951 resultados para analyses
Late Holocene laminated sediments from a core transect centred in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) impinging at the continental slope off Pakistan indicate stable oxygen minimum conditions for the past 7000 calendar years. High SW-monsoon-controlled biological productivity and enhanced organic matter preservation during this period is reflected in high contents of total organic carbon (TOC) and redox-sensitive elements (Ni, V), as well as by a low-diversity, high-abundance benthic foraminiferal Buliminacea association and high abundance of the planktonic species Globigerina bulloides indicative of upwelling conditions. Surface-water productivity was strongest during SW monsoon maxima. Stable OMZ conditions (reflected by laminated sediments) were found also during warm interstadial events (Preboreal, Bølling-Allerød, and Dansgaard-Oeschger events), as well as during peak glacial times (17-22.5 ka, all ages in calendar years). Sediment mass accumulation rates were at a maximum during the Preboreal and Younger Dryas periods due to strong riverine input and mobilisation of fine-grained sediment coinciding with rapid deglacial sea-level rise, whereas eolian input generally decreased from glacial to interglacial times. In contrast, the occurrence of bioturbated intervals from 7 to 10.5 ka (early Holocene), in the Younger Dryas (11.7-13 ka), from 15 to 17 ka (Heinrich event 1) and from 22.5 to 25 ka (Heinrich event 2) suggests completely different conditions of oxygen-rich bottom waters, extremely low mass and organic carbon accumulation rates, a high-diversity benthic fauna, all indicating lowered surface-water productivity. During these intervals the OMZ was very poorly developed or absent and a sharp fall of the aragonite compensation depth favoured the preservation of pteropods. The abundance of lithogenic proxies suggests aridity and wind transport by northwesterly or northeasterly winds during these periods coinciding with the North Atlantic Heinrich events and dust peaks in the Tibetan Loess records. The correlation of the monsoon-driven OMZ variability in the Arabian Sea with the rapid climatic fluctuations in the high northern latitudes suggests a close coupling between the climates of the high and low latitudes at a global scale.
Methane seepage leads to Mg-calcite and aragonite precipitation at a depth of 4,850 m on the Aleutian accretionary margin. Stromatolitic and oncoid growth structures imply encrustation of microorganisms (microbial mats) in the host sediment with a unique growth direction downward into the sediment, forming crust-shaped lithologies. Biomarker investigations of the residue after carbonate dissolution show strong enrichments in crocetane and archaeol, which contain extremely low d13C values. This indicates the presence of methane-consuming archaea, and d13C values of -42 to -51 per mill PDB indicate that methane is the carbon source for the carbonate crusts. Thus, it appears that stromatolitic encrustations of methanotrophic anaerobic archaea probably occurs in a consortium with sulphate-reducing bacteria and that carbonate precipitation proceeds downward into the sediment, where ascending cold fluids provide a methane source. Strontium and oxygen isotope analyses as well as 14C ages of the carbonates suggest that the fluids come from deep within the sediment and that carbonate precipitation began about 3,000 years ago.
Large vesicomyid clams are common inhabitants of sulphidic deep-sea habitats such as hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps and whale-falls. Yet, the species- and genus-level taxonomy of these diverse clams has been unstable due to insufficiencies in sampling and absence of detailed taxonomic studies that would consistently compare molecular and morphological characters. To clarify uncertainties about species-level assignments, we examined DNA sequences from mitochondrial cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit I (COI) in conjunction with morphological characters. New and published COI sequences were used to create a molecular database for 44 unique evolutionary lineages corresponding to species. Overall, the congruence between molecular and morphological characters was good. Several discrepancies due to synonymous species designations were recognized, and acceptable species names were rectified with published COI sequences in cases where morphological specimens were available. We identified seven species with trans-Pacific distributions, and two species with Indo-Pacific distributions. Presently, 27 species have only been documented from one region, which might reflect limited ranges, or insufficient geographical sampling. Vesicomyids exhibit the greatest species diversity along the northwest Pacific ridge systems and in the eastern Pacific, along the western America margin, where depth zonation typically results in segregation of closely related species. The broad distributions of several vesicomyid species suggest that their required chemosynthetic habitats might be more common than previously recognized and occur along most continental margins.
We conducted a high-resolution study of a unique Holocene sequence of wind-blown sediments and buried soils in Southern Siberia, far from marine environment influences. This was accomplished in order to assess the difference between North Atlantic marine and in-land climate variations. Relative wind strength was determined by grain size analyses of different stratigraphic units. Petromagnetic measurements were performed to provide a proxy for the relative extent of pedogenesis. An age model for the sections was built using the radiocarbon dating method. The windy periods are associated with the absence of soil formation and relatively low values of frequency dependence of magnetic susceptibility (FD), which appeared to be a valuable quantitative marker of pedogenic activity. These events correspond to colder intervals which registered reduced solar modulation and sun spot number. Events, where wind strength was lower, are characterized by soil formation with high FD values. Spectral analysis of our results demonstrates periodic changes of 1500, 1000 and 500 years of relatively warm and cold intervals during the Holocene of Siberia. We presume that the 1000 and 500 year climatic cycles are driven by increased solar insolation reaching the Earth surface and amplified by other still controversial mechanisms. The 1500 year cycle associated with the North Atlantic circulation appears only in the Late Holocene. Three time periods - 8400-9300 years BP, 3600-5100 years BP, and the last ~250 years BP - correspond to both the highest sun spot number and the most developed soil horizons in the studied sections
We have compiled the first stratigraphically continuous high-resolution benthic foraminiferal stable isotope record for the Paleocene from a single site utilizing cores recovered at Pacific ODP Site 1209. The long-term trend in the benthic isotope record suggests a close coupling of volcanic CO2 input and deep sea warming. Over the short-term the record is characterized by slow excursions with a pronounced periodic beat related to the short (100-kyr) and long (405-kyr) eccentricity cycle. The phase relationship between the benthic isotope record and eccentricity is similar to patterns documented for the Oligocene and Miocene confirming the role of orbital forcing as the pace maker for paleoclimatic variability on Milankovitch time scales. In addition, the record documents an unusual transient warming of 2°C coeval with a 0.6 per mil carbon isotope excursion and a decrease in carbonate content at 61.75 Ma. This event, which bears some resemblance to Eocene hyperthermals, marks the onset of a long-term decline in d13C. The timing indicates it might be related to the initiation of volcanism along Greenland margin.