970 resultados para açai palm


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Accurate archaeological and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using phytoliths relies on the study of modern reference material. In eastern Acre, Brazil, we examined whether the five most common forest types present today were able to be differentiated by their soil phytolith assemblages, and thus provide analogues with which to compare palaeoecological assemblages from pre-Columbian earthwork sites in the region. Surface soils and vegetation from dense humid evergreen forest, dense humid evergreen forest with high palm abundance, palm forest, bamboo forest and fluvial forest were sampled and their phytoliths analysed. Relative phytolith frequencies were statistically compared using Principal Components Analyses (PCAs). We found the major differences in species composition to be well-represented by the phytolith assemblages as all forest types, apart from the two sub-types of dense humid evergreen forest, could be differentiated. Larger phytoliths from the sand fraction were found to be more ecologically diagnostic than those from the silt fraction. The surface soil phytolith assemblages we analysed can therefore be used as analogues to improve the accuracy of archaeological and palaeoecological reconstructions in the region.


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Selection and transport of objects to use as tools at a distant site are considered to reflect planning. Ancestral humans transported tools and tool-making materials as well as food items. Wild chimpanzees also transport selected hammer tools and nuts to anvil sites. To date, we had no other examples of selection and transport of stone tools among wild nonhuman primates. Wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus) in Boa Vista (Piaui, Brazil) routinely crack open palm nuts and other physically well-protected foods on level surfaces (anvils) using stones (hammers) as percussive tools. Here we present indirect evidence, obtained by a transect census, that stones suitable for use as hammers are rare (study 1) and behavioral evidence of hammer transport by twelve capuchins (study 2). To crack palm nuts, adults transported heavier and harder stones than to crack other less resistant food items. These findings show that wild capuchin monkeys selectively transport stones of appropriate size and hardness to use as hammers, thus exhibiting, like chimpanzees and humans, planning in tool-use activities.


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This paper describes an automatic device for in situ and continuous monitoring of the ageing process occurring in natural and synthetic resins widely used in art and in the conservation and restoration of cultural artefacts. The results of tests carried out under accelerated ageing conditions are also presented. This easy-to-assemble palm-top device, essentially consists of oscillators based on quartz crystal resonators coated with films of the organic materials whose response to environmental stress is to be addressed. The device contains a microcontroller which selects at pre-defined time intervals the oscillators and records and stores their oscillation frequency. The ageing of the coatings, caused by the environmental stress and resulting in a shift in the oscillation frequency of the modified crystals, can be straightforwardly monitored in this way. The kinetics of this process reflects the level of risk damage associated with a specific microenvironment. In this case, natural and artificial resins, broadly employed in art and restoration of artistic and archaeological artefacts (dammar and Paraloid B72), were applied onto the crystals. The environmental stress was represented by visible and UV radiation, since the chosen materials are known to be photochemically active, to different extents. In the case of dammar, the results obtained are consistent with previous data obtained using a bench-top equipment by impedance analysis through discrete measurements and confirm that the ageing of this material is reflected in the gravimetric response of the modified quartz crystals. As for Paraloid B72, the outcome of the assays indicates that the resin is resistant to visible light, but is very sensitive to UV irradiation. The use of a continuous monitoring system, apart from being obviously more practical, is essential to identify short-term (i.e. reversible) events, like water vapour adsorption/desorption processes, and to highlight ageing trends or sudden changes of such trends. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med vår studie är att få förståelse för hur pedagoger arbetar i förskola och i förskoleklass med digitala lärresurser som en naturlig del i verksamheten, samt att få förståelse för rektorers och förskolechefers syn på användandet av digitala lärresurser i verksamheterna. Den metod som huvudsakligen användes för den empiriska studien att nå syftet och få svar på frågeställningarna var kvalitativa intervjuer.Resultatet i vår studie har analyserats utifrån frågor som ställdes under intervjun kopplat till våra frågeställningar samt till den sociokulturella teorin som är vårt teoretiska perspektiv i denna studie. Alla informanter svarade att de anser att de digitala lärresurserna som används främjar barnens utveckling. Flera nämner att det är mer en metod för att i sitt arbete visa på barnens utveckling, att det är en naturlig del i verksamheten men uttrycker att det inte finns någon speciell pedagogik. Andra pedagoger säger att de skulle behöva en mer pedagogisk tanke bakom, mer i verksamhetssyfte samt att dessa skulle kunna användas mera. Det framkommer från rektorer och förskolechefer att de inte känner till någon speciell pedagogik, utan de ser de digitala verktygen som ett komplement till andra läromedel. Rektorer och förskolechefer menar också att de tittar på vad, hur och varför samt att digitala lärresurser ska finnas som alternativa redskap och som hjälp för bästa möjliga lärande med tanke på barns olika lärstilar. Det verktyg som alla informanterna menar är det mest använda digitala verktyget är digitalkameran. Några av de fördelar som nämndes med användandet av digitala lärresurser var att det är ett bra hjälpmedel och att det blir väldigt användbart samt öppnar upp för nya möjligheter, det ökar barnens nyfikenhet och därtill även deras medvetenhet.Några av nackdelarna som nämns är att de digitala lärresurserna inte får användas på fel sätt, informanterna menar att det måste finnas ett medvetet syfte bakom användandet. Många av pedagogerna anser sig behöva mer kompetens och få mer kompetensutveckling inom området digitala lärresurser. De intervjuade rektorerna och förskolecheferna anser även de att kompetensen kan utvecklas mycket mer och att kunskapen fattas för att använda de olika digitala verktygen. En annan nackdel som framkom var bristen på digitala verktyg i verksamheterna för att kunna arbeta med digitala lärresurser, flera av informanterna nämner även avsaknaden av tiden som en nackdel.


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För ett par månader sedan kompletterade Sociologiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitetet en serie av sju års mätningar av svenska attityder till den etniska mångfalden, Mångfaldsbarometern (Mella, Palm & Bromark, 2011). De gjorda mätningarna tillåter oss att fastställa och tolka vissa tendenser som stabila profiler. Det handlar i första hand om allmänna attityder, hur folket ställer sig till invandringen, vilka erfarenheter man uppger att man haft med de personer som kommer från andra länder och vilka attityder som utformas kring följande teman: arbetet, kulturen, religionen och bostaden.


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BACKGROUND: Whether the type of dietary fat could alter cardiometabolic responses to a hypercaloric diet is unknown. In addition, subclinical cardiometabolic consequences of moderate weight gain require further study. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a 7-week, double-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial, 39 healthy, lean individuals (mean age of 27±4) consumed muffins (51% of energy [%E] from fat and 44%E refined carbohydrates) providing 750 kcal/day added to their habitual diets. All muffins had identical contents, except for type of fat; sunflower oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA diet) or palm oil rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA diet). Despite comparable weight gain in the 2 groups, total: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein:HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B:AI ratios decreased during the PUFA versus the SFA diet (-0.37±0.59 versus +0.07±0.29, -0.31±0.49 versus +0.05±0.28, and -0.07±0.11 versus +0.01±0.07, P=0.003, P=0.007, and P=0.01 for between-group differences), whereas no significant differences were observed for other cardiometabolic risk markers. In the whole group (ie, independently of fat type), body weight increased (+2.2%, P<0.001) together with increased plasma proinsulin (+21%, P=0.007), insulin (+17%, P=0.003), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, (+9%, P=0.008) fibroblast growth factor-21 (+31%, P=0.04), endothelial markers vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and E-selectin (+9, +5, and +10%, respectively, P<0.01 for all), whereas nonesterified fatty acids decreased (-28%, P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Excess energy from PUFA versus SFA reduces atherogenic lipoproteins. Modest weight gain in young individuals induces hyperproinsulinemia and increases biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction, effects that may be partly outweighed by the lipid-lowering effects of PUFA. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://ClinicalTrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01427140.


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A implementação crescente de novas tecnologias em todos os setores da economia aumentou o grau de complexidade e incerteza organizacional e, como resultado, fez emergir novos desafios para as empresas e seus membros. Para que se possa compreender as novas tecnologias, seu potencial inovador e seus efeitos sob as variáveis organizacionais é preciso revisar os conceitos tradicionais da Teoria das Organizações e propor novas abordagens que contemplem aspectos do contexto social. O presente trabalho analisa quatro (4) casos de implementação de novas tecnologias em uma instituição hospitalar privada de grande porte na cidade de São Paulo. Foram estudadas as tecnologias de produção e distribuição de medicamentos e materiais, tratamento de radioterapia, diangóstico por imagem e palm tops. A pesquisa de campo serviu-se de uma metodologia qualitativa e indutiva. O levantamento de dados deu-se através dos métodos de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com profissionais que estiveram envolvidos ou foram afetados pelas novas tecnologias, além de observação passiva e análise de documentos. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi verificar se o aumento da complexidade organizacional, oriundo do emprego crescente de novas tecnologias, é acompanhado por uma redefinição das relações de confiança na instituição hospitalar. Adicionalmente, pretendeu-se investigar o papel da confiança como variável social de adaptação das organizações às exigências do meio ambiente.


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It is well known that cointegration between the level of two variables (labeled Yt and yt in this paper) is a necessary condition to assess the empirical validity of a present-value model (PV and PVM, respectively, hereafter) linking them. The work on cointegration has been so prevalent that it is often overlooked that another necessary condition for the PVM to hold is that the forecast error entailed by the model is orthogonal to the past. The basis of this result is the use of rational expectations in forecasting future values of variables in the PVM. If this condition fails, the present-value equation will not be valid, since it will contain an additional term capturing the (non-zero) conditional expected value of future error terms. Our article has a few novel contributions, but two stand out. First, in testing for PVMs, we advise to split the restrictions implied by PV relationships into orthogonality conditions (or reduced rank restrictions) before additional tests on the value of parameters. We show that PV relationships entail a weak-form common feature relationship as in Hecq, Palm, and Urbain (2006) and in Athanasopoulos, Guillén, Issler and Vahid (2011) and also a polynomial serial-correlation common feature relationship as in Cubadda and Hecq (2001), which represent restrictions on dynamic models which allow several tests for the existence of PV relationships to be used. Because these relationships occur mostly with nancial data, we propose tests based on generalized method of moment (GMM) estimates, where it is straightforward to propose robust tests in the presence of heteroskedasticity. We also propose a robust Wald test developed to investigate the presence of reduced rank models. Their performance is evaluated in a Monte-Carlo exercise. Second, in the context of asset pricing, we propose applying a permanent-transitory (PT) decomposition based on Beveridge and Nelson (1981), which focus on extracting the long-run component of asset prices, a key concept in modern nancial theory as discussed in Alvarez and Jermann (2005), Hansen and Scheinkman (2009), and Nieuwerburgh, Lustig, Verdelhan (2010). Here again we can exploit the results developed in the common cycle literature to easily extract permament and transitory components under both long and also short-run restrictions. The techniques discussed herein are applied to long span annual data on long- and short-term interest rates and on price and dividend for the U.S. economy. In both applications we do not reject the existence of a common cyclical feature vector linking these two series. Extracting the long-run component shows the usefulness of our approach and highlights the presence of asset-pricing bubbles.


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar três modelos de operação de uma usina de extração de óleo de palma, de óleo de palmiste, e de biodiesel, respectivamente, em conjunto com a produção de dendê pela agricultura familiar, visando o fornecimento exclusivo de matéria-prima para a indústria através da parceria com Programa Nacional da Agricultura Familiar. O projeto consiste na construção de uma usina de grande porte, a partir de investimentos de fontes públicas e privadas voltados à construção do complexo industrial e ao financiamento da implantação do cultivo de dendê pelos agricultores. Foram construídos quatro cenários, onde foram analisados os indicadores de performance econômico-financeira de avaliação do arranjo produtivo da indústria e da parte agrícola. Esses cenários visam a tomada de decisões de investimentos, através da utilização dos indicadores econômico-financeiros clássicos para avaliação da viabilidade do dendê como matéria-prima para o complexo industrial da usina. Entre os indicadores utilizados neste trabalho podemos citar como principais: o VPL (Valor Presente Líquido) e a TIR (Taxa Interna de Retorno), e indicadores secundários utilizados como suporte para as análises, tais como Payback Descontado, TIRM (Taxa Interna de Retorno Modificada), dentre outros. Além de indicadores sociais, como geração de renda para as famílias de agricultores, com o objetivo principal de criar valor monetário, gerar emprego e renda e pagar os recursos dos investidores púbicos. A implantação do dendezal está fundamentada no Zoneamento Agroecológico do dendê e será executada em áreas degradas por pastagens para garantir a sustentabilidade, contribuir para a recuperação ambiental através do sequestro de carbono e diminuir a pressão sobre as florestas nativas. Consequentemente, espera-se que o projeto contribua para evitar o avanço do desmatamento na região da Amazônia legal. Para tanto, foram realizadas visitas às plantações de dendê e à usina da Biopalma. Também foram realizadas visitas à Embrapa Ocidental na cidade de Manaus e Embrapa na Cidade de Campinas. Foi proposto um modelo de análise econômica financeira baseado em implantação de uma usina de grande porte para a produção de Biodiesel no Estado do Pará. O estudo apresentou, dentre suas limitações, o fato de ser complexo e amplo. A inexistência de projetos de usina grande envergadura totalmente implantados e funcionando com emprego de tecnologia e capital intensivo, como também a impossibilidade de se realizar esta pesquisa de amplo espectro sem um número consideravelmente maior de organizações envolvidas. Como resultado, os indicadores economicos analisados mostram que há viabilidade do projeto em três dos quatro cenários construídos, demonstrando que o capital dos investidores públicos, privados e do agricultor familiar serão remunerados utilizando às taxas de juros, prazos, condições do mercado de capitais. O objetivo é atrair investimentos para a produção de biodiesel, implantação de empreendimentos agrícolas, indústriais, geração emprego e renda para Agricultura Familiar na cadeia produtiva do dendê.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a viabilidade e propor alternativas para ampliação do Projeto Diálogo com Teatro, de modo que possa ser incorporado em escala estadual pelo Sistema de Proteção Escolar, política pública da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEE) que visa prevenir e combater a violência escolar. O Projeto Diálogo com Teatro foi desenvolvido pelo Instituto Sou da Paz, a partir do Projeto Paz Encena, metodologia desenvolvida para trabalhar com os jovens uma reflexão qualificada sobre violência e o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de paz. Desde 2011, o Instituto Sou da Paz e a SEE tornaram-se parceiros na implementação desse projeto, cujo objetivo é capacitar educadores da rede estadual de ensino público para se tornarem aptos na condução de reflexão qualificada sobre violência e cultura de paz por meio do teatro, metodologia atraente e convidativa ao público jovem, público alvo final do Projeto Diálogo com Teatro. Para construção da proposta de ampliação, foram levantadas diversas informações relativas ao Instituto Sou da Paz e à SEE. Foram realizadas uma série de entrevistas com os stakeholders do projeto visando analisar aspectos positivos e vulnerabilidades para que, enfim, fossem elaborados o diagnóstico e a proposta. A ampliação tem como princípio fundamental a utilização da estrutura e recursos da SEE e a descentralização da execução do projeto, por meio da capacitação de formadores que integrem o quadro fixo das Diretorias de Ensino (DE). Esses últimos passam a ser responsáveis pela capacitação dos profissionais das escolas que atuam diretamente com os alunos. Para isso se faz necessária a adaptação e a sistematização da metodologia como forma de preservar as características originais e a qualidade de implementação do projeto. A gestão e o acompanhamento para garantir a execução qualificada de todo o processo e, principalmente, dos projetos nas escolas cabe ao Sistema de Proteção Escolar e Cidadania (SPEC) da SEE e ao Instituto Sou da Paz. Por fim, considerando-se a necessidade de um programa de educação continuada, propõe-se a construção de um portal do projeto que servirá como instrumento para a troca de experiência, monitoramento e avaliação como forma de fortalecer e promover sua sustentabilidade.


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O papel da gestão educacional é analisado, sob vários ângulos, a partir de dois programas implantados pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo e de entrevistas com educadores. O foco é verificar fragilidades e detectar alternativas para promover melhorias na qualidade do sistema de ensino público de educação básica. Aspectos como a continuidade de políticas comprovadamente eficazes, equilíbrio entre a autonomia escolar e as diretrizes do poder gestor central, acompanhamento dos programas e ações, inclusão de mecanismos de transparência ativa, e a participação dos vários agentes na formulação das ações, são abordados.


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This research was motivated by the requirement of asbestos s replacement in building systems and the need to generate jobs and income in the country side of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The project aimed at using fibers from licuri leaves (syagrus coronata), an abundant palm in the region, to produce composites appropriate for the sustainable production of cement fibre reinforced products in small plants. The composites were produced in laboratory using Portland cement CP-II-F32, sand, water, licuri palm fiber contents of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% by weight of binder (two different fiber length) and metakaolin. The latter was chosen as an additional binder for its efficiency to reduce the alkalinity of cementitious matrixes therefore preventing the degradation of vegetable fibers. The characterization of the composite components was carried out by sieving and laser particle size analyses, thermal analysis, fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The composites performance was evaluated by 3- point-bending tests, compressive strength, ultrasound module of elasticity, free and restrained shrinkage, water capillarity absorption and apparent specific gravity. It has been found that the addition of fibers increased the time to onset of cracking over 200.00% and a 25% reduction in cracks opening in the restrained shrinkage test. The capillary absorption reduced about 25% when compared to fiber-free composites. It was also observed with regard to flexural strength, compressive strength and specific gravity, that the addiction of fibers did not affect the composite performance presenting similar results for compounds with and without fibers. In general it can be stated that the reinforced composite fibers of palm licuri presents physical and mechanical characteristics which enable them to be used in the intended proposals of this research


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The growing world demand for energy supplied by fossil fuels, a major contributor to the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and causing environmental problems, has been encouraging governments and international organizations to reflect and encourage the use of alternative renewable sources. Among these new possibilities deserves attention biodiesel, fuel cleaner and easy to reproduce. The study of new technologies involving that source is necessary. From this context, the paper aims at analyzing the thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis, of the waste generated from atmospheric distillation of mixtures with ratios of 5, 10, 15 and 20% palm biodiesel in diesel with and without addition of BHT antioxidant. It was synthesized biodiesel through palm oil, via homogeneous catalysis in the presence of KOH, with and without the use of BHT and subsequently added to the diesel common indoor type (S1800) from a gas station BR. The diesel was already added with 5% biodiesel, and thus the proportions used for these blends were subtracted from the existing ratio in diesel fuel, resulting in the following proportions palm oil biodiesel: 0% (B5), 5% (B10), 10 % (B15) and 15% (B20). From atmospheric distillation analysis, performed in mixtures with and without BHT were collected residue generated by each sample and performed a thermal study from the thermogravimetric analysis at a heating rate of 10 °C.min-1, nitrogen atmosphere and heating to 600 ° C. According to the specifications of Resolution No. 7/2008 for biodiesel, it was found that the material was synthesized in accordance with the specifications. For mixtures, it was noted that the samples were in accordance with the ANP Resolution No. 42/2009. Given the TG / DTG curves of the samples of waste mixtures with and without BHT antioxidant was able to observe that they showed a single stage of thermal decomposition attributed to decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons and esters and other heavier constituents of the waste sample weighed. The thermal behavior of residues from atmospheric distillation of mixtures of diesel / biodiesel is very important to understand how this affects the proper functioning of the engine. A large amount of waste can generate a high content of particulate material, coke formation and carbonaceous deposits in engine valves, compromising their performance