923 resultados para Youth people


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BACKGROUND: quality of life (QoL) is a subjective perception whose components may vary in importance between individuals. Little is known about which domains of QoL older people deem most important. OBJECTIVE: this study investigated in community-dwelling older people the relationships between the importance given to domains defining their QoL and socioeconomic, demographic and health status. METHODS: data were compiled from older people enrolled in the Lc65+ cohort study and two additional, population-based, stratified random samples (n = 5,300). Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to determine the underlying domains among 28 items that participants defined as important to their QoL. The components extracted were used as dependent variables in multiple linear regression models to explore their associations with socioeconomic, demographic and health status. RESULTS: PCA identified seven domains that older persons considered important to their QoL. In order of importance (highest to lowest): feeling of safety, health and mobility, autonomy, close entourage, material resources, esteem and recognition, and social and cultural life. A total of six and five domains of importance were significantly associated with education and depressive symptoms, respectively. The importance of material resources was significantly associated with a good financial situation (β = 0.16, P = 0.011), as was close entourage with living with others (β = 0.20, P = 0.007) and as was health and mobility with age (β = -0.16, P = 0.014). CONCLUSION: the importance older people give to domains of their QoL appears strongly related to their actual resources and experienced losses. These findings may help clinicians, researchers and policy makers better adapt strategies to individuals' needs.


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Cette étude pilote cherche à tester la faisabilité de l'entraînement à la cohérence cardiaque avec des personnes atteintes d'un retard intellectuel dans le cadre d'un atelier protégé. Un entraînement à la cohérence cardiaque est proposé aux participants volontaires pour une durée de deux semaines à la prise de travail, matin et après-midi. Une appréciation des effets de ces exercices respiratoires est effectuée avant et après entraînement par la mesure d'indices de variabilité cardiaque et une évaluation de la perception du stress professionnel. La comparaison des valeurs récoltées pré et post-entraînement révèle une amélioration significative dans l'activation de la branche parasympathique. L'évaluation des valeurs du RMSSD sont inversement corrélées à l'évaluation des participants de leurs stress perçu. Ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que la population atteinte de retard intellectuel est réceptive à l'apprentissage de la cohérence cardiaque et que la baisse de leur stress est liée à une hausse de l'activité inhibitrice parasympathique, plutôt qu'à une diminution de l'activité excitatrice sympathique. Les considérations offertes par cette étude exploratoire doivent être étayées, mais permettent d'ores et déjà d'ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives dans la prise en charge de populations pour lesquelles la gestion du stress est mal adaptée.


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Ikääntyneiden yksinäisyys ja intervention elementit sen lievittämisessä Ikääntyneiden yksinäisyys on yleistä ja hoitotyöntekijöillä on vähän keinoja sen lievittämiseen. Tutkimus oli kaksiosainen. Ensimmäisen osan tavoitteena oli saada tietoa yksinäisyyden käsitteestä, sen yhteydestä sosiaaliseen eristäytyneisyyteen ja yleiseen turvattomuuden tunteeseen sekä kotona asuvien ikääntyneiden (≥75 v.) yksinäisyyden yleisyydestä ja siihen yhteydessä olevista tekijöistä sekä selvittää ikääntyneiden itsensä kokemia yksinäisyyden syitä. Toisessa osassa tavoitteena oli tunnistaa yksinäisyyden lievittämiseen pyrkivän psykososiaalisen ryhmäkuntoutus (PRK) –intervention elementit sekä kuvata ryhmiin osallistuneiden kokemuksia interventiosta. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkimusaineosto kerättiin postikyselyllä, joka lähetettiin eri puolilla Suomea kotona tai palvelutalossa asuville satunnaisotannalla valituille ikääntyneille henkilöille (N=6 786). Vastausprosentti oli 72 % (n=4113). Vastaajien keski-ikä oli 81 vuotta. Tutkimuksen toisessa osassa aineisto koostui PRK intervention ryhmänvetäjien (N=14) kirjoittamista päiväkirjoista, tutkijoiden vapaista muistiinpanoista ryhmätoiminnasta (N=32) sekä ryhmäläisten intervention jälkeen täyttämistä palautekyselystä (n=103). Tulosten mukaan yksinäisyys, sosiaalinen eristäytyneisyys ja yleinen turvattomuuden tunne näyttävät olevan eri asioita. Vastanneista 39 % kärsi yksinäisyydestä vähintään joskus. Useat demografiset ja terveyteen liittyvät tekijät, psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ulottuvuudet kuten myös sosiaalisiin suhteisiin kohdistetut odotukset olivat yhteydessä yksinäisyyden kokemiseen. Vanhempien menettäminen lapsuudessa ei ollut yhteydessä yksinäisyyden kokemiseen. Yksinäisyyden kokemuksiin oli useita syitä. Aineistosta tunnistettiin elementtejä, joiden katsottiin olevan tärkeitä yksinäisyyden lievittämiseen pyrkivän PRK-intervention toteutuksessa. Nämä voitiin jakaa ennalta määriteltyihin elementteihin, ryhmäläisten sisäisiin ja välisiin suosiollisiin prosesseihin sekä välittäviin tekijöihin. Ennalta määritellyt elementit liittyivät ryhmäläisiin, ryhmän vetäjiin ja ryhmätoimintaan. Ryhmäläiset kokivat ryhmät erittäin merkityksellisiksi, ja 95 % koki, että yksinäisyys oli lievittynyt ryhmän aikana. Ikääntyneiden henkilöiden yksinäisyys on haaste hoitotyön tekijöille. Tutkimuksessa kuvattu PRK-interventio auttaa hoitajia tunnistamaan ikääntyneiden yksinäisyyden lievittämiseen liittyviä elementtejä.


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UNLABELLED: The aim of this study was to compare perceived barriers to and the most preferred age for successful transition to adult health care between young people with chronic disorders who had not yet transferred from pediatric to adult health care (pre-transfer) and those who had already transferred (post-transfer). In a cross-sectional study, we compared 283 pre-transfer with 89 post-transfer young people, using a 28-item questionnaire that focused on perceived barriers to transition and beliefs about the most preferred age to transfer. Feeling at ease with the pediatrician was the most important barrier to successful transition in both groups, but was rated significantly higher in the pre-transfer compared to the post-transfer group (OR = 2.03, 95 %CI 1.12-3.71). Anxiety and lack of information were the next most important barriers, rated equally highly by the two groups (OR = 0.67, 95 %CI 0.35-1.28 and OR = 0.71, 95 %CI 0.36-1.38, respectively). More than 80 % of the respondents in both groups reported that 16-19 years was the most preferred age to transfer; more than half of all the respondents reported 18-19 years and older as the most preferred age. CONCLUSION: Better transition planning through the provision of regular and more detailed information about adult health-care providers and the transition process could reduce anxiety and contribute to a more positive attitude to overcome perceived barriers to transition from young people's perspective. Young people's preferences about transferring to adult health care provide a challenge to those children's hospitals that transfer to adult health care at a younger age.


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En este artículo se pretende mostrar cómo la utilización de métodos visuales en la investigación contribuye a potenciar la participación activa de las personas con TMG. Se utiliza como ejemplo un estudio de caso de corte cualitativo que incorpora tres actividades de componente visual (el dibujo “el río de la vida”, las fotografías y el dibujo de proyección de futuro) para favorecer la reflexión narrada que, sobre sus experiencias y vivencias, desarrollan cinco personas con TMG. El uso de las fotografías y dibujos en este estudio permite afirmar que estas estrategias se han mostrado válidas para acceder, en la medida que los participantes han querido, a esferas de vida personales en trayectorias vitales determinadas por la enfermedad mental


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This article is part of a research focusing on the process of transition to adulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, this study analyses transition partnership programs, as the professionals involved in them see them. The information is obtained in two stages: in the first stage 45 interviews to professionals working in this field are conducted. In the second stage we develop a study applying the Delphi method in which two panels of experts, the first one with educational professionals and the second one with professionals working with afters chool services, were asked about several topics. The results show a lack of continuity underlying the actions taken in support of young people with ID during the transition process. Insufficient information and collaboration among services and professionals and a lack of leadership are the main problems perceived by professionals. The study helps to identify problems in the transition partnership programs and establishes actions in order to enhance the transition process


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The visual angle that is projected by an object (e.g. a ball) on the retina depends on the object's size and distance. Without further information, however, the visual angle is ambiguous with respect to size and distance, because equal visual angles can be obtained from a big ball at a longer distance and a smaller one at a correspondingly shorter distance. Failure to recover the true 3D structure of the object (e.g. a ball's physical size) causing the ambiguous retinal image can lead to a timing error when catching the ball. Two opposing views are currently prevailing on how people resolve this ambiguity when estimating time to contact. One explanation challenges any inference about what causes the retinal image (i.e. the necessity to recover this 3D structure), and instead favors a direct analysis of optic flow. In contrast, the second view suggests that action timing could be rather based on obtaining an estimate of the 3D structure of the scene. With the latter, systematic errors will be predicted if our inference of the 3D structure fails to reveal the underlying cause of the retinal image. Here we show that hand closure in catching virtual balls is triggered by visual angle, using an assumption of a constant ball size. As a consequence of this assumption, hand closure starts when the ball is at similar distance across trials. From that distance on, the remaining arrival time, therefore, depends on ball's speed. In order to time the catch successfully, closing time was coupled with ball's speed during the motor phase. This strategy led to an increased precision in catching but at the cost of committing systematic errors.


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OBJECTIVES: Different accelerometer cutpoints used by different researchers often yields vastly different estimates of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA). This is recognized as cutpoint non-equivalence (CNE), which reduces the ability to accurately compare youth MVPA across studies. The objective of this research is to develop a cutpoint conversion system that standardizes minutes of MVPA for six different sets of published cutpoints. DESIGN: Secondary data analysis. METHODS: Data from the International Children's Accelerometer Database (ICAD; Spring 2014) consisting of 43,112 Actigraph accelerometer data files from 21 worldwide studies (children 3-18 years, 61.5% female) were used to develop prediction equations for six sets of published cutpoints. Linear and non-linear modeling, using a leave one out cross-validation technique, was employed to develop equations to convert MVPA from one set of cutpoints into another. Bland Altman plots illustrate the agreement between actual MVPA and predicted MVPA values. RESULTS: Across the total sample, mean MVPA ranged from 29.7MVPAmind(-1) (Puyau) to 126.1MVPAmind(-1) (Freedson 3 METs). Across conversion equations, median absolute percent error was 12.6% (range: 1.3 to 30.1) and the proportion of variance explained ranged from 66.7% to 99.8%. Mean difference for the best performing prediction equation (VC from EV) was -0.110mind(-1) (limits of agreement (LOA), -2.623 to 2.402). The mean difference for the worst performing prediction equation (FR3 from PY) was 34.76mind(-1) (LOA, -60.392 to 129.910). CONCLUSIONS: For six different sets of published cutpoints, the use of this equating system can assist individuals attempting to synthesize the growing body of literature on Actigraph, accelerometry-derived MVPA.


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Els programes de suport acadèmic són dispositius que pretenen esdevenir un factor compensatori en els itineraris formatius dels joves, principalment en contextos de vulnerabilitat social. Amb aquest treball es vol exemplificar un cas concret, comparant les dades estadístiques del Departament d’Educació amb les dades d’un centre obert. També s’exposen els factors que incideixen en la concreció dels itineraris d’aquests joves per tal de determinar si els programes de suport acadèmic han esdevingut una pràctica d’èxit


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L’existència d’espais per a joves sovint ha vingut donada per a fomentar la participació dels i les joves a través de la seva organització. Tot i així, la complexitat que pren aquesta ha portat a diferents formes de concebre i organitzar aquests espais, i per tant, diferents formes de dotar aquest foment de la participació. L’autogestió sovint ha estat una vessant poc impulsada des de les polítiques públiques de joventut, sense tenir-ne en compte els beneficis que aquesta pot aportar pel foment de la participació social per a representar un espai de poder decisió i veu directe pels i les mateixes joves


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User retention is a major goal for higher education institutions running their teaching and learning programmes online. This is the first investigation into how the senses of presence and flow, together with perceptions about two central elements of the virtual education environment (didactic resource quality and instructor attitude), facilitate the user¿s intention to continue e-learning. We use data collected from a large sample survey of current users in a pure e-learning environment along with objective data about their performance. The results provide support to the theoretical model. The paper further offers practical suggestions for institutions and instructors who aim to provide effective e-learning experiences.