916 resultados para animal by-products


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Bacterial pathogens of both animals and plants use type III secretion machines to inject virulence proteins into host cells. Although many components of the secretion machinery are conserved among different bacterial species, the substrates for their type III pathways are not. The Yersinia type III machinery recognizes some secretion substrates via a signal that is encoded within the first 15 codons of yop mRNA. These signals can be altered by frameshift mutations without affecting secretion of the encoded polypeptides, suggesting a mechanism whereby translation of yop mRNA is coupled to the translocation of newly synthesized polypeptide. We report that the type III machinery of Erwinia chrysanthemi cloned in Escherichia coli recognizes the secretion signals of yopE and yopQ. Pseudomonas syringae AvrB and AvrPto, two proteins exported by the recombinant Erwinia machine, can also be secreted by the Yersinia type III pathway. Mapping AvrPto sequences sufficient for the secretion of reporter fusions in Yersinia revealed the presence of an mRNA secretion signal. We propose that 11 conserved components of type III secretion machines may recognize signals that couple mRNA translation to polypeptide secretion.


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LXRα is an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that displays constitutive transcriptional activity. We reasoned that this activity may result from the production of an endogenous activator that is a component of intermediary metabolism. The use of metabolic inhibitors revealed that mevalonic acid biosynthesis is required for LXRα activity. Mevalonic acid is a common metabolite used by virtually all eukaryotic cells. It serves as a precursor to a large number of important molecules including farnesyl pyrophosphate, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, cholesterol, and oxysterols. Inhibition of LXRα could be reversed by addition of mevalonic acid and certain oxysterols but not by other products of mevalonic acid metabolism. Surprisingly, the constitutive activity of LXRα was inhibited by geranylgeraniol, a metabolite of mevalonic acid. These findings suggest that LXRα may represent a central component of a signaling pathway that is both positively and negatively regulated by multiple products of mevalonate metabolism.


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Cardiomyopathy (CM) is a primary degenerative disease of myocardium and is traditionally categorized into hypertrophic and dilated CMs (HCM and DCM) according to its gross appearance. Cardiomyopathic hamster (CM hamster), a representative model of human hereditary CM, has HCM and DCM inbred sublines, both of which descend from the same ancestor. Herein we show that both HCM and DCM hamsters share a common defect in a gene for δ-sarcoglycan (δ-SG), the functional role of which is yet to be characterized. A breakpoint causing genomic deletion was found to be located at 6.1 kb 5′ upstream of the second exon of δ-SG gene, and its 5′ upstream region of more than 27.4 kb, including the authentic first exon of δ-SG gene, was deleted. This deletion included the major transcription initiation site, resulting in a deficiency of δ-SG transcripts with the consequent loss of δ-SG protein in all the CM hamsters, despite the fact that the protein coding region of δ-SG starting from the second exon was conserved in all the CM hamsters. We elucidated the molecular interaction of dystrophin-associated glycoproteins including δ-SG, by using an in vitro pull-down study and ligand overlay assay, which indicates the functional role of δ-SG in stabilizing sarcolemma. The present study not only identifies CM hamster as a valuable animal model for studying the function of δ-SG in vivo but also provides a genetic target for diagnosis and treatment of human CM.


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Effective transcript profiling in animal systems requires isolation of homogenous tissue or cells followed by faithful mRNA amplification. Linear amplification based on cDNA synthesis and in vitro transcription is reported to maintain representation of mRNA levels, however, quantitative data demonstrating this as well as a description of inherent limitations is lacking. We show that published protocols produce a template-independent product in addition to amplifying real target mRNA thus reducing the specific activity of the final product. We describe a modified amplification protocol that minimizes the generation of template-independent product and can therefore generate the desired microgram quantities of message-derived material from 100 ng of total RNA. Application of a second, nested round of cDNA synthesis and in vitro transcription reduces the required starting material to 2 ng of total RNA. Quantitative analysis of these products on Caenorhabditis elegans Affymetrix GeneChips shows that this amplification does not reduce overall sensitivity and has only minor effects on fidelity.


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Although the systemic administration of a number of different gene products has been shown to result in the inhibition of angiogenesis and tumor growth in different animal tumor models, the relative potency of those gene products has not been studied rigorously. To address this issue, recombinant adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, and the ligand-binding ectodomains of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptors Flk1, Flt1, and neuropilin were generated and used to systemically deliver the different gene products in several different preexisting murine tumor models. Single i.v. injections of viruses encoding soluble forms of Flk1 or Flt1 resulted in ≈80% inhibition of preexisting tumor growth in murine models involving both murine (Lewis lung carcinoma, T241 fibrosarcoma) and human (BxPC3 pancreatic carcinoma) tumors. In contrast, adenoviruses encoding angiostatin, endostatin, or neuropilin were significantly less effective. A strong correlation was observed between the effects of the different viruses on tumor growth and the activity of the viruses in the inhibition of corneal micropocket angiogenesis. These data underscore the need for comparative analyses of different therapeutic approaches that target tumor angiogenesis and provide a rationale for the selection of specific antiangiogenic gene products as lead candidates for use in gene therapy approaches aimed at the treatment of malignant and ocular disorders.


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It is becoming clear that the cationic antimicrobial peptides are an important component of the innate defenses of all species of life. Such peptides can be constitutively expressed or induced by bacteria or their products. The best peptides have good activities vs. a broad range of bacterial strains, including antibiotic-resistant isolates. They kill very rapidly, do not easily select resistant mutants, are synergistic with conventional antibiotics, other peptides, and lysozyme, and are able to kill bacteria in animal models. It is known that bacterial infections, especially when treated with antibiotics, can lead to the release of bacterial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipoteichoic acid, resulting in potentially lethal sepsis. In contrast to antibiotics, the peptides actually prevent cytokine induction by bacterial products in tissue culture and human blood, and they block the onset of sepsis in mouse models of endotoxemia. Consistent with this, transcriptional gene array experiments using a macrophage cell line demonstrated that a model peptide, CEMA, blocks the expression of many genes whose transcription was induced by LPS. The peptides do this in part by blocking LPS interaction with the serum protein LBP. In addition, CEMA itself has a direct effect on macrophage gene expression. Because cationic antimicrobial peptides are induced by LPS and are able to dampen the septic response of animal cells to LPS, we propose that, in addition to their role in direct and lysozyme-assisted killing of microbes, they have a role in feedback regulation of cytokine responses. We are currently developing variant peptides as therapeutics against antibiotic-resistant infections.


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In PCR, DNA polymerases from thermophilic bacteria catalyze the extension of primers annealed to templates as well as the structure-specific cleavage of the products of primer extension. Here we show that cleavage by Thermus aquaticus and Thermus thermophilus DNA polymerases can be precise and substantial: it occurs at the base of the stem-loop structure assumed by the single strand products of primer extension using as template a common genetic element, the promoter-operator of the Escherichia coli lactose operon, and may involve up to 30% of the products. The cleavage is independent of primer, template, and triphosphates, is dependent on substrate length and temperature, requires free ends and Mg2+, and is absent in DNA polymerases lacking the 5'-->3' exonuclease, such as the Stoffel fragment and the T7 DNA polymerase. Heterogeneity of the extension products results also from premature detachment of the enzyme approaching the 5' end of the template.


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Oligodeoxynucleotide sequences are described that anneal to a template downstream of a priming site. During polymerase-catalyzed extension of the primer, the extending primer shifts from the original template to a segment of the annealed oligonucleotide that acts as an alternative template. The resulting chimeric extended primer has one segment that is complementary to the template and a second segment that is complementary to the oligonucleotide. The influence of the sequence elements of the oligonucleotide and the reaction conditions on template switching have been explored. The sequence requirements for template switching are compared to those for transposon excision.


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Inhibitors of glycosylation provide a tool for studying the biology of glycoconjugates. One class of inhibitors consists of glycosides that block glycoconjugate synthesis by acting as primers of free oligosaccharide chains. A typical primer contains one sugar linked to a hydrophobic aglycone. In this report, we describe a way to use disaccharides as primers. Chinese hamster ovary cells readily take up glycosides containing a pentose linked to naphthol, but they take up hexosides less efficiently and disaccharides not at all. Linking phenanthrol to a hexose improves its uptake dramatically but has no effect on disaccharides. To circumvent this problem, analogs of Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol were tested as primers of glycosaminoglycan chains. The unmodified disaccharide did not prime, but methylated derivatives had activity in the order Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)3-beta-O-2-naphthol > Xyl beta 1-->6Gal (Me)2 beta-O-2-naphthol >> Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)beta-O-2-naphthol. Acetylated Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol also primed glycosaminoglycans efficiently, suggesting that the terminal xylose residue was exposed by removing the acetyl groups. The general utility of using acetyl groups to create disaccharide primers was shown by the priming of oligosaccharides on peracetylated Gal beta 1-->4GlcNAc beta-O-naphthalenemethanol. This disaccharide inhibited sialyl Lewis X expression on HL-60 cells.