997 resultados para adult adoptees


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Fetal growth restriction is associated with reduced pancreatic ß-cell mass, contributing to impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes. Exercise training increases ß-cell mass in animals with diabetes and has long-lasting metabolic benefits in rodents and humans. We studied the effect of exercise training on islet and ß-cell morphology and plasma insulin and glucose, following an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT) in juvenile and adult male Wistar-Kyoto rats born small. Bilateral uterine vessel ligation performed on day 18 of pregnancy resulted in Restricted offspring born small compared with shamoperated Controls and also sham-operated Reduced litter offspring that had their litter size reduced to five pups at birth. Restricted, Control, and Reduced litter offspring remained sedentary or underwent treadmill running from 5 to 9 or 20 to 24 wk of age. Early life exercise increased relative islet surface area and ß-cell mass across all groups at 9 wk, partially restoring the 60–68% deficit (P = 0.05) in Restricted offspring. Remarkably, despite no further exercise training after 9 wk, ß-cell mass was restored in Restricted at 24 wk, while sedentary littermates retained a 45% deficit (P = 0.05) in relative ß-cell mass. Later exercise training also restored Restricted ß-cell mass to Control levels. In conclusion, early life exercise training in rats born small restored ß-cell mass in adulthood and may have beneficial consequences for later metabolic health and disease.


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The objective was to study the multidimensional nature of the relationship between adult obesity (OB) and socio-economic status (SES),
using comprehensive indices of SES taken separately or synthesised in an overall index. A nationally representative sample of adults aged
18–79 years was taken from the French second National Individual Survey on Food Consumption (INCA 2) dietary survey (2006–07).
Weight and height were measured and OB defined as BMI $ 30 kg/m2. SES variables were reported in questionnaires and included
occupation, education and characteristics of household wealth. Composite indices of SES (household wealth and overall SES indices)
were computed by correspondence analysis, and relationships with OB were investigated with logistic regression analysis. In total, 11·8
(95% CI 10·1, 13·4) % of French adults were obese, without significant difference by sex. While no significant relationship was observed
in men, all SES indicators were inversely correlated to OB in women. Both education and the household wealth index were retained in the
stepwise multivariate model, confirming that different socio-economic variables are not necessarily proxies of each other regarding the OB
issue. On the other hand, ‘controlling for SES’ while including several measures of SES in multivariate models may lead to collinearity, and
thus over-adjustment. A more integrative approach may be to derive a synthetic index by including the SES factors available in a given
study. Beyond this methodological perspective, understanding how OB is related to the different dimensions of SES should help to
target the more vulnerable groups and increase the effectiveness of prevention.


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Intraspecific killing without cannibalism is rare in birds. I report an observation of an adult Pacific Reef Egret (Egretta sacra) killing an adult conspecific at One Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The motivation and context for the killing were not apparent. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first report of intraspecific killing in Pacific Reef Egrets.


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Membrane nanotubes (MNTs) are newly discovered cellular extensions that are either blind-ended or can connect widely separated cells. They have predominantly been investigated in cultured isolated cells, however, previously we were the first group to demonstrate the existence of these structures in vivo in intact mammalian tissues. We previously demonstrated the frequency of both cell–cell or bridging MNTs and blind-ended MNTs was greatest between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II+ cells during corneal injury or TLR ligand-mediated inflammation. The present study aimed to further explore the dynamics of MNT formation and their size, presence in another tissue, the dura mater, and response to stress factors and an active local viral infection of the murine cornea. Confocal live cell imaging of myeloid-derived cells in inflamed corneal explants from Cx3cr1GFP and CD11ceYFP transgenic mice revealed that MNTs form de novo at a rate of 15.5 μm/min. This observation contrasts with previous studies that demonstrated that in vitro these structures originate from cell–cell contacts. Conditions that promote formation of MNTs include inflammation in vivo and cell stress due to serum starvation ex vivo. Herpes simplex virus-1 infection did not cause a significant increase in MNT numbers in myeloid cells in the cornea above that observed in injury controls, confirming that corneal epithelium injury alone elicits MNT formation in vivo. These novel observations extend the currently limited understanding of MNTs in live mammalian tissues.


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Summary The relationship between social disadvantage and bone mineral density (BMD) is complex and remains unclear; furthermore, little is known of the relationship with vertebral deformities. We observed social disadvantage to be associated with BMD for females, independent of body mass index (BMI). A lower prevalence of vertebral deformities was observed for disadvantaged males.

Introduction The relationship between social disadvantage and BMD appears complex and remains unclear, and little is known about the association between social disadvantage and vertebral wedge deformities. We examined the relationship between social disadvantage, BMD and wedge deformities in older adults from the Tasmanian Older Adult Cohort.

Methods BMD and wedge deformities were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and associations with extreme social disadvantage was examined in 1,074 randomly recruited population-based adults (51 % female). Socioeconomic status was assessed by Socio-economic Indexes for Areas values derived from residential addresses using Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001 census data. Lifestyle variables were collected by self-report. Regression models were adjusted for age, BMI, dietary calcium, serum vitamin D (25(OH)D), smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity, calcium/vitamin D supplements, glucocorticoids and hormone therapy (females only).

Results Compared with other males, socially disadvantaged males were older (65.9 years versus 61.9 years, p = 0.008) and consumed lower dietary calcium and alcohol (both p ≤ 0.03). Socially disadvantaged females had greater BMI (29.9 ± 5.9 versus 27.6 ± 5.3, p = 0.002) and consumed less alcohol (p = 0.003) compared with other females. Socially disadvantaged males had fewer wedge deformities compared with other males (33.3 % versus 45.4 %, p = 0.05). After adjustment, social disadvantage was negatively associated with hip BMD for females (p = 0.02), but not for males (p = 0.70), and showed a trend for fewer wedge deformities for males (p = 0.06) but no association for females (p = 0.85).

Conclusions Social disadvantage appears to be associated with BMD for females, independent of BMI and other osteoporosis risk factors. A lower prevalence of vertebral deformities was observed for males of extreme social disadvantage. Further research is required to elucidate potential mechanisms for these associations.


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Species whose offspring require extended care-giving ought to be predisposed to being biologically responsive to their infant's signalling. This paper examined the interplay between biological and psychological aspects of adult response to an infant's distress. HR (heart rate) and GSR (galvanic skin response) were recorded continuously, while 50 adults listened to white noise and an infant cry audio recording. Participants completed the defence style questionnaire and the state trait anxiety inventory. HR acceleration occurred in response to the control sound, while HR decelerated in response to the infant cry. GSR responsiveness was positively correlated with immature and neurotic defence styles. When controlling for other variables, immature defence was a unique and independent predictor of GSR change in response to infant distress. Defence demonstrated a stronger relationship than self-reported anxiety, than that with physiological responsiveness. Employing defence mechanisms appears to reduce an individual's perceived anxiety, though it has little effect on physiological arousal levels.


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Cigarette smoking is increased in people with trait anxiety and anxiety disorders, however no longitudinal data exist illuminating whether smoking in adolescence can influence the developmental trajectory of anxiety symptoms from early vulnerability in infancy to adult anxiety expression. Using The Tracing Opportunities and Problems in Childhood and Adolescence (TOPP) Study, a community-based cohort of children and adolescents from Norway who were observed from the age of 18months to age 18–19years, we explored the relationship between adolescent smoking, early vulnerability for anxiety in infancy (e.g. shyness, internalizing behaviors, emotional temperaments) and reported early adult anxiety.

Structural equation modeling demonstrated that adolescent active smoking was positively associated with increased early adulthood anxiety (β = 0.17, p<0.05), after controlling for maternal education (proxy for socioeconomic status). Adolescent anxiety did not predict early adult smoking. Adolescent active smoking was a significant effect modifier in the relationship between some infant vulnerability factors and later anxiety; smoking during adolescence moderated the relationship between infant internalizing behaviors (total sample: active smokers: β = 0.85,p<0.01, non-active smokers: ns) and highly emotional temperament (total sample: active smokers: β = 0.55,p<0.01,non-active smokers: ns), but not shyness, and anxiety in early adulthood. The results support a model where smoking acts as an exogenous risk factor in the development of anxiety, and smoking may alter the developmental trajectory of anxiety from infant vulnerability to early adult anxiety symptom expression. Although alternative non-mutually exclusive models may explain these findings, the results suggest that adolescent smoking may be a risk factor for adult anxiety, potentially by influencing anxiety developmental trajectories. Given the known adverse health effects of cigarette smoking and significant health burden imposed by anxiety disorders, this study supports the importance of smoking prevention and cessation programs targeting children and adolescence.