1000 resultados para benomyl resistance


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Seventy-two monoconidial isolates of Magnaporthe grisea were obtained from the States of Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná. The isolates were inoculated on seedlings of 20 wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars under greenhouse conditions. The virulence diversity of M. grisea was assessed based on compatible and incompatible reactions of leaf blast on wheat cultivars. Fifty-four distinct virulence patterns were identified on test cultivars among the isolates collected from the two wheat growing States. Sixteen of these isolates corresponding to 22.2% showed similar virulence pattern. None of the wheat cultivars was resistant to all isolates of M. grisea, but the cultivars differed in degree of resistance as measured by the relative spectrum of resistance (RSR) and disease index (DI). Among the cultivars the RSR ranged from 0 to 53.3% and DI from 0.4662 to 0.9662 (0 to 1 scale). The wheat cultivar BR18 exhibited a broad resistance spectrum in relation to the rest of the tested cultivars to the isolates of M. grisea, and can be used in wheat resistance breeding.


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The main objective of this work was to identify sources of resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) to Peronosclerospora sorghi, the causal agent of downy mildew, through the evaluation of 42 sorghum genotypes under natural infection in the field. Genotypes were planted in single row plots between two rows of the susceptible line SC283, planted 30 days before, to act as spreader rows, in two separate nurseries. The experimental design was a completely randomized block design with three replications. Sorghum genotypes CMSXS156, CMSXS157, CMSXS243, TxARG-1, 8902, 9902054, 9910032, 9910296, Tx430, QL-3, SC170-6-17, CMSXS762 and BR304 were classified as highly resistant in both nurseries. Among these, SC170-6-17 and 9910296 showed 0% systemic infection. Results indicated the possible occurrence of different pathotypes of P. sorghi in the two nurseries.


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The main objective of this work was to evaluate the diversification of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) populations as a way to manage resistance to the sorghum anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum graminicola. A total of 18 three-way hybrids were obtained by crossing six single cross male-sterile F1 hybrids, derived by crossing A (non restorer sterile cytoplasm) and B (non restorer normal cytoplasm) lines, with three fertile R (restorer) lines, previously evaluated for their differential reaction to the pathogen. Variation in the level of resistance was observed, as indicated by the values of the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) obtained for each hybrid. Lines contributed differently to the level of resistance of each hybrid. All hybrids in which CMSXS169R was the male progenitor were classified as highly resistant. Some hybrids had a level of resistance superior to the maximum levels of each line component individually.


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Meloidogyne mayaguensis has been reported in some states of Brazil causing severe damage on commercial guava (Psidium guajava L.). Accessions of Psidium spp. were selected from a collection maintained in Embrapa Clima Temperado (Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State). Plants of different accessions were grown from seed in plastic bags and, when they reached 15-20 cm in height, were inoculated with 10,000 eggs/plant of M. mayaguensis. Eight months after inoculation, the different accessions were evaluated for resistance to M. mayaguensis. Three accessions of P. guajava were highly susceptible (RF=59.2) to this nematode. Psidium friedrichsthalianium was considered to be moderately resistant (RF=1.9). Three accessions of P. cattleyanum were immune to M. mayaguensis (RF = 0). When used as rootstocks P. cattleyanum and P. friedrichsthalianium were compatible with P. guajava cv. Paluma. Considering these results, the use of resistant rootstocks provides a promising control method for M. mayaguensis in commercial guava crop.


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Resistance of fourteen Theobroma cacao clones to Phytophthora spp. was evaluated using stem inoculations on grafted seedlings. Concepts of phenotypic stability were used to interpret the results and to express horizontality of the resistance. The linear regression coefficient 'b', the determination coefficient (R²) and average lesion size were used to determine the level of horizontal resistance, the phenotypic stability and the predictability of all clones. The results indicated that clones P 7 and MA 15 present highest levels of horizontal resistance and stability, but with moderate predictability. Clones CAS 1 and CEPEC 13 were classified as those with high horizontal resistance, stability and predictability, while clones PA 30, UF 650 and SIAL 88 and EET 59 showed intermediate resistance and stability and high predictability. Clones SPA 17, OC 61, PA 150, SIAL 505, ICS 1 and R 41 presented high susceptibility and intermediate or low stability and moderate or high predictability.


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Four cultivars and 21 lines of cotton were evaluated for resistance to ramulose (Colletotrichum gossypii f. sp. cephalosporioides) in a field where the disease is endemic. The seeds of each genotype were planted in 5 x 5 m plots with three replications. The lines CNPA 94-101 and 'CNPA Precoce 2'were used as standard susceptible and resistant references, respectively. The disease incidence (DI) was calculated from the proportion of diseased plants in the plot. The disease index (DIn) was calculated from the disease severity using a 1 to 9 scale, and was evaluated at weekly intervals starting 107 days after emergence. The data collected was used to calculate the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). In general, the DIn increased linearly with time and varied from 20.0 to 57.1 and AUDPC from 567 to 1627 among the genotypes which could be clustered in to two distinct groups. The susceptible group contained two cultivars and nine lines and the resistant group contained one cultivar and 12 lines. The relationship between disease index and evaluation times was linear for the 25 genotypes tested. The line CNPA 94-101, used as susceptible standard, was the most susceptible with an average DI = 83.4, DIn = 57.1 and AUDPC = 1627.7. The line CNPA 96-08 with DI = 37.8, DIn = 20.0 and AUDPC = 567.7 was the most resistant one. Among the commercial cultivars 'IAC 22' was the most susceptible and 'CNPA Precoce 2', used as resistant standard was the most resistant. The variability in virulence of the pathogen was studied by spray inoculating nine genotypes with conidial suspensions (10(5)/mL) of either of the 10 isolates. The disease severity was evaluated 30 days later using a scale of 1 to 5. The virulence of the isolate was expressed by DIn. All the isolates were highly virulent but their virulence avaried for several genotypes and could be clustered in two distinct groups of less and more virulent isolates. The isolate MTRM 14 from Mato Grosso was the least virulent while Minas Gerais was the most virulent, with DIn of 6.36 and 46.47, respectively. In this experiment the line HR 102 and the cultivar 'Antares' were the most resistant ones with DIns of 18.32 and 19.14, respectively.


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Resistance induction through the use of chemical inducers often results in physiological costs to the plant. In this study, induced resistance in cotton plants was evaluated with regard to physiological costs in a cultivar susceptible to Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides (CNPA GO 2002 - 7997). Plants were cultivated in substrates with two levels of nitrogen and received two applications of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), jasmonic acid (JA) and Agro-Mos® (AM) disease resistance inducers. Plant height (H), internodal length (IL), shoot fresh weight (SFW), root fresh weight (RFW), shoot dry weight (SDW) and root dry weight (RDW) were evaluated. The activity of the phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POX) was also determined. The plants treated with ASM presented high physiological costs with an accentuated reduction in H, SFW and SDW, whereas those treated with JA exhibited a significant increase in SDW, and did not significantly differ from H and IL. In the potting mix supplemented with nitrogen, all inducers differed from the control treatment regarding to internodal length, whereas only ASM and AM presented a significant difference between one another in the potting mix without the addition of nitrogen. Significant correlations (P=0.05) were found for most of the variables analyzed, with greater correlations observed between SFW and SDW (0.94); IL and H (0.74); SFW and H (0.70); and SDW and H (0.70). ASM induced the least amount of PAL activity, significantly differing from the remaining treatments. Greater POX activity was observed in ASM, which significantly differed from the control. AM and JA, however, presented lower activity than the control with regard to these enzymes, and it was not possible to confirm induction resistance in these two treatments.


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The inheritance of resistance to powdery mildew in the pea cultivar MK-10 and some histological aspects of infection were assessed. For the inheritance study, F1, F2, backcrosses and F3 generations of MK-10 crossed with two susceptible populations were evaluated. Histological evaluations included percentage of germinated conidia, percentage of conidia that formed appresoria, percentage of conidia that established colonies, and number of haustoria per colony. Segregation ratios obtained in the resistance inheritance study were compared by Chi-square (ײ) test and the histological data were analyzed by Tukey's test at 5% probability. It was concluded that resistance of MK-10 to powdery mildew is due to a pair of recessive alleles since it is expressed in the pre-penetration stage and completed by post-penetration localized cellular death, characteristic of the presence of the pair of recessive alleles er1er1.


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Chemical control of the fungus Didymella bryoniae, the causal agent of the disease gummy stem blight in melon, is frequently inefficient; thus, alternatives such as grafting and nutrition must be studied. Rootstocks and potassium levels were tested aimed at controlling this disease in net melon under protected environment. The melon hybrid 'Bônus II', ungrafted and grafted onto 'Dinero' melon and 'Strong Tosa' pumpkin rootstocks, was cultivated and inoculated by using the toothpick insertion method with 7-mm mycelial disks from the isolate D. bryoniae Dbr 37; for control, only toothpick insertion was used. The plants were subjected to the following potassium levels: 0, 62.5, 125, 187.5, 250 mg L-1. Grafted 'Bônus II' melon plants were resistant to the fungus, whereas ungrafted ones were susceptible. The adopted potassium levels did not influence the stem lesion size or the survival of plants.


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Rapid identification and resistance determination of pathogens in clinical specimens is vital for accurate treatment and monitoring of infectious diseases. Antimicrobial drug resistance is increasing globally and healthcare settings are facing this cost-intensive and even life-threatening problem. The incidence of resistant pathogens in Finland has remained relatively steady and manageable at least for the time being. DNA sequencing is the gold standard method for genotyping, mutation analysis, and identification of bacteria. Due to significant cost decrease in recent years, this technique is available to many research and clinical laboratories. Pyrosequencing technique, a rapid real-time DNA sequencing method especially suitable for analyzing fairly short stretches of DNA, was used in this study. Due to its robustness and versatility, pyrosequencing was applied in this study for identification of streptococci and detection of certain mutations causing antimicrobial resistance in different bacteria. Certain streptococcal species such as S. pneumoniae and S. pyogenes are significantly important clinical pathogens. S. pneumoniae causes e.g. pneumonia and otitis media and is one of the most important community-acquired pathogens. S. pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus, causes e.g. angina and erysipelas. In contrast, the socalled alpha-haemolytic streptococci, such as S. mitis and S. oralis, belong to the normal microbiota, which are regarded to be non-pathogenic and are nearly impossible to identify by phenotypic methods. In this thesis, a pyrosequencing method was developed for identification of streptococcal species based on the 16S rRNA sequences. Almost all streptococcal species could be differentiated from one another by the developed method, including S. pneumoniae from its close relatives S. mitis and S. oralis . New resistance genes and their variants are constantly discovered and reported. In this study, new methods for detecting certain mutations causing macrolide resistance or extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) phenotype were developed. These resistance detection approaches are not only suitable for surveillance of mechanisms causing antimicrobial resistance but also for routine analysis of clinical samples particularly in epidemic settings. In conclusion, pyrosequencing was found to be an accurate, versatile, cost-effective, and rapid DNA sequencing method that is especially suitable for mutation analysis of short DNA fragments and identification of certain bacteria.


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Antimicrobial Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Campylobacters are a common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli being the most common species isolated in human infections. If antimicrobial treatment is required, the drugs of choice at the moment are the macrolides and fluoroquinolones. In this thesis, the in vitro resistance profiles of the C. jejuni and C. coli strains were evaluated with emphasis on multidrug resistance. The aim was also to evaluate the different resistance mechanisms against the macrolides. Further, the disk diffusion method was compared to agar dilution method and its repeatability was evaluated, since it has been widely used for the susceptibility testing of campylobacters. The results of the present study showed that resistance to the fluoroquinolones is common in strains isolated from Finnish patients, but resistance to the macrolides is still rare. Multidrug resistance was associated with resistance to both ciprofloxacin and erythromycin. Among the available per oral drugs, least resistance was observed to coamoxiclav There was no resistance to the carbapenems. Sitafloxacin and tigecycline were in vitro highly effective towards Campylobacter species. A point mutation A2059G of the 23S rRNA gene was the main mechanism behind the macrolide resistance, whereas the efflux pumps did not seem to play an important role when a strain had A2059G mutation. A five amino acids insertion, which has not been described previously, in the ribosomal protein L22 of one highly-resistant C. jejuni strain without mutation in the 23S rRNA gene was also detected. Concerning the disk diffusion method, there was variation in the repeatability In conclusion, macrolides still appear to be the first-choice alternative for suspected Campylobacter enteritis. The in vitro susceptibilities found suggest that co-amoxiclav might be a candidate for clinical trials on campylobacteriosis, but in life-threatening situations, a carbapenem may be the drug of choice. More studies are needed on whether the disk diffusion test method could be improved or whether all susceptibilities of campylobacters should be done using a MIC based method.


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Oxidative stress is a constant threat to almost all organisms. It damages a number of biomolecules and leads to the disruption of many crucial cellular functions. It is caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide (•O2 -), and hydroxyl radical (•OH). The most harmful of these compounds is •OH, which is only formed in cells in the presence of redox-cycling transition metals, such as iron and copper. Bacteria have developed a number of mechanisms to cope with ROS. One of the most widespread means employed by bacteria is the DNA-binding proteins from starved cells (Dps). Dps proteins protect the cells by binding and oxidizing Fe2+, thus greatly reducing the production of •OH. The oxidized iron is stored inside the protein as an iron core. In addition, Dps proteins bind directly to DNA forming a protective coating that shields DNA from harmful agents. Moreover, Dps proteins have been found to elicit other protective functions in cells and to participate in bacterial virulence. Dps proteins are of special importance to Streptococci owing to the lack of catalase in this genus of bacteria.This study was focused on structural and functional characterization of streptococcal Dpslike peroxide resistance (Dpr) proteins. Initially, crystal structures of Streptococcus pyogenes Dpr were determined. The data confirmed the presence of a di-metal ferroxidase center (FOC) in Dpr proteins and revealed the presence of a novel N-terminal helix as well as a surface metal-binding site. The crystal structures of Streptococcus suis Dpr complexed with transition metals demonstrated the metal specificity of the FOC. Solution binding studies also indicated the presence of a di-metal FOC. These results suggested a possible role for Dpr in the detoxification of various metals. Iron was found to mineralize inside the protein as ferrihydrite based on X-ray absorption spectroscopy data. The iron core was found to exhibit clear superparamagnetic behaviour using magnetic and Mössbauer measurements. The results from this study are expected to further increase our understanding on the binding, oxidation, and mineralization of iron and other metals in Dpr proteins. In particular, the structural and magnetic properties of the iron core can form a basis for potential new applications in nanotechnology. From the streptococcal viewpoint, the results would help in understanding better the complicated picture of bacterial pathogenesis. Dpr proteins may also provide a novel target for drug design due to their tight involvement in bacterial virulence.


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The penetration resistance (PR) is a soil attribute that allows identifies areas with restrictions due to compaction, which results in mechanical impedance for root growth and reduced crop yield. The aim of this study was to characterize the PR of an agricultural soil by geostatistical and multivariate analysis. Sampling was done randomly in 90 points up to 0.60 m depth. It was determined spatial distribution models of PR, and defined areas with mechanical impedance for roots growth. The PR showed a random distribution to 0.55 and 0.60 m depth. PR in other depths analyzed showed spatial dependence, with adjustments to exponential and spherical models. The cluster analysis that considered sampling points allowed establishing areas with compaction problem identified in the maps by kriging interpolation. The analysis with main components identified three soil layers, where the middle layer showed the highest values of PR.


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A study about the spatial variability of data of soil resistance to penetration (RSP) was conducted at layers 0.0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m and 0.2-0.3 m depth, using the statistical methods in univariate forms, i.e., using traditional geostatistics, forming thematic maps by ordinary kriging for each layer of the study. It was analyzed the RSP in layer 0.2-0.3 m depth through a spatial linear model (SLM), which considered the layers 0.0-0.1 m and 0.1-0.2 m in depth as covariable, obtaining an estimation model and a thematic map by universal kriging. The thematic maps of the RSP at layer 0.2-0.3 m depth, constructed by both methods, were compared using measures of accuracy obtained from the construction of the matrix of errors and confusion matrix. There are similarities between the thematic maps. All maps showed that the RSP is higher in the north region.