869 resultados para carbon nanotubes
A detailed carbon-isotope stratigraphic study for the uppermost Pliensbachian lowermost Aalenian interval in the Median Subbetic palaeogeographic domain (External zones of the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) has been carried out. During the Early Jurassic, the Median Subbetic, which represents a typical basin of the Hispanic Corridor connecting the Tethys and the Eastern Pacific, was located in the westernmost Tethys. The analyzed sections encompass the entire Toarcian stage as represented in the southern Iberian palaeomargin. Rocks are mainly rhythmic sequences of grey marls and marly limestones containing a rich ammonite fauna, nannofossils, and benthic foraminifers-all these provide an accurate biostratigraphic control. The lower and upper Toarcian boundaries are well represented in some of these sections and therefore represent optimal sites to link the carbon-isotope curves to ammonite zones, and to nannofossil events. delta C-13 values of bulk carbonates from the different localities of the Subbetic basin have similar variations from the uppermost Pliensbachian to the lowermost Aalenian, suggesting changes in the original DIC carbon isotope composition along the Hispanic corridor. The transition from Pliensbachian to Toarcian is marked by increasing delta C-13 values from similar to 12 to 2.0 parts per thousand, interrupted in the Serpentinum Zone by a negative shift concomitant with the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE), with the major ammonite extinction event of the Toarcian, and an important turnover of calcareous nannoplankton. The negative shift observed in the Serpentinum Zone confirms the global perturbation of the carbon cycling documented along the Tethys and the palaeo-Pacific in organic material and in marine carbonates. However, the amplitude of the negative excursion (similar to - 1.5 parts per thousand) is not compatible with an isotopic homogeneous seawater DIC and/or CO2 atmospheric reservoirs. The interval from the middle to the top of the Toarcian delta C-13 shows relatively constant values, minor ammonite turnovers, and is associated with increasing diversity of calcareous nannoplankton. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The fatty acids from cocoa butters of different origins, varieties, and suppliers and a number of cocoa butter equivalents (Illexao 30-61, Illexao 30-71, Illexao 30-96, Choclin, Coberine, Chocosine-Illipe, Chocosine-Shea, Shokao, Akomax, Akonord, and Ertina) were investigated by bulk stable carbon isotope analysis and compound specific isotope analysis. The interpretation is based on principal component analysis combining the fatty acid concentrations and the bulk and molecular isotopic data. The scatterplot of the two first principal components allowed detection of the addition of vegetable fats to cocoa butters. Enrichment in heavy carbon isotope (C-13) of the bulk cocoa butter and of the individual fatty acids is related to mixing with other vegetable fats and possibly to thermally or oxidatively induced degradation during processing (e.g., drying and roasting of the cocoa beans or deodorization of the pressed fat) or storage. The feasibility of the analytical approach for authenticity assessment is discussed.
The fatty acids of olive oils of distinct quality grade from the most important European Union (EU) producer countries were chemically and isotopically characterized. The analytical approach utilized combined capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and the novel technique of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) through gas chromatography coupled to a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) via a combustion (C) interface (GC/C/IRMS). This approach provides further insights into the control of the purity and geographical origin of oils sold as cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with certified origin appellation. The results indicate that substantial enrichment in heavy carbon isotope (C-13) of the bulk oil and of individual fatty acids are related to (1) a thermally induced degradation due to deodorization or steam washing of the olive oils and (2) the potential blend with refined olive oil or other vegetable oils. The interpretation of the data is based on principal component analysis of the fatty acids concentrations and isotopic data (delta(13)C(oil), delta(13)C(16:0), delta(13)C(18:1)) and on the delta(13)C(16:0) vs delta(13)C(18:1) covariations. The differences in the delta(13)C values of palmitic and oleic acids are discussed in terms of biosynthesis of these acids in the plant tissue and admixture of distinct oils.
The CbrA/B system in pseudomonads is involved in the utilization of carbon sources and carbon catabolite repression (CCR) through the activation of the small RNAs crcZ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and crcZ and crcY in Pseudomonas putida. Interestingly, previous works reported that the CbrA/B system activity in P. aeruginosa PAO1 and P. putida KT2442 responded differently to the presence of different carbon sources, thus raising the question of the exact nature of the signal(s) detected by CbrA. Here, we demonstrated that the CbrA/B/CrcZ(Y) signal transduction pathway is similarly activated in the two Pseudomonas species. We show that the CbrA sensor kinase is fully interchangeable between the two species and, moreover, responds similarly to the presence of different carbon sources. In addition, a metabolomics analysis supported the hypothesis that CCR responds to the internal energy status of the cell, as the internal carbon/nitrogen ratio seems to determine CCR and non-CCR conditions. The strong difference found in the 2-oxoglutarate/glutamine ratio between CCR and non-CCR conditions points to the close relationship between carbon and nitrogen availability, or the relationship between the CbrA/B and NtrB/C systems, suggesting that both regulatory systems sense the same sort or interrelated signal.
The late Early Triassic sedimentary-facies evolution and carbonate carbon-isotope marine record (delta(13)C(carb)) of ammonoid-rich, outer platform settings show striking similarities between the South ChinaBlock (SCB) and the widely distant Northern Indian Margin (NIM). The studied sections are located within the Triassic Tethys Himalayan belt (Losar section, Himachal Pradesh, India) and the Nanpanjiang Basin in the South China Block (Jinya section, Guangxi Province), respectively. Carbon isotopes from the studied sections confirm the previously observed carbon cycle perturbations at a time of major paleoceanographic changes in the wake of the end-Permian biotic crisis. This study documents the coincidence between a sharp increase in the carbon isotope composition and the worldwide ammonoid evolutionary turnover (extinction followed by a radiation) occurring around the Smithian-Spathian boundary. Based on recent modeling studies on ammonoid paleobiogeography and taxonomic diversity, we demonstrate that the late Early Triassic (Smithian and Spathian) was a time of a major climate change. More precisely, the end Smithian climate can be characterized by a warm and equable climate underlined by a flat, pole-to-equator, sea surface temperature (SST) gradient, while the steep Spathian SST gradient suggests latitudinally differentiated climatic conditions. Moreover, sedimentary evidence suggests a transition from a humid and hot climate during the Smithian to a dryer climate from the Spathian onwards. By analogy with comparable carbon isotope perturbations in the Late Devonian, Jurassic and Cretaceous we propose that high atmospheric CO(2) levels could have been responsible for the observed carbon cycle disturbance at the Smithian-Spathian boundary. We suggest that the end Smithian ammonoid extinction has been essentially caused by a warm and equable climate related to an increased CO(2) flux possibly originating from a short eruptive event of the Siberian igneous province. This increase in atmospheric CO(2) concentrations could have additionally reduced the marine calcium carbonate oversaturation and weakened the calcification potential of marine organisms, including ammonoids, in late Smithian oceans. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
γ-Hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is an endogenous short-chain fatty acid popular as a recreational drug due to sedative and euphoric effects, but also often implicated in drug-facilitated sexual assaults owing to disinhibition and amnesic properties. Whilst discrimination between endogenous and exogenous GHB as required in intoxication cases may be achieved by the determination of the carbon isotope content, such information has not yet been exploited to answer source inference questions of forensic investigation and intelligence interests. However, potential isotopic fractionation effects occurring through the whole metabolism of GHB may be a major concern in this regard. Thus, urine specimens from six healthy male volunteers who ingested prescription GHB sodium salt, marketed as Xyrem(®), were analysed by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry to assess this particular topic. A very narrow range of δ(13)C values, spreading from -24.810/00 to -25.060/00, was observed, whilst mean δ(13)C value of Xyrem(®) corresponded to -24.990/00. Since urine samples and prescription drug could not be distinguished by means of statistical analysis, carbon isotopic effects and subsequent influence on δ(13)C values through GHB metabolism as a whole could be ruled out. Thus, a link between GHB as a raw matrix and found in a biological fluid may be established, bringing relevant information regarding source inference evaluation. Therefore, this study supports a diversified scope of exploitation for stable isotopes characterized in biological matrices from investigations on intoxication cases to drug intelligence programmes.
Many routes have been described for percutaneous adrenal gland biopsy. They require either a complex non-axial path or a long hydrodissection or even pass through an organ thereby increasing complications. We describe here an approach using an artificially-induced carbon dioxide (CO2) pneumothorax, performed as an outpatient procedure in a 57-year-old woman. Under local anaesthesia, 200 ml of CO2 was injected in the pleural space through a Veress needle under computed tomography fluoroscopy, to clear the lung parenchyma from the biopsy route. Using this technique, transthoracic adrenal biopsy can be performed under simple local anaesthesia as an safely outpatient procedure.
Carbon and oxygen isotope studies of the host and gangue carbonates of Mississippi Valley-type zinc-lead deposits in the San Vicente District hosted in the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic dolostones of the Pucara basin (central Peru) were used to constrain models of the ore formation. A mixing model between an incoming hot saline slightly acidic radiogenic (Pb, Sr) fluid and the native formation water explains the overall isotopic variation (delta(13)C = - 11.5 to + 2.5 parts per thousand relative to PDB and delta(18)O = + 18.0 to + 24.3 parts per thousand relative to SMOW) of the carbonate generations. The dolomites formed during the main ore stage show a narrower range (delta(13)C = - 0.1 to + 1.7 parts per thousand and delta(18)O = + 18.7 to + 23.4 parts per thousand) which is explained by exchange between the mineralizing fluids and the host carbonates combined with changes in temperature and pressure. This model of fluid-rock interaction explains the pervasive alteration of the host dolomite I and precipitation of sphalerite I. The open-space filling hydrothermal white sparry dolomite and the coexisting sphalerite II formed by prolonged fluid-host dolomite interaction and limited CO2 degassing. Late void-filling dolomite III (or calcite) and the associated sphalerite III formed as the consequence of CO2 degassing and concomitant pH increase of a slightly acidic ore fluid. Widespread brecciation is associated to CO2 outgassing. Consequently, pressure variability plays a major role in the ore precipitation during the late hydrothermal events in San Vicente. The presence of native sulfur associated with extremely carbon-light calcites replacing evaporitic sulfates (e.g., delta(13)C = - 11.5 parts per thousand), altered native organic matter and heavier hydrothermal bitumen (from - 27.0 to - 23.0 parts per thousand delta(13)C) points to thermochemical reduction of sulfate and/or thiosulfate. The delta(13)C- and delta(18)O-values of the altered host dolostone and hydrothermal carbonates, and the carbon isotope composition of the associated organic matter show a strong regional homogeneity. These results coupled with the strong mineralogical and petrographic similarities of the different MVT occurrences perhaps reflects the fact that the mineralizing processes were similar in the whole San Vicente belt, suggesting the existence of a common regional mineralizing hydrothermal system with interconnected plumbing.
In the metabolically versatile bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the RNA-binding protein Crc is involved in catabolite repression of a range of degradative genes, such as amiE (encoding aliphatic amidase). We found that a CA-rich sequence (termed CA motif) in the amiE translation initiation region was important for Crc binding. The small RNA CrcZ (407 nt) containing 5 CA motifs was able to bind the Crc protein with high affinity and to remove it from amiE mRNA in vitro. Overexpression of crcZ relieved catabolite repression in vivo, whereas a crcZ mutation pleiotropically prevented the utilization of several carbon sources. The sigma factor RpoN and the CbrA/CbrB two-component system, which is known to maintain a healthy carbon-nitrogen balance, were necessary for crcZ expression. During growth on succinate, a preferred carbon source, CrcZ expression was low, resulting in catabolite repression of amiE and other genes under Crc control. By contrast, during growth on mannitol, a poor carbon source, elevated CrcZ levels correlated with relief of catabolite repression. During growth on glucose, an intermediate carbon source, CrcZ levels and amiE expression were intermediate between those observed in succinate and mannitol media. Thus, the CbrA-CbrB-CrcZ-Crc system allows the bacterium to adapt differentially to various carbon sources. This cascade also regulated the expression of the xylS (benR) gene, which encodes a transcriptional regulator involved in benzoate degradation, in an analogous way, confirming this cascade's global role.
Purpose Carbon-13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-MRS) is challenging because of the inherent low sensitivity of 13C detection and the need for radiofrequency transmission at the 1H frequency while receiving the 13C signal, the latter requiring electrical decoupling of the 13C and 1H radiofrequency channels. In this study, we added traps to the 13C coil to construct a quadrature-13C/quadrature-1H surface coil, with sufficient isolation between channels to allow simultaneous operation at both frequencies without compromise in coil performance. Methods Isolation between channels was evaluated on the bench by measuring all coupling parameters. The quadrature mode of the quadrature-13C coil was assessed using in vitro 23Na gradient echo images. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was measured on the glycogen and glucose resonances by 13C-MRS in vitro, compared with that obtained with a linear-13C/quadrature-1H coil, and validated by 13C-MRS in vivo in the human calf at 7T. Results Isolation between channels was better than â^'30 dB. The 23Na gradient echo images indicate a region where the field is strongly circularly polarized. The quadrature coil provided an SNR enhancement over a linear coil of 1.4, in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion It is feasible to construct a double-quadrature 13C-1H surface coil for proton decoupled sensitivity enhanced 13C-NMR spectroscopy in humans at 7T. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We evaluated a new combined sensor for monitoring transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension (PtcCO2) and oxygen tension (PtcO2) in 20 critically ill newborn infants. Arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) ranged from 16 to 126 torr and arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) from 14 to 72 torr. Linear correlation analysis (100 paired values) of PtcO2 versus PaO2 showed an r value of 0.75 with a regression equation of PtcO2 = 8.59 + 0.905 (PaO2), while PtcCO2 versus PaCO2 revealed a correlation coefficient of r = 0.89 with an equation of PtcCO2 = 2.53 + 1.06 (PaCO2). The bias between PaO2 and PtcO2 was -2.8 with a precision of +/- 16.0 torr (range, -87 to +48 torr). The bias between PaCO2 and PtcCO2 was -5.1 with a precision of +/- 7.3 torr (range, -34 to +8 torr). The transcutaneous sensor detected 83% of hypoxia (PaO2 less than 45 torr), 75% of hyperoxia (PaO2 greater than 90 torr), 45% of hypocapnia (PaCO2 less than 35 torr), and 96% of hypercapnia (PaCO2 greater than 45 torr). We conclude that the reliability of the combined transcutaneous PO2 and PCO2 monitor in sick neonates is good for detecting hypercapnia, fair for hypoxia and hyperoxia, but poor for hypocapnia. It is an improvement in that it spares available skin surface and requires less handling, but it appears to be slightly less accurate than the single electrodes.