994 resultados para amor hereos


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Un drama 'religioso-fantástico' tan popular como Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorrilla nos han legado muchísimos versos inolvidables, como el de los muertos en desafío y las mujeres burladas o los del ángel del amor...


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És comunament acceptada l'opinió que la maçoneria va contribuir, durant els segles XVIII i XIX, al triomf i a la consolidació deis valors que hom ha convingut a anomenar moderns. La raó, la dignitat humana, la justícia i la llibertat van ser, entre d'altres, principis assumits pels maçons com a propis, i damunt els quals s'havia d'edificar el nou temple de la modernitat. Tampoc els projectes de filantropia, interpretada com un amor envers la humanitat i millora del gènere humà, no quedaven al marge de l'ideari maçònic. És lògic, doncs, que aquesta filosofia fos assumida per bona part d'una burgesia progressista desitjosa d'anorrear qualsevol vestigi possible d'obscurantisme, i donant suport, naturalment, a aquells moviments revolucionaris d'ascendència liberal que pul·lulaven tant arreu d'Europa com d'Amèrica. De fet, tot i el risc de caure en un cert reduccionisme, podem vincular l'acció de la maçoneria amb el triomf deis ideal s burgesos.


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The purpose of this PhD thesis is to investigate a semantic relation present in the connection of sentences (more specifically: propositional units). This relation, which we refer to as contrast, includes the traditional categories of adversatives - predominantly represented by the connector but in English and pero in Modern Spanish - and concessives, prototypically verbalised through although / aunque. The aim is to describe, analyse and - as far as possible - to explain the emergence and evolution of different syntactic schemes marking contrast during the first three centuries of Spanish (also referred to as Castilian) as a literary language, i.e., from the 13th to the 15th century. The starting point of this question is a commonplace in syntax, whereby the semantic and syntactic complexity of clause linkage correlates with the degree of textual elaboration. In historical linguistics, i.e., applied to the phylogeny of a language, it is commonly referred to as the parataxis hypothesis A crucial part of the thesis is dedicated by the definition of contrast as a semantic relation. Although the label contrast has been used in this sense, mainly in functional grammar and text linguistics, mainstream grammaticography and linguistics remain attached to the traditional categories adversatives and concessives. In opposition to this traditional view, we present our own model of contrast, based on a pragma-semantic description proposed for the analysis of adversatives by Oswald Ducrot and subsequently adopted by Ekkehard König for the analysis of concessives. We refine and further develop this model in order for it to accommodate all, not just the prototypical instances of contrast in Spanish, arguing that the relationship between adversatives and concessives is a marked opposition, i.e., that the higher degree of semantic and syntactic integration of concessives restricts some possible readings that the adversatives may have, but that this difference is almost systematically neutralised by contextual factors, thus justifying the assumption of contrast as a comprehensive onomasiological category. This theoretical focus is completed by a state-of-the-question overview attempting to account for all relevant forms in which contrast is expressed in Medieval Spanish, with the aid of lexicographic and grammaticographical sources, and an empirical study investigating the expression of corpus in a corpus study on the textual functions of contrast in nine Medieval Spanish texts: Cantar de Mio Cid, Libro de Alexandre, Milagros de Nuestra Sehora, Estoria de Espana, Primera Partida, Lapidario, Libro de buen amor, Conde Lucanor, and Corbacho. This corpus is analysed using quantitative and qualitative tools, and the study is accompanied by a series of methodological remarks on how to investigate a pragma-semantic category in historical linguistics. The corpus study shows that the parataxis hypothesis fails to prove from a statistical viewpoint, although a qualitative analysis shows that the use of subordination does increase over time in some particular contexts.


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This article points out that Jaume Roig’s Espill is a fictional autobiography written in the guise of a letter and thereby dated at Callosa d’en Sarrià in 1460. Joan Fabra, a knight suffering from love-illness, consults the physician Jaume Roig, who sends him a reply letter. Thus the work is also a lletovari (a mock medical prescription), a genre which was often presented in a verse letter-writing form. The four-part preface follows the four causes (efficient, final, material, and formal) of the ‘Aristotelian prologue’, a type of accessus largely used by scholars from the 12th century


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This paper shows the relationship between two Spanish writers: Garcilaso de la Vega and Pedro Salinas; or better, the influence of the former over the latter. This influence may be noticed in different levels: the use of literary genres (eclogues, elegies or collections of verse), the conception of love, the use of myths and topics, the music of verse, etc. Some characteristics of Salinas’s style come clearly from Garcilaso (the intimacy, simplicity, orality, the dialogue, the use of the present tense and the first person, etc.). Our essay studies the influence of Garcilaso on the book Largo lamento, 1937?, written by Salinas at the same time as an essay about the renaissance poet —in addition of other unpublished works and his personal correspondence—, in order to show the presence of Garcilaso in his mind and all of his production


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Amb la creació cap a l'any 1300 de l'Estudi General, fundació reial de Jaume II, el segle XIV va esdevenir un període brillant per a la ciutat de Lleida. La Universitat no només va suposar l'elaboració de llibres de text per als estudiants, sinó també de volums jurídics, traduccions, etc. En particular ens interessa la producció de manuscrits de luxe, dins de la qual hem de situar el Breviari d'Amor de Matfre Ermengaud, conservat a Sant Petersburg (Biblioteca Nacional de Rússia, PROV. F.v.XIV, 1, ), la qual esdevé una de les còpies més bellament il·luminades que es van realitzar de l'obra en vers de l'esmentat autor, escrita a les acaballes del segle XIII.


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Fem un petit esforç i evoquem el primer record de la nostra infantesa, o què va passar la primera vegada que vam declarar el nostre amor a algú. De ben segur que la ment se'ns omple de sensacions, imatges i paraules, i també de frases mai dites però molts cops pensades. Els records són un catàleg dinàmic d'experiències que des del passat contribueixen a modelar el nostre present. Sovint, però, es basen en allò que ens han explicat o en reinterpretacions posteriors de les nostres vivències. I també som capaços de recordar coses que mai han esdevingut i que únicament hem imaginat, uns falsos records que es poden barrejar amb els veritables. La generació de falsos records és una important àrea d'estudi en psicologia i neurociència, per exemple per les implicacions judicials que té a l'hora de confrontar les diverses declaracions, no sempre coincidents però potser, moltes d'elles, certes des de la perspectiva dels records de cada persona [...].


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Ressenya del llibre de Mari Luz Esteban, titulat 'Crítica del pensamiento amoroso', i publicat l'any 2011 per Hepatia Press, sobre l'amor


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We deal with a system of prisoner’s dilemma players undergoing continuous motion in a two-dimensional plane. In contrast to previous work, we introduce altruistic punishment after the game. We find punishing only a few of the cooperator-defector interactions is enough to lead the system to a cooperative state in environments where otherwise defection would take over the population. This happens even with soft nonsocial punishment (where both cooperators and defectors punish other players, a behavior observed in many human populations). For high enough mobilities or temptations to defect, low rates of social punishment can no longer avoid the breakdown of cooperation


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Mordenite (MOR) was synthesized using rice husk silica and modified by base (B), acid (A) or acid-base (AB) and converted to H-form. The modification did not destroy the MOR structure but increased surface area and generated mesopores. Lewis acidity of the parent and modified MOR samples investigated by aluminum NMR and NH3-TPD showed a decrease in the following order: HMOR > BMOR > ABMOR > AMOR. For the catalytic transformation of methylbutynol, ABMOR provided the highest conversion and selectivity of products from acid sites.