848 resultados para appraisal
The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte
The physical and environmental factors presented by each habitat and the rhythm of behavior patterns strongly influence the ecology and behavior of the all living beings. At same time this factors may provide clues about the structure of a population and its ecological balance. The organizational structure, ecology and behavior of a species appraised in a region if we know be in balance when compared to the same type of appraisal made in a degraded area can provide a clear view of how the anthropogenic influences acted on these species and what steps can be taken in order to mitigate the effects and keep the population. The region where this study was conducted is, like most areas of port, subject to intense physical and environmental degradation. With the emerging interest of change in the quality of these environments also by the companies themselves that use the port services, the proposed study aimed to characterize the use of habitat, the distribution of behavioral activities carried out throughout the day and influence of geomorphology of the bed, depth and variation of tide on the expression of the behavior of Sotalia guianensis in the port of Maceio - Alagoas. From this information will be possible establish parameters for comparison with other populations of S. guianensis and establish conservation measures for the population occurring in the port of Maceio - AL, serving also as a basis for conservation actions future performed in other port regions
OBJETIVO: Descrever o desempenho de crianças com Distúrbio Específico de Linguagem (DEL) em provas de leitura, escrita, aritmética, consciência fonológica e memória seqüencial auditiva, assim como, verificar se há associação positiva entre as provas que avaliam a aprendizagem escolar e as que avaliam o processamento da informação. MÉTODOS: Vinte sujeitos com diagnóstico de DEL, com idades entre 7 e 12 anos, foram submetidos ao Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE) e a duas provas, que avaliam o processamento da informação (Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas e Subteste de Memória Seqüencial Auditiva do Teste de Illinois de Habilidades Psicolingüísticas - ITPA). RESULTADOS: A maioria apresentou alteração em todas as provas realizadas. As associações entre o desempenho do grupo nas diferentes provas demonstram que a habilidade metafonológica apresentou associação estatisticamente significante com as habilidades de leitura (p=0,02) e escrita (p=0,02). Por sua vez, a habilidade de memória seqüencial auditiva apresentou associação estatisticamente significante apenas com a habilidade de aritmética (p=0,0003). CONCLUSÃO: O desempenho escolar, assim como as habilidades de consciência fonológica e memória de curto prazo mostraram-se defasados na maioria dos sujeitos avaliados, havendo associação positiva entre: a prova de memória de curto prazo e a prova de aritmética; a prova de consciência fonológica e as provas de leitura e escrita. Neste contexto, reforça-se aqui a utilização de programas de intervenção baseados em Modelos Psicolingüísticos, que sugerem o uso de estratégias individuais para o desenvolvimento das habilidades metafonológicas.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a very heterogeneous condition, not always easy to be identified. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts, impulses or images that cause anxiety or other emotional discomfort, whereas compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts voluntarily performed to counterbalance or minimize the discomfort, or magically prevent any feared events. The most common symptoms are contamination, aggressive, somatic and sexual obsessions and washing, checking, repeating, counting and ordering compulsions. Patients usually have multiple symptoms simultaneously, which often change over time. Although the insight is typically preserved, it varies among patients and also fluctuates in the same patient in different ocasions. The main features are: exacerbated appraisal of risks, pathological doubts and incompleteness, as well as excessive sense of responsibility and guilt and thought/action fusion. As patients frequently feel ashamed of their symptoms, they can be reticent about them. Consequently, it usually takes time till they get adequate treatment.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho cognitivo em diferentes níveis de escolaridade de indivíduos adultos e idosos praticantes de atividade física. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 122 indivíduos sem comprometimento cognitivo, idade entre 46 a 85 anos e escolaridade entre 1 a 15 anos, praticantes de atividade física há mais de 6 meses no Programa de Atividades Físicas e Recreativas para a Terceira Idade. Foi aplicada uma bateria de testes cognitivos para verificar as seguintes variáveis: memória de curto prazo, linguagem, aprendizagem, taxa de esquecimento e funções executivas. RESULTADOS: O teste de Kruskal-Wallis apontou diferenças entre os grupos, com diferentes níveis de escolaridade, apenas para a memória de curto prazo, sendo que o teste de U Mann Whitney demonstra diferença entre o grupo de menor escolaridade (1-4 anos) com o grupo de maior escolaridade (> 12 anos). CONCLUSÃO: Diante disso, sugere-se que adultos e idosos ativos, em diferentes níveis de escolaridade, apresentam um perfil cognitivo semelhante para os seguintes domínios cognitivos: linguagem, aprendizagem, taxa de esquecimento e funções executivas.
A Educação Física deve propiciar ao aluno o exercício da cidadania, possibilitando a conquista da autonomia, por meio da reflexão-crítica sobre os conhecimentos da cultura corporal de movimento. Contudo, a área carece de subsídios para uma melhor organização de seus conteúdos dentro do currículo escolar. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo consiste em apontar um conjunto de temas relevantes do conteúdo futebol que possam servir de subsídios para propostas de sistematização para o componente curricular Educação Física escolar. São apresentados nove temas que discutem aspectos relevantes do futebol, tais como suas relações com a arte, sua história e o contexto do futebol feminino. Por fim, o tema relativo aos jogos da cultura popular relacionados ao futebol foi aprofundado por meio do futebol de tampinhas e do futebol de botão, incluindo aprendizagens como a construção de regras, a interpretação de competições e a valorização da cultura popular.
Este artigo apresenta, tendo em vista perplexidades constituídas a partir de uma leitura acerca do funcionamento do modelo tradicional de ensino, considerações sobre a Proposta Pedagógica Assimilação Solidária, AS (Baldino, 1995a). Proposta interventora, a AS muda o conceito de mérito, pois considera, ao lado do prêmio ao saber, o justo prêmio ao trabalho coletivo produzido em sala de aula. O instrumento fundamental da AS é um contrato de trabalho, negociado entre professor e alunos, que vincula a avaliação e o trabalho em grupos na sala de aula.
The main water source of the Rio Claro municipal district (DAAE) was analysed for determining the level of organic contamination. Temperature, pH, light penetration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved phosphate, ortophosphate, ammonia, heterotrofic bacteria, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, total yeasts and fermentative yeasts were analysed during one year with samples being collected on a monthly basis. Bathing quality of the water from sites 1, 2 and 3 were classified, respectively, as Satisfactory, Very Good and Improper based on fecal coliform counts. Total yeast counts were appropriate as a complement for the appraisal of fresh water contamination by coliform counts. Seventeen yeast species belonging to genera Candida, Cryptococcus, Kloeckera, Pichia and Rhodotorula were found but none of them could be correlated with a level of contamination. Candida famata, C. robusta-like and C. colliculosa were isolated at all of the sites and between the five species found only at the more polluted site, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was prevalent.
Tries to develop both an evolutional analysis and a critical appraisal of Brazilian industrial geography. This is a little-explored area in Brazil, as geographers have tended to focus on local and regional studies, rather than pursuing a holistic view of the national industrial system. Also notes the continuing dependence on the theoretical and methodological basis of work produced by capitalist developed countries. -from English summary
The Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve was created in a region of rich biodiversity, located in the South of Bahia State, Brazil, to meet the revindications of artisanal fishermen in a context of increasing predatory industrial fisheries. The aim of the Marine Extractive Reserve is to improve the sustainability of fisheries stocks and the economy of artisanal fishermen's families, protecting the local biodiversity for the locals' collective use. However, at Corumbau the natives are facing social problems that have increased due to tourism growth. The present research contributes to the Management Plan in sectors that are crucial to assess the aspirations and subjective aspects related to the natives' daily life at individual, familiar and communitary levels. The Participatory Appraisal with a Gender Equity Perspective (PAGP) was applied to five communities at RESEX Corumbau, showing, by gender, the greatest problems artisanal fisheries' families are facing. Tourism is growing in the area, reflecting the residents different and contradictory interests. It can develop commerce and jobs, but also intensify some social and environmental problems in this area. © Society for Human Ecology.
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