932 resultados para cancer treatment


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze surgical and pathological parameters and outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who were admitted to a single institution, as well as to correlate these findings to the current staging system. METHOD: Seven hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed with NSCLC and admitted to Hospital do Cancer A. C. Camargo from 1990 to 2000. All patients were included in a continuous prospective database, and their data was analyzed. Following staging, a multidisciplinary team decision on adequate management was established. Variables included in this analysis were age, gender, histology, Karnofsky index, weight loss, clinical stage, surgical stage, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and survival rates. RESULTS: 75.5% of patients were males. The distribution of histologic type was squamous cell carcinoma 51.8%, adenocarcinoma 43.1%, and undifferentiated large cell carcinoma 5.1%. Most patients (73%) presented significant weight loss and a Karnofsky index of 80%. Clinical staging was IA 3.8%, IB 9.2%, IIA 1.4%, IIB 8.1%, IIIA 20.9%, IIIB 22.4%, IV 30.9%. Complete tumor resection was performed in 24.6% of all patients. Surgical stage distribution was IA 25.3%, IB 1.4%, IIB 17.1%, IIIA 16.1%, IIIB 20.3%, IV 11.5%. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were considered therapeutic options in 43% and 72%, respectively. The overall 5-year survival rate of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients in our study was 28%. Median survival was 18.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with NSCLC who were admitted to our institution presented with histopathologic and clinical characteristics that were similar to previously published series in cancer hospitals. The best prognosis was associated with complete tumor resection with lymph node dissection, which is only achievable in earlier clinical stages.


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Recently, the presence of microsatellite instability (MSI) has been reported in gastric cancer and associated with older age of presentation, distal tumor location, early disease staging, and better overall prognosis. Different characteristics in presentation and in tumor behavior may be explained by different genetic alterations during carcinogenesis of gastric cancer. Identification of specific genetic pathways in gastric cancer may have direct impact on prognosis and selection of treatment strategies. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All 24 patients were treated by radical surgery. Fragments of normal and tumor tissues were extracted from the specimen and stored at -80ºC before DNA purification and extraction. PCR amplification utilizing microsatellite markers was performed. Tumors presenting PCR products of abnormal sizes were considered positive for microsatellite instability (MSI+). RESULTS: Five patients (21%) had tumors that were MSI+ in at least 1 marker. In the group of patients with Lauren's intestinal-type gastric carcinoma, 3 had tumors that were MSI+ (23%), while in the group of diffuse-type gastric cancer, 2 patients had tumors that were MSI+ (19%). The mean age of presentation and the male:female ratio was similar in both groups. Tumors that were MSI+ were more frequently located in proximal portion of the stomach compared to microsatellite-stable (MSS) tumors (40% vs. 16%). Although there was a trend of patients with MSI+ tumors towards a proximal gastric tumor location, early staging, and negative lymph node metastasis, there was no statistical significance compared to those with MSS tumors (P >.1). Comparison of overall and disease-free survival between gastric tumors that were MSI+ and those that were MSS found no statistically significant differences (P >.1). CONCLUSIONS: Microsatellite instability is a frequent event in gastric carcinogenesis and shows a trend towards distinct clinical and pathological characteristics of gastric cancer.


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RESUMO: Actualmente, a única possibilidade de cura para doentes com adenocarcinoma do pâncreas (PDAC) é a ressecção cirúrgica, no início deste estudo, perguntamo-nos se os predictores clínico-patológicos clássicos de prognostico poderiam ser validados em uma grande cohort de doentes com cancro do pâncreas ressecável e se outros predictores clínicos poderiam ter um papel na decisão de que doentes beneficiariam de ressecção cirúrgica. No capítulo 2, observamos que até 30% dos doentes morrem no primeiro ano após a ressecção cirúrgica, pelo que o nosso objectivo foi determinar factores pré-operatórios que se correlacionam com mortalidade precoce após ressecação cirúrgica com recurso a um instrumento estatisticamente validado, o Charlson-Age Comorbidity Index (CACI), determinamos que um CACI score superior a 4 foi preditivo de internamentos prolongados (p <0,001), complicações pós-operatórias (p = 0,042), e mortalidade em 1 ano pós- ressecção cirúrgica (p <0,001). Um CACI superior a 6 triplicou a mortalidade no primeiro ano pós-cirurgia e estes doentes têm menos de 50% de probabilidade de estarem vivos um ano após a cirurgia. No capítulo 3, o nosso objectivo foi identificar uma proteína de superfície que se correlacionasse estatisticamente com o prognostico de doentes com adenocarcinoma do pâncreas e permitisse a distinção de subgrupos de doentes de acordo com as suas diferenças moleculares, perguntamo-nos ainda se essa proteína poderia ser um marcador de células-estaminais. No nosso trabalho anterior observamos que as células tumorais na circulação sanguínea apresentavam genes com características bifenotípica epitelial e mesenquimal, enriquecimento para genes de células estaminais (ALDH1A1 / ALDH1A2 e KLF4), e uma super-expressão de genes da matriz extracelular (colagénios, SPARC, e DCN) normalmente identificados no estroma de PDAC. Após a avaliação dos tumores primários com RNA-ISH, muitos dos genes identificados, foram encontrados co-localizando em uma sub-população de células na região basal dos ductos pancreáticos malignos. Além disso, observamos que estas células expressam o marcador SV2A neuroendócrino, e o marcador de células estaminais ALDH1A1/2. Em comparação com tumores negativos para SV2, os doentes com tumores SV2 positivos apresentaram níveis mais baixos de CA 19-9 (69% vs. 52%, p = 0,012), tumores maiores (> 4 cm, 23% vs. 10%, p = 0,0430), menor invasão de gânglios linfáticos (69% vs. 86%, p = 0,005) e tumores mais diferenciados (69% vs. 57%, p = 0,047). A presença de SV2A foi associada com uma sobrevida livre de doença mais longa (HR: 0,49 p = 0,009) bem como melhor sobrevida global (HR: 0,54 p = 0,018). Em conjunto, esta informação aponta para dois subtipos diferentes de adenocarcinoma do pâncreas, e estes subtipos co-relacionam estatisticamente com o prognostico de doentes, sendo este subgrupo definido pela presença do clone celular SV2A / ALDH1A1/2 positivo com características neuroendócrinas. No Capítulo 4, a expressão de SV2A no cancro do pâncreas foi validado em linhas celulares primárias. Demonstramos a heterogeneidade do adenocarcinoma do pâncreas de acordo com características clonais neuroendócrinas. Ao comparar as linhas celulares expressando SV2 com linhas celulares negativas, verificamos que as linhas celulares SV2+ eram mais diferenciadas, diferindo de linhas celulares SV2 negativas no que respeita a mutação KRAS, proliferação e a resposta à quimioterapia. No capítulo 5, perguntamo-nos se o clone celular SV2 positivo poderia explicar a resistência a quimioterapia observada em doentes. Observamos um aumento absoluto de clones celulares expressando SV2A, em múltiplas linhas de evidência - doentes, linhas de células primárias e xenotransplantes. Embora, tenhamos sido capazes de demonstrar que o adenocarcinoma do pâncreas é uma doença heterogénea, consideramos que a caracterização genética destes clones celulares expressando SV2A é de elevada importância. Pretendemos colmatar esta limitação com as seguintes estratégias: Após o tratamento com quimioterapia neoadjuvante na nossa coorte, realizamos microdissecação a laser das amostras primarias em parafina, de forma a analisar mutações genéticas observadas no adenocarcinoma pancreático; em segundo lugar, pretendemos determinar consequências de knockdown da expressão de SV2A em nossas linhas celulares seguindo-se o tratamento com gemicitabina para determinação do papel funcional de SV2A; finalmente, uma vez que os nossos esforços anteriores com um promotor - repórter e SmartFlare ™ falharam, o próximo passo será realizar RNA-ISH PrimeFlow™ seguido de FACS e RNA-seq para caracterização deste clone celular. Em conjunto, conseguimos provar com várias linhas de evidência, que o adenocarcinoma pancreático é uma doença heterogénea, definido por um clone de células que expressam SV2A, com características neuroendócrinas. A presença deste clone no tecido de doentes correlaciona-se estatisticamente com o prognostico da doença, incluindo sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida global. Juntamente com padrões de proliferação e co-expressão de ALDH1A1/2, este clone parece apresentar um comportamento de células estaminais e está associado a resistência a quimioterapia, uma vez que a sua expressão aumenta após agressão química, quer em doentes, quer em linhas de células primárias.----------------------------- ABSTRACT: Currently, the only chance of cure for patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma is surgical resection, at the beginning of my thesis studies, we asked if the classical clinicopathologic predictors of outcome could be validated in a large cohort of patients with early stage pancreatic cancer and if other clinical predictors could have a role on deciding which patients would benefit from surgery. In chapter 2, we found that up to 30% of patients die within the first year after curative intent surgery for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We aimed at determining pre-operative factors that would correlate with early mortality following resection for pancreatic cancer using a statistically validated tool, the Charlson-Age Comorbidity Index (CACI). We found that a CACI score greater than 4 was predictive of increased length of stay (p<0.001), post-operative complications (p=0.042), and mortality within 1-year of pancreatic resection (p<0.001). A CACI score of 6 or greater increased 3-fold the odds of death within the first year. Patients with a high CACI score have less than 50% likelihood of being alive 1 year after surgery. In chapter 3 we aimed at identifying a surface protein that correlates with patient’s outcome and distinguishes sub-groups of patients according to their molecular differences and if this protein could be a cancer stem cell marker. The most abundant class of circulating tumor cells identified in our previous work was found to have biphenotypic features of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, enrichment for stem-cell associated genes (ALDH1A1/ALDH1A2 and KLF4), and an overexpression of extracellular matrix genes (Collagens, SPARC, and DCN) normally found in the stromal microenvironment of PDAC primary tumors. Upon evaluation of matched primary tumors with RNA-ISH, many of the genes identified were found to co-localize in a sub-population of cells at the basal region of malignant pancreatic ducts. In addition, these cells expressed the neuroendocrine marker SV2A, and the stem cell marker ALDH1A1/2. Compared to SV2 negative tumors, patients with SV2 positive tumors were more likely to present with lower CA 19-9 (69% vs. 52%, p = 0.012), bigger tumors (size > 4 cm, 23% vs. 10%, p= 0.0430), less nodal involvement (69% vs. 86%, p = 0.005) and lower histologic grade (69% vs. 57%, p = 0.047). The presence of SV2A expressing cells was associated with an improved disease free survival (HR: 0.49 p=0.009) and overall survival (HR: 0.54 p=0.018) and correlated linearly with ALDH1A2. Together, this information points to two different sub-types of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and these sub-types correlated with patients’ outcome and were defined by the presence of a SV2A/ ALDH1A1/2 expressing clone with neuroendocrine features. In Chapter 4, SV2A expression in cancer was validated in primary cell lines. We were able to demonstrate pancreatic adenocarcinoma heterogeneity according to neuroendocrine clonal features. When comparing SV2 expressing cell lines with SV2 negative cell lines, we found that SV2+ cell lines were more differentiated and differ from SV2 negative cell lines regarding KRAS mutation, proliferation and response to chemotherapy. In Chapter 5 we aimed at determining if this SV2 positive clone could explain chemoresistance observed in patients. We found an absolute increase in SV2A expressing cells, with multiple lines of evidence, in patients, primary cell lines and xenografts. Although, we have been able to show evidence that pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous disease, our findings warrant further investigation. To further characterize SV2A expressing clones after treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in our cohort, we have performed laser capture microdissection of the paraffin embedded tissue in this study and will analyze the tissue for known genetic mutations in pancreatic adenocarcinoma; secondly, we want to know what will happen after knocking down SV2A expression in our cell lines followed by treatment with gemcitabine to determine if SV2A is functionally important; finally, since our previous efforts with a promoter – reporter and SmartFlare™ have failed, we will utilize a novel PrimeFlow™ RNA-ISH assay followed by FACS and RNA sequencing to further characterize this cellular clone. Overall our data proves, with multiple lines of evidence, that pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a heterogeneous disease, defined by a clone of SV2A expressing cells, with neuroendocrine features. The presence of this clone in patients’ tissue correlates with patient’s disease free survival and overall survival. Together with patterns of proliferation and ALDH1A1/2 co-expression, this clone seems to present a stem-cell-like behavior and is associated with chemoresistance, since it increases after chemotherapy, both in patients and primary cell lines.


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Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a particular immunopathological subtype of breast cancer that lacks expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER/PR) and amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene. Characterized by aggressive and metastatic phenotypes and high rates of relapse, TNBC is the only breast cancer subgroup still lacking effective therapeutic options, thus presenting the worst prognosis. The development of targeted therapies, as well as early diagnosis methods, is vital to ensure an adequate and timely therapeutic intervention in patients with TNBC. This review intends to discuss potentially emerging approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of TNBC patients, with a special focus on nano-based solutions that actively target these particular tumors.


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Este estudo avaliou as relações entre a qualidade de vida, otimismo, enfrentamento, morbidade psicológica e estresse familiar, os preditores da qualidade de vida e da morbidade psicológica e analisou as diferenças nestas variáveis em função do sexo, do tipo e da duração do tratamento, idade e nível de escolaridade em pacientes com câncer colorretal. Uma amostra de 100 pacientes em tratamento de quimioterapia participou no estudo. Os resultados revelaram que as mulheres, os pacientes diagnosticados nos últimos 12 meses e os que realizaram cirurgia/quimioterapia apresentam maior risco de desenvolver morbidade psicológica. A depressão mostrou ser um preditor da qualidade de vida. A idade e a escolaridade mostraram ser relevantes particularmente ao nível das estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas e na qualidade de vida. Os resultados enfatizam a necessidade das intervenções focarem a morbidade, otimismo e ter em consideração o gênero, a duração do diagnóstico e o tipo de tratamento, em particular.


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Urothelial bladder carcinoma (UBC) is an intricate malignancy with a variable natural history and clinical behavior. Despite developments in diagnosis/prognosis refinement and treatment modalities, the recurrence rate is high, and progression from non-muscle to muscle invasive UBC commonly leads to metastasis. Moreover, patients with muscle-invasive or extra-vesical disease often fail the standard chemotherapy treatment, and overall survival rates are poor. Thus, UBC remains a challenge in the oncology field, representing an ideal candidate for research on biomarkers that could identify patients at increased risk of recurrence, progression, and chemo-refractoriness. However, progress toward personalized medicine has been hampered by the unique genetic complexity of UBC. Recent genome-wide expression and sequencing studies have brought new insights into its molecular features, pathogenesis and clinical diversity, revealing a landscape where classical pathology is intersected by the novel and heterogeneous molecular groups. Hence, it seems plausible to postulate that only an integrated signature of prognostic/predictive biomarkers inherent in different cancer hallmarks will reach clinical validation. In this review, we have summarized ours and others' research into novel putative biomarkers of progression and chemoresistance that encompass several hallmarks of cancer: tumor neovascularization, invasion and metastasis, and energy metabolism reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment.


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Background: It is expected that, by 2020, 15 million new cases of cancer will occur every year in the world, one million of them in Africa. Knowledge of cancer trends in African countries is far from adequate, and improvements in cancer prevention efforts are urgently needed. The aim of this study was to characterize breast cancer clinically and pathologically at presentation in Luanda, Angola; we additionally provide quality information that will be useful for breast cancer care planning in the country. Methods: Data on breast cancer cases were retrieved from the Angolan Institute of Cancer Control, from 2006 to 2014. For women diagnosed in 2009 (5-years of follow-up), demographic, clinical and pathological information, at presentation, was collected, namely age at diagnosis, parity, methods used for pathological diagnoses, tumor pathological characteristics, stage of disease and treatment. Descriptive statistics were performed. Results: The median age of women diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 was 47 years old (range 25–89). The most frequent clinical presentation was breast swelling with axillary lymph nodes metastasis (44.9 %), followed by a mass larger than 5 cm (14.2 %) and lump (12.9 %). Invasive ductal carcinoma was the main histologic type (81.8 %). Only 10.1 % of cancer cases had a well differentiated histological grade. Cancers were diagnosed mostly at advanced stages (66.7 % in stage III and 11.1 % in stage IV). Discussion: In this study, breast cancer was diagnosed at a very advanced stage. Although it reports data from a single cancer center in Luanda, Angola it reinforces the need for early diagnosis and increasing awareness. According to the main challenges related to breast cancer diagnosis and treatment herein presented, we propose a realistic framework that would allow for the implementation of a breast cancer care program, built under a strong network based on cooperation, teaching, audit, good practices and the organization of health services. Conclusion: Angola needs urgently a program for early diagnosis of breast cancer.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Molecular e Saúde).


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There is a known association between chemotherapy and radiotherapy for treatment of cancer patients and development or worsening of hypertension. The aim of this article is to review this association. A literature search was conducted for articles reporting this association on the databases PubMed, SciELO and LILACS between 1993 and 2013. There was a high coprevalence of hypertension and cancer, since both diseases share the same risk factors, such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, unhealthy diet and alcohol abuse. The use of chemotherapy and adjuvant drugs effective in the treatment of cancer increased the survival rate of these patients and, consequently, increased the incidence of hypertension. We described the association between the use of angiogenesis inhibitors (bevacizumab, sorafenib and sunitinib), corticosteroids, erythropoietin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with the development of hypertension. We also described the relationship between hypertension and carotid baroreceptor injury secondary to cervical radiotherapy. Morbidity and mortality increased in patients with cancer and hypertension without proper antihypertensive treatment. We concluded that there is need for early diagnosis, effective monitoring and treatment strategies for hypertension in cancer patients in order to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.


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Patients with a solid organ transplant have increased in numbers and in individual survival in Switzerland over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer in solid organ recipients (SOTRs) has been recognized as an important problem. Screening and education of potential SOTRs about prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, SOTRs should be seen by a dermatologist yearly for repeat education as well as early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) is the most frequent cancer in the setting of long-term immunosuppression. Sun protection by behaviour, clothing and daily sun screen application is the most effective prevention. Cumulative sun damage results in field cancerisation with numerous in-situ SCC such as actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease which should be treated proactively. Invasive SCC is cured by complete surgical excision. Early removal is the best precaution against potential metastases of SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression and switch to mTOR inhibitors and potentially, mycophenolate, may reduce the incidence of further SCC. Chemoprevention with the retinoid acitretin reduces the recurrence rate of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of SOTRs should be integrated into the comprehensive post-transplant care.


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BACKGROUND: Early detection and treatment of colorectal adenomatous polyps (AP) and colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with decreased mortality for CRC. However, accurate, non-invasive and compliant tests to screen for AP and early stages of CRC are not yet available. A blood-based screening test is highly attractive due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients. AIM: To demonstrate whether gene expression signatures in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were able to detect the presence of AP and early stages CRC. METHODS: A total of 85 PBMC samples derived from colonoscopy-verified subjects without lesion (controls) (n = 41), with AP (n = 21) or with CRC (n = 23) were used as training sets. A 42-gene panel for CRC and AP discrimination, including genes identified by Digital Gene Expression-tag profiling of PBMC, and genes previously characterised and reported in the literature, was validated on the training set by qPCR. Logistic regression analysis followed by bootstrap validation determined CRC- and AP-specific classifiers, which discriminate patients with CRC and AP from controls. RESULTS: The CRC and AP classifiers were able to detect CRC with a sensitivity of 78% and AP with a sensitivity of 46% respectively. Both classifiers had a specificity of 92% with very low false-positive detection when applied on subjects with inflammatory bowel disease (n = 23) or tumours other than CRC (n = 14). CONCLUSION: This pilot study demonstrates the potential of developing a minimally invasive, accurate test to screen patients at average risk for colorectal cancer, based on gene expression analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from a simple blood sample.


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INTRODUCTION: EORTC trial 22991 was designed to evaluate the addition of concomitant and adjuvant short-term hormonal treatments to curative radiotherapy in terms of disease-free survival for patients with intermediate risk localized prostate cancer. In order to assess the compliance to the 3D conformal radiotherapy protocol guidelines, all participating centres were requested to participate in a dummy run procedure. An individual case review was performed for the largest recruiting centres as well. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT-data of an eligible prostate cancer patient were sent to 30 centres including a description of the clinical case. The investigator was requested to delineate the volumes of interest and to perform treatment planning according to the protocol. Thereafter, the investigators of the 12 most actively recruiting centres were requested to provide data on five randomly selected patients for an individual case review. RESULTS: Volume delineation varied significantly between investigators. Dose constraints for organs at risk (rectum, bladder, hips) were difficult to meet. In the individual case review, no major protocol deviations were observed, but a number of dose reporting problems were documented for centres using IMRT. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, results of this quality assurance program were satisfactory. The efficacy of the combination of a dummy run procedure with an individual case review is confirmed in this study, as none of the evaluated patient files harboured a major protocol deviation. Quality assurance remains a very important tool in radiotherapy to increase the reliability of the trial results. Special attention should be given when designing quality assurance programs for more complex irradiation techniques.


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Active surveillance in prostate cancer The spread of PSA in the screening of prostate cancer has almost doubled the incidence of this disease in the last twenty years. An improved understanding of the natural history of this cancer allows for risk stratification of the disease and to better predict insignificant prostate cancer. Active surveillance has recently been proposed as a new option to delay or avoid a radical treatment for patients with low-risk disease. The principle, results and future perspectives of this treatment modality are discussed in this review.


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Among PET radiotracers, FDG seems to be quite accepted as an accurate oncology diagnostic tool, frequently helpful also in the evaluation of treatment response and in radiation therapy treatment planning for several cancer sites. To the contrary, the reliability of Choline as a tracer for prostate cancer (PC) still remains an object of debate for clinicians, including radiation oncologists. This review focuses on the available data about the potential impact of Choline-PET in the daily clinical practice of radiation oncologists managing PC patients. In summary, routine Choline-PET is not indicated for initial local T staging, but it seems better than conventional imaging for nodal staging and for all patients with suspected metastases. In these settings, Choline-PET showed the potential to change patient management. A critical limit remains spatial resolution, limiting the accuracy and reliability for small lesions. After a PSA rise, the problem of the trigger PSA value remains crucial. Indeed, the overall detection rate of Choline-PET is significantly increased when the trigger PSA, or the doubling time, increases, but higher PSA levels are often a sign of metastatic spread, a contraindication for potentially curable local treatments such as radiation therapy. Even if several published data seem to be promising, the current role of PET in treatment planning in PC patients to be irradiated still remains under investigation. Based on available literature data, all these issues are addressed and discussed in this review.


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Prognosis of breast cancer women has been dramatically improved by the adjuvant therapies. As the vast majority of patients are cured, the importance of long-term quality of life is growing. The question of the maternity is an essential concern for the young women who have to receive chemotherapy or several years of endocrine therapy. This problem is often underestimated and may lead to emotional distress, depression or anxiety. A regional multidisciplinary working group was set up in order to offer optimal information about fertility and cancer as to propose specific therapeutic reproduction options, when applicable. Specificity of the young patients' breast cancer, the treatment approaches and their impact on fertility are discussed in this paper.