1000 resultados para bibliothèques privées, Berne, siècle des lumières, langue italienne


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Résultats préliminaires d'un projet de comparaison des deux plus importants répertoires bibliographiques spécialisés en littératures de langue française (accessibles sous forme de bases de données bibliographiques en ligne depuis 2014) : la « Bibliographie de la littérature française » (« Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft » ou « KLAPP »), publiée chez Klostermann depuis 1956, et la « Bibliographie de la littérature française » (ou « Rancoeur », précédemment intitulée « Bibliographie de la littérature française), publiée depuis 1953 chez Armand Colin et aux Presses universitaires de France (sous forme de hors-série annuel de la « Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France ») puis chez Classiques Garnier.


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This article deals with Tarabotti's own family, her religious family within her nunnery and her ideal family, the so-called "République des lettres". Despite her permanent denial about her parents and siblings, she has ties with them all: she benifitted from her sister Camilla's and her mother's wills, she had a friendly relationship with one of her brothers-in-law, she took pity of her two sisters who remained spinsters. The same occurred with her religious family, where she developed close friendships with at least two of them. Moreover, her sisters in religion often belonged to patrician, well-off families and it is possible to argue that Tarabotti managed to expand her relationships with very important people via her sisters in religion. But the family she truly cherished, was her family d'election, the one she had been free to choose and to pursue: her literary family. However, this latter one was not a very recomandable family for a nun: therefore she kept silent with the most relevant elements of it, namely with the French priest and astronomer Ismael Boulliau who acted as the go-between for her last book, published abroad two years after her death. The article provides evidence to such connections, ties and knots, explaining at least in part Tarabotti's extraordinary success in life as a proto-feminist and political writer.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate the developmental profile of three aspects of prosody function, i.e. affect, focus and turn-endings in children with Williams and in those with Down’s syndrome compared to typically developing English speaking children. The tasks used were part of the computer-based battery, Profiling Elements of Prosody for Speech Communication (Peppe, McCann & Gibon, 2003). Cross-sectional developmental trajectories linking chronological and non-verbal mental age and affects and turn-ending functions of prosody were constructed. The results showed an atypical profile in both clinical populations. More interestingly, the profiles were atypical for different reasons, suggesting multiple and possibly different developmental pathways to the acquisition of prosody in these two populations.


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Ce mémoire traite des méthodologies générales et systématisées de la didactique des langues étrangères développées à différentes périodes, ainsi que des méthodes d’enseignement (techniques, outils, matériels, exercices, activités et tâches etc.) et des théories autour de celles-ci. En utilisant une enquête, remplie par des professeurs travaillant dans certaines écoles suédoises, cette étude lie les méthodologies, les méthodes d’enseignement et les théories avec les pratiques de classe. L’étude montre quelles méthodes d’enseignement sont utilisées et la fréquence de leur utilisation, ainsi que les liens avec les méthodologies. Elle montre aussi que l’enseignement des professeurs de l’étude est principalement représentatif d’une seule méthodologie (la méthodologie cognitiviste – l’approche communicative).


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Dans notre travail nous avons décidé  d’analyser et de discuter le «gender» et l’égalité des sexes  comme ce sont des  thèmes actuels en Suède avec le débat sur la répartition inégale des sexes dans des différents domaines, par exemple sur le marché de l’emploi, au sujet des salaires et dans l’enseignement et parce que ce sont des questions qui nous intéressent personnellement beaucoup comme mère, femme  et future  professeur.  Le champ de notre travail s’est restreint à l’analyse des manuels du français comme langue étrangère pour le collège suédois.


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[FR]Dans cet article, la notion de réalisme magique est appliquée à la littérature québécoise. D’abord l’auteure présente le concept afin de bien préciser ses traits caractéristiques. Ensuite, elle analyse le roman historique La tribu de l’écrivain québécois François Barceloen essayant de mettre en lumière son appartenance à cette tendance latino-américaine. Cet examen permet d’enrichir de nouveaux aspectsl’analyse des lettres du Québec.


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The aim of the present study is to address contemporary drama translation by comparing two different scenarios, namely France and Italy. For each country, the following areas are described: publications of translated drama texts, their promotion and dissemination, the legal framework concerning copyright in publication and performance contracts. Moreover, the analysis highlights that the translation process of drama texts is part of a working cycle networking different professional figures, such as dramatic authors, directors, actors and publishers. Within this cycle, the translator is in a middle and central position at the same time, a sort of border zone between different contexts, i.e. the source language and culture and the target language and culture. As regards translation-related issues, on the basis of theoretical approaches that can be applied to drama translation, a number of translators’ opinions, statements, positions and practices are compared, thus highlighting an idea of drama translation wavering between translation and adaptation. Drama translators seem to follow these two orientations simultaneously, in compliance with translation ethics and the functional needs of target texts. Such ambivalence is due to the desire and difficulty of translating the specific nature of drama texts, i.e. translating textual elements that are linked, eventually, to stage performance. Indeed, the notion of text or form fidelity is replaced by the notion of fidelity to the theatrical value of a text, in terms of fidelity to its theatrical nature and rhythmical tension. The analysis reveals that drama translators work together with theatre operators, and that in many cases translators are authors, directors or actors themselves. These drama skills enable translators to apply relevant strategies when translating elements that generate rhythm, thus choosing from deleting, reproducing or recreating.