911 resultados para affective stimuli


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Purpose: Photoreceptor interactions reduce the temporal bandwidth of the visual system under mesopic illumination. The dynamics of these interactions are not clear. This study investigated cone-cone and rod-cone interactions when the rod (R) and three cone (L, M, S) photoreceptor classes contribute to vision via shared post-receptoral pathways. Methods: A four-primary photostimulator independently controlled photoreceptor activity in human observers. To determine the temporal dynamics of receptoral (L, S, R) and post-receptoral (LMS, LMSR, +L-M) pathways (5 Td, 7° eccentricity) in Experiment 1, ON-pathway sensitivity was assayed with an incremental probe (25ms) presented relative to onset of an incremental sawtooth conditioning pulse (1000ms). To define the post-receptoral pathways mediating the rod stimulus, Experiment 2 matched the color appearance of increased rod activation (30% contrast, 25-1000ms; constant cone excitation) with cone stimuli (variable L+M, L/L+M, S/L+M; constant rod excitation). Results: Cone-cone interactions with luminance stimuli (LMS, LMSR, L-cone) reduced Weber contrast sensitivity by 13% and the time course of adaptation was 23.7±1ms (μ±SE). With chromatic stimuli (+L-M, S), cone pathway sensitivity was also reduced and recovery was slower (+L-M 8%, 2.9±0.1ms; S 38%, 1.5±0.3ms). Threshold patterns at ON-conditioning pulse onset were monophasic for luminance and biphasic for chromatic stimuli. Rod-rod interactions increased sensitivity(19%) with a recovery time of 0.7±0.2ms. Compared to cone-cone interactions, rod-cone interactions with luminance stimuli reduced sensitivity to a lesser degree (5%) with faster recovery (42.9±0.7ms). Rod-cone interactions were absent with chromatic stimuli. Experiment 2 showed that rod activation generated luminance (L+M) signals at all durations, and chromatic signals (L/L+M, S/L+M) for durations >75ms. Conclusions: Temporal dynamics of cone-cone interactions are consistent with contrast sensitivity loss in the MC pathway for luminance stimuli and chromatically opponent responses in the PC and KC pathway with chromatic stimuli. Rod-cone interactions limit contrast sensitivity loss during dynamic illumination changes and increase the speed of mesopic light adaptation. The change in relative weighting of the temporal rod signal within the major post-receptoral pathways modifies the sensitivity and dynamics of photoreceptor interactions.


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Purpose: IpRGCs mediate non-image forming functions including photoentrainment and the pupil light reflex (PLR). Temporal summation increases visual sensitivity and decreases temporal resolution for image forming vision, but the summation properties of nonimage forming vision are unknown. We investigated the temporal summation of inner (ipRGC) and outer (rod/cone) retinal inputs to the PLR. Method: The consensual PLR of the left eye was measured in six participants with normal vision using a Maxwellian view infrared pupillometer. Temporal summation was investigated using a double-pulse protocol (100 ms stimulus pairs; 0–1024 ms inter-stimulus interval, ISI) presented to the dilated fellow right eye (Tropicamide 1%). Stimulus lights (blue λmax = 460 nm; red λmax = 638 nm) biased activity to inneror outer retinal inputs to non-image forming vision. Temporal summation was measured suprathreshold (15.2 log photons.cm−2.s−1 at the cornea) and subthreshold (11.4 log photons.cm−2.s−1 at the cornea). Results: RM-ANOVAs showed the suprathreshold and subthreshold 6 second post illumination pupil response (PIPR: expressed as percentage baseline diameter) did not significantly vary for red or blue stimuli (p > .05). The PIPR for a subthreshold red 16 ms double-pulse control condition did not significantly differ with ISI (p > .05). The maximum constriction amplitude for red and blue 100 ms double- pulse stimuli did not significantly vary with ISI (p > .05). Conclusion: The non-significant changes in suprathreshold PIPR and subthreshold maximum pupil constriction indicate that inner retinal ipRGC inputs and outer retinal photoreceptor inputs to the PLR do not show temporal summation. The results suggest a fundamental difference between the temporal summation characteristics of image forming and non-image forming vision.


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OBJECTIVE: Chemoresistance is a critical feature of advanced ovarian cancer with only 30% of patients surviving longer than 5 years. We have previously shown that four kallikrein-related (KLK) peptidases, KLK4, KLK5, KLK6 and KLK7 (KLK4-7), are implicated in peritoneal invasion and tumour growth, but underlying mechanisms were not identified. We also reported that KLK7 overexpression confers chemoresistance to paclitaxel, and cell survival via integrins. In this study, we further explored the functional consequenses of overexpression of all four KLKs (KLK4-7) simultaneously in the ovarian cancer cell line, OV-MZ-6, and its impact on integrin expression and signalling, cell adhesion and survival as contributors to chemoresistance and metastatic progression. METHODS: Quantitative gene and protein expression analyses, confocal microscopy, cell adhesion and chemosensitivity assays were performed. RESULTS: Expression of α5β1/αvβ3 integrins was downregulated upon combined stable KLK4-7 overexpression in OV-MZ-6 cells. Accordingly, the adhesion of these cells to vitronectin and fibronectin, the extracellular matrix binding proteins of α5β1/αvβ3 integrins and two predominant proteins of the peritoneal matrix, was decreased. KLK4-7-transfected cells were more resistant to paclitaxel (10-100 nmol/L: 38-54%), but not to carboplatin, which was associated with decreased apoptotic stimuli. However, the KLK4-7-induced paclitaxel resistance was not blocked by the MEK1/2 inhibitor, U0126. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that combined KLK4-7 expression by ovarian cancer cells promotes reduced integrin expression with consequently less cell-matrix attachment, and insensitivity to paclitaxel mediated by complex integrin and MAPK independent interactions, indicative of a malignant phenotype and disease progression suggesting a role for these KLKs in this process.


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Music and dance are art forms that involve a full mind-body experience, integrating the cognitive, affective and kinesthetic domains. To engage in creating music and dance is to use information to express oneself and communicate. In this chapter I explore the information experience of two distinct groups: those who compose music for an audience, and those who dance socially with a partner. For the composer, information sources can be a stimulus for creation. Sounds, feelings, moods, images, ideas and life experiences can trigger a creative idea. These ideas are shaped by existing musical styles and structures, and by the composer’s personal aesthetic. The intention of the composer is to communicate their expressive ideas to an audience. For the social dancer, information sources are those used to communicate with a partner. There is no intention to perform for an audience. A social dancer aims to express the music and style of the dance while creating a strong connection with their partner. Information sources include the music, the partner’s body, the emotions generated by the dance, the position of other couples on the floor and the feeling of the floor. Use of information in the arts is an under-researched experience. Most information studies are based on the assumption that information is documentary and codified. Subjective and affective information is rarely recognised and legitimised. Information-as-it-is-experienced through creative practice such as music and dance is holistic in acknowledging mind, body and spirit as well as traditional documentary forms of information. This chapter draws on empirical research to illustrate experiencing information as creating and expressing.


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This article examines how therapists and clients manage the therapeutic relationship in online psychotherapy. Our study focuses on early sessions of therapy involving 22 therapist-client pairs participating in online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for depression. Using Conversation Analysis (CA), we examine how therapists can orient to clients’ contributions, while also retaining control of the therapeutic trajectory. We report two practices that therapists can use, at their discretion, following clients’ responses to requests for information. The first, thanking, accepts clients’ responses, orienting to the neutral affective valence of those responses. The second, commiseration, orients to the negative affective valence of clients’ responses. We argue that both practices are a means by which therapists can simultaneously manage developing rapport, while also retaining control of the therapeutic process.


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Visual abnormalities, both at the sensory input and the higher interpretive levels, have been associated with many of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Individuals with schizophrenia typically experience distortions of sensory perception, resulting in perceptual hallucinations and delusions that are related to the observed visual deficits. Disorganised speech, thinking and behaviour are commonly experienced by sufferers of the disorder, and have also been attributed to perceptual disturbances associated with anomalies in visual processing. Compounding these issues are marked deficits in cognitive functioning that are observed in approximately 80% of those with schizophrenia. Cognitive impairments associated with schizophrenia include: difficulty with concentration and memory (i.e. working, visual and verbal), an impaired ability to process complex information, response inhibition and deficits in speed of processing, visual and verbal learning. Deficits in sustained attention or vigilance, poor executive functioning such as poor reasoning, problem solving, and social cognition, are all influenced by impaired visual processing. These symptoms impact on the internal perceptual world of those with schizophrenia, and hamper their ability to navigate their external environment. Visual processing abnormalities in schizophrenia are likely to worsen personal, social and occupational functioning. Binocular rivalry provides a unique opportunity to investigate the processes involved in visual awareness and visual perception. Binocular rivalry is the alternation of perceptual images that occurs when conflicting visual stimuli are presented to each eye in the same retinal location. The observer perceives the opposing images in an alternating fashion, despite the sensory input to each eye remaining constant. Binocular rivalry tasks have been developed to investigate specific parts of the visual system. The research presented in this Thesis provides an explorative investigation into binocular rivalry in schizophrenia, using the method of Pettigrew and Miller (1998) and comparing individuals with schizophrenia to healthy controls. This method allows manipulations to the spatial and temporal frequency, luminance contrast and chromaticity of the visual stimuli. Manipulations to the rival stimuli affect the rate of binocular rivalry alternations and the time spent perceiving each image (dominance duration). Binocular rivalry rate and dominance durations provide useful measures to investigate aspects of visual neural processing that lead to the perceptual disturbances and cognitive dysfunction attributed to schizophrenia. However, despite this promise the binocular rivalry phenomenon has not been extensively explored in schizophrenia to date. Following a review of the literature, the research in this Thesis examined individual variation in binocular rivalry. The initial study (Chapter 2) explored the effect of systematically altering the properties of the stimuli (i.e. spatial and temporal frequency, luminance contrast and chromaticity) on binocular rivalry rate and dominance durations in healthy individuals (n=20). The findings showed that altering the stimuli with respect to temporal frequency and luminance contrast significantly affected rate. This is significant as processing of temporal frequency and luminance contrast have consistently been demonstrated to be abnormal in schizophrenia. The current research then explored binocular rivalry in schizophrenia. The primary research question was, "Are binocular rivalry rates and dominance durations recorded in participants with schizophrenia different to those of the controls?" In this second study binocular rivalry data that were collected using low- and highstrength binocular rivalry were compared to alternations recorded during a monocular rivalry task, the Necker Cube task to replicate and advance the work of Miller et al., (2003). Participants with schizophrenia (n=20) recorded fewer alternations (i.e. slower alternation rates) than control participants (n=20) on both binocular rivalry tasks, however no difference was observed between the groups on the Necker cube task. Magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways, thought to be abnormal in schizophrenia, were also investigated in binocular rivalry. The binocular rivalry stimuli used in this third study (Chapter 4) were altered to bias the task for one of these two pathways. Participants with schizophrenia recorded slower binocular rivalry rates than controls in both binocular rivalry tasks. Using a ‘within subject design’, binocular rivalry data were compared to data collected from a backwardmasking task widely accepted to bias both these pathways. Based on these data, a model of binocular rivalry, based on the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways that contribute to the dorsal and ventral visual streams, was developed. Binocular rivalry rates were compared with performance on the Benton’s Judgment of Line Orientation task, in individuals with schizophrenia compared to healthy controls (Chapter 5). The Benton’s Judgment of Line Orientation task is widely accepted to be processed within the right cerebral hemisphere, making it an appropriate task to investigate the role of the cerebral hemispheres in binocular rivalry, and to investigate the inter-hemispheric switching hypothesis of binocular rivalry proposed by Pettigrew and Miller (1998, 2003). The data were suggestive of intra-hemispheric rather than an inter-hemispheric visual processing in binocular rivalry. Neurotransmitter involvement in binocular rivalry, backward masking and Judgment of Line Orientation in schizophrenia were investigated using a genetic indicator of dopamine receptor distribution and functioning; the presence of the Taq1 allele of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) receptor gene. This final study (Chapter 6) explored whether the presence of the Taq1 allele of the DRD2 receptor gene, and thus, by inference the distribution of dopamine receptors and dopamine function, accounted for the large individual variation in binocular rivalry. The presence of the Taq1 allele was associated with slower binocular rivalry rates or poorer performance in the backward masking and Judgment of Line Orientation tasks seen in the group with schizophrenia. This Thesis has contributed to what is known about binocular rivalry in schizophrenia. Consistently slower binocular rivalry rates were observed in participants with schizophrenia, indicating abnormally-slow visual processing in this group. These data support previous studies reporting visual processing abnormalities in schizophrenia and suggest that a slow binocular rivalry rate is not a feature specific to bipolar disorder, but may be a feature of disorders with psychotic features generally. The contributions of the magnocellular or dorsal pathways and parvocellular or ventral pathways to binocular rivalry, and therefore to perceptual awareness, were investigated. The data presented supported the view that the magnocellular system initiates perceptual awareness of an image and the parvocellular system maintains the perception of the image, making it available to higher level processing occurring within the cortical hemispheres. Abnormal magnocellular and parvocellular processing may both contribute to perceptual disturbances that ultimately contribute to the cognitive dysfunction associated with schizophrenia. An alternative model of binocular rivalry based on these observations was proposed.


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Neutrophils constitute 50-60% of all circulating leukocytes; they present the first line of microbicidal defense and are involved in inflammatory responses. To examine immunocompetence in athletes, numerous studies have investigated the effects of exercise on the number of circulating neutrophils and their response to stimulation by chemotactic stimuli and activating factors. Exercise causes a biphasic increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, arising from increases in catecholamine and cortisol concentrations. Moderate intensity exercise may enhance neutrophil respiratory burst activity, possibly through increases in the concentrations of growth hormone and the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. In contrast, intense or long duration exercise may suppress neutrophil degranulation and the production of reactive oxidants via elevated circulating concentrations of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol. There is evidence of neutrophil degranulation and activation of the respiratory burst following exercise-induced muscle damage. In principle, improved responsiveness of neutrophils to stimulation following exercise of moderate intensity could mean that individuals participating in moderate exercise may have improved resistance to infection. Conversely, competitive athletes undertaking regular intense exercise may be at greater risk of contracting illness. However, there are limited data to support this concept. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in the neutrophil responses to exercise, researchers have examined changes in the expression of cell membrane receptors, the production and release of reactive oxidants and more recently, calcium signaling. The investigation of possible modifications of other signal transduction events following exercise has not been possible because of current methodological limitations. At present, variation in exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil function appears to be due to differences in exercise protocols, training status, sampling points and laboratory assay techniques.


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Interaction between the endocrine and immune system is necessary to regulate our health. However, under some conditions, stress hormones can overstimulate or suppress the immune system, resulting in harmful consequences (1). Stress is often considered negative, yet it is an intrinsic part of everyday life. Stress is not clearly defined; it is context-specific and depends on the nature of factors that challenge our body. Internal stimuli will elicit different stress reactions compared with external stimuli (1). Similarly, some stressors will induce responses that may benefit survival, whereas others will cause disturbances that may endanger our health. Stress also depends on how our bodies perceive and respond to stressful stimuli (1).


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Periodontitis results from the destructive inflammatory reaction of the host elicited by a bacterial biofilm adhering to the tooth surface and if left untreated, may lead to the loss of the teeth and the surrounding tissues, including the alveolar bone. Cementum is a specialized calcified tissue covering the tooth root and an essential part of the periodontium which enables the attachment of the periodontal ligament to the root and the surrounding alveolar bone. Periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs) represent a promising cell source for periodontal tissue engineering. Since cementogenesis is the critical event for the regeneration of periodontal tissues, this study examined whether inorganic stimuli derived from bioactive bredigite (Ca7MgSi4O16) bioceramics could stimulate the proliferation and cementogenic differentiation of PDLCs, and further investigated the involvement of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway during this process via analysing gene/protein expression of PDLCs which interacted with bredigite extracts. Our results showed that the ionic products from bredigite powder extracts led to significantly enhanced proliferation and cementogenic differentiation, including mineralization–nodule formation, ALP activity and a series of bone/cementum-related gene/protein expression (ALP, OPN, OCN, BSP, CAP and CEMP1) of PDLCs in a concentration dependent manner. Furthermore, the addition of cardamonin, a Wnt/β-catenin signalling inhibitor, reduced the pro-cementogenesis effect of the bredigite extracts, indicating the involvement of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in the cementogenesis of PDLCs induced by bredigite extracts. The present study suggests that an entirely inorganic stimulus with a specific composition of bredigite bioceramics possesses the capacity to trigger the activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway, leading to stimulated differentiation of PDLCs toward a cementogenic lineage. The results indicate the therapeutic potential of bredigite ceramics in periodontal tissue engineering application.


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Computer games have become a commonplace but engaging activity among students. They enjoy playing computer games as they can perform larger-than-life activities virtually such as jumping from great heights, flying planes, and racing cars; actions that are otherwise not possible in real life. Computer games also offer user interactivity which gives them a certain appeal. Considering this appeal, educators should consider integrating computer games into student learning and to encourage students to author computer games of their own. It is thought that students can be engaged in learning by authoring and using computer games and can also gain essential skills such as collaboration, teamwork, problem solving and deductive reasoning. The research in this study revolves around building student engagement through the task of authoring computer games. The study aims to demonstrate how the creation and sharing of student-authored educational games might facilitate student engagement and how ICT (information and communication technology) plays a supportive role in student learning. Results from this study may lead to the broader integration of computer games into student learning and contribute to similar studies. In this qualitative case study, based in a state school in a low socio-economic area west of Brisbane, Australia, students were selected in both junior and senior secondary classes who have authored computer games as a part of their ICT learning. Senior secondary students (Year 12 ICT) were given the task of programming the games, which were to be based on Mathematics learning topics while the junior secondary students (Year 8 ICT) were given the task of creating multimedia elements for the games. A Mathematics teacher volunteered to assist in the project and provided guidance on the inclusion of suitable Mathematics curricular content into these computer games. The student-authored computer games were then used to support another group of Year 8 Mathematics students to learn the topics of Area, Volume and Time. Data was collected through interviews, classroom observations and artefacts. The teacher researcher, acting in the role of ICT teacher, coordinated with the students and the Mathematics teacher to conduct this study. Instrumental case study was applied as research methodology and Third Generation Activity Theory served as theoretical framework for this study. Data was analysed adopting qualitative coding procedures. Findings of this study indicate that having students author and play computer games promoted student engagement and that ICT played a supportive role in learning and allowed students to gain certain essential skills. Although this study will suggest integrating computer games to support classroom learning, it cannot be presumed that computer games are an immediate solution for promoting student engagement.


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Introduction: Eccentric exercise (EE) is a commonly used treatment for Achilles tendinopathy. While vibrations in the 8–12 Hz frequency range generated during eccentric muscle actions have been put forward as a potential mechanism for the beneficial effect of EE, optimal loading parameters required to expedite recovery are currently unknown. Alfredson's original protocol employed 90 repetitions of eccentric loading, however abbreviated protocols consisting of fewer repetitions (typically 45) have been developed, albeit with less beneficial effect. Given that 8–12 Hz vibrations generated during isometric muscle actions have been previously shown to increase with fatigue, this research evaluated the effect of exercise repetition on motor output vibrations generated during EE by investigating the frequency characteristics of ground reaction force (GRF) recorded throughout the 90 repetitions of Alfredson's protocol. Methods: Nine healthy adult males performed six sets (15 repetitions per set) of eccentric ankle exercise. GRF was recorded at a frequency of 1000 Hz throughout the exercise protocol. The frequency power spectrum of the resultant GRF was calculated and normalized to total power. Relative spectral power was summed over 1 Hz widows within the frequency rage 7.5–11.5 Hz. The effect of each additional exercise set (15 repetitions) on the relative power within each widow was investigated using a general linear modelling approach. Results: The magnitude of peak relative power within the 7.5–11.5 Hz bandwidth increased across the six exercise sets from 0.03 in exercise set one to 0.12 in exercise set six (P < 0.05). Following the 4th set of exercise the frequency at which peak relative power occurred shifted from 9 to 10 Hz. Discussion: This study has demonstrated that successive repetitions of eccentric loading over six exercise sets results in an increase in the amplitude of motor output vibrations in the 7.5–11.5 Hz bandwidth, with an increase in the frequency of these vibrations occurring after the 4th set (60th repetition). These findings are consistent with findings from previous studies of muscle fatigue. Assuming that the magnitude and frequency of these vibrations represent important stimuli for tendon remodelling as hypothesized within the literature, the findings of this study question the role of abbreviated EE protocols and raise the question; can EE protocols for tendinopathy be optimized by performing eccentric loading to fatigue?


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Several tests have been devised in an attempt to detect behaviour modification due to training, supplements or diet in horses. These tests rely on subjective observations in combination with physiological measures, such as heart rate (HR) and plasma cortisol concentrations, but these measures do not definitively identify behavioural changes. The aim of the present studies was to develop an objective and relevant measure of horse reactivity. In Study 1, HR responses to auditory stimuli, delivered over 6 days, designed to safely startle six geldings confined to individual stalls was studied to determine if peak HR, unconfounded by physical exertion, was a reliable measure of reactivity. Both mean (±SEM) resting HR (39.5 ± 1.9 bpm) and peak HR (82 ± 5.5 bpm) in response to being startled in all horses were found to be consistent over the 6 days. In Study 2, HR, plasma cortisol concentrations and speed of departure from an enclosure (reaction speed (RS)) in response to a single stimulus of six mares were measured when presented daily over 6 days. Peak HR response (133 ± 4 bpm) was consistent over days for all horses, but RS increased (3.02 ± 0.72 m/s on Day 1 increasing to 4.45 ± 0.53 m/s on Day 6; P = 0.005). There was no effect on plasma cortisol, so this variable was not studied further. In Study 3, using the six geldings from Study 1, the RS test was refined and a different startle stimulus was used each day. Again, there was no change in peak HR (97.2 ± 5.8 bpm) or RS (2.9 ± 0.2 m/s on Day 1 versus 3.0 ± 0.7 m/s on Day 6) over time. In the final study, mild sedation using acepromazine maleate (0.04 mg/kg BW i.v.) decreased peak HR in response to a startle stimulus when the horses (n = 8) were confined to a stall (P = 0.006), but not in an outdoor environment when the RS test was performed. However, RS was reduced by the mild sedation (P = 0.02). In conclusion, RS may be used as a practical and objective test to measure both reactivity and changes in reactivity in horses.


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This mathematics education research provides significant insights for the teaching of decimals to children. It is well known that decimals is one of the most difficult topics to learn and teach. Annette’s research is unique in that it focuses not only on the cognitive, but also on the affective and conative aspects of learning and teaching of decimals. The study is innovative as it includes the students as co-constructors and co-researchers. The findings open new ways of thinking for educators about how students cognitively process decimal knowledge, as well as how students might develop a sense of self as a learner, teacher and researcher in mathematics.


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The term empathy has only existed in English for a little over a hundred years, but the idea of feeling with another person is an old one. Because of its perceived connection to moral behaviour, empathy and its development are of great interest to educators, policy makers, psychologists, and philosophers. Reading children’s literature is often considered important for developing (among other things) children’s ethical and empathic understandings of society and its people. However, claims as to the impact of reading on readers’ ability to become more empathic, tolerant, and better people are divided. While many readers may attribute positive influences that authors and texts have had on shaping their attitudes and actions, there is no guarantee that a desirable affective and cognitive response will follow the reading experience. The complexity of readers and texts refuses to be reduced to simple universal statements about the capacity of narrative empathy to create a particular kind of empathic reader or person: fiction that engages a reader with the emotional plight of a character does not necessarily translate into actions in the real world towards people who are similarly suffering, marginalized, or victimized. This chapter asks: Does children’s literature foster empathy? There are two implicit features of this question: one concerns narrative empathy; the other concerns empathic reader response. The discussion will focus on how a selection of ‘multicultural’ picture books attempts to create narrative empathy by focussing on cultural and spatial differences.


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It is well known that a broad range of ocular anatomical and physiological parameters undergo significant diurnal variation. However, the natural diurnal variations that occur in the length of the human eye (axial length) and their underlying causes have been less well studied. Improvements in optical methods for the measurement of ocular biometrics now allow more precise and comprehensive measurements of axial length to be performed than has previously been possible. Research from animal models also suggests a link between diurnal axial length variations and longer term myopic eye growth, and that retinal image defocus can disrupt these diurnal rhythms in axial length. This research programme has examined the diurnal variations in axial length in young normal eyes, the contributing components and the influence of optical stimuli on these changes. In the first experiment, the normal pattern and consistency of the diurnal variations in axial length were examined at 10 different times (5 measurements each day, at ~ 3-hour intervals from ~ 9 am to ~ 9 pm) over 2 consecutive days on 30 young adult subjects (15 myopes, 15 emmetropes). Additionally, variations in a range of other ocular biometric measurements such as choroidal thickness, intraocular pressure, and other ocular biometrics were also explored as potential factors that may be associated with the observed variations in axial length. To investigate the potential influence of refractive error on diurnal axial length variations, the differences in the magnitude and pattern of diurnal variations in axial length between the myopic and emmetropic subjects were examined. Axial length underwent significant diurnal variation that was consistently observed over the 2 consecutive days of measurements, with the longest axial length typically occurring during the day, and the shortest at night. Significant diurnal variations were also observed in choroidal thickness, IOP and other ocular biometrics (such as central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth and vitreous chamber depth) of the eye. Diurnal variations in vitreous chamber depth, IOP (positive associations) and choroidal thickness (negative association) were all significantly correlated with the diurnal changes in axial length. Choroidal thickness was found to fluctuate approximately in antiphase to the axial length changes, with the average timing of the longest axial length coinciding with the thinnest choroid and vice versa. There were no significant differences in the ocular diurnal variations associated with refractive error. Given that the diurnal changes in axial length could be associated with the changes in the eye’s optical quality, whether the optical quality of the eye also undergoes diurnal variation in the same cohort of young adult myopes and emmetropes over 2 consecutive days was also examined. Significant diurnal variations were observed only in the best sphere refraction (power vector M) and in the spherical aberration of the eye over two consecutive days of testing. The changes in the eyes lower and higher order ocular optics were not significantly associated with the diurnal variations in axial length and the other measured ocular biometric parameters. No significant differences were observed in the magnitude and timing of diurnal variations in lower-order and higher-order optics associated with refractive error. Since the small natural fluctuations in the eye’s optical quality did not appear to be sufficient to influence the natural diurnal fluctuations in ocular biometric parameters, in the next experiment, the influence of monocular myopic defocus (+1.50 DS) upon the normal diurnal variations in axial length and choroidal thickness of young adult emmetropic human subjects (n=13) imposed over a 12 hour period was examined. A series of axial length and choroidal thickness measurements (collected at ~3 hourly intervals, with the first measurement at ~9 am and the final measurement at ~9 pm) were obtained over three consecutive days. The natural diurnal rhythms (Day 1, no defocus), diurnal rhythms with monocular myopic defocus (Day 2, +1.50 DS spectacle lens over the right eye), and the recovery from any defocus induced changes (Day 3, no defocus) were examined. Significant diurnal variations over the course of the day were observed in both axial length and choroidal thickness on each of the three measurement days. The introduction of monocular myopic defocus led to significant reductions in the mean amplitude of diurnal change, and phase shifts in the peak timing of the diurnal rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness. These defocus induced changes were found to be transient in nature and returned to normal the day following removal of the defocus. To further investigate the influence of optical stimuli on human diurnal rhythms, in the final experiment, the influence of monocular hyperopic defocus on the normal diurnal rhythms in axial length and choroidal thickness was examined in young adult emmetropic subjects (n=15). Similar to the previous experiment, the natural diurnal rhythms (Day 1, no defocus), diurnal rhythms with monocular hyperopic defocus (Day 2, -2.00 DS spectacle lens over the right eye), and the recovery from any defocus induced changes (Day 3, no defocus) were examined over three consecutive days. Both axial length and choroidal thickness underwent significant diurnal variations on each of the three days. The introduction of monocular hyperopic defocus resulted in a significant increase in the amplitude of diurnal change, but no change in the peak timing of diurnal rhythms in both parameters. The ocular changes associated with hyperopic defocus returned to normal, the day following removal of the defocus. This research has shown that axial length undergoes significant diurnal variation in young adult human eyes, and has shown that the natural diurnal variations in choroidal thickness and IOP are significantly associated, and may underlie these diurnal fluctuations in axial length. This work also demonstrated for the first time that exposing young human eyes to monocular myopic and hyperopic defocus leads to a significant disruption in the normal diurnal rhythms of axial length and choroidal thickness. These changes in axial length with defocus may reflect underlying mechanisms in the human eye that are involved in the regulation of longer term eye growth.