992 resultados para areal geology


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Stratigraphic series concerning the paleogenic materials of the 'Massis de Begur' are described. We note the presence of some diferences between its northem and westem margins


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Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cementedemerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area


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This paper, fundamentally stratigraphic, is based on the vertical distribution of fauna in sediments which constitute the Montgri Massif. The stratigraphic series is composed of two units: one allochtonous (Mesozoic) and a second one autochtonous (Paleogene). The latter crops out in front of the thrust belt and presents the typical facies described by PALLI (1972). The allochtonous part is formed by the following units (from bottom to top): variegated gypsiferous shales of Keuper age; marls, limestones and dolomites from the Lias (Domerian); gray breccia ted dolomites: supraliassic; and Cretaceous limestones with rare interbeds of calcareous marls and nodular shaly marls. In this unit the Neocomian, Barremian (?), Aptian, Albian, Cenomanian, Turonian (?) and Santonian haven been recognized. Structurally, the Montgri Massif is part of a thrust belt which has been divided into three parts of different development ang age. Both parts are affected by ample synclinal folds of NE-SW directions and fractures of NW-SE orientation. The fractures condition the torrential streams as well as the karstic phenomena present in the Massif. These and the eolian actions are the main causes of the present geomorphology of the Montgri


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The geological features of the Baix Empordà Plain are mainly related to the sedimentary processes that took place during the Holocen, when a stable sea level was reached at the end of the Versilian transgression. In this paper, all the sedimentary environments which have given rise to the present morphology are described: alluvial, coastal and palustrine environments as well as colluvial and aeolian deposits. We conclude with a scheme in which the geological evolution of the Plain is shown


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In the present paper, the diverse morphological aspects of the Les Gavarres Massif (Catalonian Coastal Ranges) are described. Also, the different outcrop rocks are shaped in a schematic geological chart


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A la Costa Brava hi ha, en comparació amb altres àrees mediterrànies, pocs testimonis de sediments litorals antics. El domini manifest dels processosd'erosió n'és la causa principal. Tanmateix, hi ha alguns dipòsits litorals fòssils, que se situen uns decimetres per sobre i per sota del nivell del mar actual. L'estudi detallat dels diferents nivells localitzats fins ara ha permès caracteritzar-los des d'un punt de vista estratigràfic. Així, s'ha pogut constatar que es tracta d'acumulacions de blocs aplegats al peu de penya-segats, de platges emergides sense cimentar, i de platges submergides que han patit un procés de cimentació. La seva edat és molt recent, en termes geològics, i es remunta a començaments de l'era cristiana


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Descripció de diferents actuacions de restauració del patrimoni natural geològic de Catalunya


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Se describe un conjunto de depósitos litorales localizados en la Costa Brava, que aparecen unos pocos metros por encima y por debajo del nivel del mar actual. En base a su génesis se han agrupado en niveles de conglomerados de pie de acantilado, playas levantabas sincementar y playas sumergidas cementadas (beachrock). Su edad se ha establecido apartir de los fragmentos de cerámica que contienen y de dataciones absolutas de 14C. Estos depósitos permiten detectaroscilaciones recientes del nivel del mar que se enmarcan en los últimos estadios de la transgresión Flandriense


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Descripció de la seqüència estratigràfica i dels registres paleoambientals dels sediments holocens de Sant Julià de Boada


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This study is about the main characteristics of a large area in the province of Girona, the utilization of which has been historically poor, basically due to gecsnorphological causes. The analysis has been made considering the possibilities -both positive and negative - that the geological medium offers by appropiate use of the area, bearing in mind the possible impacts that these uses could have on the medium. The conclusions drawn from this study are shown in a series of maps


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Se presentan de forma resumida los resultados geoambientales obtenidos en el estudio de un término municipal motivado más por sistemática de planteamiento por parte del responsable del Plan General, que por cuestión concreta planteada sobre este ámbito en aquel término municipal. Así y todo, la información obtenida influye sobre el Plan y pone de manifiesto circunstancias qenerales que sin ser aqudas son persistentes en el tiempo, por razones obvias del ámbito terrestre, al que pertenecen


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The general features of the mesozoic sediments of Girona province and also the detailed jurassic section are studied. In this section are identified paleontologically the Carixian, the Lower Domerian and the Midle Toarcian age


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El entorno de la Depresión donde se ubica el lago de Banyoles presenta unas especiales características litológicas, morfológicas e hidrogeológicas que se traducen en unos claros ejemplos de inestabilidad gravitatoria. Esta ocasiona, en general, rápidas modificaciones de la superficie topográfica, que delimitan el uso territorial de la zona. Son relativamente frecuentes los fenómenos de inestabilidad de laderas, siempre coincidentes con episodiospluviométricos de carácter extraordinario, así como manifestaciones gravitatorias de hundimiento por colapso, ligadas a la carstificación del material yesífero infrayacente


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The Pyrenees are an alpine chain with hercynian basement rocks that outcrop in a large area called the Axial Zone. These rocks have been involved in the alpine deformation events although their main structural features resulted from the Hercynian orogeny. A relevant characteristic of the Hercynian basement is a change in structural style in depth which has been commonly studied and interpreted in the Pallaresa Anticlinorium, in the Central Pyrenees. This anticlinorium is a complex hercynian structural unit whose southern part belongs to the suprastructure whereas the northern part corresponds mostly to a transition zone between the infrastructure and the suprastructure. Rocks of the suprastructure show a steeply dipping slaty cleavage as the dominant structure, which is overprinting folds and thrusts rarely going with pervasive deformation. The transition zone results from a slaty cleavage, very often close to the bedding, overprinted by one or two steep crenulation cleavages. A gradual boundary exists between both structural levels and it can be observed that the deformation developing slaty cleavage in the suprastructure grades to a crenulation foliation in the transition zone. The gradual character of that boundary, as seen in the northern end of the transition zone, suggests that the southern sharp boundary is not original. That boundary is interpreted as a northward dipping inverse fault, possibly with Alpine age. That fault causes a relative uplift of the rocks of the transition zone and gives this sharp boundary with the suprastructural levels. It provokes the asymmetry in the Pallaresa anticlinorium


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The Miocene Paine Granite in the Torres del Paine Intrusive Complex, southern Chile, is an extraordinary example of an upper crustal mafic and granitic intrusion. The granite intruded as a series of three sheets, each one underplating the previous sheet along the top of the basal Paine Mafic Complex. High-precision U/Pb geochronology on single zircons using isotope dilution-thermal ionization mass spectrometry yields distinct ages of 12.59 +/- 0.02 Ma and 12.50 +/- 0.02 Ma, respectively, for the first and last sheet of the laccolith. This age relationship is consistent with field observations. The zircon ages define a time frame of 90 +/- 40 k.y. for the emplacement of a >2000-m-thick granite laccollith. These precise U-Pb zircon ages permit identification of the pulses in a 20 k.y. range. The data obtained for the Paine Granite fill the gap between 100 k.y. and 100-1000 yr pulses described in the literature for crustal magma chambers.