998 resultados para bio-optical


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Light confinement strategies in thin-film silicon solar cells play a crucial role in the performance of the devices. In this work, the possible use of Ag-coated stamped polymers as reflectors to be used in n-i-p solar cells is studied. Different random roughnesses (nanometer and micrometer size) have been transferred on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) by hot embossing. Morphological and optical analyses of masters, stamped polymers and reflectors have been carried out evidencing a positive surface transference on the polymer and the viability of a further application in solar cells.


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The optical and electrical recovery processes of the metastable state of the EL2 defect artificially created in n‐type GaAs by boron or oxygen implantation are analyzed at 80 K using optical isothermal transient spectroscopy. In both cases, we have found an inhibition of the electrical recovery and the existence of an optical recovery in the range 1.1-1.4 eV, competing with the photoquenching effect. The similar results obtained with both elements and the different behavior observed in comparison with the native EL2 defect has been related to the network damage produced by the implantation process. From the different behavior with the technological process, it can be deduced that the electrical and optical anomalies have a different origin. The electrical inhibition is due to the existence of an interaction between the EL2 defect and other implantation‐created defects. However, the optical recovery seems to be related to a change in the microscopic metastable state configuration involving the presence of vacancies


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a conservação pós-colheita de manga 'Tommy Atkins' orgânica destinada à exportação, colhida com Boas Práticas Agrícolas (CBP) e sem Boas Práticas Agrícolas (SBP), sob recobrimentos bio-orgânicos. Manga colhida na maturidade comercial foi recoberta com extrato de erva-doce a 1,5% (CBP+ED, SBP+ED), com extrato de erva-doce adicionada à fécula de mandioca a 3,0% (CBP+ED+F, SBP+ED+F) e Controle (sem recobrimento, CBP e SBP), armazenada a 10±0,5 ºC e 85±2% UR. O uso de BPA manteve a qualidade. O recobrimento com ED comprometeu a aparência da manga pela incidência de manchas na casca; recobrimento associando F + ED manteve a qualidade e retardou o amadurecimento.


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Interception requires precise estimation of time-to-contact (TTC) information. A long-standing view posits that all relevant information for extracting TTC is available in the angular variables, which result from the projection of distal objecs on to the retina. The diferent timing models rooted in this tradition have consequently relied on combining visual angle and its rate of expansion in diferent ways with tau being the most well-known solution for TTC...


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PURPOSE: To characterize perifoveal intraretinal cavities observed around full-thickness macular holes (MH) using en face optical coherence tomography and to establish correlations with histology of human and primate maculae. DESIGN: Retrospective nonconsecutive observational case series. METHODS: Macular en face scans of 8 patients with MH were analyzed to quantify the areas of hyporeflective spaces, and were compared with macular flat mounts and sections from 1 normal human donor eye and 2 normal primate eyes (Macaca fascicularis). Immunohistochemistry was used to study the distribution of glutamine synthetase, expressed by Müller cells, and zonula occludens-1, a tight-junction protein. RESULTS: The mean area of hyporeflective spaces was lower in the inner nuclear layer (INL) than in the complex formed by the outer plexiform (OPL) and the Henle fiber layers (HFL): 5.0 × 10(-3) mm(2) vs 15.9 × 10(-3) mm(2), respectively (P < .0001, Kruskal-Wallis test). In the OPL and HFL, cavities were elongated with a stellate pattern, whereas in the INL they were rounded and formed vertical cylinders. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that Müller cells followed a radial distribution around the fovea in the frontal plane and a "Z-shaped" course in the axial plane, running obliquely in the OPL and HFL and vertically in the inner layers. In addition, zonula occludens-1 co-localized with Müller cells within the complex of OPL and HFL, indicating junctions in between Müller cells and cone axons. CONCLUSION: The dual profile of cavities around MHs correlates with Müller cell morphology and is consistent with the hypothesis of intra- or extracellular fluid accumulation along these cells.


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WDM (Wavelength-Division Multiplexing) optiset verkot on tällä hetkellä suosituin tapa isojen määrän tietojen siirtämiseen. Jokaiselle liittymälle määrätään reitin ja aallonpituus joka linkin varten. Tarvittavan reitin ja aallon pituuden löytäminen kutsutaan RWA-ongelmaksi. Tämän työn kuvaa mahdollisia kustannuksen mallein ratkaisuja RWA-ongelmaan. Olemassa on paljon erilaisia optimoinnin tavoitteita. Edellä mainittuja kustannuksen malleja perustuu näillä tavoitteilla. Kustannuksen malleja antavat tehokkaita ratkaisuja ja algoritmeja. The multicommodity malli on käsitelty tässä työssä perusteena RV/A-kustannuksen mallille. Myöskin OB käsitelty heuristisia menetelmiä RWA-ongelman ratkaisuun. Työn loppuosassa käsitellään toteutuksia muutamalle mallille ja erilaisia mahdollisuuksia kustannuksen mallein parantamiseen.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa kuiva-, bio-, hyöty- ja ongelmajätteiden keskitetysti kilpailutetun kuljetusjärjestelmän eduista ja haitoista Etelä-Karjalan Jätehuolto Oy:n alueella. Tutkimuksessa esitellään jätteenkuljetusjärjestelmien ominaisuudet ja niiden suunnittelu sekä jätehuoltoa ja jätteenkuljetuksia koskeva lainsäädäntö. Keskitetysti kilpailutettu jätteenkuljetusjärjestelmä mitoitettiin järjestelmän nykytilan kuvauksen sekä muualla Suomessa kilpailutuksesta saatujen kokemusten avulla. Järjestelmää arvioitiin vertaamalla kaluston tarvetta, kuormapainoja sekä kuljetuskustannuksia nykyiseen tilanteeseen. Lopuksi arvioitiin jatkokehitystarpeita ja tarvittavia toimenpiteitä, kun keskitettyyn kilpailuttamiseen siirrytään. Jätteenkuljetusten keskitetyllä kilpailuttamisella voidaan saavuttaa etuja nykyiseen kuntakohtaiseen jätteenkuljetukseen verrattuna. Edut syntyvät kun päällekkäiset ajot sekä siirtoajot vähenevät ja kuormakoot kasvavat. Kuljetukset voidaan hoitaa pienemmällä kalustomäärällä, jolloin myös kuljetuskustannukset laskevat.


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Se estudian los Moluscos, Foraminíferos, Palinología, Nanoplancton calcáreo de unos nuevos niveles arcilloso-limosos descubiertos en la excavación de un pozo en las proximidades de la Ermita de Berà (Tarragona); la excelente conservación de los restos paleontológicos permite un estudio más exahustivo. En conjunto, la mayoría de las características indican que se trataría de una sedimentación en condiciones neríticas alrededor de los 30 metros de profundidad con ciertas influencias de carácter estuarino. La presencia de abundantes Orbulina, T. mayeri, junto con G. praemenardii y ausencia de G. fohsi peripheroronda (presente en otras secciones próximas) permite atribuir los niveles a la biozona de G. mayeri, de edad Serravalliense; los datos de Nanoplancton son acordes con dicha edad.


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Using mean field theory, we have studied Bose-Fermi mixtures in a one-dimensional optical lattice in the case of an attractive boson-fermion interaction. We consider that the fermions are in the degenerate regime and that the laser intensities are such that quantum coherence across the condensate is ensured. We discuss the effect of the optical lattice on the critical rotational frequency for vortex line creation in the Bose-Einstein condensate, as well as how it affects the stability of the boson-fermion mixture. A reduction of the critical frequency for nucleating a vortex is observed as the strength of the applied laser is increased. The onset of instability of the mixture occurs for a sizably lower number of fermions in the presence of a deep optical lattice.


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We present a dual-trap optical tweezers setup which directly measures forces using linear momentum conservation. The setup uses a counter-propagating geometry, which allows momentum measurement on each beam separately. The experimental advantages of this setup include low drift due to all-optical manipulation, and a robust calibration (independent of the features of the trapped object or buffer medium) due to the force measurement method. Although this design does not attain the high-resolution of some co-propagating setups, we show that it can be used to perform different single molecule measurements: fluctuation-based molecular stiffness characterization at different forces and hopping experiments on molecular hairpins. Remarkably, in our setup it is possible to manipulate very short tethers (such as molecular hairpins with short handles) down to the limit where beads are almost in contact. The setup is used to illustrate a novel method for measuring the stiffness of optical traps and tethers on the basis of equilibrium force fluctuations, i.e., without the need of measuring the force vs molecular extension curve. This method is of general interest for dual trap optical tweezers setups and can be extended to setups which do not directly measure forces.


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ABSTRACT Dual-trap optical tweezers are often used in high-resolution measurements in single-molecule biophysics. Such measurements can be hindered by the presence of extraneous noise sources, the most prominent of which is the coupling of fluctuations along different spatial directions, which may affect any optical tweezers setup. In this article, we analyze, both from the theoretical and the experimental points of view, the most common source for these couplings in dual-trap optical-tweezers setups: the misalignment of traps and tether. We give criteria to distinguish different kinds of misalignment, to estimate their quantitative relevance and to include them in the data analysis. The experimental data is obtained in a, to our knowledge, novel dual-trap optical-tweezers setup that directly measures forces. In the case in which misalignment is negligible, we provide a method to measure the stiffness of traps and tether based on variance analysis. This method can be seen as a calibration technique valid beyond the linear trap region. Our analysis is then employed to measure the persistence length of dsDNA tethers of three different lengths spanning two orders of magnitude. The effective persistence length of such tethers is shown to decrease with the contour length, in accordance with previous studies.


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Crops and forests are already responding to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and air temperatures. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to enhance plant photosynthesis. Nevertheless, after long-term exposure, plants acclimate and show a reduction in photosynthetic activity (i.e. down-regulation). If in the future the Earth"s temperature is allowed to rise further, plant ecosystems and food security will both face significant threats. The scientific community has recognized that an increase in global temperatures should remain below 2°C in order to combat climate change. All this evidence suggests that, in parallel with reductions in CO2 emissions, a more direct approach to mitigate global warming should be considered. We propose here that global warming could be partially mitigated directly through local bio-geoengineering approaches. For example, this could be done through the management of solar radiation at surface level, i.e. by increasing global albedo. Such an effect has been documented in the south-eastern part of Spain, where a significant surface air temperature trend of -0.3°C per decade has been observed due to a dramatic expansion of greenhouse horticulture.