867 resultados para ball-milling
Acid-sensing ion channels are members of the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family. They are neuronal nonvoltage-gated Na(+) channels that are activated by extracellular acidification. In this study, we investigated the role of a highly conserved region of the extracellular part of ASIC1a that forms the contact between the finger domain, the adjacent beta-ball, and the upper palm domain in ASIC1a. The finger domain contributes to the pH-dependent gating and is linked via this contact zone to the rest of the protein. We found that mutation to Cys of residues in this region led to decreased channel expression and current amplitudes. Exposure of the engineered Cys residues to Cd(2+) or to charged methane thiosulfonate sulfhydryl reagents further reduced current amplitudes. This current inhibition was not due to changes in acid-sensing ion channel pH dependence or unitary conductance and was likely due to a decrease of the probability of channel opening. For some mutants, the effect of sulfhydryl reagents depended on the pH of exposure in the range 7.4 to 6.8, suggesting that this zone undergoes conformational changes during inactivation. Our study identifies a region in ASIC1a whose integrity is required for normal channel function.
Diffusion-weighting in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) increases the sensitivity to molecular Brownian motion, providing insight in the micro-environment of the underlying tissue types and structures. At the same time, the diffusion weighting renders the scans sensitive to other motion, including bulk patient motion. Typically, several image volumes are needed to extract diffusion information, inducing also inter-volume motion susceptibility. Bulk motion is more likely during long acquisitions, as they appear in diffusion tensor, diffusion spectrum and q-ball imaging. Image registration methods are successfully used to correct for bulk motion in other MRI time series, but their performance in diffusion-weighted MRI is limited since diffusion weighting introduces strong signal and contrast changes between serial image volumes. In this work, we combine the capability of free induction decay (FID) navigators, providing information on object motion, with image registration methodology to prospectively--or optionally retrospectively--correct for motion in diffusion imaging of the human brain. Eight healthy subjects were instructed to perform small-scale voluntary head motion during clinical diffusion tensor imaging acquisitions. The implemented motion detection based on FID navigator signals is processed in real-time and provided an excellent detection performance of voluntary motion patterns even at a sub-millimetre scale (sensitivity≥92%, specificity>98%). Motion detection triggered an additional image volume acquisition with b=0 s/mm2 which was subsequently co-registered to a reference volume. In the prospective correction scenario, the calculated motion-parameters were applied to perform a real-time update of the gradient coordinate system to correct for the head movement. Quantitative analysis revealed that the motion correction implementation is capable to correct head motion in diffusion-weighted MRI to a level comparable to scans without voluntary head motion. The results indicate the potential of this method to improve image quality in diffusion-weighted MRI, a concept that can also be applied when highest diffusion weightings are performed.
To identify common variants influencing body mass index (BMI), we analyzed genome-wide association data from 16,876 individuals of European descent. After previously reported variants in FTO, the strongest association signal (rs17782313, P = 2.9 x 10(-6)) mapped 188 kb downstream of MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor), mutations of which are the leading cause of monogenic severe childhood-onset obesity. We confirmed the BMI association in 60,352 adults (per-allele effect = 0.05 Z-score units; P = 2.8 x 10(-15)) and 5,988 children aged 7-11 (0.13 Z-score units; P = 1.5 x 10(-8)). In case-control analyses (n = 10,583), the odds for severe childhood obesity reached 1.30 (P = 8.0 x 10(-11)). Furthermore, we observed overtransmission of the risk allele to obese offspring in 660 families (P (pedigree disequilibrium test average; PDT-avg) = 2.4 x 10(-4)). The SNP location and patterns of phenotypic associations are consistent with effects mediated through altered MC4R function. Our findings establish that common variants near MC4R influence fat mass, weight and obesity risk at the population level and reinforce the need for large-scale data integration to identify variants influencing continuous biomedical traits.
Thin overlays, diamond grinding, longitudinal grooving, transverse grooving, and milling have been successful techniques for restoring frictional properties on portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Shotblasting offers a lower cost alternative if successful. Five test sections of shotblasting were placed on IA 9 from Decorah east to the Winneshiek County line (milepost 260.0 to 270.0). Both smooth tire and ribbed tire friction testing (ASTM E274) was performed. The conclusions and recommendations are: Based on the study, friction enhancement by shotblasting has a relatively short service life when measured by the ribbed tire test. However, when measured by the smooth tire test, the friction enhancement is longer lasting. Consideration of shotblasting for friction enhancement may be warranted to gain additional information, particularly when smooth tire friction properties are at issue.
Two goals were pursued in this research: first, to evaluate statistically some effects of sample preparation and instrument geometry on reproducibility of X-ray diffraction intensity data; and second, to develop a procedure for finding minimum peak and background counting times for a desired level of accuracy. The ratio of calcite to dolomite in limestones was determined in trials. Ultra-fine wet grinding of the limestone in porcelain impact type ball mill gave most consistent X-ray results, but caused considerable line broadening, and peaks were best measured on an area count basis. Sample spinning reduced variance about one third, and a coarse beam-medium detector slit arrangement was found to be best. An equation is developed relating coefficient of variation of a count ratio to peak and background counts. By use of the equation or graphs the minimum coefficient of variation is predicted from one fast scan, and the number and optimum arrangement of additional counting periods to reduce variation to a desired limit may be obtained. The calculated coefficient is the maximum which may be attributed to the counting statistic but does not include experimental deviations.
Stopping and turning maneuvers on high traffic volume asphalt cement concrete surfaced roads and streets often causes distortion of the pavement. Distortion may show up as excessive rutting in the wheel path, shoving of the pavement and/or rippling of the surface. Often times repeated corrective work such as cold milling or heater planing is required in these areas to maintain the pavement surface in a reasonable condition. In recent years polymer additives have been developed for asphalt cement concrete paving mixes that show promise in improving the inplace stability of the pavements. AC-13 (Styrelf 13) available from Bitucote Products Company, St. Louis, Missouri is an asphalt cement that has been modified by an additive to exhibit characteristics of very high stability in asphalt mixes.
There has been a long standing desire to produce thick (up to 500 nm) cryo-sections of fully hydrated cells and tissue for high-resolution analysis in their natural state by cryo-transmission electron microscopy. Here, we present a method that can successfully produce sections (lamellas in FIB-SEM terminology) of fully hydrated, unstained cells from high-pressure frozen samples by focused ion beam (FIB) milling. The samples are therefore placed in thin copper tubes and vitrified by high-pressure freezing. For transfer, handling and subsequent milling, the tubes are placed in a novel connective device (ferrule) that protects the sample from devitrification and contamination and passes through all operation steps. A piezo driven sample positioning stage (cryo-nano-bench, CNB) with three degrees of freedom was additionally developed to enable accurate milling of frozen-hydrated lamellas. With the CNB, high-pressure frozen samples can be milled to produce either thin lamellas (<100 nm), for direct imaging by high-resolution cryo-TEM or thicker lamellas (300-500 nm) for cryo-electron tomography. The sample remains vitreous throughout the process by using the presented tools and methods. The results are an important step towards investigating larger cells and even tissue in there natural state which in the end will enable us to gain better insights into cellular processes.
Capacity is affected by construction type and its intensity on adjacent open traffic lanes. The effect on capacity is a function of vehicles moving in and out of the closed lanes of the work zone, and the presence of heavy construction vehicles. Construction activity and its intensity, however, are not commonly considered in estimating capacity of a highway lane. The main purpose of this project was to attempt to quantify the effects of construction type and intensity (e.g. maintenance, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and milling) on work zone capacity. The objective of this project is to quantify the effects of construction type and its intensity on work zone capacity and to develop guidelines for MoDOT to estimate the specific operation type and intensity that will improve the traffic flow by reducing the traffic flow and queue length commonly associated with work zones. Despite the effort put into field data collection, the data collected did not show a full speed-flow chart therefore extracting a reliable capacity value was difficult. A statistical comparison between the capacity values found in this study using either methodologies indicates that there is an effect of construction activity on the values work zone capacity. It was found that the heavy construction activity reduces the capacity. It is very beneficial to conduct similar studies on the capacity of work zone with different lane closure barriers, which is also directly related to the type of work zone being short-term or long-term work zones. Also, the effect of different geometric and environmental characteristics of the roadway should be considered in future studies.
El propòsit d’aquest estudi és analitzar quin és l’índex d’efectivitat en diferents situacions a pilota aturada (penals, faltes sense barrera i córners) en el futbol platja dins el context d’equips amateurs que participen en els tornejos de Blanes i Tossa de Mar. A l’hora de realitzar-lo he tingut en compte una sèrie de variables, com ara la precisió del colpeig, el tipus de colpeig, la superfície de contacte o la situació inicial de la pilota, és a dir, des d’on provenia la trajectòria inicial d’ aquesta, tot comprovant també com canvien els resultats en funció de la zona i del costat que es realitza el remat. Respecte els resultats, aquests demostren que l’índex d’efectivitat en aquest tipus d’accions és més baix en relació amb altres esports semblants com el futbol i el futbol sala.
L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi ha estat comprovar quin nombre de contactes amb la pilota és més efectiu a l’hora d’executar l’acció del remat dins la zona de finalització. S’ha utilitzat la metodologia observacional, investigant en un context d’elit com són els partits realitzats per les quatre seleccions millor classificades a l’Eurocopa 2012. La investigació ha tingut en compte diferents variables del remat com el gol, el nombre de contactes amb la pilota abans del remat, l’orientació corporal del jugador que remata i la última acció abans que la pilota entri dins la zona de finalització per ser rematada. Els resultats obtinguts ens donen informació sobre com les seleccions de Portugal, Alemanya, Itàlia i Espanya finalitzaren les seves accions ofensives i permeten al lector fer-se una idea general de com hauria de realitzar-se un remat en la zona de finalització.
Quantificar les variables temporal, les accions tècniques i els desplaçaments dels jugador al llarg de la competició proporciona una informació excel·lent per deduir les càrregues físiques i fisiològiques a les que estan sotmesos. Per aquest estudi es van visualitzar 4 partits de la Copa del Rei 2012. Es va enregistrà sistemàticament les dades en fulls de registre. Les principals dades analitzades van ser: temps total, temps real, temps de pausa, temps d’acció i relació entre el temps d’acció i el temps de pausa (densitat de treball). També es va analitzar: les incidències reglamentaries, les accions tècniques del jugador i els desplaçaments del jugador. El 45% de les accions es van produir entre 0 i 30s, i el promig d’interval de participació va ser 19:29s ±2:09. Més del 50% de les pauses es van produir entre 11s i 30s, i el promig d’interval de pausa va ser de 24:57s. Aquest va determinar que la densitat de treball era 1:1.3. Aproximadament el 70% de les incidències reglamentàries van ser faltes d’equip I tècniques. Van haver-hi 56 conduccions, 10 driblins, 12 remats, (3 xuts, 2 punxades/escopides, 5 remats de primeres i 2 arrossegades) i 80 passades. Finalment, en un partit el 42,23% dels desplaçaments van ser a baixa intensitat, el 27,02% van ser a intensitat mitjana i el 30,75% van ser a alta intensitat. A més a més, el 81,90% dels desplaçaments a alta intensitat van durar de 0s a 5s, el 54,56% a intensitat mitjana van durar de 6 a 10 s. I el 49,32% a intensitat baixa també van durar 6s a 10s. L’hoquei sobre patins és un esport en el que hi predominen els esforços intermitents a gran intensitat i de curta durada amb una important sol·licitació de la via anaeròbica alàctica. Analitzar la dimensió temporal, les accions tècniques i els desplaçaments dels jugador durant la competició permet estimar les exigències físiques i requeriments energètics, i aquest faciliten l’elaboració d’entrenaments més específics.
Segons Castelo (1999, 2009) i Ardá i Casal (2003) la fase ofensiva del futbol es divideix en la fase de progressió, en la qual es busca progressar a porteria, i en la fase de manteniment o emergència, en la qual s’assegura la possessió de la pilota. L’objectiu és analitzar si quan el davanter centre rep la pilota d’esquena a porteria, es manté amb més eficàcia la possessió jugant en progressió o en emergència durant els 5” posteriors a la recepció de la pilota per part del davanter. L’estudi és Descriptiu d’Observació Directa, en aquest s’observen i s’analitzen, a través de vídeos, 10 partits de la fase de grups de la fase final de la Eurocopa 2012, en concret els partits són dels grups A i B. Els resultats confirmen la hipòtesi inicial, ja que es manté amb més eficàcia la pilota quan aquesta es juga en emergència (71%) que no pas en progressió (54%).
En el procés ofensiu de la majoria d’equips de futbol, es pot distingir una tendència a jugar en base a dos estils de joc. Un estil basat en un joc en curt, per tal de poder mantenir la possessió de la pilota, i estar durant més temps atacant la porteria contraria. I un altre estil que prefereix buscar la profunditat en les seves accions, anant d’una forma més directe cap a la porteria rival. En aquest treball es pretén analitzar quin dels dos estils és millor perquè un equip encadeni un total de 6 accions, tenint com a referència en l’inici de la jugada al porter. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho s’analitzaran els 24 partits de la fase de grups de l’Eurocopa 2012 a través d’una metodologia pròpia, que ens permetrà saber a través de quines situacions rep la pilota el porter abans de posar la pilota en joc, i a través de quines accions, l’equip no és capaç d’assolir el nombre d’encadenaments marcat.
In this paper we consider C1 vector fields X in R3 having a “generalized heteroclinic loop” L which is topologically homeomorphic to the union of a 2–dimensional sphere S2 and a diameter connecting the north with the south pole. The north pole is an attractor on S2 and a repeller on . The equator of the sphere is a periodic orbit unstable in the north hemisphere and stable in the south one. The full space is topologically homeomorphic to the closed ball having as boundary the sphere S2. We also assume that the flow of X is invariant under a topological straight line symmetry on the equator plane of the ball. For each n ∈ N, by means of a convenient Poincar´e map, we prove the existence of infinitely many symmetric periodic orbits of X near L that gives n turns around L in a period. We also exhibit a class of polynomial vector fields of degree 4 in R3 satisfying this dynamics.
The complex structural organization of the white matter of the brain can be depicted in vivo in great detail with advanced diffusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging schemes. Diffusion MR imaging techniques are increasingly varied, from the simplest and most commonly used technique-the mapping of apparent diffusion coefficient values-to the more complex, such as diffusion tensor imaging, q-ball imaging, diffusion spectrum imaging, and tractography. The type of structural information obtained differs according to the technique used. To fully understand how diffusion MR imaging works, it is helpful to be familiar with the physical principles of water diffusion in the brain and the conceptual basis of each imaging technique. Knowledge of the technique-specific requirements with regard to hardware and acquisition time, as well as the advantages, limitations, and potential interpretation pitfalls of each technique, is especially useful.