990 resultados para Zea mayz


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Studies on plant growth are interesting because they provide explanations for the factors that influence yield in various crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate growth and yield in corn cultivar AG1051, when in competition with weeds. Cultivar AG 1051 was submitted to two groups of treatments: weed control, and sampling periods for dry biomass evaluation. The weed control treatments consisted of hoeing (two hoeings performed at 20 and 40 days after sowing) and no hoeing. Sampling periods consisted of collecting the above-ground part and roots of corn every fifteen days, until 105 days after sowing (DAS); the first sampling was performed 30 DAS. A completely randomized block design with ten replicates was used. For the characteristics evaluated in a single season, statistical analyses were carried out as a random block experiment. For the characteristics evaluated in several periods, statistical analyses were carried out as random blocks with split-plots (weed control assigned to plots). Fourteen weed species, unevenly distributed throughout the experimental area, were the most important. The growth observed for the above-ground part and root system of corn was 30% smaller in the non-hoed plots, compared to the hoed plots. Lack of weed control increased dry matter of the above-ground part of the weeds and reduced the number of unhusked and husked marketable green ears by 23% and 49%, respectively. Grain yield reduction caused by lack of weed control reached 38%.


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Reduced use of herbicides that cause environmental pollution problems is of great interest in modern agriculture. Soil mulching with gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) branches does not have an allelopathic effect on corn, but decreases weed populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of gliricidia planting density, when grown as an intercrop, on weed control and corn yield parameters. A randomized block design with split-plots and ten replicates was adopted. Corn cultivars AG 1051 and BM 3061 were grown without hoeing, with two hoes (at 24 and 44 days after planting), and intercropped with gliricidia (planted simultaneously with corn, between crop rows, using two seedlings/pit, spaced at 30, 40, or 50 cm). Twenty-one weed species were found in the experimental area. Increased gliricidia planting density reduced weed biomass, but no difference was found between weed biomass in the intercrop and weed biomass in non-hoed corn. Gliricidia intercropped with corn, planted at a row spacing of 30 cm, did not significantly differ from hoed corn in most characteristics considered to evaluate green corn yield, although mean values were smaller. As to the number and weight of marketable green ears, reductions of 5% and 13%, respectively, were observed. Intercropping caused a 17% reduction in grain yield, reducing the losses (36%) observed in non-hoed corn by more than 50%. The highest green ear yield and grain yield values were obtained with two hoeings, while the lowest values were observed for non-hoed corn. The cultivars did not differ regarding green ear yield and grain yield.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade de diferentes herbicidas a dez genótipos de milho-pipoca em Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, realizou-se a aplicação de herbicidas em dosagem máxima recomendada (atrazine + S-metolachlor + extravon - 1,665 + 1,035 kg ha-1 i.a. + 0,1%; foramsulfuron + iodosulfuron + hoefix - 45,0 + 3,0 g ha-1 i.a. + 0,5%; mesotrione + óleo mineral - 192 g ha-1 + 0,5%; tembotrione + óleo mineral - 240 mL ha-1 + 0,5%) e um tratamento sem aplicação de herbicida, em esquema fatorial 5 x 10 x 5. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Aos 2, 4, 8, 12 e 20 dias após aplicação (DAA) foram avaliados sintomas visuais de fitotoxicidade. Aos 36 DAA foram avaliados a altura das plantas e o diâmetro do caule, e aos 39 DAA, a área foliar e a massa seca da parte aérea. Entre os tratamentos, os mais seletivos às variedades testadas foram os herbicidas atrazine + S-metolachlor, aplicados em pré-emergência; no entanto, atrazine + S-metolachlor, mesotrione e foramsulfuron + iodosulfuron, aplicados em pós-emergência, causaram elevados níveis de fitotoxicidade às plantas de milho-pipoca, sendo as variedades Beija-Flor, Pr-023, SE-013, Angela, PA-038 e UFV extremamente sensíveis a esses produtos.


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The reduction in herbicide use is one of the greatest interests for modern agriculture and several alternatives are being investigated with this objective, including the adoption of cultivars that suppress weeds. The objective of this study was to verify if maize cultivars develop differently, in competition with weeds, to produce green ears and grain. Randomized complete block design was used, with split-plots and five replications. Cultivars DKB 390, DKB 466, DKB 350, AG 7000, AG 7575 and Master, were evaluated in the plots, without weeding and two weedings (at 22 and 41 days after sowing) in sub plots. Twenty-one species were identified in the experimental area, the most frequent being Gramineae (Poaceae), Euphorbiaceae, Leguminosae (Fabaceae) and Convolvulaceae species. There was no difference in the dry biomass above-ground part of the weeds in the plots of the evaluated cultivars. The cultivars behaved similarly in treatments with or without hoeing, except for plant height and ear height evaluations. Without hoeing, plant height increased in cultivar DKB 390, while plant height and ear height decreased in cultivar AG 7575. In the other cultivars, these traits did not change under weed control. The presence of weeds decreased the values of all traits employed to assess green corn yield, with the exception of the total number of green ears and grain yield.


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The interference imposed the by weeds on corn decreases practically all vegetative characteristics. As consequence, the green ear and grain yield are also reduced. Losses due to the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) attack can reduce corn grain yield up to 34%. In general, weed and insect control issues are addressed separately in research papers. Nevertheless, interaction between weeds and insects may exist. This study aimed to evaluate green ear and corn grain yield response to weed and fall armyworm control. A completely randomized block design with split-plots and five replicates was adopted. Corn cultivar AG 1051 was grown under weedy conditions or with control by hand hoeings performed at 20 and 40 days after planting. Fall armyworm control (applied to subplots) was performed with sprays of water (control), deltamethrin (5g active ingredient ha-1); neem oil, at 0.5% (diluted in water), and neem leaf extract at 5%. Each product was sprayed three times, at seven-day intervals, starting at the 7th day after planting, using 150 L ha-1 of the tank solution. Dry mass of the above-ground part, internode diameter, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, green ear yield and grain yield of corn were reduced due to the lack of weed control. Fall armyworm control in the weeded plots did not influence green ear yield and grain yield, except green mass of marketable, husked ears, which was reduced when the caterpillar was not controlled. Without weed control, neem extracts and deltamethrin sprays provided highest yields of number and total weight of green ears with husks, number and weight of marketable ears with husks and number of marketable ears without husks. The best results for husked ear mass and for grain yield were obtained with neem extract and deltamethrin, respectively.


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O sombreamento do solo com cobertura morta proporciona redução na germinação das sementes e diminuição da população de plantas daninhas, possibilitando às plantas da cultura de interesse se desenvolverem sob efeito de menor competição inicial. Dessa forma, objetivou-se neste trabalho investigar o efeito do cultivo de leguminosas na evolução da comunidade de plantas daninhas na cultura do milho-verde cultivado em sucessão, num sistema orgânico. O ensaio foi realizado em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Inicialmente, houve o plantio das leguminosas: feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformes), guandu (Cajanus cajan), mucuna-preta (Mucuna aterrinum), mucuna-anã (Mucuna deeringiana) e crotalária (Crotalaria juncea); foi mantida uma testemunha sem cultivo em pousio. Anteriormente ao cultivo do milho, foi avaliada a produção de matéria seca de cada espécie de leguminosa. Em seguida, após a roçada das leguminosas foi semeado sobre a palhada o milho, cultivar HTMV 02. A amostragem das plantas daninhas foi realizada aos 15 e 30 dias após a emergência do milho, lançando-se de forma aleatória sobre cada parcela um quadro de 50 x 50 cm. As plantas daninhas dentro do quadro foram identificadas, pesadas e contadas por espécie, sendo posteriormente colocadas em estufa a 65ºC, por 72 horas, para determinação da matéria seca. As palhadas da mucuna-preta e da crotalária proporcionaram maior redução de matéria seca e população das plantas daninhas. A maior produtividade de espigas comerciais de milho-verde foi obtida na área de palhada de mucuna-preta e crotalária.


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There is interest in the identification of the best seeding density for new corn hybrids and on reduced use of herbicides for weed control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of seeding density (30, 50, 70, and 90 thousand plants ha-1) and weed control on green ear yield and grain yield in corn cultivar AG 1051. A completely randomized block design was adopted with split-plots (seeding densities assigned to plots) and ten replicates. Weed control was achieved by means of two hoeings and by planting corn intercropped with gliricidia (between corn rows, in pits spaced 0.3 m apart). A "no weeding"treatment was included as well. Increased seeding density increased the total number and weight of marketable green ears and decreased the biomass of both weeds and gliricidia. In non-weeded, intercropped and hoed plots, the maximum grain yield values achieved as seeding density increased were 7,881, 7,021, and 9,213 kg ha-1, respectively, obtained with populations of 67 thousand, 74 thousand, and 67 thousand plants per hectare, respectively. Intercropping did not control weeds (26 species) and provided weed growth, green ear yield, and grain yield (at the lowest densities) similar to those obtained without hoeing, except for total number of green ears, in which no influence of weed control was observed. At densities of 70 thousand and 90 thousand plants per hectare, grain yield with two hoeings was not different from yield values obtained without weeding or in the treatment intercropped with gliricidia, respectively, indicating that increased corn seeding density as well as gliricidiamay help to control weeds.


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Some growers and researchers sustain the idea that regrowth or root setting of some weeds may occur after hoeing, with detrimental effects over corn. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of weed removal from the field, removal after each hoeing, and corn intercropped with gliricidia on weed control and corn yield values. The experimental design consisted of blocks with split-plots and six replicates. Cultivars AG 1051 and BM 2022, planted in the plots, were submitted to the following treatments: no hoeing, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after planting), and intercropped with gliricidia. The hoed plots were either submitted to weed removal after the first, second, or both hoeings, or remained without weed removal. In the intercropped treatment, gliricidia was sown by broadcasting at corn planting between the corn rows, at a density of 15 seeds m-2. Twenty-five weed species occurred in the experiment; the most frequent was Digitaria sanguinalis (family Poaceae). The weed control methods tested had similar effects on the cultivars, which were not different from one another with respect to the evaluated traits, except for one-hundred-kernel weight, with cultivar AG 1051 being superior. Weed removal did not influence green corn yield or grain yield. However, the number of kernels/ear was higher in plots where weeds were removed in relation to plots without weed removal, suggesting that weed removal might be beneficial to corn. Besides, a higher dry matter weight was obtained for the above-ground part of weeds removed from the field after the first and second hoeings than the weight of weeds removed after the second hoeing only which, in turn, was higher than the weight of weeds removed after the first hoeing only. Green ear yield, grain yield, and dry matter of the above-ground part of the weeds did not show differences in hoed plots and were superior to the non-weeded plots and the intercropped plots, which were not different from each other; therefore, intercropping with gliricidia did not improve corn yield values.


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Many studies have demonstrated the beneficial influence of nitrogen doses on corn dry grain yield and green ear yield. Due to a growing concern with environmental degradation, many agricultural practices, adopted in the past, are being reexamined. With regard to weed control, strategies that employ mechanical control, including intercrops, are being the object of renewed interest. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of nitrogen doses (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha-1; as ammonium sulfate) and weed control on the growth, green ear yield, and grain yield of the AG 1051 corn cultivar. A randomized block experimental design with split-plots and nine replications was adopted. In addition to nitrogen rates, the AG 1051 cultivar was submitted to the following treatments, applied to subplots: no weeding, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after sowing), and intercropping with gliricídia (Gliricidia sepium). Gliricidia was sowed at corn planting, between the corn rows, using two seedlings per pit, in pits spaced 0.30 m apart. Gliricidia did not provide weed control, and gave plant growth, green ear yield and grain yield values similar to the no weeding treatment. However, regarding the number of mature ears got, intercropping with gliricidia did not differ from the two-hoeing treatment. Weed control did not have an effect on plant height and number of marketable, husked green ears, with the application of 120 kg N ha-1; indicating that nitrogen improved the corn's competitive ability. The two-hoeing treatment provided the best means for total green ears weight, number of marketable husked ears, both unhusked and husked marketable ear weight, grain yield and its components than the other treatments. Nitrogen application increased corn growth, green ear yield, and grain yield, as well as weed green biomass, but reduced the stand and growth of gliricidia.


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O levantamento fitossociológico da comunidade de plantas daninhas na cultura do girassol foi realizado em duas épocas distintas: no desenvolvimento inicial da cultura (entre 20 e 40 dias após a semeadura) e na pré-colheita do girassol. As espécies de plantas daninhas foram identificadas e quantificadas pelo método do quadrado inventário (1,0 x 1,0 m), com amostragem de 12 m² por área. Os levantamentos foram realizados em 54 propriedades de seis municípios da região do cerrado e em 38 propriedades de oito municípios da região dos pampas, que são as duas principais regiões produtoras brasileiras. Foram registrados a frequência, a frequência relativa, a densidade, a densidade relativa, a abundância, a abundância relativa, o índice de importância relativa e o índice de similaridade. No total, foram identificadas 60 espécies de plantas daninhas, sendo 17 presentes em ambas as regiões. Asteraceae e Poaceae foram as duas principais famílias, entre as 16 encontradas. As principais espécies presentes no cerrado foram Euphorbia heterophylla, Chamaesyce hirta, Ageratum conyzoides, Commelina benghalensis, Zea mays e Bidens sp. As principais espécies presentes no Rio Grande do Sul foram Bidens sp., Raphanus raphanistrum, Lolium multiflorum, Gnaphalium spicatum, Sonchus oleraceus, Euphorbia heterophylla, Sida rhombifolia, Digitaria sp. e Ipomea sp. A densidade das plantas daninhas foi maior na fase de pré-colheita do que no desenvolvimento inicial da cultura, em ambas as regiões, sendo de 30,84 plantas m-2 e 23,58 plantas m-2, respectivamente, para o cerrado, e de 23,19 plantas m-2e 21,41 plantas m-2, para o Rio Grande do Sul. O índice de similaridade dentro das regiões foi de 0,91 para os levantamentos do cerrado e de 0,79 para os do Rio Grande do Sul. Entretanto, entre as regiões, os índices ficaram abaixo de 0,5, mostrando similaridade mediana entre a flora daninha do cerrado e a do Rio Grande do Sul, na cultura do girassol, nas duas épocas estudadas.


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There has been interest in reducing the use of herbicides for weed control in order to decrease environmental degradation problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of gliricidia planting density sown by broadcasting and intercopping on green ear and corn grain yield as well as on weed control. A randomized block design with split-plots and five replicates were adopted. Cultivars AG 1051, BM 2022, and BM 3061, assigned to plots, were submitted to the following treatments: no hoeing, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after sowing), and intercropped with gliricidia sown at densities of 10 and 20 seeds m-2. Thirty weed species occurred in the experiment area, with Cucumis anguria as the most frequent ones. Cultivar BM 2022 was the best for the total number of ears (TNE) and number (NMHE) and weight of marketable husked ears. Together with cultivar AG 1051, this cultivar had the highest total weight and marketable unhusked ear weight (MUEW). However, the cultivars did not differ with respect to grain yield (GY). The highest green ear and corn grain yield and weed control percentages were obtained with two hoeings; in MUEW, NMHE and GY, intercropping provided intermediate means in comparison with those obtained in hoed and non-hoed plots, indicating that gliricidia was partially beneficial to corn. Increased gliricidia seeding density heightened the benefits to corn (TNE and MUEW). The lack of hoeing produced the poorest green ear and grain yields.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar os efeitos do consórcio de milho com colonião (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana) na infestação de plantas daninhas e na cultura da soja em rotação. O experimento foi realizado em campo, no período de dezembro de 2008 a abril de 2010, em área experimental da UNESP, campus de Jaboticabal-SP. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcela subdividida. Foram estudadas duas formas de semeadura (a lanço e em linha) de colonião nas parcelas e quatro quantidades de sementes (200, 400, 600 e 800 pontos de valor cultural - PVC) nas subparcelas, além de três testemunhas, representadas pelo monocultivo das espécies, como tratamentos adicionais. O cultivo consorciado não afetou o desenvolvimento do milho, comparado ao milho solteiro. Embora na colheita do milho houvesse maior matéria seca e densidade de plantas de colonião com a semeadura de 800 PVC, antes da semeadura da soja o acúmulo de massa não diferiu entre os tratamentos de consórcio. Portanto, a semeadura de 200 PVC de sementes de colonião, a lanço ou em linha, foi suficiente para a manutenção de quantidade (9,1 t ha-1) adequada de palha sobre o solo. Antecedendo a semeadura da soja, a infestação de plantas daninhas na testemunha de milho solteiro foi maior do que nos tratamentos de consórcio e nas testemunhas da forrageira solteira (a lanço e em linha). O mesmo foi observado para densidade de plantas daninhas após a instalação da cultura. Os sistemas de consórcio de milho com colonião não interferiram em nenhuma característica avaliada na cultura da soja cultivada em rotação. Da mesma forma, não foi observada diferença entre os tratamentos de consórcios e a testemunha de milho em monocultivo para produção de grãos de soja.


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Although labor is intensive, evaluating the growth of crops may allow a better understanding of crop performance, including the reasons why certain cultivars can compete better with weeds. This study aims at evaluating growth, green ear yield, and grain yield in corn when in competition with weeds. Cultivars AG 1051 and BRS 106 were grown with (two hoeings, at 20 and 40 days after sowing) or without weed control. In order to evaluate crop growth, six collections of the above-ground part and the root system of corn were performed, every 15 days, with the first collection made 30 days after sowing. A randomized complete block design was adopted, with split-split plots (weed control in plots, cultivars in subplots, and collections in sub-subplots) and ten replicates. Eighteen weed species were found in the experiment area. Increased values of corn leaf area, above-ground part and root system, due to plant age function, were smaller in non-hoed plots than in hoed plots and were dependent upon cultivar. The lack of weed control increased dry matter of weeds aboveground part and decreased green ear yield and grain yield. Cultivar AG 1051 had higher increases in leaf area, above-ground part of the plant and root system, due to plant age function, and controlled weeds better than cultivar BRS 106. In addition, cultivar AG 1051 was superior to other cultivars with respect to most traits used for green corn yield and grain yield assessment.


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Mesotrione é um importante herbicida registrado para uso na cultura do milho, porém pouco tem sido feito para estudar a suscetibilidade de espécies como Brachiaria brizantha a esse herbicida. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a supressão imposta pelo mesotrione em plantas de Brachiaria brizantha, visando à viabilização de um cultivo integrado com a cultura do milho. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, sendo estes constituídos por sete doses de mesotrione (0, 12, 24, 48, 96, 144 e 192 g ha-1), um tratamento com o cultivo de milho solteiro e capinado, além de um tratamento com capim-braquiária cultivado de forma solteira e capinada, totalizando assim nove tratamentos. As espécies milho e B. brizantha (cv. Marandu) foram semeadas concomitantemente. Os tratamentos herbicidas foram aplicados aos 20 dias após a emergência das espécies. O mesotrione mostrou maior potencial de fitointoxicação em plantas de B. brizantha ao ser aplicado na dose de 192 g ha-1. Entretanto, a espécie forrageira apresentou tolerância satisfatória ao herbicida, demonstrando potencial de utilização no sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária. A competição interespecífica proporcionou reduções no rendimento do milho, e a melhor relação dose-benefício para esse sistema foi obtida com a utilização de 96 g ha-1 de mesotrione.


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos do picloram sobre as características associadas à atividade fotossintética de Brachiaria brizantha, Brachiaria decumbens, Eleusine coracana e Zea mays, consideradas espécies com potencial de remediação de solo contaminado por esse herbicida. O experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. O primeiro fator constou do cultivo das espécies B. brizantha, B. decumbens, E. coracana e Zea mays,e o segundo, de três doses (0, 80 e 160 g ha-1) de picloram, aplicadas em pré-emergência. Após o preenchimento dos vasos com 6,0 kg de solo, classificado como Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, fez-se a irrigação e aplicou-se o herbicida na superfície do solo. Um dia após essa aplicação, procedeu-se à semeadura das espécies vegetais. Aos 40 dias após a emergência das espécies vegetais, foram determinados a condutância estomática, a taxa de transpiração, a concentração de CO 2 na câmara subestomática, o gradiente de CO2 e a taxa fotossintética, utilizando-se um analisador de gases no infravermelho (IRGA). Aos 90 dias após a emergência das plantas, foi coletada a parte aérea e determinada a matéria seca. Resíduos de picloram no solo podem alterar as variáveis fisiológicas estudadas, porém a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea dessas espécies não foi influenciada pela ação do herbicida, independentemente das doses aplicadas, indicando tolerância das espécies ao picloram. Desse modo, a avaliação prévia das características fisiológicas não pode ser utilizada como indicador de tolerância dessas espécies ao picloram.