the cell cycle (P < 0.001), and increased NHE3 mRNA (P < 0.01), which were all reversed with PKI166. Overexpression of SGK-1 also protected against apoptosis induced in the PTCs (P < 0.0001). Up-regulation of tubular SGK-1 mRNA in diabetes mellitus was confirmed in vivo. Oral treatment with PKI166 attenuated this increase by 51%. No EGF protein was detectable in PTCs, suggestive of phosphorylation of the EGFR by high glucose and downstream induction of SGK-1. Conclusion. The effects of high glucose on PTC proliferation, reduced apoptosis and increased NHE3 mRNA levels are mediated by EGFR-dependent up-regulation of SGK-1.


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The orthologous proteins of the stress-activated protein kinase-interacting 1 (Sin1) family have been implicated in several different signal transduction pathways. In this study, we have investigated the function of the full-length human Sin1 protein and a C-terminally truncated isoform, Sin 1 alpha, which is produced by alternative splicing. Immunoblot analysis using an anti-Sin 1 polyclonal antibody showed that full-length Sin I and several smaller isoforms are widely expressed. Sin 1 was demonstrated to bind to c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in vitro and in vivo, while no interaction with p38- or ERK1/2-family MAPKs was observed. The Sin1 alpha isoform could also form a complex with JNK in vivo. Despite localizing in distinct compartments within the cell, both Sin1 and Sin1 alpha co-localized with JNK, suggesting that the Sin1 proteins could recruit JNK. Over-expression of full-length Sin1 inhibited the activation of JNK by UV-C in DG75 cells, as well as basal JNK-activity in HEK293 cells. These data suggest that the human Sin1 proteins may act as scaffold molecules in the regulation of signaling by JNK. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bacterial CpG-containing (CpG) DNA promotes survival of murine macrophages and triggers production of proinflammatory mediators. The CpG DNA-induced inflammatory response is mediated via TLR9, whereas a recent study reported that activation of the Akt prosurvival pathway occurs via DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) and independently. of TLR9. We show, in this study, that Akt activation and survival of murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) triggered by CpG-containing phosphodiester oligodeoxynucleotides or CpG-containing phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides was completely dependent on TLR9. In addition, survival triggered by CpG-containing phosphodiester oligodeoxynucleotides was not compromised in BMM from SCID mice that express a catalytically inactive form of DNA-PK. CpG DNA-induced survival of BMM was inhibited by the PI3K inhibitor, LY294002, but not by the MEK1/2 inhibitor, PD98059. The effect of LY294002 was specific to survival, because treatment of BMM with LY294002 affected CpG DNA-induced TNF-alpha production only modestly. Therefore, CpG DNA activates macrophage survival via TLR9 and the PI3K-Akt pathway and independently of DNA-PK and MEK-ERK.